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Kicked From SM FP's?

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I haven't been kicked before, but I've had people drop from SM flashpoints for some really ridiculous reasons. There was a need/greed argument that basically consisted of: "Gimme." "No." "Goodbye." There was a dps who thought I was a bad healer when in reality he was just a bad dps who kept attacking before the tank. There was a tank who I apparently "didn't heal well enough" even though he survived every encounter without his health ever dropping below a third or so.


I've also avoided kicking stupid people on occasion, mostly because it's just an SM FP. You know how the "Prophet of Vodal" Athiss boss spawns fireballs that chase people, and how he resets if someone gets killed, resurrects, and runs back into the room? Despite preemptively warning everybody of these two facts, we had a dps who got killed by the fireballs and then ran back in even though we already had the boss down to a sliver of health. But instead of kicking and waiting for another dps, we decided it wasn't worth the trouble and just started the fight again.


Oddly enough, all of those incidents are from the SAME flashpoint run. When we finally finished the damn thing, I vowed never to run Athiss again, or at least to never run it as the healer. That flashpoint is annoying to run as a healer even with competent players.

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As stated above by Kurokage, I have also seen people, for all sorts of reasons leave SM FP's...

Recently, I was unfortunate and had to PUG. I joined a group of 2 others. While waiting for a fourth, the group leader mentions that while we wait, he is going to smoke a bowl, and tells that in group chat. Then I hear the other guy respond to the group leader, letting him know he is leaving group, because he does not care to partake in it.


Personally, I have been in guild run events as well as pugged events. In PUG's, you are at the mercy of the group, only there for a few moments to an hour , hopefully less in some situations. Some PUG's can have a good group of people though, those that scream good community leaders, while others just scream.

Edited by JediCounsular
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I have kicked exactly 1 person from an SM FP - which was a full DPS geared Jugg. It was either him or the healer who was leaving and to be fair, she was really trying to keep him up, as was I (DPS merc with support cylinder). Really only kicked him because he was nasty when we called him out on it and asked if he had any tank gear.


Hmm, probably DPS specced too then...I am DPS gearing my Guardian, and going into leveling FPs with pretty much the same gear except for swapping my focus for a shield and have never had an issue (level 47 atm), but I make sure to tank spec - the armor alone provides significant mitigation, and even just with the talents and no extra rating you get significant amounts of defense, with some basic shield and absorb, plus the accuracy debuff, and the force scream/blade storm absorb proc takes care of the rest.

Basically, take a look at his defense and if it's less than 12 you can assume he's not tank specced (from level ~25 or so, if it's not a vanguard/powertech who just get boosts to their armor and shield).

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Oddly enough, all of those incidents are from the SAME flashpoint run. When we finally finished the damn thing, I vowed never to run Athiss again, or at least to never run it as the healer. That flashpoint is annoying to run as a healer even with competent players.


Strangely, I've vowed never to run Hammer Station again with pugs, which is ridiculous because it isn't hard. However, the very simple mechanics of the final boss seem too much for the average levelling player and I've lost count of the amount of times I've wiped there because of sub-standard healing or dps who stand in aoe and ignore the adds.

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Mixed thoughts on this...a 15k healer managed to keep up up along with a fairly geared partner to help through tfb/ec weeklies last night but when we moved to do KP HM, he was the cause of our wipe. He died and could not keep up on the first boss heals. I healed myself occasionally to help out through the other 2 weeklies and was almost the last person standing as a dps in KPhm. We did express concern before we started but he insisted he could hang in there.


People need to not be selfish and jeopardize the group to carry them for gear and do the normal progression of Tio/Columi to Rak or put the effort into modding themselves some before doing HM Ops.

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Strangely, I've vowed never to run Hammer Station again with pugs, which is ridiculous because it isn't hard. However, the very simple mechanics of the final boss seem too much for the average levelling player and I've lost count of the amount of times I've wiped there because of sub-standard healing or dps who stand in aoe and ignore the adds.


I don't think I've ever gotten through Hammer Station without wiping at least once on the final boss, either due to stupidity or just bad luck. I remember one time when I was running it as a Sorc healer, and he kept tossing those landmines or whatever they are right under my feet so I had to keep moving around, which really impeded my healing.


I actually have really bad luck with FP bosses while playing my Sorc. That Athiss run I mentioned was so annoying not just because of bad teammates, but also because the Beast was just a tedious fight. It seems to have a habit of knocking people back far enough to send them out of range, so I had to run around a lot to be able to heal everyone. Couple that with the adds that all three players were ignoring to focus on the Beast, and it made for a long, tedious, and annoying fight.

Edited by Kurokage
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I've been pretty fortunate when it comes to group finder. I can only remember one group where I had a complete d-bag as a tank. It was SM Hammer station. There's an exhaustion zone that for some reason he tried to run though. Then he got all pissy when I was unable to heal him. And none of the DPS even tried to get the adds off me during the final boss. So we wiped a few times. I'm usually pretty composed but I almost lost it there. I put all three of them on ignore.
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Mixed thoughts on this...a 15k healer managed to keep up up along with a fairly geared partner to help through tfb/ec weeklies last night but when we moved to do KP HM, he was the cause of our wipe. He died and could not keep up on the first boss heals. I healed myself occasionally to help out through the other 2 weeklies and was almost the last person standing as a dps in KPhm. We did express concern before we started but he insisted he could hang in there.


People need to not be selfish and jeopardize the group to carry them for gear and do the normal progression of Tio/Columi to Rak or put the effort into modding themselves some before doing HM Ops.


To be fair, first KP fight is a pain for low geared healer.. if by accident 6 people get hit by hand slap, that's almost guaranteed energy death for healers (specially non sorc/sage ones), while others are more controlable (unless stupid).

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I don't think I ever even checked the gear of anyone during a levelling flashpoint, unless their HP was noticeably low for their level. Gear is almost irrelevant in these unless you purposefully screw it up by, I don't know, stacking Aim as a Guardian.


What he said

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Mixed thoughts on this...a 15k healer managed to keep up up along with a fairly geared partner to help through tfb/ec weeklies last night but when we moved to do KP HM, he was the cause of our wipe. He died and could not keep up on the first boss heals. I healed myself occasionally to help out through the other 2 weeklies and was almost the last person standing as a dps in KPhm. We did express concern before we started but he insisted he could hang in there.


People need to not be selfish and jeopardize the group to carry them for gear and do the normal progression of Tio/Columi to Rak or put the effort into modding themselves some before doing HM Ops.


For the first boss it might not have been the healer. That fight can go either way, where it can be solo healed, or if the rest of the party is consistently getting swiped it will become a lot more challenging.


Not saying that that was definitely the case, but it is more than possible.

Edited by Fiamma_Verde
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Meh, I've been kicked from a HM False Emperor group before when I was queued as tank and one of the dps wanted to tank instead of me, and I protested... The dps initiated the kick before even attempting to tank at all and everyone else voted to kick me... Even though I had 21k health and full rakata, compared to the dps marauder with 15k health in half tionese half columi who thought they could do a betetr job than me. This was all after we had gone through 3 groups of mobs and I maintained aggro on every mob the entire time without my health going below 80%... So yeah, people like to kick for no apparent reason sometimes... I feel your pain OP :(
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Strangely, I've vowed never to run Hammer Station again with pugs, which is ridiculous because it isn't hard. However, the very simple mechanics of the final boss seem too much for the average levelling player and I've lost count of the amount of times I've wiped there because of sub-standard healing or dps who stand in aoe and ignore the adds.


I was tanking this on my Vanguard earlier in the week, and it was going smooth for the most part, other than the Gunslinger and Scoundrel both acting like I was speaking a language they didn't understand when I asked them to slice certain droids/turrets (like 3 total targets the whole instance). I always ask if anyone needs the final boss explained, but everyone said they'd done it before, so I go in to start tanking, lining myself up between the boss and console. Things are going great, the first adds come down, and I pick them up easily and burn them down with the competent DPS player. It's at this point that the Gunslinger comes and stacks right behind me on the console. I remind him to move since he's in line for taking the blaster sweeps, and he sits there. I hadn't noticed it before, but this seems to make the boss target my area with grenades more often than not (I'm assuming this is because he's targeting the GS), so I'm taking exploding damage, because it's either turn him toward the hall and potentially get the healer and the DPS that knows what they're doing killed, or take the damage and hope the healers helps me outlast him. I ended up dying with him at less than 5%, and luckily the group was able to finish him off.


If it hadn't been the final boss, I'd probably have vote kicked the GS for making the healers job harder. The only other times I've ever vote kicked someone have been the "I need on everything" that drops types.

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i could write a book on bad groups and i've only been playing a couple of months.


i remember my very first run through taral v on my shadow tank and after a couple of fights (which went smoothly) the guardian "dps" asked if he could tank.


being fairly new at that point i said sure, if the other members of the group agreed. anyway, we made it to the bonus boss fight (the guy with the lightning) and we must have wiped 10 times. by this point it was about 2am and he actually proposed that the sentinel tank and he could respec as a dps.


i'd already said 3 tries before that i'd try once more before going to bed for work, so i pleasantly asked him to consider the wisdom of a dps exclusive class tanking, while a tank specced shadow dps'd, while i was asleep. before i'd even quit the group the other two guys had told him what they thought and quit.


i've never been kicked, but i've left a few groups where people have been just plain ignorant. last night for instance when another "dps" guardian asked the tank guardian if he could tank in maelstrom while playing my healer. it took us over a minute to take down one of the big droid dudes, so i asked if either of them were actually specced as dps as that took a really long time. they ignored me.


then we took on the big droid boss (the first one who pulls you in then sort of explodes every 20 seconds or so) and we took him down pretty quickly so i said "great, that went better" and one of them said "stop f****** moaning and get on with it" i don't get mad, i just leave, they were still waiting when i queued again half an hour later.


but i would NEVER kick or leave a group due to one bad member or due to people not being familiar with it. i enjoy helping new, or even experienced players through if they don't actually know the ins and outs of the boss fights.


tl;dr - bad guys are everywhere, fortunately i've found it's 95% good in general

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I have made some really poor choices in flashpoints, but those are not the ones I have been kicked from. The worst was when I was on the way to a flashpoint and before I started towards the group I was kicked. NO reason given. If those are elder game experts I hope I can add Noob to my title.


It seems to took about 2 characters hitting 35-50 before I really understood how to game the gearing system. I do mean game. Now I am gaming the character classes and have given up trying to RP the character to match the class, because it is not rewarded and can be a hindrance to a group. I love the game, but if I want to play in group quests I have found I need to pay more attention to finding the loopholes in the map and programming.


I qued with one guy who had been left by 2 other people we fumbled through with our companions and found more ways to die than we knew existed. It was a blast.

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Oddly, I was thinking of this thread last night when Maelstrom Prison popped and the first thing a 13k hp Sentinel said was "First FP, please give advice". That was fine.... right until the point where he dived into the first mob pack before the tank. So, I pointed out that the tank pulls.... so he pulled another pack of mobs (right off track, which didn't need to be engaged).


I swear it was the most patient tank on the server. After several pulls he should have been kicked. He even managed to chain pull two big groups. The tank and other DPS were engaging the first group when he charged into another. You know what? I left him to die and concentrated on healing the other two.


What made me finally crack was when he he ninja looted a willpower implant, so I shouted at him in chat. He said sorry which was good for him as I was on the verge of initiating a vote kick. If that had failed, I'd have left the group. Guess he took it to heart as he passed on every piece of loot after that.

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Oddly, I was thinking of this thread last night when Maelstrom Prison popped and the first thing a 13k hp Sentinel said was "First FP, please give advice". That was fine.... right until the point where he dived into the first mob pack before the tank. So, I pointed out that the tank pulls.... so he pulled another pack of mobs (right off track, which didn't need to be engaged).


I swear it was the most patient tank on the server. After several pulls he should have been kicked. He even managed to chain pull two big groups. The tank and other DPS were engaging the first group when he charged into another. You know what? I left him to die and concentrated on healing the other two.


What made me finally crack was when he he ninja looted a willpower implant, so I shouted at him in chat. He said sorry which was good for him as I was on the verge of initiating a vote kick. If that had failed, I'd have left the group. Guess he took it to heart as he passed on every piece of loot after that.


Lol he was probably thinking about how long he'd have to wait to get into another group.

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