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Eurogamer re-reviews SWTOR


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Eurogamer as long lost any credibility. That website is a joke even among their competition (literaly).


It tends to give high scores to games that every other website bashes, and low grades to games every other gaming website praises.


3 examples:


The first tomb raider for PS2. Every other website said lacked inovation and was dull, they gave it a nice high score


PES Vs FIFA, PS2 generation. They praised FIFA while everyone else said PES was way way better.


inFamous - most acurate websites gave it 8 or 9, they gave it a 7. On the other hand, every other website gave average score to prototype, they gave it max score. It was inFamous vs Prototype and they prefered the later.


This is not beeing very demanding, its just beeing plain incompetents. When every respected gaming website sais one thing and they say the oposite...


Maybe they should fire the journalists and hire gamers instead.


If you want decent reviews you best check gamespot or ign.

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The one thing that is going to kill TOR is all of the restrictions they put on F2P members. The sooner they realize that, the better. Restrictions on gear? XP? Cooldowns longer? Come on Bioware. That's just ridiculous. Edited by Xenith
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The game was an 8 for about the first month. During the first month it was new and fresh design. It played like a single player game. Then you realize, this is an MMO and not a single player game. The freshness wears off. The illusion evaporates and the game does become a 4.


Which only emphasizes the point that as a reviewing site they failed. As a reviewer you ought to be objective, and not let hype or hatred influence your ratings. If you're blinded by a title in the early days, don't review it. If hatred towards a title got the better of you in the long run, don't review it.


But it's not-done to rate a title as 8 on one day and as 4 on another day. Sure a 7.7 or an 8.3 on a review could be considered as legit intra-reviewer bias, but 4 and 8 is just ridiculous. In other words, whatever they review as a 6 may be interpreted as 2 - 10 (or worse).


It's one of the reasons why you shouldn't even re-review things to begin with, and if you do, keep it realistic. As the only thing a site like Eurogamer does by doing this is hurting itself in the long run.

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Tell me then which other Subscription MMO is currently above the 1/2 million mark? (and seeing TOR's activity has barely dropped between the time the 500k to 1 million was reported and the launch of F2P, it is very safe to assume it still had 500k subs at the start of F2P)


And it is Freemium with a subscriber option. You can count the actual subscriber numbers equal to those in full subscriber MMO's. Even WoW has a cash shop.


So really, which subscriber MMO is bigger according to you?


Subs were substantially lower than 1/2 million, its F2P now. Of course "activity" is up.


EvE has more subs than SWTOR, and global, do your own search bro.


1. Yes it is.

2. You are wrong.


Yes, i see your arguments they are soooooooooo strong :rolleyes:


keep it realistic.


He kept it realistic.


Its another matter that you dont want realistic.

Edited by GrandMike
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EA cut down bribe money too, so truthful reviews come out now :)


Lol... if that's the case, then Eurogamer is not really Light Side lvl V now, is it?

Assuming what you say is true, when the money ran out Eurgamer just felt a bit "hostile" towards its former employers.

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In this day and age it is better to test drive a game yourself and ignore all the reviews. Most of your forums and game sites are full of hate. It doesn't matter what game either when it comes to MMOs


A good wisdom indeed, just play what you want and see for yourself. And go if it doesn't fit your taste and no need to post bile on forums as you leave. Heck, I left GW2 after a few weeks of playing it, and I never posted on it's forums.


To those posters claiming to go to sites and check responses to see how everyone reall feels about it: Don't forget that just talking to people that agree with you most of the time made Republicans and some FOX News 'specialists' believe that Romney would not only win, but he would win with a landslide victory.


Just sayin'..

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No, they are not obliged to write fairy tales any more and can write and rate it as they should have in the first place.


But who made them write "fairy tales" in the first place?

Are you really that sure that this 4/10 is soooo unbiased, coming from a site that you are implying was being "bribed"?

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What a terrible, hate filled bunch of trash on "paper". The secret world? Really?


I wish the TSW all the success but...really? GW2 and TSW are both in the same boat as TOR. At least TOR has a large influx of people right now with the F2P option.

Edited by Arkerus
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Even Eurogamer has become troll now. :p This must be a angry player that dosen't like SWTOR at all. Yes it has its flaws but I have enjoyed every day as a jedi sentinel in SWTOR.

With more more content coming eevery month or so I think this game will end up really great.

SWTOR is what the players makes it into not what an angry trolll player that writes for Eurogamer says:D

Edited by Sentinel-Jordal
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I love that they point out the prices for perks that FTPers can buy at the action house cost more than their credit cap. That's not BW's fault, but the fault of the geniuses putting them on the GTN. The rest though...that's on BW.


I would certainly take this re-review with a large grain of salt. Just check out the other SWTOR content on their site.

Edited by Hyryu
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Are you people serious with this ****? Seriously?


"They aren't paid to lie to us anymore, so now their review is sincere!".


And how do you know they aren't being paid to bash this game now by some other company? Oh, right, you don't. How do you know they aren't writing a piece that gets them attention, and therefore ad money? Oh, right, you don't.


You people are so clueless it's saddening. Oh and no, I haven't read it because I don't care, because for the reasons mentioned above, game reviews are worthless. Their aim is to generate revenue for the site and thus cannot be trusted to be accurate at all. Taking any review of anything, anywhere, at face value is naive and stupid.


Of course, you know this. You're just trolling "fanbois".

Edited by Jandi
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Subs werent reported since....september. tee-hee.


"We dont want to discuss subs any more" was reported OTOH.

Which I never claimed. I merely pointed at latest reported subs (august) and the fact that activity has been stable since then as reported by a source that has prooven that their activity numbers have always been equal to the trend in amount of subscribers since launch and is therefore the best possible source to look at player trends we have available. Though activity and subscription are of course 2 different beasts, they are related.


Still, you said you CBA to google for facts that claim otherwise, probably because they do not exist.


minus over 9000 internets for you, my friend.

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I dont consider WHOLE game 4/10, but overall YES.


Ok...this makes no sense.

4/10 applies to the whole experience.

You can, of course, like some things more than others, but when Eurogamer says it's 4/10 it means that OVERALL the game is a 4.


You can't both agree and disagree.

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I dont consider WHOLE game 4/10, but overall YES. Especially this extended trial that they try to pass off as "F2P".




If it was extra harsh it would have been 2/10. Its pretty much where it is. Its not a conspiracy, its how all these sites operate.


Hey, if you want to sit here and try and convince us its a 4/10, go ahead. Were not the ones PAYING for a game we don't even like.


I don't like CoD even though its a decent game so I don't pay for it. It's that simple.

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If you really think this game is a FOUR out of ten, even if you don't like it currently (though you are currently paying money for it... imagine that), then you're flat out showing the world that you're jaded and your only goal in this thread is to be vile. The story lines alone are worth more than a 4 out of 10.



On top of that, the game has actually gotten way better since launch. It now has a group finder, more WZ, more OPs, more ways to customize, legacy perks, etc, etc. Anyone giving this game less that a 7 doesn't deserve to be called "professionals". That site in the OPs link is trash.


I lold hard.


- group finder? pretty useless considering its not crossrealm.

- more wz? hahah you mean Novare Coast wich is just a clone of Alderaan.. so after 1 year we have 3 warzones with 8 players max, THAT sounds like some amazing PVP to do EVERY DAY.

- pve? after 1 year the entire content HM/NM can be cleared in 2 nights by any casual guild.

- customization? yea unify colors and useless legacy perks, thats some serious stuff right there.


I wonder where the 4/10 comes from, hmm.

Edited by tzagheru
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This free to play is weird from the rest. Like Guild Wars 2 when you buy the game once. That's it you own it. I honestly thought when we were going free to play. Everything that we're used to buying with credits would be replaced and no more monthly sub.


What they did is. Is allow people play for free but give some of the harshest limits to make max profit. There's even a "Hide head slot" option you can buy if you're not a sub. They take away an action bar. They Nerf XP. They are making it less fun and whole point of free to play...is it being free to play.


I'm a sub and I get frustrated at how amazingly slow I level sometimes. I think they should taken entire game free to play and not charged a sub any longer. No other company's makes it so differently to play the game I'm aware of.

Edited by DragonAgeOrgins
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