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7k smash,...intended?


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I highly doubt you got crit for 7k if you have at least 1100 expertise. But okay.


Next time i'll be smarter and make a screen before i start a thread. My bad.


To information - my expertise is 1356 and i DID get 7.1k crit. My friend is commando healer and his gear is even better and is really close to 1.4k. He loled in chat after 7.3k crit on Civil War wz.


I'm not trying to entertain you here but attract some attention to the real problem. Imp teams consist of 5+ mara/jugs the rest are oper heals. I'm talking about imp premades not random sorc pugs with 15k.

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I highly doubt you got crit for 7k if you have at least 1100 expertise. But okay.


I was sceptical too, but I just thought about it and realised I was hit by 5k today by a smash, I'm a carnage marauder with 30% AOE reduction so that'd normally make a 7k hit. Not sure if I had my cloak of pain up too... =/

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People need to realize that there are tons of other specs/ classes that hit big numbers even on 1200+ exp enemies. Pretty much any burst spec will be. Smash spec, Deception/ Infiltration, Scrapper/ Concealment, Pyro/ Assault, Carnage/ Combat, the list goes on. Hell, even Sorcs/ Sages I've seen get 6-7k crits off of Deathfield/ FiB. Even the Jugg/ Guardian's middle tree, that nobody plays anymore, I've seen big hits off of it too. Just because you got hit for a big number does not mean whatever hit you is OP. If that were true, you'd have to nerf pretty much every class in the game.


Simply wrong mate.

I have a gunslinger, vanguard and commando at 70-80 valor. GS and Commando are wh geared. My mando in gunnery (armor penetration build) hits 5.5k on sorcs and it's kind of reason to celebrate. Mostly it's 4.6-8. My GS can deal 4.4+4.3k on one CD combo but it's single target and it happens pretty seldom and again on sorcs. Never hit jugs more than 3.3k. Taking into account the number of smashes it's getting more and more ridiculous. Commandos, sages, scoundrels blow up like baloons. It was funny to observe how a juggernaut (dps) shielded by tankassin anihillated 4 very well geared DPSers (commando, 2 sages, gunslinger). That was just astonishing. I like pvp and ready to be killed by good players, but this is just out of the normality.

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Yep working as intended. Just because you get hit with 7k hits doesn't mean that its normal for everyone, or that it isn't working as intended. As others say in here you must be walking around with low expertise or poorly geared. Also, quit whining about the damage because Bioware didn't even boost it when they buffed rage. A lot of this is just all in people's heads because they see more smashers. And lastly, don't blame people for switching to it after Bioware broke vengeance and annihilation. For juggs its the only dps tree left. For good dual weilders who know how easy combat/carnage is to shut down, its the only viable tree left.


Oh, i'm so sorry about poor glowstics who are unable to take 35% of peeps health with one hit in other trees, poor poor things :(((( To your information... again, i found out you can't read well. My gear is full wh and 1360 expertise. My friend's expertise is about 1.4k (1390 or so) he got MORE that just 7k, it was 7.3. About other trees. My friend decided not to play a oneshot monkey like others and runs in Combat. By his words, it's more than ok, just not so simple as Focus. So, it's all about one button easiness not skill and of course not other trees problem. Even in watchman sents/maras still make wonders but it's L2P issue and i'm not gonna tell you this.

Edited by dejavy
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Oh, i'm so sorry about poor glowstics who are unable to take 35% of peeps health with one hit in other trees, poor poor things :(((( To your information... again, i found out you can't read well. My gear is full wh and 1360 expertise. My friend's expertise is about 1.4k (1390 or so) he got MORE that just 7k, it was 7.3. To your information again about other trees. My friend decided not to play a oneshot monkey like others and runs in Combat. By his words, it's more than ok, just not so simple as Focus. So, it's all about one button easiness not skill and of course not other trees problem. Even in watchman sents/maras still make wonders but it's L2P issue and i'm not gonna tell you this.


Lol ok man, you know it all so why are you even asking if its l2p? And I don't need you to tell me about watchman. "To your information" we can drop you 35% or more with 1 hit as annihilation/watchman. But you already knew that right? You are correct though, it is in fact a l2p issue, but for you not others. ;)

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I highly doubt you got crit for 7k if you have at least 1100 expertise. But okay.


maybe he did. maybe he didn't. but I have 5 pcs wh, 2 wh weapons, 2 bm waist/wrist, 5 recruit (Relics, ear, implants), and I got absolutely wrecked by a forcesweep (6.8k). so I could see it happening. I mean...isn't baseline recruit something like 11k? I had to be well more than that (was on scrapper - i only noted it cuz it was the killing blow).

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Simply wrong mate.

I have a gunslinger, vanguard and commando at 70-80 valor. GS and Commando are wh geared. My mando in gunnery (armor penetration build) hits 5.5k on sorcs and it's kind of reason to celebrate. Mostly it's 4.6-8. My GS can deal 4.4+4.3k on one CD combo but it's single target and it happens pretty seldom and again on sorcs. Never hit jugs more than 3.3k. Taking into account the number of smashes it's getting more and more ridiculous. Commandos, sages, scoundrels blow up like baloons. It was funny to observe how a juggernaut (dps) shielded by tankassin anihillated 4 very well geared DPSers (commando, 2 sages, gunslinger). That was just astonishing. I like pvp and ready to be killed by good players, but this is just out of the normality.


Strange, a wh geared gs can get easily 5000 aimed shots ( ambush ) when it crits. Are you applying the armor debuff? Smash is kinetic damage, therefore any armor debuff will hurt you horribly,also shi-cho got armor penetration talent, which is huge again.


Anyway a good SS gs should rarely loose in a fair fight against a rage spec, especially jugs. Maras got obfuscate, saberward, force cloak and undying rage, but their smash does pathetic damage when hunkerdown and ballistic dampers are up.

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Looking through the logs on my main pc (using grep and perl and excel), using files since 3/25/12 (which is around when logs started I think), my various characters have been smashed in pvp over 8000 times (~8,272x, actually). The number of times that any of them have ever been hit by a Smash in pvp (world pvp or wz pvp) for over 7000 points is 32. The number of times any have been hit for over 6000 points is 64 (includes the 7k number). I did see a smash for 10k (10,564 pts) in my initial data but that turned out to be a Smash vs one of my undergeared character's completely ungeared companion (the same smash hit the undergeared character for 5009).


This whole thread is statistically irrelevant.

Edited by Savej
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I'm a Pyro Powertech with full min/max WH gear. Sitting at just over 1200 expertise, I get smashed for 6k+ on occasion by the really well geared smashers.


If my railshot hits for 5.5k, that's pretty good. I'm happy with that. 6ks are rare, but I occasionally get one. Still, in the vast majority of games my biggest hit is never going to be much above 5.5k. I think most really good smashers would be disappointed if their biggest hit was only 5.5k. That would be a subpar game for them.

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Yeahhh, sure.


Liar, SS or didn't happen


Fortunately for you naysayers I took a screenshot of the scoreboard because I knew the smashers/sweepers wouldn't believe me. I guess I lied, the sweep was 9542. Hopefully this works because I seldom post images online.




Edit: Yay, it appears to have worked on my end. Enjoy!

Edited by gravioli
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Fortunately for you naysayers I took a screenshot of the scoreboard because I knew the smashers/sweepers wouldn't believe me. I guess I lied, the sweep was 9542. Hopefully this works because I seldom post images online.




Edit: Yay, it appears to have worked on my end. Enjoy!


There's your proof Bioware, (not like they don't already know) it's time to nerf Operatives again. :rolleyes:


On a serioust note, not one derpsmasher will say that's a problem. Just that whoever got smashed was undergeared. Wait for it, as far as the FoTM crowd is concerend, they are just super pro players and everyone else needs to l2p

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Juggs/Sents are the only class without an AOE over time. Force quake, mortar volley, and freighter strike all do damage over a span of 3-5 seconds. Mortar Volley with crits on the hits (and keep in mind there aren't talents that make this crit 100% of the time) can maybe hit 5k damage if every mortar crits. Freighter strike's ticks can hit 5k as well. But they can all be avoided! That massive red circle is a clear indicator that you are about to get hit by a powerful AOE. With smash it's instant activation. There is no warning and no time to escape a 5k crit. And it is one 5k hit, not 3 hits for 1.7k. The smash's damage needs to be nerfed. Instead give that spec something to reduce the cooldown or other attacks that can be paired with the smash to deal damage.
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Fortunately for you naysayers I took a screenshot of the scoreboard because I knew the smashers/sweepers wouldn't believe me. I guess I lied, the sweep was 9542. Hopefully this works because I seldom post images online.




Edit: Yay, it appears to have worked on my end. Enjoy!



Yes, this bug is proof of something.

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Fortunately for you naysayers I took a screenshot of the scoreboard because I knew the smashers/sweepers wouldn't believe me. I guess I lied, the sweep was 9542. Hopefully this works because I seldom post images online.




Edit: Yay, it appears to have worked on my end. Enjoy!


And who was that vs? Did the person even have armor on? I want someone to post a video of them smashing a friend for 6K+ when they have full PvP gear on. (1200 Expertise).

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It's a mute point until 1.6 comes out when the gear balance comes into effect. I have a smasher level 48 as one of my alts. But to call them to change anything before most people have WH is a bit early in my op.


Now 5 months ago when people requested it and they buffed them... welllllll that was crazy.

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It's a mute point until 1.6 comes out when the gear balance comes into effect. I have a smasher level 48 as one of my alts. But to call them to change anything before most people have WH is a bit early in my op.


Now 5 months ago when people requested it and they buffed them... welllllll that was crazy.


Building a perfect lawlersmasher takes months now in 1.6 it'll take days. Smash is not OP because of a gear disparity, it's op because it is.

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And who was that vs? Did the person even have armor on? I want someone to post a video of them smashing a friend for 6K+ when they have full PvP gear on. (1200 Expertise).


Figures. As requested, I posted a screenshot of a sweeper's ridiculously high "Biggest Hit" (regardless of gear), and that's not good enough. So now we need a video. Next you'll want to see it in real life.


Just face the facts: BIOWARE NEEDS TO TONE IT DOWN.

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I think it's worth reiterating that the entire reason wrath and chain lightning were detached in the sorc tree was "too much aoe" (and, to be honest, I thought that reasoning made sense at the time). Well, Rage warriors are doing all of that and more. So they either need a huge nerf to non-target aoe caused by smash or sorcs need to be changed back. Having it both ways doesn't make sense. Edited by Larry_Dallas
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I don't personally think the spec is op though. I just think it makes for boring as hell pvp when you have a bunch of them. Add that to the fact that any idiot with gear can be a threat with that spec and it takes some fun out of pvp.


There are so many horrible premade players that run this spec against recruit pugs for huge dmg and think they are good pvpr's. You aren't lol.


^ This. It gets repetitive and tedious when you're up against a team that is half (or more) comprised of smash-spec'd warriors. It's like they're the new pyro-powertech or something. Spending the duration of a WZ getting leaped by smashmonkeys one after another is just getting really old.

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Strange, a wh geared gs can get easily 5000 aimed shots ( ambush ) when it crits. Are you applying the armor debuff? Smash is kinetic damage, therefore any armor debuff will hurt you horribly,also shi-cho got armor penetration talent, which is huge again.


Anyway a good SS gs should rarely loose in a fair fight against a rage spec, especially jugs. Maras got obfuscate, saberward, force cloak and undying rage, but their smash does pathetic damage when hunkerdown and ballistic dampers are up.


No problems against anyone as GS, maras are my favourite targets. I'd love to play my GS but don't feel it's my class. Will stay on commando no matter what happens. If nothing is changed in 1.6-1.7, going another project. Hate when my class sux from patch to patch and devs are sure that my class needs "escape" ability only for i could hug collumns better... morons.

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It's only a matter of time before bioware alter them again.


how to balance smashers? they parse on dummy same numbers as other classes do ...


nerf smash and they wouldnt be on pair with sorcerers, snipers, pyrotechs, assasin on parsers, in pve and also in pvp...


important is not highest crit but dmg per second .... can every class parse on dummy similar numbers or not? just parse some WZ or raid and post screenshots from parser ...


devs care about statistics and numbers, not personal emotions ... or skill lack

Edited by mrekxxx
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Its possible that BW will strengthen the smash spec somehow; the opposite of the what players want generally occurs in my experience. They might look at the metrics again and think "Everyone is asking for a nerf here, but I think its underpowered, lets buff this"


They have done it before.


Yah, i wouldnt whine, because when they look at their AWESOME metrics theyll buff it some more.


Its all about merics. :rolleyes:


how to balance smashers? they parse on dummy same numbers as other classes do ...


nerf smash and they wouldnt be on pair with sorcerers, snipers, pyrotechs, assasin on parsers, in pve and also in pvp...


important is not highest crit but dmg per second .... can every class parse on dummy similar numbers or not? just parse some WZ or raid and post screenshots from parser ...


devs care about statistics and numbers, not personal emotions ... or skill lack


I have an idea. Lets PvP against dummies.


This is NOT PVE.


And this is why PvEers ruin PvP, and this is why PvP was made sideattraction for gear-nut PvEers and why PvP sucks and will continue to suck in SWTOR and why all PvPers left a long time ago.

Edited by GrandMike
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