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F2P Limits Emotes too?? Really?


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It's getting really annoying seeing one player comment on a restriction, and then for everyone to jump on him. It's a valid concern. F2P shouldn't be about restricting everything to death to make someone subscribe. It should be about giving players a good experience and giving them the opportunity to make it better.



It's not like SWTOR had many emotes to begin with. The majority of them don't have the avatar even perform an action.

You do realize that if all the restrictions were lifted that people have complained about there would be virtually none left, right?


Everyone has their pet peeve with restrictions. Personally I could care less about emotes since I can't Tea Bag people in WZs :D

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You do realize that if all the restrictions were lifted that people have complained about there would be virtually none left, right?


Everyone has their pet peeve with restrictions. Personally I could care less about emotes since I can't Tea Bag people in WZs :D


Now that's an emote every player should have!

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Just because you can play the game without it doesn'tmake the restriction any less rediculous.

Why not restrict helmets while you're at it, you technically don't need those.


Wouldn't surprise me. They already charge not to show it if we do wear it, might as well charge to even put one on, sounds fair to me. Who cares if it's purple with our green chest, orange pants, blue boots and yellow gloves.



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They already get most of the game unlocked and for free. Restrictions such as this should be considered unimportant and if they mean that much then the person should sub. Many paying $15 a month think that F2P already gets too much.




Because it gets tiresome....welfare cry babies complaining cause they dont get enough free.

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Just because you can play the game without it doesn'tmake the restriction any less rediculous.

Why not restrict helmets while you're at it, you technically don't need those.


You know what is rediculous? complaining about something this silly is what is rediculous.


And... you do need helmets, for the stats they add to your character. ;)

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It all started with the inability to use the /cry emote...think about it






Srsly though. Thats just retarded.....and I have noticed the only people crying about F2P are returning subscribers or welfare F2players who think they should get more free for free

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F2P shouldn't be about restricting everything to death to make someone subscribe. It should be about giving players a good experience and giving them the opportunity to make it better.


They are not a fricking charity. They're not "giving" things. They're trying to make money, and if they just "give" everything then they will not make money, they'll go out of business, and you won't have a game to /cry about. For god's sakes, they're letting you go through the entire game 1-50 for free, and you want still more?


What, exactly, *would* be "reasonable" restrictions to you, if restricting emotes is restricting "to death"? Maybe they should give away everything except the ability to use a medpack in the Ilum Cantina on wednesdays? Would something that small be a "reasonable" restriction, or would that still be restricting "to death"?

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You are worried about emotes? Really?


It's the tip on the iceberg.


If you look at the F2P model and take the emote thing into account you could think the following: They restricted everything that is not necessary to play the story and made it sub/cartel coins available. And they gave the freebies a handful of WZ/FP visits and thats it.

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If you look at the F2P model and take the emote thing into account you could think the following: They restricted everything that is not necessary to play the story and made it sub/cartel coins available.

Well, it's a damn lot better than freemium having six quickbars and inventory slots for free and having to pay for the story. It's also a lot better than freemium having *both* aspects for free, EA making no money, and the game ending.

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You know what is rediculous? complaining about something this silly is what is rediculous.


And... you do need helmets, for the stats they add to your character. ;)


You can beat it is not necessary, it's just a nice luxuary, kinda like emotes.

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Well, it's a damn lot better than freemium having six quickbars and inventory slots for free and having to pay for the story. It's also a lot better than freemium having *both* aspects for free, EA making no money, and the game ending.


I would have vastly preferred it the other way around. The story is the part I consider worth charging for. Charging for the hotbars and cosmetic features like titles and disabling helms just feels wrong.

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I would have vastly preferred it the other way around. The story is the part I consider worth charging for. Charging for the hotbars and cosmetic features like titles and disabling helms just feels wrong.


Well, we had that with free trial. The free trialers had access to the first levels, hotbars and helms, and had to pay for the further story.


We can see how well your strategy worked out.

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I know subs are tired of hearing about the restrictions but jesus, so much snobbishness in this thread.


It's not a big deal, but a developer actually had to come up with the idea "let's make emoting subcription-only" and then had to get programmers to code it. And for what? It's silly that they'd restrict emotes because really, who the heck is going to subscribe for the opportunity to /cry or /agent?


Well, maybe to /agent.

Edited by Guancyto
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It's getting really annoying seeing one player comment on a restriction, and then for everyone to jump on him. It's a valid concern.

No it is not.

If you're serious about the game, you pay a sub or at least you unlock elements with Cartel points.


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Well, we had that with free trial. The free trialers had access to the first levels, hotbars and helms, and had to pay for the further story.


We can see how well your strategy worked out.


Slightly different. In other F2P, it might just be a charge of $5 to unlock some more content. Free trial would have had to spend $60 to "unlock" the game, and then pay a subscription to keep playing.


I do wonder if Bioware might have kept more people had they simply lowered the subscription cost. I think in general players are much more willing to spend $10 a month than $15, even though it's not that big of a difference.

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Just because you can play the game without it doesn'tmake the restriction any less rediculous.

Why not restrict helmets while you're at it, you technically don't need those.


Being able to wear gear or not would make the game more difficult. Removing the ability to do some emotes does not. Another question. Before the game went F2P, if you cancelled your sub and wanted to come back without paying, how many emotes could you use? Is that number more or less than what that same person can use now?

Edited by HelinCarnate
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Just because you can play the game without it doesn'tmake the restriction any less rediculous.

Why not restrict helmets while you're at it, you technically don't need those.


BEST POST SO FAR TO MAKE ME LAUGH...Seriously, some of the restrictions do need to be lifted. The restrictions on the quick bars is a little extreme to be selling them in the Cartel Shop and only allowing the F2P player to have 2 crew skills when we all know you need to have all three working together to have a chance to completely level it and use it is bad on bio-ware. Further, I know people will respond with "they can buy mats on the GTN" not a good answer, because they can only have so many credits. These are quality of life issues in the game for the F2P players and I feel for them. I wish they would sub, but this is not a way to get them to sub up! Bio-ware really needs to look at some of these issues and make the game inviting to the players who are just checking them out. Moreover, if you give the players some of the items on the list, it is more likely the will stay around and experience the game and get involved in the community. Why do people always go back to WoW, I went back for the community and to play with my friends who never left, but if they make friends here and are in touch with our community they will more then likely stick around and possibly sub. Quality of life is huge to the MMO players of today and without it, you will be hard pressed to convince them to stay around and to spend money in your game shops!


Last I agree the subs have a lot of say in the matters of the game as they go forward and believe bio ware when they said they were paying attention to the players. So, we need to stand together and ask them to improve the experience for others to enhance our own game play. The more people to join and sub the more content and community there will be to enjoy the game with. Thanks and before you ask or assume I am a Sub player who wants more for this amazing game!

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only allowing the F2P player to have 2 crew skills when we all know you need to have all three working together to have a chance to completely level it and use it is bad on bio-ware. Further, I know people will respond with "they can buy mats on the GTN" not a good answer, because they can only have so many credits. These are quality of life issues in the game for the F2P players and I feel for them. I wish they would sub, but this is not a way to get them to sub up!


Ah, I agree with most of the things you say but you're not exactly right about crew skills. 2 crew skills is Preferred and 2 crew skills is fine, you can get your gathering and your crafting and level both all the way to 400; you only have to buy things off GTN when you want to make blues and purples.


Well, mostly just blues, lolz artifact authorization


1 Crew Skill is what free players get and that's a pretty lousy introduction to the crafting system. They'll basically grab a gathering skill for more cash and forget about it entirely beyond that. That won't sell unlocks!

Edited by Guancyto
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F2P players should be enticed to spend money with positive reinforcement. If your game is awesome, let them play it without all the restrictions.

"Man this game is awesome! I'd really like to have a few outfits and goodies from the cash shop!"


F2P players should not feel forced/punished to spend money. F2P players are constantly reminded that all the inconveniences can go away if they sub or they spend money. This is negative reinforcement.

"The game keeps throwing arbitrary restrictions in my face so I need to spend some money."


Both are effective in getting the player to spend money, but one of them is a much better state of mind to have someone in when they decide to spend money. Get a player to willingly give you money because they are genuinely having fun and WANT to get some cool stuff, and you're set.


EA/Bioware has gone about it all wrong IMO.

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