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What do you think about this F2P article?


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Someone should pay for a subscription. Look at all that great gear they passed up. LOL


"If you lock a player out of a reward, then hide it behind a US$15 paywall, you have failed consumers."


No they only failed cheap consumers who think they should have access to to everything.


I am also hoping they charge F2P people for the new PVP content. That would be sweet.

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I think it was typed out by an illiterate monkey.


Didn't make it past the first couple of paragraphs.


While I owe the success of my application in part to SWTOR and its divisive, yet debatable, policies, it does not mean I will blindly support the through thick and thin. As you can probably expect, I will Electronic Arts to task in this piece.


If he makes errors in the first few lines then god alone knows how he managed to get through an entire article.

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Firstly, that it is poorly written. Secondly, that rather than attempt to define what constitutes a good or bad F2P, the writer has merely taken some points of SWTOR F2P and reversed them to imply that SWTOR's F2P is bad. Had he defined a criteria prior to this ridiculous method of argument I might take it more seriously.


Overall, neither worth reading or considering. Personally, I think SWTOR F2P model should be more akin to that of LOTRO, but F2P is an evolutionary process that will change as EA/Bioware learn from feedback, not a static thing where nothing will ever change.

Edited by Zampano
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i am just asking what do you think about this article, nothing else :)


i think this article is rubbish, it seems to be written by a dyslexic chimp with a massive brain injury. As such i didn't get past the first couple of paragraphs.


i agree there are flaws with the FTP / PTW system we have although this thread isn't about that, its about this truly awful piece of writing which should be locked away in the bowels of the internet never to see the light of day again :)

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I think it was a good article.


I have a very hard time to recommend this game to anyone, because I'm thoroughly disgusted by the F2P model. As a subscriber, I'm both happy and dissatisfied with the cartel shop. It's nice to be able to buy customizable gear, speeders and such, and I would like to see them expand on that idea.


However, some of the unlocks and restrictions are outright disgusting. That, and like TotalBiscuit said in one of his videos; A free to play customer should be treated as a second class citizen, but they shouldn't be constantly reminded of it.


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I think the fact the game is still afloat despite the series of management blunders is a testament to the quality of the IP and the core of the game.


Seriously, that guy they brought in to monetize the game needs to be handed his walking papers cos I don't remember a f2p conversion/launch ever getting this much flack. It's bad enough when you go from p2p to f2p cos the stigma against that pay model in the west is still noticeable, but to do it in a way that you're the industry punching bag? These are not the type of articles TOR needed at this stage. What's with the focus groups they're testing these concepts on, are they really so out of touch with reality?

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Portions of the article are actually based on player's tweets? Wow. LOL C'mon 12/21/12! anyway...


If you played as a sub or with everything available to you, then play as a new F2P player it's def hell because you know what you are missing. On the PTS they did just that: converted everyone to like a new F2P and it was pretty tough if you blew ur coins on toys. Ignorance definetly would of been bliss. :p

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While i had a hard time understanding some parts of the article (maybe because my english being mediocre at best), but i do agree on every point given by its author.


Instead of enhancing the subscriber's playing experience while giving the game away for free in its current state, they decided to make FTP experience close to unplayable and ask them to pay for something every 5 minutes. Locking the quest rewards behind a subscription requirement is a good example of this (by the way, it was news for me and i didn't see any warning on this anywhere, including http://www.swtor.com/free/features). Yeah, this rewards are trash and in most cases one prefers to take comms instead, but at the same time they are a constant source of annoyance for FTP people. How would you feel if a game would show you something, block it from you and ask for money every single time you complete a quest?


How they should have done this in my opinion:

Greatly increase the portion of blue and orange items among the rewards and block them from FTP'ers completely. I mean don't even let them see the additional rewards, only the comms and an icon with some text on mouseover like "Subscribe/pay a fee to get access to a full list of rewards". In this case, if one decides to subscribe/pay a fee, he sees that it wasn't for nothing, he indeed gets access to a source of good quality items.


i think this article is rubbish, it seems to be written by a dyslexic chimp with a massive brain injury. As such i didn't get past the first couple of paragraphs.

It's so cool to insult someone and call his work 'rubbish' without even reading it. Way to go, man.

Edited by Trollokdamus
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This game had great potential, but they dropped the ball. They failed to listen to the community on numerous occasions and they let EA into the mix. EA is in charge now and they are trying to milk this game for what they can before server closure.


I realize the fans here are die hard and love this game, but some people aren't looking through your rose colored glasses and see real issues with this game.


I deleted all of my characters for numerous reasons said many times before. This game is not worth my money and w/ the "f2p" system now I doubt it will bring in many new players or returning ones.


Enjoy your game for this is heading the same way as WAR. Great game at first too. Who runs that game again? Oh right EA and Bioware.

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Its says pretty much what a number of other posters here have said. The bottom line though is this is EA/ Bio-ware game, Just because a bunch of other companies have a looser more friendly structure does not mean they have to adopt it. I'm sure in most of those cases those other companies paid a fraction for their game than what EA spent on this one. So I think they have more reason to use annoying coercive methods to try to get folks to part with their cash than the other F2P ones.

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So f2p players don't get any quest rewards at all? WOW, if true. Can they at least trade with premium members? I'm getting my friend to try f2p soon and he isn't going to last long if he can't even get rewards from quests, at least I hope I can buy him some gear for when he needs it.


I can't be bothered reading the article as I'm sure I know what the contents will be like.. truth is this is EA doing f2p, they are going to milk milk milk you for everything they can. As someone else quoted, A f2p player should feel like a second class citizen but shouldn't be constantly reminded of it. Ofcourse EA are just blind and see the constant reminder as extra $$


Also wow just wow:


I am also hoping they charge F2P people for the new PVP content. That would be sweet.


You sir take fanboyism to a whole new level, have you recently submitted a CV/Resume to EA?

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So f2p players don't get any quest rewards at all? WOW, if true. Can they at least trade with premium members? I'm getting my friend to try f2p soon and he isn't going to last long if he can't even get rewards from quests, at least I hope I can buy him some gear for when he needs it.


I can't be bothered reading the article as I'm sure I know what the contents will be like.. truth is this is EA doing f2p, they are going to milk milk milk you for everything they can. As someone else quoted, A f2p player should feel like a second class citizen but shouldn't be constantly reminded of it. Ofcourse EA are just blind and see the constant reminder as extra $$


Also wow just wow:




You sir take fanboyism to a whole new level, have you recently submitted a CV/Resume to EA?


No. They can equip green gear. That is more than enough to level to 50 and complete a class story.

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