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Group Finder is a large flaw for SWTOR


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This is without a doubt one of the bigger things holding SWTOR back.



  • Please put in better incentives for people to tank and heal.
  • Give needed roles free respecs and guaranteed rewards.
  • Make tanking more fun.
  • Make the queue length visible to encourage more role balance.
  • Fix the PvP->Flashpoint queuing.
  • Heavily increase XP/rewards bonuses for sub 50 flashpoints.
  • Get cross-server working.


Any of the above will create substantial improvements. I'm fairly sure at least some of them should be easy to implement. Make them a priority please.

Edited by Sorenia
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This is already a convenience tool. I assume you primarily play a dps class. The queues are going to be longer. It's pretty much common knowledge. Cross server isn't really going to help. It's not like there is a whole server of only tanks.


I've played primarily a Juggernaut and a Shadow. Both tank specced. Queue times are minimal. If I queue with my Merc or Sorcerer, queue times are a lot longer.


I'm just happy there is an LFG tool so I don't have to stay at Fleet spamming.

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You can encourage people to play tanks and healers, but you can't really encourage them to play those roles *well* without punishing instance difficulty.


I'd rather wait for a dedicated healer or tank who is comfortable with what they're doing rather than get a fast group with a greedy/convenience-respecced DPS who barely holds aggro of 1-2 mobs or only heals the tank and runs out of resource constantly.

Edited by Helig
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My trooper is a medic. So is my sage. I don't need more incentives to heal. What I would like is to have a shorter wait. I had to wait for 2 hours the other day just to get into a FP. This was on my sage. And then I had the tank either let mobs beat on me, DPS fighting the CC mobs... or in one case deciding that it was better to throw themselves off a cliff. Yes... that is right. They jumped off the cliff as a way of leaving. We finished the FP without the second DPS.



I have not tried many random FPs, maybe it was just a simple I was in that bracket of FPs that don't have very many people in that level range. *shrugs*

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the group finder is just a major inconvenience. Like, it prevents me joining another group while in it - why?

It automatically removes me if I'm pvping - again, why?


And you also cant manually invite someone if there is a free spot.


It's all wrong. The whole idea is to make it EASIER to make a group, not put barriers in the way. Remove all impediments to making groups associated with it and that would be an improvement. Also, what is up with not forming a group that isn't 4 people for the 2 person flash points, Esseles and Black Talon? Any two people will do for those...

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Cross-server will not be needed in this game. Give it some time.


Eventually it'll just have 1 server for each type of game play (PvE, PvP, PvP-RP, PvE-RP). It's almost there. EA is doing a fine job using customer support in turning people off from spending money on this game.

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Hmm... so you want the tool to fix the class imbalance? That is not what the tool was designed to do for the very simple reason that incentives will be punish one class for the sake of the others. No, what players choose to play is something that can't be regulated in that way.


Also, tanks are a blast to play... not sure what the "make tanking fun" comment refers to. How is it not fun?


And last... the same imbalance happens across servers. The ratio is roughly the same. Therefore, it is a myth that cross server will make group finder pop more often. There will be more tanks and healer sure, but significantly more dps as well.

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Problem is the horde of DPS players,when the wipe happens it is either the healer or the tanks fault and trust me as someone who does both healing and tanking it is so frustrating to have DPS pull stuff,run out range for heals,and asked to slow down a minute to get rude responses.


My tank has been retired and my heals are only with good friends,,period.

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Hmm... so you want the tool to fix the class imbalance? That is not what the tool was designed to do for the very simple reason that incentives will be punish one class for the sake of the others. No, what players choose to play is something that can't be regulated in that way.


You're wrong. It has worked in other games. What really happens is the people who like playing tanks/healers just play them more. People who play DPS love it because they get groups faster. Nobody is "punished".

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Problem is the horde of DPS players,when the wipe happens it is either the healer or the tanks fault and trust me as someone who does both healing and tanking it is so frustrating to have DPS pull stuff,run out range for heals,and asked to slow down a minute to get rude responses.


My tank has been retired and my heals are only with good friends,,period.


That's because the majority of new players choose DPS classes and are utter tools on top of that.

It's one of the reasons my Commando is now a full on Gunnery instead of a Combat Medic, healing those irritating low IQ people who don't listen and keep making mistakes, then blame you for their stupidity when they inevitably die has become very tiresome for me.


On the other hand when it comes to tanking i don't have any problems with that, i like tanking.

Edited by Vlacke
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FP's need to be retooled and rebalanced and make the groups set to 5 players:


1 Tank


1 Heals


You do realize this would alter the balance of the instance itself? They are designed as 4 mans, and developers can't just go in a flip a magic tweek up button. The real answer is to be patient, or make friends with the people you meet so you can group with them again.

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This is without a doubt one of the bigger things holding SWTOR back.



  • Please put in better incentives for people to tank and heal.
  • Give needed roles free respecs and guaranteed rewards.
  • Make tanking more fun.
  • Make the queue length visible to encourage more role balance.
  • Fix the PvP->Flashpoint queuing.
  • Heavily increase XP/rewards bonuses for sub 50 flashpoints.
  • Get cross-server working.


Any of the above will create substantial improvements. I'm fairly sure at least some of them should be easy to implement. Make them a priority please.




The reward for tanking or healing is tanking or healing... not everyone only likes to Pew Pew only.


Respecs are perfectly priced...especially for subscribers


If tanking is not fun to you then you don't like tanking... or you are doing it wrong.


A visible queue length bar is just a nonsensical placating device that has little to do with the actual queue length in any MMO.


What do you mean "Fix the PvP->Flashpoint queuing" isnt that what the rest of this post is about? PvP / FP queuing works fine on my end. Slow at times but it works. I just tend to build my FP groups in /general.


Just no.... if you are not getting enough expph you are doing it wrong. There is already Legacy upgrades for that at very reasonable prices if you were not aware of this.


I would be ok with cross server PvP queues but absolutely against any PvE content being cross server.

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I have the feeling that the only reason our groups are 4man instead of 5man is not to be the same as wow. That´s a stupid reason. Even in wow dps players had to wait longer in queue than tanks and heals, and that was with a tank incentive. Everyone seems to thing that swtor is pretty much a copy of wow, so the tank/healer/dps ratio would probably be about the same as in wow.


IMO the 4man group was a bad decision. bEAware should know from similar games the tank/healer/dps ratio and make groupcomposition that fits that ratio. It´s NOT 1/1/2 it´s probably not even 1/1/3 It could be close to 1/1/4, but probably somewhere between 3 and 4 dps pr. tank.


It will not be easy to change groupsize, but imo it should be seriously considered. It would require some FP and OP balancing but imo it would be worth it.

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Yes please, there is not enough healers that are not aware they are supposed to heal, or tanks that refuse to get in tank stance(to not mention tank spec)


The real answer is to be patient, or make friends with the people you meet so you can group with them again.


But hey, that would require, like, this whole TALKING stuff, you know. This is not why I play games! This is outrage! Etc, etc.

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The group finder is working as best as it can. It is a better alternative to the "old system" of being held hostage on the station and spamming general for hours.


It cannot fix class imbalance. Players opting to make Healer/Tank alts, or better yet mains, to even out the population is the only remedy for that.


Most importantly, it cannot fix the fact that you are not in a guild, or in a good/active guild. Guilds have been and always will be the best "group finder". Anything else is a poor substitute for building the good relationships and community that are necessary for enjoying an MMO to its fullest.

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[*]Make tanking more fun.




Any of the above will create substantial improvements. I'm fairly sure at least some of them should be easy to implement. Make them a priority please.


... really?.. make tanking more fun? pretty sure that has nothing to do with the group finder specifically, if you dont think tanking is enough fun in the group finder, then you most likely would hate playing the tank in anything in this game.

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but that would make the game like wow. they're not in anyway copying wow! swtor is better than wow!


Could you just go play wow then bro.....I dont understand why people hang around just to complain. This community is become so awful because of people like you. We get it, you dont like the game. Go away already.

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Tanks and heals will always be in demand compared to DPS in every MMO that has a trinity system of play. It has to do with the perceived "difficulty" of tanking/healing when compared to just blowing stuff up.


Even when World of Boredcraft offered additional incentives to tanks/heals to queue, there were still DPS' waiting 20+ minutes in a CROSS SERVER group finder.


Hand out mounts, pets, titles, additional credits, whatever, like candy.. and DPS will still have to sit and wait.


WoW handed out emblems like candy and it did nothing. They added trinkets, and it did little to assuage the wait time (from a pool of MILLIONS of players).


Do you really think adding fluff will make more tanks/healers queue? No.. it will do what it did in WoW: It will make those who traditionally ONLY DPS reroll/respec and queue up as tanks/heals... and suck horribly at it. Sure, some may stick to it and become AMAZING players. Unfortunately, most will continue to suck because they only do it for the freebies and will rely on the rest of the group to carry them, specifically decent DPS players that, for the most part, could solo the HM anyway.


The only flaws in the Group Finder have to do with the two person normal FPS and inviting another player when the group are already in queue, or when someone declines/drops. Any PvP/Group Finder queue conflicts are there for a reason. They don't want half a WZ group disappearing because their HM groups popped. On that note, I don't see why you couldn't join both queues and then accept whichever pops first while being dropped from the other. If it's already that way, then great. If it's not, then that needs to be fixed.


Making groups 5 man would do little to alleviate the wait on DPS'. There would still be the same amount of tanks and heals queuing up. There would be the same amount of DPS queuing up. DPS would still be waiting on a tank and a heal to be freed up to jump into the next HM. The only thing this would do is force a total re-balance of already trivialized content that can be downed by fewer than 4 players.

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I agree with implementing an incentive for tanks and healers. I know no one wants to hear this, but WoW had a solid plan by using those "Call to Arms" bags for queuing in dungeon finder. I have noticed that, compared to the game no one likes to mention, queue times on here are much shorter for DPS. Maybe its just my server, I dunno. Edited by Tarbacca
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