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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

F2P won't save anything. Content will.


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Content won't save anything, f2p won't save any****


theres 348609340869 bugs that are making classes sux, theres bugs here since the launch making ppl play the game with 2 fps


content is just going to turn this game in a larger piece of ****


1st, fix what we have, after that yes, content will help

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There is a lot of truth in the statement that shareholders hold the final reins on this game, not players. I wish it were otherwise, but that's the reality in any endeavor like this one.


It's a good game, I like it. But there have been many questionable decisions on the part of management that makes you scratch your head, haha. :p

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The problem with the mmo genre as a whole is it has grown stale to allot of people, these companies keep pumping out clones of each other with different skins not giving the players anything different to do from game to game, people have got bored with it.


I hope the industry wakes up and starts making some games with different and diverse game play, heck maybe something as simple as a theme park/sandbox hybrid, we need options in our games different things to do, in an mmo our toons should feel like they live in the world not just playing through it. The problems with TOR is not just a problem with TOR, it's a problem with all mmo's over the last few years, so yes f2p is not going to save anything until the industry changes the core game mechanics, adds new thing for us to do, and gets creativity back in to the mmo world...:mad:


Companies have milked the wow play model (or EQ model) to the point they are losing money on these games, the share holders are not getting the profits or bonus checks they want, this will be the only thing that will drive change in the gaming market, since they do not make these games because they love us as nice as that would be..:confused:

Edited by kevlarto
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Honestly, Game Update 1.5 barely added much except a new Companion a small new Area to explorer and the F2P. I'm pretty sure whatever is in Game Update 1.6 should of been part of Game Update 1.5 like the new Space Missions, new Warzone Map etc... honestly every MMO i played such as FFXI, WoW, STO, Phantasy Star Online etc... when they added new Content you saw alot of new stuff being added but ToR adds less then what a random FPS Game adds. Hell, i think CoD and Battlefield add more Content then ToR did since release. I've been Subscribed since Day 1 when the Game released and stayed Subscribed since but i expect alot more Content to be added every 6 weeks because this is a joke. Edited by Ravanofdarkness
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I agree fully. F2P is just a cheap way for EA/BW to milk people for money before the game dies off completely, that's all it is. Successful games don't go F2P within a year of release, only the games that failed do this.


The game has a ton of issues, and instead of devoting resources to fixing those issues (bugs, lack of content, core gameplay issues), they spent time on setting up F2P, because even they understand what a disaster this is and are trying to grab at what ever cash they can get before the end.


+1... /10char

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Honestly, Game Update 1.5 barely added much except a new Companion a small new Area to explorer and the F2P. I'm pretty sure whatever is in Game Update 1.6 should of been part of Game Update 1.5 like the new Space Missions, new Warzone Map etc... honestly every MMO i played such as FFXI, WoW, STO, Phantasy Star Online etc... when they added new Content you saw alot of new stuff being added but ToR adds less then what a random FPS Game adds. Hell, i think CoD and Battlefield add more Content then ToR did since release. I've been Subscribed since Day 1 when the Game released and stayed Subscribed since but i expect alot more Content to be added every 6 weeks because this is a joke.


When they said, smaller more frequent updates.... thats what they meant. Small updates but more often.


1. Operation

2. World event

3. HK-51 quest

4. Warzone

5. Space missions

6. Flashpoint

7. Daily area

8. Rinse and repeat


You will get 1 of those... mixed with some bug fixes and maybe some balance passes and surely some cash shop updates every 6 weeks or so. Some of the smaller ones like Daily Area and HK 51 can be mixed together sometimes. This is the new content idea. I actually think its better then trying to fit half of it into 1 large 5 month update. Atleast now, you get a little something quite frequently.


What they need to do is start working on other types of content. I have a feeling they wont do that anymore. Maybe with a large expansion but unlikely still.

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And there is 1.6 on the PTS already.


Again small but right after 1.5 It is wither the twice a year Eve Model or this or once in a year paid box upgrade.


I don't know which is superior but honestly if the total over time is same I do not care :)

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The game has a ton of content already, they've just set us on a very narrow path to experiencing it.


My solution? Have all the planetary side-quests scale to the player's current level. Make bonus-series quests unlock when you complete 100% of a planets' content, and have them be repeatable and award daily commendations.


Players want to feel like they have choice, and they need a reason to revisit their favorite planets.

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The game has a ton of content already, they've just set us on a very narrow path to experiencing it.


My solution? Have all the planetary side-quests scale to the player's current level. Make bonus-series quests unlock when you complete 100% of a planets' content, and have them be repeatable and award daily commendations.


Players want to feel like they have choice, and they need a reason to revisit their favorite planets.


It has a lot of generic content. I wouldnt say a ton of content is what this game has. It is lacking in many areas.

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My tin hat theory is, the Disney deal is what killed this game, and it happened a while back in some boardroom, maybe even before the game's release. Maybe Disney doesn't want to be bothered approving content for an MMO. Maybe they don't want to have their IP associated with an adult MMO. Maybe they want to focus on their own movies--and creating products based on that Star Wars and not have the waters muddied with this one.


In that light, ToR going FtP is just the last cash grab.


Don't get me wrong, I love the game, but I don't see any indications that anyone is investing in its future.

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Content is a matter of perspective. If you don't do Operations or PvP, then quite a few updates have been incredibly content-light. We had no significant extension of player story for some time. I don't disagree that content is good - of course it is - but dead-end endgame content is not what is needed. If you're already of the mindset that wants a gear treadmill, that can be achieved with 6-7 raids with Normal, Hard & Insane difficulties and different gear that drops in each. Job done. Content that holds player interest over the longer term for players that don't want to raid all day in the same dungeon (sorry, operation) is always slower to come, but also as critical.


However, you're wrong on F2P not having significant beneficial effects. It does two things: it brings in spikes of money and it brings in population. Both are of benefit to an MMO. When players are dropping $240 in a day on gambling for cartel boxes (whether you agree with that conceptually/philosophically or not), it has a direct visible effect. When Coruscant has 5 instances with 100 people in each vs even Christmas launch with perhaps 2 instances total, again, that has an effect.

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My tin hat theory is, the Disney deal is what killed this game, and it happened a while back in some boardroom, maybe even before the game's release. Maybe Disney doesn't want to be bothered approving content for an MMO. Maybe they don't want to have their IP associated with an adult MMO. Maybe they want to focus on their own movies--and creating products based on that Star Wars and not have the waters muddied with this one.


In that light, ToR going FtP is just the last cash grab.


Don't get me wrong, I love the game, but I don't see any indications that anyone is investing in its future.


Disney has nothing to do with it.


They've released far more "adult" content under subsiduaries than Lucasfilm ever did. Pulp Fiction was a "Disney" movie.

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Content is a matter of perspective. If you don't do Operations or PvP, then quite a few updates have been incredibly content-light. We had no significant extension of player story for some time. I don't disagree that content is good - of course it is - but dead-end endgame content is not what is needed. If you're already of the mindset that wants a gear treadmill, that can be achieved with 6-7 raids with Normal, Hard & Insane difficulties and different gear that drops in each. Job done. Content that holds player interest over the longer term for players that don't want to raid all day in the same dungeon (sorry, operation) is always slower to come, but also as critical.


However, you're wrong on F2P not having significant beneficial effects. It does two things: it brings in spikes of money and it brings in population. Both are of benefit to an MMO. When players are dropping $240 in a day on gambling for cartel boxes (whether you agree with that conceptually/philosophically or not), it has a direct visible effect. When Coruscant has 5 instances with 100 people in each vs even Christmas launch with perhaps 2 instances total, again, that has an effect.


F2P brings in people but without new content you'll likely see the same pattern of churn as players run out of content or get bored: big early numbers followed by fairly rapid population losses within 6 months.


Without significant new content or a more appealing cash shop, I think this game is doomed. F2P simply pushes doomsday out a bit.

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F2P brings in people but without new content you'll likely see the same pattern of churn as players run out of content or get bored: big early numbers followed by fairly rapid population losses within 6 months.


Without significant new content or a more appealing cash shop, I think this game is doomed. F2P simply pushes doomsday out a bit.


I guess it's the time to release new story, that's what attracted people the most and is the most unique element of this game.

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Well here's what we now is coming, regardless of timeline:


Ancient Hypergates (WarZone) & Elite War Hero gear

Nightmare TfB


Titans of Industry (Future Flashpoint)



Varl Dailies & SM/HM [scum & Villainy] (Future Op)

Rakata Prime Dailies & [The Imperial Warlord] (Future Flashpoint) & SM/HM [The Dread Masters]

NM [scum & Villainy]

NM [The Dread Masters]


***I suspect that we'll see Act 4: Rise of the Hutt Cartel introduced AFTER we get Makeb. New planet will come first, and then later we'll get new Class missions on that planet.

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