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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

PvP: Gear or Skill?


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I understand that people have been saying that the PvP is revolved purely around your gear, therefor the amount of time you can play (grind lol) for your expensive PvP gear. I personally think that yes it is really based on gear but with skill you can do really good. Back when i was level 11 I had trash for gear. terrible stats but I was able to get top damage and objectives nearly every round or I got 2nd to some level 48 lol. Every class can work with the right player and some skill. Yes the gear can make a large difference. Don't want to be a complete troll? Want to show serious skill? Walk into level 50 PvP with Recruit gear. I reccomend you play what class you want to. I played a mercenary and it was great in PvP even without just spamming tracer missle. Try any class then learn how to use it right. You won't get your key skills til' around 40. At 40 you can then understand your playstyle much, much better.
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In under-50 warzones, gear matters a lot less than in the level 50 bracket. Hence, you can get great numbers at low level due to the bolster system. You can crit just as high as anyone else and you won't take more damage due to being a lower level because bolster equalizes the numbers. So you can go in there with any gear and still do very well. Of course, at lower levels, you only have your basic abilities, and therefore a level 45 will always have an advantage over a level 15, to use an example. In endgame PVP, yes gear is a big part of the equation. It would be a complete lie to say it isn't or to downplay it's importance. Fortunately, after 1.6, the gear gap will be smaller than ever. Finally people will be able to get a full set of War Hero gear in a short amount of time, and most will be able to have a good amount of WH gear right when they ding level 50 with increase in the comms cap. Edited by Solarenergy
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It's hilarious that some people cry "skill" and claim to be under-geared, yet when you inspect them they have the best possible gear imaginable.


Gear has a lot to do with it. Critical, surge, expertise, etc.


Of course you do need skill, but to completely ignore gear like it's a non-factor is just pure arrogance.

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I understand that people have been saying that the PvP is revolved purely around your gear, therefor the amount of time you can play (grind lol) for your expensive PvP gear. I personally think that yes it is really based on gear but with skill you can do really good. Back when i was level 11 I had trash for gear. terrible stats but I was able to get top damage and objectives nearly every round or I got 2nd to some level 48 lol. Every class can work with the right player and some skill. Yes the gear can make a large difference. Don't want to be a complete troll? Want to show serious skill? Walk into level 50 PvP with Recruit gear. I reccomend you play what class you want to. I played a mercenary and it was great in PvP even without just spamming tracer missle. Try any class then learn how to use it right. You won't get your key skills til' around 40. At 40 you can then understand your playstyle much, much better.


OP patch 1.4 makes skill erelevant.


CC > than Skill and gear aids in how long you remained CC'ed before you die. the game was somewhat fine pre 1.4 but now its just a CC fest.

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Gear counts for constant effort to stay on highest levels of preparation for combat. It is the equivalent to daily training. Top level fighters constantly train rigorously to stay in top physical condition in terms of strength, stamina, willpower, focus, determination, etc etc..


In the end, gear has a top limit -- which means anyone can get there with enough time investment. People who invest more time and effort get there faster, people who cannot put up with the same effort get there slower, and people who are flat-out lazy never get there.


If you don't condition yourself to be at your best for the fight, then by all means, you deserve to lose. There's nothing unfair about this.


Preparation for combat is an integral part of PvP. Anyone who thinks otherwise are simply lazy people, constantly trying to come up with an excuse.

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Skill > Gear


dont be one of the QQ carebears that use gear as a crutch for their lack of skill


LOL, you can't be serious. I don't care how "skilled" you think you are, you are not going beat anyone in full augmented, and itemized WH when you're in recruit, or stock BM gear. It's not going to happen even against an average player, unless they're afk.


How hard you hit, and how hard you get hit is based upon your, and your opponent's gear. That is a fact, and it cannot be disputed.


Are there OP specs? Yes there are, and better gear only enhances that issue.

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You people are dreaming lol.


Stuns > Spec/class > gear > skill


Stuns trump everything. All you need to do is spam stuns and then watch your target, regardless of class, spec, gear or skill get completely destroyed while they are unable to do any damage back.


Spec/class is next. If you get 2 equally geared and equally skilled sins. 1 is maul spec sin and the other is full HD tank spec. The tank spec sin has a MASSIVE advantage over the maul spec sin. If you get a fully geared sage vs a fully geared maul spec sin. The maul spec sin has a MASSIVE advantage over the sage regardless of their spec, etc, etc


Next is gear. Two players of same skill, class and spec.. one is in recruit and the other is full min maxed war hero. The winner is determined purely by gear.


Skill is right down at the bottom of the list.

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The question is really pretty difficult to answer. Class/spec/cds/wz/consumables/crits/etc. make up a huge portion. In a 1v1 it is much more team/cds/consumables/crits/class/gear than skill, however in teamplay skill really can make a recruit player a major contender.


However, there is another issue to consider. swtor has a very low softcap for skill. This means that with just mediocre skill in the fotm classes you can be almost as good as a decently skilled player. Of course I said softcap and so if you are much more skilled than the average player then you will still shine even with bad gear. The main problem with a low softcap though is that it makes it very easy for mediocre geared premaders to appear like great players. I think 1.6 will help with this though.

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Gear does next to nothing, I lvled 2 of my toons from 10-49 only upgraded gear at 20 and 40 and played the biggest role for my team in most games. (if I didnt top DPS it's cuz I wasn't hitting the tank that got healed all game. I was actually killing people and having more downtime because I was running between people I was killing). Having level 20 gear at 39 is way worse than having any kind of average gear at 50 vs geared players.
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Recruit VS augmented warhero : 99% gear 1% skill


Augmented warhero VS augmented warhero : 100% skill

I can post 50 screenshots right now in which I am topping charts in 114 expertise, the wh relics for power. I also have screenshots where I'm topping the dps chart in greens, I ran an experiment and bought a full set of greens for 35K on GTN. Granted that it's not in rateds but only 1 % or so of the player base is playing that pvp form so it would be freaking stupid to use that as an argument.


Premades? You encounter a good premade in perhaps one out of 20 warzones. And yes, you will get burned down faster with no damage mitigation from expetise but it's not like you would survive a coordinated attack in 1380 expertise either so we're talking about milliseconds here.


This was a response to you saying that gear > skill. If you on the other hand compare two equally skilled players, where one is using recruit and the other wh, it would be a different story. No one's agruing that expertise gives the WH player an advantage in that situation.

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pre 50 wz, it's spec (worthless spec is wortless no matter how good you are plus bolster works better for some)> SKILL> gear


on 50 it's skill>spec (since you should know how to pvp by then, and some specs are better then others)>team>gear


with exception of stealthers where skill>gear>spec (IMO)


edit: please stop telling about 'top dps', wz are about winning and objectives. High dps means you are ignoring both plus you don't kill your targets.

Edited by Atramar
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In under-50 warzones, gear matters a lot less than in the level 50 bracket.


^^^This in a nut shell


Oh the geared pre mades will shout from highest rock how skilled they are.


Its pure BS.


Lost count how many of the so called skilled players get farmed openly when things are balanced, yet act and post like they the GOAT when they roll over someone in recruit gear.


Basically anyone that uses the term L2P falls in above statement.


The pre 50 pvp actually isnt that bad. Gear still will make some difference (people twinking out the purple 49 gear as the quit warzones just before they end to avoid getting XP and hitting 50) but over all the bolster works reasonably well.


Its the post 50 where Gear is 50% of the equation.


I have war hero characters and elite war hero equiped characters and have stopped playing pvp at all in TOR


Either your farming under geared players (and its literally no fun or challenge) or your going up against the ranked rejects that run premades 24/7 in unranked WZs because they cant hack the challenge on equal footing (and if you do catch one of them alone they die pretty easy to be honest. They only excell when its 4 on 1 or 4 with gear advantage. Just no class losers really).


TOR PVP is about gear first and formost

numbers come in a close second

Hacking and exploits take a strong 3rd

tactics and skill are a distant fourth place


Thats just the sad truth of the matter and pay no attention to those patting themselves on back and exclaiming to all that will read about how great and skillfull they are.


Its all just smoke and gas

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Gear does next to nothing, I lvled 2 of my toons from 10-49 only upgraded gear at 20 and 40 and played the biggest role for my team in most games. (if I didnt top DPS it's cuz I wasn't hitting the tank that got healed all game. I was actually killing people and having more downtime because I was running between people I was killing). Having level 20 gear at 39 is way worse than having any kind of average gear at 50 vs geared players.

LOL bolster system anyone? LOL

Get yourself to 50, put your recruit gear on and then post here.

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Love all these people who have never ran with a descent premade in their life saying "they get killed in equal footing" lol no they don't 8v8 is equal footing and good premades win every game. If you positioned yourself up for a 1v4 then that's why you aren't allowed to play with the good premades. Edited by Juzzyx
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LOL bolster system anyone? LOL

Get yourself to 50, put your recruit gear on and then post here.


Recruit gear is for scrubs though. I beat people up equally. Doesn't matter how good or bad their gear is. I kill them all the same. I think pre 50 wzs are much worse when you're level 15 without any cc and you fight a lvl 40 of your class abusing the CC advantage because they have all of their CC learned. Oh and defensive cds and whatnot.

Edited by Juzzyx
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Either your farming under geared players (and its literally no fun or challenge) or your going up against the ranked rejects that run premades 24/7 in unranked WZs because they cant hack the challenge on equal footing (and if you do catch one of them alone they die pretty easy to be honest. They only excell when its 4 on 1 or 4 with gear advantage. Just no class losers really).


Ah... someone's a little butt hurt...


=P I'll let you in on a little secret. 9 times out 10, that premader you managed to "Get alone" isn't actually fighting back.


They're either:


1. Stalling you till help comes if they're in a critical locaiton. They -could- try an all out dps race with you and maybe even kill you, but doing so leaves them vunerable if your buddies show up. (Can't remember how many times a solo guard doesn't bother to call incs cause he can take the 1 attacker, kills my team mate, and then dies when I pop out of stealth cause he's only got 10% left.)


2. Moving to a critical location. Again, I know I'll personally ignore you (or cc/slow you) if I'm moving to a critical location. It will take longer for me to kill you in the middle of no where and the get there, then to just die and respawn to the critical location.


=P not saying there aren't sucky players getting carried by premades, but you really just sound butt hurt at this point. Oh noes, them big bad premaders beats me in my PuG teams. Damn those unskilled jerks with their guarded healers, focussed dps, cross healing, objective oriented strategies. Shame on them for not being a 1 v 1 hero like me!

Edited by Doomsdaycomes
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=P I'll let you in on a little secret. 9 times out 10, that premader you managed to "Get alone" isn't actually fighting back.


They're either:


1. Stalling you till help comes if they're in a critical locaiton.

2. Moving to a critical location.


You missed out:

3. Letting himself die so he can respawn somewhere useful quicker than running 5 miles. Voidstar and Huttball in particular, but also the other maps.


Also, poster you quoted still seems to riding that rather tired pony, Haxencheats.

Edited by Wainamoinen
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