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Would you support a relaunch of SWTOR?


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The answer is actually very obvious. They were talking SWTOR toys, action figures, and more. They were talking a few months ago about SWTOR merchandise. Didn't happen. What is more, obvious SWTOR original characters and ships are being generically dumped into the Star Wars bucket without any attempt to bother mention of ToR.


It means, clearly, no cross-marketing, isolation of the leaper game. No sign of anything for the Holiday season. Nobody is buying into this game's hoped for appeal. Plans that were, are being pulled back.


I think the story, characters, and the rest are just going to be sucked into the EU and Disney moves on.


At a guess I would say swtors target audience is beyond playing with toys

Jinx currently sells swtor merchandise

Edited by denpic
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Disney has complete control. Period. They are now, for all intents and purposes, Lucas. Lucas no longer controls ANYTHING related to the franchise he created, legally or creatively.


He remains an adviser with obvious influence.


Does that mean Disney could pull the rights to Star Wars copyright and content use in this game, essentially shutting it down overnight? Yes it does.


Would they? Extremely unlikely. Not only would it be bad for business and set a precedent that would cause other licensees to be wary, it is likely Bioware and EA would have legal due course as a result.


If any removal of copyright permission were likely (I don't see how) the only reasonable scenario would be when the contract runs out...they simply would not renew. Lucas has done this in the past, most notably recently with Sony and SWG.

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Not that I think this well ever happen, but I'm just curious. I never played Final Fantasy XIV, but I heard it was so bad, that Square Enix shut it down so that they could work on it and relaunch it all over again at a future date.


Given the problems with SWTOR such as the Hero Engine needing a complete overhaul, numerous bugs that have been in since beta, bad faction imbalance, and some questionable design decisions, not to mention losing half the staff due to layoffs, do you think this game would be served better by having a new relaunch with all the features that should have been in at the original launch, plus additional fixes?


No matter how good the overhaul, doing this would not be a relaunch, it would just be a necro of the original game. And you know how successful most necro threads are? Your often lucky to get half the life of the original, let alone hoping to approximate the original interest. As Heraclitus once said, "You never enter the same river twice". I don't think it will be possible to recapture the buzz of the first launch. This F2p thing is as close as it gets.

Edited by Addaib
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No. FFXIV was just simply awful and it was no fun to play, which broke the hearts of people who have been loyal followers of the series for decades. The interface was clunky, there were NO dungeons/FPs/OPs/PvP/WZs/BGs whatever you wanna call them. None of that. The only thing to do was group events and level, similar to the clustereffs you see in GW2. That was all. Crafting was mind-numbing and took hours of hands on activity to gain a couple levels. The game was pointless, and will probably not even survive its relaunch. How it passed through any amount of testers as a source of entertainment I'm completely unsure.


SWTOR...you can cry all you want about bugs and how your computers can't handle the resource hog that it is, and how HK is too easy to get or expensive, or how you need more content to suit your individual play style or want to gay marry your companion, but this game is fun to play. It doesn't need a relaunch. You're overreacting, it's a solid MMO/solo PC game.


This ends the thread. Nothing else to see here. Move along.

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Disney has complete control. Period. They are now, for all intents and purposes, Lucas. Lucas no longer controls ANYTHING related to the franchise he created, legally or creatively.


He remains an adviser with obvious influence.


Does that mean Disney could pull the rights to Star Wars copyright and content use in this game, essentially shutting it down overnight? Yes it does.


Would they? Extremely unlikely. Not only would it be bad for business and set a precedent that would cause other licensees to be wary, it is likely Bioware and EA would have legal due course as a result.


If any removal of copyright permission were likely (I don't see how) the only reasonable scenario would be when the contract runs out...they simply would not renew. Lucas has done this in the past, most notably recently with Sony and SWG.

Disney/Lucas Arts is obligated to adhere to the contract or licence agreement or whatever contract that Binds SWTOR to EA. Short of breaching that contract Disney can do jack diddly-piddly to SWTOR.


The subsidiary of Lucas Arts changed parent company. They are still bound to prior contracts unless EA makes the decision to end the contract. Which they already would have done prior to releasing the F2P version of SWTOR and the Cartel Shop.

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I wasn't there when it happened, but i'm quite sure they probably signed a contract. When a company borrows your license to make a game, you can't just take away the keys at will most of the time. Disney would have limited control, they could probably boss EA around a bit. Ultimately though, I don't think they can outright pull the plug. At least not yet.


EDIT: Although it would be hilarious if they did.


SWTOR is the reason SWG closed down, Lucas didn't want 2 competing Star Wars MMOs.

Say what you will about SWG I only played it for 3 months the very first 3 months of it launching. (Didn't like not being a Jedi from the start)


If Disney felt that SWTOR was going to negatively affect there product or future products they can pull the license. EA would still own the game but couldn't run it anymore.


That wont happen though. I think Disney will have to work hard to sell Episode VII. I think they should do some short webisodes like about 20 or so. Showcasing the direction they will be taking the story. Showing that they have good story telling and good special effects. Even with the whole Jar Jar Binks debacle I knew what Lucasfilm and ILM could deliver. I know what Disney Pixar can do too and that's Monsters INC and they did very well at it. However Star Wars is a sacred cow they need in my eyes to prove they respect it.

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Not that I think this well ever happen, but I'm just curious. I never played Final Fantasy XIV, but I heard it was so bad, that Square Enix shut it down so that they could work on it and relaunch it all over again at a future date.


Given the problems with SWTOR such as the Hero Engine needing a complete overhaul, numerous bugs that have been in since beta, bad faction imbalance, and some questionable design decisions, not to mention losing half the staff due to layoffs, do you think this game would be served better by having a new relaunch with all the features that should have been in at the original launch, plus additional fixes?


relaunch won't save it,

only if u can rollback the EARTH time;

make a time machine, and tell bw design team to forget the hero engine,

or make this thing to a console game, NOT be a MMO!

except all issues they still miss a server transfer system,

tell them to do it b4 launch.

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Well the main two reasons the engine was changed in FFXIV was because it required an high end computer so it greatly limited the amount of players and was too powerful for ps3. SWTOR engine does not have this problem. Another problem with FFXIV was the game itself which they fixed by firing the old producer and hiring a new one who greatly changed the game in a positive way. This game has changed tremendously in the past year for the better and the only problems left are really related to the engine. I remember when i started back in December and there was ability lag and problems with skills not going off, people said it wouldn't get fixed unless they used a new engine but low and behold it has been fixed and no longer an issue.
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I have to disagree with you there. BioWare has been responsible for some of the better games for the past 16 years, many of whom have been branded into gaming history. Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, KOTOR (Seriously, KOTOR) and Dragon Age to name a few. I'm not a big fan of EA, but they're capable when it comes to publishing games.


SW:TOR has awesome groundwork that can be built and improved upon. Hopefully a monetary influx will help open up the gates to new and interesting content. A Final Fantasy reboot isn't warranted, as that game was simply put a train wreck from day one. Star Wars is far cry from anything similar to that pixelated massacre. Give it time.


While I do agree with you about BioWare being responsible for those games and those games were amazing ...... the vast majority of the people that worked on those games are no longer employed by BioWare.


BioWare today isn't the same developer it was and it hasn't been since EA bought it out.


This isn't me calling EA the devil this is me saying a lot of changes happened in a short space of time since then.

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Well the main two reasons the engine was changed in FFXIV was because it required an high end computer so it greatly limited the amount of players and was too powerful for ps3. SWTOR engine does not have this problem. Another problem with FFXIV was the game itself which they fixed by firing the old producer and hiring a new one who greatly changed the game in a positive way. This game has changed tremendously in the past year for the better and the only problems left are really related to the engine. I remember when i started back in December and there was ability lag and problems with skills not going off, people said it wouldn't get fixed unless they used a new engine but low and behold it has been fixed and no longer an issue.


Yah but it is the main reason for Illum to go to hell; and no glimpse of it since what?.. January? Feb?

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Disney/Lucas Arts is obligated to adhere to the contract or licence agreement or whatever contract that Binds SWTOR to EA. Short of breaching that contract Disney can do jack diddly-piddly to SWTOR.


...which is what I indicated in my post...unless you are agreeing with me.


The subsidiary of Lucas Arts changed parent company. They are still bound to prior contracts unless EA makes the decision to end the contract. Which they already would have done prior to releasing the F2P version of SWTOR and the Cartel Shop.


You seem to be under the impression that EA holds all the cards here. They do not. Lucas holds almost all the cards, the only thing that EA holds is a contract that provides the limited right to use the Star Wars name, likenesses, music, sound and general themes, probably specific to the time period. This right can be withdrawn at any time for ANY reason...however there will be consequences for Lucas as I indicated, both in market reaction and probable litigation. There may even be performance requirements drafted into the license...LA has been known to do this in the past.


The license likely grants Bioware a certain degree of creative license with the franchise, but in the end LA retains all rights to the franchise product use. The rights are only granted to temporarily use the product under certain contracted conditions.


Some people seem to subscribe to the fantasy that EA purchased a liberal Star Wars license to use in this game. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

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