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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

BioWare taking the whole week off for Thanksgiving?


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We just put Game Update 1.6 on PTS, and we're still working to resolve various issues from 1.5 last week, so we're going as fast as we can!


I was totally expecting a 12-16h maintenance today, to the point that not having any announcement actually worried me :)


Don't let the temporary understaffing get you down, just had two weeks of that myself.

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You attacked my character. I showed you that I understood sacrifice first hand. It seems from your writing that you only have an "accidemic" understanding of sacrifice. I detailed over the course of my posts with two examples of understanding first hand sacrifice. I also detailed a plan of action for communitcating with ones customers that would take little or no effort ( e.g. work from home). We can see that even though The community team was not very active since the 17th, Joveth took the time to let us know that they were still here. I thanked him for it. It is all germaine to the conversation. Since you were the impetus for this particular derailment. Your deflection and strawman have been found wanting. :cool:


What strawman? I called you out for being an inconsiderate <whatever> because you feel Bioware needs to be here responding to your wishes (or wishes of others).


No. They don't. Its a holiday. I respect their time and understand that for a service like this, time can be precious.


Get over it.


We just got 1.6 on the PTS . The lights are on but they are short staffed.

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I thank veterans all the time, but when you decide to use it as a pedestal, I lose my respect for you. I still love and support all armed forces, but you, sir, are the bitter one. Especially since someone else got to you enough to use your service as a high horse.


I agree. Its ridiculous and inconsiderate to the men and women of the armed forces to use that as leverage in a conversation that isn't even about serving in the military.


This conversation has run its course and needs locked. It has done no good except to point out some folks expect Bioware to be responding to their demands the week of Thanksgiving.

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I agree. Its ridiculous and inconsiderate to the men and women of the armed forces to use that as leverage in a conversation that isn't even about serving in the military.


This conversation has run its course and needs locked. It has done no good except to point out some folks expect Bioware to be responding to their demands the week of Thanksgiving.


Maybe instead of jumping on Ureal you should stop and thank...


The people working for your utility companies on Thanksgiving whose work allows you to cook your food, keep your beer cold, and have light and heat.

The people working for the phone companies and internet providers who allow you to talk to your family and friends.

The people working at the gas station who allow you to drive to your friend's/relative's.

The people working for the community you live in for plowing the snow, fixing traffic lights, etc.

The police, firefighters, doctors, and nurses who have to work in case something happens.

The people working for the airlines, airports, security, railroads, buses, who allow you to travel.

And yes, even the people working for EA/Bioware for working to allow you to relax and have fun.


It's ridiculous and inconsiderate to think the world stops to celebrate holidays, when many of the things you and I take for granted require people to work on holidays.

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I earned my rights. I gave the united stated of America 5.5 yrs of my life in the USN. I was in the gulf escorting tankers on my FFG after the Stark insident and During the Vincennes insident. We had iranian speed boats armed with rpgs and 50 cal machine guns more than capable of hulling a naval vessal. I know about service and not having time off with my family. I worked an online service. I understand about not having time with ones family. I have personal experience. I know what I am speaking about. I know what sacrifice is. Do you?


You are a very bitter person from the tone of your writing. :cool:


I might know you :) I was on the USS Reeves CG24 during the same time. Taking care of some of those speed boats with our 50 cal guns

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Some perspective:

Working during holidays isn't reserved for cops, fire fighters, nurses and other essential services. Some of us do it all the time because that's our job. It's a requirment of almost all jobs in high tech as all high tech services run 7/24/365. A lot of completely non-essential data centers run 7/24/365 because they have to as they service the entire world, or because they need to run everyday to get your paycheck to you.


Some people love to work on holidays, even volunteer for it because the overtime is great.


People of different religious beliefs celebrate different holidays. What is a holiday to you, is a Tuesday to them.


TOR is a global service and American Thanksgiving is only observed in the U.S. Bioware is a Canadian operation and I'm sure if they had taken Canadian Thanksgiving holiday off, people would be freaking out.

^Yes, even M. Bison may have to work long shifts, and he may or may not enjoy it- but at least he is being payed double-time!

Maybe instead of jumping on Ureal you should stop and thank...


The people working for your utility companies on Thanksgiving whose work allows you to cook your food, keep your beer cold, and have light and heat.

The people working for the phone companies and internet providers who allow you to talk to your family and friends.

The people working at the gas station who allow you to drive to your friend's/relative's.

The people working for the community you live in for plowing the snow, fixing traffic lights, etc.

The police, firefighters, doctors, and nurses who have to work in case something happens.

The people working for the airlines, airports, security, railroads, buses, who allow you to travel.

And yes, even the people working for EA/Bioware for working to allow you to relax and have fun.


It's ridiculous and inconsiderate to think the world stops to celebrate holidays, when many of the things you and I take for granted require people to work on holidays.

^However, worth noting is that as little as one hundred years ago, there was a day of rest implied for the Christian masses* (myself not numbered among them) - sunday. Our Grandparents would perhaps be aghast at the idea of forcing people to work sunday.


And finally. . .

The road to happiness lies in an organized diminution of work

Well, because I promised some perspective. So there is that.


P.S. CosmicKat, I am not picking on you, the quotes were randomly chosen due to personal relevance/inspiration.

*pun not intended

Edited by AboB
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^However, worth noting is that as little as one hundred years ago, there was a day of rest implied for the Christian masses (myself not numbered among them) - sunday. Our Grandparents would perhaps be aghast at the idea of forcing people to work sunday.


I believe that came before Christianity. It was something this popular reformist was criticized for doing, and was used to slander him. This is neither here nor there, though.


Let's all just get along, and have patience.

Edited by monkgryphon
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I earned my rights. I gave the united stated of America 5.5 yrs of my life in the USN. I was in the gulf escorting tankers on my FFG after the Stark insident and During the Vincennes insident. We had iranian speed boats armed with rpgs and 50 cal machine guns more than capable of hulling a naval vessal. I know about service and not having time off with my family. I worked an online service. I understand about not having time with ones family. I have personal experience. I know what I am speaking about. I know what sacrifice is. Do you?


You are a very bitter person from the tone of your writing. :cool:


Cool story bro. Tell it again.

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It was their decision to launch such a big update so close to holidays and it was their decision to be a 24/7 service. Which means they are bound by their own decisions. And they show very poor understanding of that.

Next few weeks could prove to be of the biggest impact for future of SWTOR.

They have to convince F2Ps that this game is worth sticking with and not to go GW2 way, which is also F2P. They have to show those new players that their work means quality. Right now, they are doing very poor work. 1.6 update!

Take some people from update department and put them to work with bugs. Not now, of course. It's to late for that. But it should have been done before this update went live.

1.4 bugs are still in, 1.5 bugs are now in so in a few weeks time, we can all hope to get even more bugs from 1.6 and then what? This game becomes known as Bugtor? It feels like the only thing they are interested is PR to those that don't play this game. "Look, we have update after update. Isn't that great.? No other companies can manage that!". I can just hear them brag like that. :)

Only community service subforum has any sort of dev or mod responses. And even they are so week and of almost no help that is laughable.

Step up EA/Bioware of whoever is in control now!

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It was their decision to launch such a big update so close to holidays and it was their decision to be a 24/7 service. Which means they are bound by their own decisions. And they show very poor understanding of that.

Next few weeks could prove to be of the biggest impact for future of SWTOR.


Step up EA/Bioware of whoever is in control now!


100% agree. it is poor planning on EA/Bio to drop a big update and subsriber event and then after only 1 full work day take a week off. i am off for thanksgiving and loving it, but i was in the service industray and HAD to work thanksgiving. and yes, i spent 4 years in Navy and HAD to work thanksgiving so i do know wha it is like to be forced not to be with family.


EA/Bio are proving yet again that the people in charge still dont really understand what they are doing wrong. great game, bad handling of game.

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If SWTOR was a massive success right now and things were running smoothly then sure, a well needed break is understood this time of year.




1. This game is hardly a massive success.

2. They just released a huge change in how the game is services ala Cartel Cash Shop.

3. There are bugs with said cash shop which is costing people real money.

4. There are other huge bugs that came with 1.5.


They picked last Thursday knowing what this week followed it and decided it would be a great idea to get it out the door. Having made that choice they need live up to the consequences particularly with the game in such a fragile state.


It is inconceivable that they would be running a skeleton crew after such a massive change to the game last week.


Oh and I love that my ticket in game was closed concerning the Speeder Training Cartel Shop purchase reason "We don't refund items when YOU are at fault.' Only problem? I made the purchase before they came out and said it is mislabeled..hell the damn item is sitting in my characters inventory and it STILL says "Unlocks for all characters on account". That was not MY fault but BIOWARE's fault.


This is the kind of thing that tells me Bioware/EA and SWTOR overall is F'ed. Release massive new cash shop...go on vacation next week.


It is almost like they are intentionally trying to sabotage their game.


Hrm...might be on to something.

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You do you're job until it's done right.


And so far the job isn't anywhere near done and BioWare should be working.


That can be applied to every job, every created, during every time period. So therefore nobody deserves days off and nobody should sleep because THE JOB AIN'T DONE PEOPLE!


Get a grip man.

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They don't need to chat with you on the forums tho and during holidays most companies including your military just keep everything running. Even you cable company has a holiday work schedule and if sometime happens during that time they will call in people only if it effects the end user.


Besides I can tell you have no idea how long it takes to fix a bug in a game.


I worked in a 24 hour shop when I was active duty Air Force and we did not get holiday's off. We worked rotating 12 hour shifts. Basically, 1 year I would get Thanksgiving off, but work 12 hour shifts for 3 days on 3 days off at Christmas. The next year I would have Christmas off, but work 12 hour shifts for 3 days on 3 days off at Thanksgiving.

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I manage for a 24/7 support group and can tell you that for customer support it is common to have a skeleton group working. They are on staff to work through customer contacts but not in the volume that would normally be serviced. Also IT staff would only be on call to deal with complete service outages but not to fix bugs or other smaller issues. Outside of that posting on a forum or other social media would be of no importance during a holiday.


Yup. Its common practice across the industry wide.

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100% agree. it is poor planning on EA/Bio to drop a big update and subsriber event and then after only 1 full work day take a week off. i am off for thanksgiving and loving it, but i was in the service industray and HAD to work thanksgiving. and yes, i spent 4 years in Navy and HAD to work thanksgiving so i do know wha it is like to be forced not to be with family.


EA/Bio are proving yet again that the people in charge still dont really understand what they are doing wrong. great game, bad handling of game.


So somebody understands my point.

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If SWTOR was a massive success right now and things were running smoothly then sure, a well needed break is understood this time of year.




1. This game is hardly a massive success.

2. They just released a huge change in how the game is services ala Cartel Cash Shop.

3. There are bugs with said cash shop which is costing people real money.

4. There are other huge bugs that came with 1.5.


They picked last Thursday knowing what this week followed it and decided it would be a great idea to get it out the door. Having made that choice they need live up to the consequences particularly with the game in such a fragile state.


It is inconceivable that they would be running a skeleton crew after such a massive change to the game last week.


Oh and I love that my ticket in game was closed concerning the Speeder Training Cartel Shop purchase reason "We don't refund items when YOU are at fault.' Only problem? I made the purchase before they came out and said it is mislabeled..hell the damn item is sitting in my characters inventory and it STILL says "Unlocks for all characters on account". That was not MY fault but BIOWARE's fault.


This is the kind of thing that tells me Bioware/EA and SWTOR overall is F'ed. Release massive new cash shop...go on vacation next week.


It is almost like they are intentionally trying to sabotage their game.


Hrm...might be on to something.


Seriously, I am shifting to this train of thought.

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Software and tech companies generally have minimal support on holidays. One term that is used is customer facing personal. As long as they have some level of cs and NOC people on it would be fine in case of server issues or something a level 1 person can fix . I dont seriously think there is anything they can really fix in 2 days anyways.
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I hope they have a well deserved holiday and that they enjoy their Thanksgiving turkey!


Good Job Devs!


You are a good troll.


How do I know? No one could possibly be that high to say Good Job Devs after releasing a massively buggy patch and then taking the week off.


So well played sir troll.

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