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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Any balancing in the works for healing commandos?


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I can't help but feel that the commando healer is sub par at best with limited and slow healing, very little damage mitigation for supporting let alone itself and being that it is heal spec the damage will of course be no rival to most opposition. If you agree, or you disagree feel free to leave constructive comments, observations, and opinions.
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I want a slow similar to force slow and tendon blast, a better kb its 30 sec if ur speced heals. Make our threat dump remove roots when used, change our mez to a 1 sec cast, lower the cd on the move that makes our next cast instant to 1 min or 45 sec (cant remeber the name). Remove the ammo cost from tramua probe( no idea why its there). Make alacrity affect hammer shot, tbh not sure if it does.Lastly increase the dot heal that comes from adv med probe.:)



O and maybe another heal, if med probe and adv med probe get intterupted(which isnt that hard to do) and your emergency heal is on cd...well were kinda dead not like kolto bomb is going to save us, mine hits for 1400-1500 non crit 2000 if it crits this is with the 30% in combat healing debuff.


Buff my fav class please!:(

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Merc/commando healer has a hard curve, but at the top end I'd rather have one of those playing pocket healer than anybody else.


Agreed. I think they have scaling issue, as in with lesser gear they are incredibly weak, but at the top end of gear their single target heals are the quickest and most powerful by far of the 3 healers - it's not uncommon to score 5k Rapid Scans with only 1.7 cast time - with the shield up my record is 7k. They are also the most difficult healer to kill when min/maxed for power as the Trauma Probe/Kolto Shell will be healing for massive amounts (I'm not entirely min-maxed yet but it can crit for 1k+ and be double-procced with Rapid shots).


In rated WZs, it's usually acknowledged that focus firing a Merc/commando healer is a waste of time and resources in many situations because of their incredible survivability - it's better to simply CC them and burst down their squishier teammates.


I can't help but feel that the commando healer is sub par at best with limited and slow healing


The thing is that we have the fastest cast-time heals of the 3 healers (through talents we can gain at the very least 5% alacrity, and at most 9%), the most powerful burst healing output, and also the highest crit chance if I recall correctly. A Sorceror's Dark Infusion heals for more than Rapid Scan, but it has a much longer cast time leaving it prone to interrupts. Operative's Kolto Injection is the weakest of the 3. Both are squishier than the Commando but have greater mobility and slipperiness, but we make up for it by being able to just stand there and take incredible amounts of punishment. Our other downside is that our healing is back-loaded and poor at reacting while our heal target is in execute range, while the other two have front-loaded healing in terms of the Sorc's Bubble and the Op's Surgical Probe. Not to say we can't kite well also, just that anyone can use LoS to their advantage.


If I had one thing to change about Merc healing it wouldn't actually be utility or escape tools, though a Jet Disengage would be really handy. While our DPS counterparts definitely need both of those, Merc healers seem to be balanced around their sheer healing output and sturdy defense, so I would give us a 3rd "redundant" cast-time heal that we can use in case Healing Scan and Rapid Scan are both interupted. Sort of like how Ops can use Kolto Infusion to bait an interrupt, or perhaps some other improvement to our heat management.

Edited by Jenzali
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1. I'd like to see supercharged get buff to giving us 2 ammo instead of 1.


2. I'd like trauma probe to only cost 1 ammo, and allow one on myself and one on another person.


3. Lower cd on 31 pointt talent to 15s.


4. Make alacrity reduce GCD so it will work on instants.


5. This is something more general, and not healing spec. We need utility. Like a group buff that inc attack/cast speed.

Edited by Smashbrother
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Agreed. I think they have scaling issue, as in with lesser gear they are incredibly weak, but at the top end of gear their single target heals are the quickest and most powerful by far of the 3 healers - it's not uncommon to score 5k Rapid Scans with only 1.7 cast time - with the shield up my record is 7k. They are also the most difficult healer to kill when min/maxed for power as the Trauma Probe/Kolto Shell will be healing for massive amounts (I'm not entirely min-maxed yet but it can crit for 1k+ and be double-procced with Rapid shots).


In rated WZs, it's usually acknowledged that focus firing a Merc/commando healer is a waste of time and resources in many situations because of their incredible survivability - it's better to simply CC them and burst down their squishier teammates.




The thing is that we have the fastest cast-time heals of the 3 healers (through talents we can gain at the very least 5% alacrity, and at most 9%), the most powerful burst healing output, and also the highest crit chance if I recall correctly. A Sorceror's Dark Infusion heals for more than Rapid Scan, but it has a much longer cast time leaving it prone to interrupts. Operative's Kolto Injection is the weakest of the 3. Both are squishier than the Commando but have greater mobility and slipperiness, but we make up for it by being able to just stand there and take incredible amounts of punishment. Our other downside is that our healing is back-loaded and poor at reacting while our heal target is in execute range, while the other two have front-loaded healing in terms of the Sorc's Bubble and the Op's Surgical Probe. Not to say we can't kite well also, just that anyone can use LoS to their advantage.


Ya if we're allowed to stand there and chain cast heals unhindered, we're the best, but good teams will have dedicated interrupts on us, and we're incredibly susceptible to interrupts unlike the other two healers. If the enemy team is good, they will chain interrupt our medical probe, which will kill all our healing since that's the only heal we have that doesn't have a cd. Our surv is only good when our shield is up because we're immune to interrupts (our biggest weakness), but they can simply CC us when we pop that. We also get screwed a lot by LoS.


I don't think we're weak or anything by any means, but it'd be nice to have more than one heal that we can spam cast.

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Let me knock myself back from players and allow Trauma Probe to be put on as many people as I want and reduce the ammo cost by 1 I'll be happy.


Yeah i've talked about this EXACT change with other players in game. That wont fix commando healer 100%, BUT it will be a drastic fix that is NEEDED.

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Merc/commando healer has a hard curve, but at the top end I'd rather have one of those playing pocket healer than anybody else.


I go OOM pretty quickly if I even try to keep pace with any other heal class. I'm also the most stationary for the least amount of healing. at least when a sage sits there and casts, he can throw down a giant hot circle. I throw a 1-time instant aoe and mostly stand still casting. iunno. I find commando heals more of a fun class to goof around with...like just to draw a mara or jugg out alone and kite him while killing him with hammer shots and maybe one plasma + hib. in rated, I was useful for knocking ppl off of plats. iunno. i don't feel helpless. but I resigned myself long ago to not keeping up with the other two ACs on the scoreboard.

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Did 850k healing lately in BM gear in 1.4.


I think commandos healers are quite fine. They got best burst heal out of all healers hands down on the other hand power managment is very hard if you are healing more than 3 ppl.


The biggest problem I've experienced is actually healing with hammershot. Animation is so wrong and so crippling to commando even over to mercenary healer.

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Did 850k healing lately in BM gear in 1.4.


I think commandos healers are quite fine. They got best burst heal out of all healers hands down on the other hand power managment is very hard if you are healing more than 3 ppl.


The biggest problem I've experienced is actually healing with hammershot. Animation is so wrong and so crippling to commando even over to mercenary healer.



commandos are not fine, congrates on having a match where no one targets you. commandos have virtually no escape tactics, nothing like a sorc or op healer, not even close. They get interrupt immunity for 12 seconds, on a 2 minute cooldown. The knockback will just allow leapers to leap to you again. I play both a commando and op healer and I can run keep myself up against 2 good players, and sometimes 3 bads, and if everything goes south ill just stealth. Sorc/sage cc is incredible and just ridiculous. So one match you got 850k (dont think you did, since commandos dont have good aoe healing like ops and sorcs) of which it was either from a full length voidstar or a full battle over mid for alderaan. 1 WZ doesnt mean the class is fine.

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commandos are not fine, congrates on having a match where no one targets you. commandos have virtually no escape tactics, nothing like a sorc or op healer, not even close. They get interrupt immunity for 12 seconds, on a 2 minute cooldown. The knockback will just allow leapers to leap to you again. I play both a commando and op healer and I can run keep myself up against 2 good players, and sometimes 3 bads, and if everything goes south ill just stealth. Sorc/sage cc is incredible and just ridiculous. So one match you got 850k (dont think you did, since commandos dont have good aoe healing like ops and sorcs) of which it was either from a full length voidstar or a full battle over mid for alderaan. 1 WZ doesnt mean the class is fine.




I highly doubt he got close to 850K.

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I highly doubt he got close to 850K.


I did 750k in a rated vstar. it's possible. but my sage teammate did over 1m.


commandos actually have great survivability. there aren't many ppl who can solo me. however, I can't handle two maras. that's waaay too many ints. and honestly, even though one person can't solo me, if I have to kite/kill him, he's done his job cuz i'm not healing anyone but myself.

Edited by foxmob
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Frak you all who thinks class is so broken and unplayable. Why bother to argue here about it and proove myself to anyone?! Like anyone would give a damn about who wrote what on forums -.-


PS: take a note I had 2 WH items, 1180 expertise.





Edited by johnyangelo
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Agreed. I think they have scaling issue, as in with lesser gear they are incredibly weak, but at the top end of gear their single target heals are the quickest and most powerful by far of the 3 healers - it's not uncommon to score 5k Rapid Scans with only 1.7 cast time - with the shield up my record is 7k. They are also the most difficult healer to kill when min/maxed for power as the Trauma Probe/Kolto Shell will be healing for massive amounts (I'm not entirely min-maxed yet but it can crit for 1k+ and be double-procced with Rapid shots).


In rated WZs, it's usually acknowledged that focus firing a Merc/commando healer is a waste of time and resources in many situations because of their incredible survivability - it's better to simply CC them and burst down their squishier teammates.


Yeah, I can confirm that the class has a high gear curve. Most people don't realize that Bacta Infusion actually becomes almost as potent as Medic Probe late on the curve -- so most people don't bother taking it at all. And Kolto Bomb can hit upwards of 3k when fully geared on a crit, and Trauma Probe should be critting damn near 1k. But that's all late on a curve that I think is probably the steepest learning curve for any of the healers.


If I had one thing to change about Merc healing it wouldn't actually be utility or escape tools, though a Jet Disengage would be really handy. While our DPS counterparts definitely need both of those, Merc healers seem to be balanced around their sheer healing output and sturdy defense, so I would give us a 3rd "redundant" cast-time heal that we can use in case Healing Scan and Rapid Scan are both interupted. Sort of like how Ops can use Kolto Infusion to bait an interrupt, or perhaps some other improvement to our heat management.


I agree alot with this. I've always understood Combat Medic's "escape mechanic" to be their durability. If you aren't going to be able to escape you better be able to soldier through it and survive. I see balance there.


A third-casted heal, even if it were weaker than Advanced Medical Probe, would be nice just because against any competent team, your two main heals (Medical Probe/Advanced Medical Probe or Rapid Scan/Healing Scan) will be on lockout forcing you to rely on a 6-second cooldown and an 18-second cooldown. What would be better is if it also made a stack of Field Triage and you allow two stacks of it to be active at a time. That way you can reduce the cost of Medical Probe by 2 if you are willing to spend the additional time setting up. Other than that, I'd love to see the global cooldown of Bacta Infusion lowered to 18s (the 4-set bonus remains the same bringing the CD down to 15s) and allow Bacta Infusion to refund 1 ammo on use.

Edited by SpaniardInfinity
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