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Aurora Canon 4man Requires at least 3 Humans?

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My hubby and I like to do 4man heroics with just the 2 of us and 2 of our companions. We worked our way to the end of Aurora Canon only to find that apparently it takes 3 actual human players to click simultaneously on 3 things to bring down the forcefield to finish detonating the EMP.


Could someone comfirm I am right in this. If I'm wrong, explain how to do it with only 2 humans and 2 companions. If I'm wrong I apologize and rescind the comments that follow.


Can some developer tell me why you would do this? 4man has always meant 4 and you guys pride yourself on a game that has these useful companions. I've done countless 4s using companions to fill out the group. If a group has to have more than 2 humans, I think there should be a warning so we dont' waste our time, resources (in death repair) and emotional well-being!!!


So because I don't like grouping with people I don't know, I can never complete this 4man and thus the weekly. I'm bummed to say the least.

Edited by Sajitta
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You need four players, because you need two people to hold gates open, so two players let other two inside, and those two, when inside, open the gates for the first pair. No way around it.


You only need three to get through this wall - two open the door, one runs through. One of the door openers disengages and the person that ran through activates that side of the door from their side of the wall. Then the disengaged player runs through, and finally the two players on the far side of the wall open it for the remaining player.


Which is completely academic, since you do need four real people for the final element of the heroic. One to throw the switch that lowers the forcefields. Two (one on each side) to use their Ghostbuster beams on the cores, and one to throw the grenade that destroys the cannon.

Edited by SleepyKing
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You only need three to get through this wall - two open the door, one runs through. One of the door openers disengages and the person that ran through activates that side of the door from the other side of the wall. Then the disengaged players runs through, and finally the two players on the far side of the wall open it for the remaining player.


Which is completely academic, since you do need four real people for the final element of the heroic. One to throw the switch that lowers the forcefields. Two (one on each side) to use their Ghostbuster beams on the cores, and one to throw the grenade that destroys the cannon.


I can confirm that this is infact right. I do have to say though I was rather dejected after getting through the entire instance (as well as killing the boss) only to find that we actually needed 4 players to finish the quest.


Was very surprised at the lack of any warning (upon entering the instance) indicating this to be honest.

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It clearly says it is a heroic 4 quest, it's expected that users be able to understand that it means it was suited for 4 players to complete. It's not the developers job to put a warning on everything because you were too impatient to fill up the other slots with players.


The OP was quite right in their usage of the companion system. Companions were actually put into the game to be able to fill the role for a missing group member in either a Flashpoint or group quest.

You really need to watch the developer dispatch (2011) concerning companions...... and listen to Bioware's take on the companion system. Your comment's are so misplaced just based off that alone.

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The OP was quite right in their usage of the companion system. Companions were actually put into the game to be able to fill the role for a missing group member in either a Flashpoint or group quest.

You really need to watch the developer dispatch (2011) concerning companions...... and listen to Bioware's take on the companion system. Your comment's are so misplaced just based off that alone.


If the companions were not helping in deactivating the shield, alarms, and the EMP. Then they were clearly not intended to be of any help in that quest, aside from helping clear out the enemies. If they were meant to help with the puzzles, then they would do so. Just group up with random people to get it done, then be on your own way.


If the OP is against grouping with others to finish a mission, then it is not the developers fault. If companions were intended to fill out a group as you said, and I completely agree with that. Then the companions may as well take an active role in all dialogue options during group missions. I don't recall watching or hearing anything about the companions being intended to solve puzzles, if you would like to provide a source from Bioware stating that is one of their functions then I will take back what I have said.

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Really the whole idea of the mission is stupid. Unique and orginal, but stupid. If you look at general chat in Section X its mostly "Need Healer for 4 man!" because questing as a healer sucks (you kills things not heal them to death) and frankly having enough gear/understanding my class well enough to chew through the place like a fat kid through a box of twinkies only to be stopped at a gate and then have to bring in players that "Derp, I leap through the beam" is just rage inducing.
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The OP was quite right in their usage of the companion system. Companions were actually put into the game to be able to fill the role for a missing group member in either a Flashpoint or group quest.

You really need to watch the developer dispatch (2011) concerning companions...... and listen to Bioware's take on the companion system. Your comment's are so misplaced just based off that alone.


Majority of those Dev's got fired or quit. Same applies with the "Makeb comming 2012" comment, people don't realise that those devs don't work here anymore and that F2P pushed everything back. BTW It's nice to have a heroic mission that actually need 4 people.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Don't get me wrong - I'm not against them having 4mans that require 4 human players. It's just that I've done a ton of 4mans with only one friend and 2 companions so without any warning, this was a bummer. We did get past that one forcefield by being quick. Then we got to kill the boss at the end only to find out we were out of luck. Also - this instance happens to be required for the weekly. So unless I offer my healing services, I guess I am out the black hole commendations.


As to grouping. Honestly, we like the challenge of figuring out how to use all our abilities to handle the instance with just our companions. Also, when I have grouped with others to do flashpoints, I find that they always want to rush by and around. I like hanging with my hubby because he is cool with us killing all the mobs, all the bosses and actually listening to the story. Finishing, getting the loot and commendations is nice - but the story is too.


Anyway - it is what it is. At least now I know ...

Edited by Sajitta
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There is a warning (atleast on the republic one) where when you pick up the mission, it says on it a warning that "this will require a full group" I assume that's a heads up for the door opening and stuff, but that could just be on all heroics and I'm mistaken.
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  • 1 month later...
You only need three to get through this wall - two open the door, one runs through. One of the door openers disengages and the person that ran through activates that side of the door from their side of the wall. Then the disengaged player runs through, and finally the two players on the far side of the wall open it for the remaining player.


Which is completely academic, since you do need four real people for the final element of the heroic. One to throw the switch that lowers the forcefields. Two (one on each side) to use their Ghostbuster beams on the cores, and one to throw the grenade that destroys the cannon.


You can do it with 2. Stand next to the force field, both fire, then strafe through. There's a delay between the shoot action stopping and the field coming up. You then just fire from the opposite side while the 2nd person repeats the above.


But yea its pointless. My bro and I 2 manned this on release day only to find the final section needs 4. We just called for 2 more guys to come fire at the generators on the sides. Even if they don't kill the boss they still get credit for the quest after the grenade is thrown.


So yea, have fun running it 2 man, I ran 2 under geared alts through from my guild earlier and we were talking about it being a bit more fun with less players. A little extra thought and strategy required but its easy done.


1 thing we did find, the guy we called in to come help at the end couldn't throw the grenade as his quest log didn't have the dread commander dead, but when he hit the generators and my GM through the grenade it marked the quest ask complete for him.

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You can 2 man everything EXCEPT the last part, which requires 4 people.


People are talking about a giant force field which you need 3-4 to get through, you don't technically.


The very last part after you beat the boss (You must interrupt force siphon when 2 manning, there is no question on this), needs 4 human characters to click 4 things at once.


All you do is stand right next to the field, open it, then quickly move to the other side as its open. Then the other person has to do it.


Just go through the entire mission with 2 people and when you get to the end ask in general chat if anyone wants to just do the last part. Get 2 people in party, do the simple puzzles again and done.


I actually enjoy this Heroic cause it takes thinking and coordination. I rarely pug it.


*WARNING* the Heroic fights though are a bit difficult to 2 man, especially if you are not using ranged/healing companions and dont have at least 2 CCs. If you trigger a alarm beam or whatever they are then the fights can get out of hand with only 2 people. It will take proper planning and coordination, but that would be part of the fun!

Edited by CJAShadow
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You can 2 man everything EXCEPT the last part, which requires 4 people.


The last part can be done with 3 humans. Just a hint : how do you pass the 2nd forcefield with only 2 humans ? When you know the answer, you can figure how to throw the bomb with only 3 humans ;)

Edited by Hovergame
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It clearly says it is a heroic 4 quest, it's expected that users be able to understand that it means it was suited for 4 players to complete. It's not the developers job to put a warning on everything because you were too impatient to fill up the other slots with players.


Here is my issue with the quest: literally no other quest in the game requires you to have that many people.

When leveling, it is totally possible to solo heroic 2 quests, and I'm sure many people 2/3manned the heroic 4 quests (I know I did, when I did them at all). People routinely 2/3man the BH heroic, and some classes can even solo it.


Literally EVERY HEROIC QUEST IN THE GAME up to the point you hit Aurora Cannon can be undermanned. The precedent is set already. That you act uppity about it and say "well of course you need 4 people, it says heroic 4!" is ridiculous when compared to the examples above.


IMHO, they should have said, clearly, that you NEED 4 people to do the quest. I know lots of people who went into Aurora Cannon day one with just 2 people and were surprised to find that you actually needed the recommended amount. That is a failure on Bioware's part, not the player's, because how else is a person supposed to react when LITERALLY EVERY OTHER HEROIC QUEST other than Aurora Cannon can be undermanned?


Stating "You will need a full party for this, full stop" would have been an easy way to avoid the confusion.


Just my two cents.

Edited by Beslley
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It clearly says it is a heroic 4 quest, it's expected that users be able to understand that it means it was suited for 4 players to complete. It's not the developers job to put a warning on everything because you were too impatient to fill up the other slots with players.



Sorry, but they did this as a way to force you to group seeing as how I can solo HM FP's on my own with just my comp and I can do every other Heroic 2+ quest in this game, and the other Heroic 4 they give me at Black Hole. "Suited" and "required" are very different things. So far no other Heroic quest requires more than a single person.


The point is that they made this one with the requirement of having 4 people... which is sort of annoying. They are sort of forcing group content on you to get the weekly bonus. I get operations needing groups, but I felt this level of forced is a bit annoying.

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Sometimes, I can't understand people.


We are playing a MMORPG and, once in a while, Bioware adds something requiring more than a single player, and what ? Some folks are whining. Get over it or go play Tetris (or Super Mario Bros) alone.



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personally, I've done that quest exactly once and never again. I don't find it fun, I find it tedious. I generally like grouping with people so that's not an issue. what I dislike about Aurora's cannon in addition to length (it really feels more like mini flashpoint then a heroic quest) is that no matter what happens down the road, no matter how much level cap and gear may rise, is that you'll never be able to do it with less then 3 people. oh well.
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Bioware when announcing Section X specifically stated that the heroic is for 4 people and companions do not count, so just because you can cheat most heroic 4, doesnt mean you can on all of them and assuming you can on all of them is not a good way of thinking. I understand you want to play with your other half, but some content you have to have more people.
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