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Seriously, Bioware. Cut back on the nickel and diming


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Der Bioware. Please, get some perspective. What you are doing to the F2Pers is beyond ridiculous, and is seriously busts the annoyance limit.


Yes, It's bad. It's really THAT bad. So bad that I have trouble imagining someone to F2P for an extended period of time. There is just too many places and situations where you run into the dreaded cartel coin pitch. You get confronted with demands for money so often it's really out of your comfort zone.


I'm a subsrcriber. So far I haven't encountered any serious issues on that front. But - to get an impression I also went to the trouble and played a F2P account for some time. To level 8, to be precise. I would have never played this game for so long if I had to put up with this a year ago. I even shelled out 5 bucks to buy a bunch of coins, just to get the preferred statuis. But thats not much of an improvement, either.


To give you an exanmple, I just finished a quest (victims of war) where you don't even get a quest reward, just a gloating "if you were a subscriber you would now get something" symbol.


Also, the claim that you can play the whole story without paying is simply false. In my book you at least need some inventory/cargo updates, 1-2 additional quickbars and possibly a few of the access upgrades for better items.


Bioware should make a decent calculation about that and tell new players upfront "guys, you will need about X cartel coins or Y US$ in upgrades to seriously play this game". You know, truth in advertising, faithful relationship to the customer, and all that...


So what to do? My suggestion would be


  • cut back the ingame cartel coin advertizing. Tone it down a few notches.
  • combine and consolidate the available upgrades - at least the basic ones - into less, more manageable packages
  • make clear upfront to the new F2P player that this whole thing only works acceptably if he is willing to spend X coins/dollars in due time


Yes, that means you earn less with the basic stuff you already have. Which kinda is the point - you then produce new attractive fluff for people to buy. Speeders (please, a few new models, not just paint jobs only). Harness more armor from the game to sell orange versions. etc etc. More good lightsaber crystals (optically good - all serious lightsabers have a white core. The black cores look funny but novel. The othes (pink or orange core) just suck.). Companion appearnce mods. Etc etc.


P.S. and where are the purchasable character slots??? I have 41 chars, I want to buy the slots for them :-) :-)

Edited by ClavisN
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They're nickel and diming the F2P players so that, in relation to the prices for individual aspects, a subscription appears to be a bargain. They attempted to allow F2Pers to "pay for what you want" so they could at least have some revenue coming in from that angle and ended up making it "pay for every convenience".


As a CE owner, 1st day 1st wave early access'er and former 6 month subscriber, there isn't anything here that is encouraging me to resub except to get away from the perceived hassle of F2P. I say hassle because as a former subscriber I know what the game looks/feels like unrestricted.


Cartel Coins incentive from purchasing CE and 6 months of subs - Mine is equivalent to about $20. Not impressed by the Cartel Shop/Nothing striking my fancy. Not a reason to resub.


Story - Get it all for free now. Can clean up the couple remaining SLs that I didn't complete. Not a reason to resub.


PvP - Been there, done that, meh. The PvP is mediocre at best. I do miss Huttball a bit, but... Not a reason to resub.


Raiding - Been there, done that, meh. The SLs as you raid are solid and interesting the first couple times. After that, it's lather, rinse, repeat just like any other MMO. Not a reason to resub.


I'm glad the subscribers still enjoy playing and supporting the game. Like the die hard supporters of SWG I'm sure they will be here until the end of this chapter of the Star Wars saga as well.

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Star Trek Online did the "nickel and diming" thing. Look how they are doing! (Not good)


STO is a ****** game to compare this one to. The hand to hand combat and long range combat is atrocious. The space fighting is better I would say than SWTOR but then again that isn't saying a lot. The cash shop isn't the issue it is the whole game from ground up is utter garbage.

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At the very least, they need to offer Customer Service to F2P players. I mean, it's downright unethical not to - not to mention bad business.


For example, there is a somewhat widely reported case of a commando getting stuck in a state where he is in a smuggler's ship. He is F2P, so he has absolutely no way to get off - not even fleet pass. On top of this, he shows up in every smuggler's ship to the smuggler, annoying the subscribers who can't even get him off. This is a known bug and the only way to fix it, apart from a fleet pass, is by submitting a ticket - something he cannot do.

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point is your not paying for it, you don't enjoy it? either pay or leave.


This is not a choice you want someone to make at level 8 because their choice is far too likely to be "leave." Who's this Qyzen Fess jerkwad and why should I care, again?

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The entire point of an f2p game IS nickel and diming.


The goal is to shove it in your face as much as possible and as often as possible.


Furthermore, the goal is also to make it as attractive as possible to spend money on the game. Sometimes that is accomplished by creating a quality product. Other times its with Pay-to-Win style stuff in the cash shop. Other times, its by make the free to play portion so limited, so tedious, so mind-numbingly boring and impossible after a certain threshold (IE, level cap) that people feel they have to spend something to avoid wasting their time investment.

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So much QQ.


Honestly, F2Pers should be happy that they get anything at all. What a ridiculous world we live in when gamers expect an ENTIRE GAME for free.

It's almost like they can actually get entire games for free elsewhere. Free market, it swings both ways, baby! :p


Seriously though the QQer(QQers, I guess I just joined in) are subscribers who think several of the details are utterly ridiculous. Basically no one is asking for the really big restrictions (FP/WZ/Ops) to be lifted. It's more like... quickbars in a game with enormous ability bloat. Ability to submit a support ticket if a bug traps them in a wall.


How DARE paying customers question the implementation of a business decision?! Entitled children!

Edited by Guancyto
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Star Trek Online did the "nickel and diming" thing. Look how they are doing! (Not good)


Really?? cause compared to other F2p Complainers Posts STO is one of the F2p Games that is Perfect and the Holy grail of F2P and everyone that works for them is the greatest thing ever to the Game Developing community of F2p Games


You SWTOR F2P Complainers get your story straight please.. you flip-flop so much

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LOL did i claim i went back to another game??? didn't think so but nice try


If this is such a good game then why are you wasting time on the forums? Can ya dig it?


It must be really Awesome here since you still have so much free time to still post here

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Yes. Which is what the OP did.


Missed that detail, whoops.


Anyway, it seems like you have fun with the game and want to play it, so why not pay $15 for just one month to see if the game is worth that? I paid $80 for the digital delux on release, and many people paid $60 for the normal copy, not to mention those who originally paid $150 for the collectors. You are being nickle and dimed for a reason; its so you either buy more cartel coins, or its so you pay $15 for a subscription. Once you pay that $15, it seems the nickle and diming ends for the most part. You get all the features that you want. Is it that $15 is too much, or is it a principle thing?

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Erm sto are making bank according to last reports , your statements show you have no idea what nickle and diming is as Buying a new ship at endgame , Or getting "Doffs" instantly instead of a 2 day wait .... thats not Nickle and diming thats QoL


Aoc is a dead game nowadays , Pay for "Premium dungeons" even as a subscriber (So of them were releaseed when the game was) pay for non linear zones (how long till planet quests become storyline only) etc. Thing is what route will TOR take , we don't know BUT what we do know is the horror storys of games that became involved with EA and saw Pay 2 Breathe near enough installed.


TIme will tell where this heads and I hope its not down the AOC route. of subscribers treated as cash cows , and f2pers paywalled every 5 seconds. as its bad enough at the moment of how little benefit "Preffered status" has to talk people into actually paying.

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