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Crazy high gpu temps?!?!?!?


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ok now.


GPU overheating is NOT a software issue, dont bother checking drivers and all that.

The fact that you can play other games fine doesnt matter, skyrim never used my GPU the way Rift or swtor does.

swtor is not frame capped, it always requests maximum power from your gpu unless you force vsync and your fps are in the 100s without it.

Starcraft 2 had the same on the game menu and there too many people complained.



The issue is that the heat doesnt leave your PC case quickly enough, it might be build poorly, doesnt have enough fans, has poor airflow, is full of dust....its one of those things.

The fact that your idle temp is 70° proofs that, too.


easiest solution is to try playing with an open case after you dusted off everything.

its not ideal, but there isnt much you can do if your pc is build poorly.

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I have 2 GTX 470 twin frz III's and last time I checked I did not see any frame difference in running single or SLI.


My temps on the other hand, are ridiculous. My display driver will shut the game down if it gets up to 90c or stays at 89c for too long. 80c+ is not good running out of SLI mode, and the fact that the temp gets up to 89 - 92c out of SLI is asinine.


My card idles with MSI afterburner on Auto at high 30c - mid to low 40c pending on room temp. Swtor is the only game that has pushed my GPU to 80c, in SLI I might see 80c playing other games but rarely.

Edited by SVTCarnage
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  • 4 weeks later...


OP, you idle temp is 70 degrees? LOL clean your case, heatsink, install more fans.



To the above poster, 73 degrees under heavy load is perfectly fine.


No, for people in hot countries 70 idle is fine, mine is 71 under idle with a Haf 932. Australia can be a ***** on hardware.

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No idea why a game, that isn't as intense on your system compared to many others, would make temps so high, but its the same for me... Well not only temps but the GPU usage is high to have such a good FPS, Witcher 2 at 100% GPU usage took me to very low FPS.


A new GTX 570 2.5GB, SWTOR is about the only thing so far that put my GPU usage to 100% besides Witcher 2, and in W2 my temps were about 50c. Whereas SWTOR had me at 65c, VSync does help a lot though by the way, now I'm at 55c and 75%. Downloaded 285.62 drivers from Nvidia a while ago and as far I see its the latest non-beta driver.


I'm used to low temps and idle at 30-35c.

Edited by Kyouran
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Wow I have the same case you do and mine idles at 28C O.o


If my card ever idled at 28C, I'd be worried the sensors were broken... or something. But then, laptop cases do not expel heat as well, period.


That said, I manage a nice, safe idle in the low 60s... on a 260m.


I don't know why I'd ever want vsync off anyways, since that just locks to 60fps max or so (unless you have a 50hz monitor or something, I guess)

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85 degrees C is not too high (if you're running at 100% for over an hour).


As long as you stay under 90 and don't notice any artefacts on the screen you should be fine.


GPUs are fairly resilient so you shouldn't have problems until you get to high 90's.

Edited by LeeTone
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evga x58 classified motherboard


intel i7 920 cpu


nvidia gtx 295 video card


Idle temps in windows with nothing else running sits around 70 C with nothing open, running other games on ultra with 60 fps it gets to around 85 C with the fan running 50-60%. Is there a way to just turn down the max FPS star wars allows?



if your gpu or cpu idle around 70C you have some major cooling issues. Yes processors are designed to be able to run at ~85C but that does not mean you want to run it that high. best case for air cooling would be 28-40C at idle. and no more than 65C at load which gives it some breathing room depending on other factors (ambient air temp in the room for example.) If your PC is store bought then it wasnt designed for gaming like this. However some manufacturers leave some fan slots open so you may be able to put a couple fans into help the cooling. And remember you need both in take and out take, but out take is most important. If you have a custom built system do the same thing and check for fan slots and add fans if possible. If none are available then I would buy a good case built for cooling and add some fans. I have a custom built PC that I made myself and also modded to add fans for cooling. I have 1 front, 1 rear, 1 top and 1 side fan (used to be 2.) Side and front sucking in cool and top and rear blowing out hot air. And I use a Fanbus to set the fan rpm's, low when surfing, higher when gaming. And GPU's are designed to run hotter than CPU's but still if your game crashes or computer reboots then its a cooling issue in your case.


I've been building computers since the Pentium II days and playing computer games since the first Wing Commander. I might not know everything but cooling is key when doing anything that heavily stresses the cpu/gpu like gaming and overclocking.

Edited by sedds
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  • 3 weeks later...

I run this game with a gtx 260 and can go all day long. Something is wrong with your computer man. I'd start with drivers and see if that fixes it. See if you can borrow a friends card and see what happens with that.


If the above doesnt fix it I'd do a bios flash on the board, if that fails I'd say that the board itself is the culprit.


Also, 60C is NOT a good idle temp... it would however be a good load temp.

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