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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

From a female point of view


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I have to agree, I don't really see what you being a female gamer has to do with this. I'm glad you had fun, but in this context your gender really doesn't matter. And despite conventional internet wisdom, I don't think that there are girl gamers is news anymore.
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I came from City of Heroes, myself, so I got spoiled rotten when it comes to community. (Seeing NCSoft axe the game was heartbreaking even if I haven't played in years) It wasn't perfect, but overall it's been the most newbie-friendly.


The big problem for me hasn't been gender issues (my main is male) so much as I'm not all SRS BZNZ about my gaming. Not knocking players who are, but what they consider fun and what I consider fun aren't often the same thing. So we tend to frustrate each other, which is why I prefer teaming with newbies or people I already know. The latter are equally as laid-back as I am, and newbies are still getting their SWTOR/MMO feet wet. So you're always welcome in my teams!

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Since this is a thread about female gamers I would just like to add not all females are keyboard turners like the OP. Many female gamers use the mouse and keybinds, and those females dont get *****ed out by other people they play with. Mostly because they are not handicapping themselves with poor choices, thus there gender usually doesn't ever get revealed. Edited by Kashley
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Oki people.


Someone wrote a long post on how happy this player had been over the great reception they had gotten in Ops and likewise while playing SWTOR. A pull went wrong but people didn't lose their temper and remained civil. How about doing the same thing here.

Edited by SilentKitty
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Oki people.


Someone wrote a long post on how happy this player had been over the great reception they had gotten in Ops and likewise while playing SWTOR. A pull went wrong but people didn't lose their temper and remained civil. How about doing the same thing here.


Im thrilled the community was nice to her but this post could have been made without her gender flying in the wind like a burning bra with the addition of adding that she is a keyboard turner. Way to add to the sterotype of sucky female gamers.

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Im thrilled the community was nice to her but this post could have been made without her gender flying in the wind like a burning bra with the addition of adding that she is a keyboard turner. Way to add to the sterotype of sucky female gamers.


If she wanted to describe herself and her play style then she should be free to do so. Or how will it otherwise be, ladies only write if you're awezuum please? Not sure that I would bring up being a female player, but I will not make anyone else hush up who they are. Those that are not ready to judge you on your performance and behavior, no matter what gender you are, are probably not worth going through the extra trouble for.

Edited by SilentKitty
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If she wanted to describe herself and her play style then she should be free to do so. Or how will it otherwise be, ladies only write if you're awezuum please? Not sure that I would bring up being a female player, but I will not make anyone else hush up who they are. Those that are not ready to judge you on your performance and behavior, no matter what gender you are, are probably not worth going through the extra trouble for.


I think the issue people are finding is that the OP portrays the "female perspective" as the perspective of someone who is often criticized for being a less-than-optimal player. Those two player types aren't necessarily the same - I've known more than a few great female players, and a lot of terrible male players.


Essentially, it is mistitled - it isn't a female perspective, but a female's perspective.

Edited by CelCawdro
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I think the issue people are finding is that the OP portrays the "female perspective" as the perspective of someone who is often criticized for being a less-than-optimal player. Those two player types aren't necessarily the same - I've known more than a few great female players, and a lot of terrible male players.


Essentially, it is mistitled - it isn't a female perspective, but a female's perspective.


Yes, it's made quite clear that that is what quite a few people focus on. I read the same OP, a player describing their gaming life. From Dreamcast to Phantasy Star Online, Rift and WoW. Learning to play the character better. How nervous you can feel when tanking hard mode Operations. And apparently doing all this clicking. How great it is that people treat each other well.


That made much more of an impression on me than the title. I do not have the guts to tank Hard Mode Operations, kudos to you OP.

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I like to experience things for the first time with a friendly group. I feel careless comments do spoil the first experiences worse than consecutive experiences.


But I am worried about you abandoning characters like this. You may need to do some debriefing storytelling or RP or whatever... But get out of that somehow! Don't let your chars die casually.


For key bindings... I strongly prefer to click the bars. It feels good to me. I raided endgame in WoW and I raid endgame in TOR. I am rank 82 in PvP. Works fine for me, in other words.


To people who say "lol clickers" - there are different areas of the brain involved in clicking icons, and keyboard shortcuts. So it feels very different, and gives different sorts of pleasure. Some people strongly prefer one feel over the other.


I do have a few select things on shortcuts.


Left hand (near the arrows I use to move): target next enemy, finisher ability, slave attack, interrupt, push-to-talk.

Right hand (mouse buttons): taunt, area taunt and defensive CDs.

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Learn how to play with WASD or change your jump bind to something closer to arrow keys.

I used to be a clicker as well but it really isn't recommended.

No excuses, do it now, change your binds and start retraining yourself.

Just like when i first got my naga, it took a while to get used to it but the reward is great. =P

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