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Massive serverwide gtn fail


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Before: Deposit on a big ticket item high enough to make you think twice about taking it down and losing your deposit.


Now: Listing Price for a 5M item is like 400 credits.




List item, get undercut, take it down, undercut them, they take it down, undercut you...yak yak yak

All the cartel items are going for like 20-100k now aside from white crystal, throne, mask...but they are getting there.


But the main fail remains, -400credit loss on taking down and relisting big ticket items will and already killed the market prices beyond a reasonable amount.

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If this is actually happening I think this is a great thing. Causing the overall price levels to deflate, especially in the presence of a increased supply of credits due to the removal of certain moneysinks (by allowing them to be purchased by coins instead) means more for everyone IMO.


I think it's likely the market will adjust.

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I always got it back in the mail.

You only get it back when it sells or ends with no buyout. I've never gotten the posting fee refunded when I've cancelled an item. Been like this since launch.

Edited by Kadin
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Before: Deposit on a big ticket item high enough to make you think twice about taking it down and losing your deposit.


Now: Listing Price for a 5M item is like 400 credits.




List item, get undercut, take it down, undercut them, they take it down, undercut you...yak yak yak

All the cartel items are going for like 20-100k now aside from white crystal, throne, mask...but they are getting there.


But the main fail remains, -400credit loss on taking down and relisting big ticket items will and already killed the market prices beyond a reasonable amount.


competition sucks doesn't it? im sorry you aren't willing to sell items at a reasonable price

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You only get it back when it sells or ends with no buyout. I've never gotten the posting fee refunded when I've cancelled an item. Been like this since launch.


The loss of deposit was here from start for items cancelled.

What is new however is that you now also lose the deposit when you sell or when it expires.

And even worse is that when you sell you not only lose the deposit but also an percentage of the ammount you sold it for, i for example sold 5 molecular stabilizers and all combined i think i lost out on 50-60k becaus of this.

And i havent found anything of this new cut in the patch notes nor any confirmation on any of the threads from some develloper.

Other people have allready made threads about it but they also have no idea if this is either a bug or intended.

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1. This allows poor people sell rare stuff on GTN. "Oh, I could sell this on GTN fro 20kk, but first I have to somehow make 2kk for deposit fee."


2. Undercutting? Please, do undercut. I'm getting good stuff for money I make during single daily q, not sure about you, but I'm happy.

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