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The Hate directed at F2P


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I subbed but I am thinking about unsubbing due to the extreme hostility that seems to be directed to many f2p players. I wondered if it was just my experience seeing it in the new player zones, or if other people had experienced it more frequently to, I am not speaking about one or two players it's almost a constant thing now. Freeloaders was the latest term.



Current server the english rp server, are the others any better?

Edited by Taareth
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Because most of these players have had bad experiences with free to play players.

If you've ever played a game like "Runescape" (Crap game but its free to play) you understand.


Generally the stereotype of a f2per is that they are under 11 years old and hold no general knowledge and go around shouting abuse when something isn't to their liking.

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Because most of these players have had bad experiences with free to play players.

If you've ever played a game like "Runescape" (Crap game but its free to play) you understand.


Generally the stereotype of a f2per is that they are under 11 years old and hold no general knowledge and go around shouting abuse when something isn't to their liking.


I've had negative experiences with people, I've had great experiences with people, I don't dislike people.


I see a lot of people getting turned off the game, which seems counterproductive when people want a pop increase.

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I personally find it funnier that they assume 11 year olds are all stupid. An 11 year old has to be pretty clever to download the game then understand all of the mechanics etc.


I reckon I had a higher IQ at 11 than some of the trolls on this forum.

Edited by Nothematic
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u mean the p2w since this game isnt like most f2p, espeecially since most of f2p dont demand you to pay to be able to compete since no matter of time you spend you wont get epic gear authorization for free.


What i find worse is how subscribers support this authorization simply because it gives them an easy win and like most losers they love winning no matter how unfair it could be. They dont like equal competition and want f2p to be gimped so they will be easy kills for them since they dont go so well on skilled equal gear pvp


Those people are disgusting beings

Edited by Labradoraki
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You have to understand that TOR, as a community, is to other MMO communities what your average American redneck town is to a cosmopolitan city.


They just don't like your kind 'round these parts.



Nah more like a southpark redneck


They took our Jerrrrrrrrbs!

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u mean the p2w since this game isnt like most f2p, espeecially since most of f2p dont demand you to pay to be able to compete since no matter of time you spend you wont get epic gear authorization for free.


What i find worse is how subscribers support this authorization simply because it gives them an easy win and like most losers they love winning no matter how unfair it could be. They dont like equal competition and want f2p to be gimped so they will be easy kills for them since they dont go so well on skilled equal gear pvp


Pay to win? It's no where pay to win.

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Pay to win? It's no where pay to win.


You're right.


Epic gear authorization is Pay To Not Lose.


I mean, it isn't like purple gear is so incredibly common that someone in blues would be at a tremendous disadvantage in the Warzones and Flashpoints that Bioware wants him or her to pay for unlimited access to. That would just be silly.

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Pay to win? It's no where pay to win.


unless you pay you cant wear epic gear, this is a gear based game, is it that hard to understand?


I dont care about the rest of the limitations, but when you force palyers to need to pay to be able to win since its a gear based game and since skill doesnt play as big role as gear the game is p2w.

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unless you pay you cant wear epic gear, this is a gear based game, is it that hard to understand?


I dont care about the rest of the limitations, but when you force palyers to need to pay to be able to win since its a gear based game and since skill doesnt play as big role as gear the game is p2w.


I will gladly provide a full set of 26 armorings and mods to a new f2p 50 and tell them to go do lost island hm with a pug, you think they will get through that? Or even KP HM, NiM, EC HM, EC NiM, TFB HM?


Skill is required for top level gear grinds and as such they can pay for the ability to wear the gear that doesnt make them skillful enough to compete. Get a grip. P2W would be if the Cartel Market sold the BM/War Hero/Tionese/Columi/Rakata/BH/Campaign/Dread Guard/Hazmat, you see any of that on the Cartel Market?

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I will gladly provide a full set of 26 armorings and mods to a new f2p 50 and tell them to go do lost island hm with a pug, you think they will get through that? Or even KP HM, NiM, EC HM, EC NiM, TFB HM?


Skill is required for top level gear grinds and as such they can pay for the ability to wear the gear that doesnt make them skillful enough to compete. Get a grip. P2W would be if the Cartel Market sold the BM/War Hero/Tionese/Columi/Rakata/BH/Campaign/Dread Guard/Hazmat, you see any of that on the Cartel Market?


Skil? In a gear based game?




Yah, take all you gear off and we can check how "skillful" you are rofl

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I will gladly provide a full set of 26 armorings and mods to a new f2p 50 and tell them to go do lost island hm with a pug, you think they will get through that? Or even KP HM, NiM, EC HM, EC NiM, TFB HM?


Skill is required for top level gear grinds and as such they can pay for the ability to wear the gear that doesnt make them skillful enough to compete. Get a grip. P2W would be if the Cartel Market sold the BM/War Hero/Tionese/Columi/Rakata/BH/Campaign/Dread Guard/Hazmat, you see any of that on the Cartel Market?

Lol you must try to think a little for yourself to realise what p2w is, everyone is whining about how buying armor makes the game p2w but that actually isnt true because armor can be grinded and taken without spending a penny, only think buying armor does is increase people with equal footing in pvp

Now no matter how much time a f2per spends he is never gonna be able to compete because without epic gear your pretty much a free kill to anyone with epic gear

In other words if you dont pay you CANT WIN, seems pretty pay 2 win :p


skill in pve???? HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAH, only little skill that these gear based mmos have is pvp, pve has always been there to make the non-skilled palyers feel they achieve something by killing big predictable bosses that requre less than half a braincell to beat since everything is predictable unlike pvp

countering takes no real skill, because if you play an anti-submarine against a submarine the anti submarine has a huge advantage against it and wont lose unless the controller sucks horrible. It seems the high boss health number/high damage/high number of players confuse you into thinking you did something "big", sorry darling, all these "highs" are just there to make you believe that

Edited by Labradoraki
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Rule 1: Never care what people on the internet or in internet games say.


Rule 2: Never forget rule 1.


Basically, who cares if some idiot call f2p players freeloaders. You really shouldnt care. If you going to be on the internet, your going to need a tougher skin.

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I subbed but I am thinking about unsubbing due to the extreme hostility that seems to be directed to many f2p players. I wondered if it was just my experience seeing it in the new player zones, or if other people had experienced it more frequently to, I am not speaking about one or two players it's almost a constant thing now. Freeloaders was the latest term.



Current server the english rp server, are the others any better?


I haven't seen anything like that. Me and a couple of other founders were on Korriban answering questions yesterday. It was nice. If someone is treating other people badly, let them know that it is not ok, or that is at least what I would have done.


Have fun playing =) and don't unsub due to this. There are plenty of nice people out there, don't let a couple of mean spirited jerks make you give up a hobby that you like. If they affect you badly, simply put a /ignore on them.



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I literally just bought a sub :) and I'm happy about it.


I'm new to SWTOR and I was on trial last week. I enjoyed the game luckily before it became f2p. I think the f2p is horrible and is really a huge turn off. I'm just glad I met SWTOR while on a nice trial rather than a restricted hostile "BUY NOW TO PLAY" kind of trial.


:csw_yoda: May the force be with us all

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OP, you're a bit wrong here. You see, other, "hostile" subscribers don't exactly hate us, f2p players. They hate newbies, and idea that from now on their lovely swtor will be (hopefully) flooded with new faces. That's why they may claim that "f2p players are stupid kids" or "they don't know how to play and don't have skillz". Or even more popular argument: "buy that game or don't play, if you're poor and can't afford 15$ sub you don't belong here, beggars aren't choosers". You see, these are typical "arguments" you're more likely to hear on any primary school's playground as a "reason" to humiliate new kids. It's just what human nature is about :3 How can you possibly blame swtor's subscribers for being typical, ordinary humans, and not the jedi knights they are pretending to be in this game? But thanks for your compassion. Don't unsub because of the few silly players, there are plenty of nice players in this game, it seems, like these founders who were greeting new players and giving them buffs. Thanks for that!


I apologise for any grammatical mistakes I may have made. Not a native English speaker, sorry :D

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Because most of these players have had bad experiences with free to play players.

If you've ever played a game like "Runescape" (Crap game but its free to play) you understand.


Generally the stereotype of a f2per is that they are under 11 years old and hold no general knowledge and go around shouting abuse when something isn't to their liking.


So who's the bigger idiot?


- The few f2p people which fit your description?

- The p2p people who have it in their heads that all f2p players are like that and throw about their hatred towards them?


As for the TS, do what I do. If you see anybody harrass f2p people in general in public chat, simply report them. Chances are good they'll be dealth with appropriately by BioWare.

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My character is level 43 and wearing blues and artifact level items.

I'm having no trouble killing people with "epic" items in pvp.


Wow, 43, and you mention "epic" items, do you even know how this game works, because i think you are somewhat lost on that issue.

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