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Just to confirm - F2P players don't get forum post access?


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Now just out of curiosity, I ventured over to their twitter feed. My excursion yielded this gem:


The Old Republic ‏@SWTOR


@techniman Unfortunately only active subscribers are able to post on the forums. -EM

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11:31 AM - 16 Nov 12 · Details

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In my opinion, preferred players should have the ability to post in the forums (with limited access, like replying to an existing post, but unable to create a new thread). Completely free players should be able to at least post in the customer service forums. They want people who have problem to at least be able to find help. Otherwise, they'll stop playing altogether and will definitely never buy anything.


The case most people seem to have against free players posting in the forums is trolling. There's not entirely true. Yes, I see one idiot higher in the thread who's living out the stereotype that all free players are trollish, but for the most part, free players can be just as generous as paying players.

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Now listen here you ornery critters...you have been TOLD that you do NOT exist! Y'all are jumpin that thar fence, takin this here forum form those thit done PAID fer it.


Y'all need to stop with this unAmer'can display of non bein', right immediate like. Y'HEAR?!!


,: stabs fingersin ears:..



Edited by ChakraFive
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Having cancelled your subscriptions renewal doesn't prevent you from posting. You're still an active subscriber.


Anyone who claims to not be a game subscriber at the moment, but yet have forum access is lying.


I'm not an active subscriber, I am a former subscriber(July) and I can post. You are the liar my friend.

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Having cancelled your subscriptions renewal doesn't prevent you from posting. You're still an active subscriber.


Anyone who claims to not be a game subscriber at the moment, but yet have forum access is lying.


This is not a post.

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