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Rethink these Restrictions Bioware


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alot of SWTOR's fans came form star wars galaxies, with the star wars galaxies EMU comming out soon they will leave tor for it. ive met dozens of old SWG fans on the SWG EMU and tons more are pouring in. tor has potental but we all know this would happen the moment we saw EA on the load in screen
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Please go level a Juggernaut 50 with 2 quickbars WITHOUT sucking at the class. With the ability bloat you NEED 3 action bars for at least a couple of classes.


If you're playing a juggernaut with only 2 action bars I'm fairly confident in saying you are bad at jugg and you should feel bad.

UM...I have, and a shadow and a powertect with 2 so sorry try again

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Ok like I have said over and over all f2p is to give a taste of the game and get to you to spend money if you like. And tbh it is a 1 person with some mmo stuff in it. You dont have to be a group at all till you hit 50 and even then you dont have too, You can get full bh gear with out even grouping. What will kill the game is no new stuff. So far they have missed there 6 week window by one week


I totally agree that F2P should be restricted, but the current model should not be called Free to Play since basic gameplay and standard UI, not to mention an additional quickslot that is pretty much required for some classes past level 30-40, will not give a 'taste' of the game, it will only drive people away. Returning players are already very put off, understandably, but new players aren't all ignorant when it comes to gaming and MMOs, they'll smell the cash grab restrictions that were labeled "free to play" from a mile away and say "no thanks". Many already have.


I do not know if I agree with the idea of unlimited WZs, space combat, FPs, or ops. On the one hand it would mean shorter ques for these things and would give people a better taste of these parts of the game to know if they even want to do them, but on the other hand the current restrictions on them really aren't that bad. Black Talon/Esseles should be unrestricted, and if you find you enjoy flashpoints and want to do them regularly, more than a couple times a week, purchase the rest. That is fine by me.


Most of us tend to focus on the terrible interface restrictions. Many of us are current subscribers who would love to see our friends try the game, but it feels like such a gimped demo and not just a limited F2P experience. It isn't that you are restricted to the 1-50 class/planet story arcs, it's that you're limited to that with a crippled interface. The interface restrictions are unnecessary and clearly insult many, many players, including subscribers.

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This is a better idea than what they have yes.


But anything that is going to slap the player on the hand and tell them to pony up more money to continue playing the game s/he loves is a bit much. It's like the arcade or something.


But that is exactly what a subscription does, and the subscription model for MMO's worked for years ... your comment is suggesting that non-paying players should be treated better than subscribers. :eek:

Edited by Leopagne
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Ok like I have said over and over all f2p is to give a taste of the game and get to you to spend money if you like. And tbh it is a 1 person with some mmo stuff in it. You dont have to be a group at all till you hit 50 and even then you dont have too, You can get full bh gear with out even grouping. What will kill the game is no new stuff. So far they have missed there 6 week window by one week


However they will have little clue to class skills , They wont get into guilds bar the "spam" ones ,


Like i Have posted elsewhere to people qq'ing about fp/wz (NOT OPS) beinall available (new content purchaseable)


Subber , 100% rewards/Xp/credits etc


Preffed , 50% rewards only 1 need roll in any given FP


F2Per 25% rewards 1 Need roll per day


this would fix the fact levelling fps are DEAD . It would give us more people to run with / pvp vs , But it would also say this is what you could be getting if you sub. Atm a few bad teams and thats your weeks worth ruined.

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The big thing I see many people fail to realize is that the purpose of switching to F2P this early in a game's run is to GENERATE MONEY. The current system simply won't do that. It turns people off to the game, and they have to pay to unlock some content they aren't even sure they'll like. What?


This isn't a debate about getting the whole game for free, that idea is just stupid and I think everybody can agree on that. This is about our concern that this current model will only push people away. Harsh and unpleasant does not necessarily translate to subscription, it's equally likely a player will simply leave. Limit WZs, FPs, OPs, even custom gear and enhancements. Limit mounts, hell I dn't even mind the legacy limits. I just don't think the current F2P model has a welcoming, encouraging feel. Some players willing to take a gamble will sub or use the cash shop. I truly believe many will just move on to another game.

Edited by eldefail
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But that is exactly what a subscription does, and the subscription model for MMO's worked for years ... your comment is suggesting that non-paying players should be treated better than subscribers. :eek:


The sub model has worked for MMOs...up until this point.


The only MMO it has worked for recently is WoW. Now F2P and other models that are not sub are the standard. I am suggesting that Free players should be able to you know play the MMO features without being restricted.


SWTOR needs to understand that they are competing against games like LOL. It's not a MMO but time is time, if players aren't spending time in your game then they are spending time in another.

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The big thing I see many people fail to realize is that the purpose of switching to F2P this early in a game's run is to GENERATE MONEY. The current system simply won't do that. It turns people off to the game, and they have to pay to unlock some content they aren't even sure they'll like. What?


This isn't a debate about getting the whole game for free, that idea is just stupid and I think everybody can agree on that. This is about our concern that this current model will only push people away. Harsh and unpleasant does not necessarily translate to subscription, it's equally likely a player will simply leave. Limit WZs, FPs, OPs, even custom gear and enhancements. Limit mounts, hell I dn't even mind the legacy limits. I just don't think the current F2P model has a welcoming, encouraging feel. Some players willing to take a gamble will sub or use the cash shop. I truly believe may will just move on to another game.

The big thing I see many people fail to realize is that the game isn't switching to F2P ... it added an F2P option. It will continue to be a subscriber-based game because there are enough current subscribers ti support it. F2P merely adds 2 additional potential revenue streams: Cartel Coin purchases, and players upgrading to a full subscription. How many participate in either is pure conjecture. All I know is the servers I play on are packed, FPs and WZs especially pop in short order, the GTM is stocked and making my toons money, and the in-game community makes the forum community look like dirt. Edited by GalacticKegger
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SWTOR is a free to play "mmo" now. Under current restrictions all f2p people are playing a single player online game with not enough quick bars to play. There should be no restrictions for "mmo" content. That's the point of the game! As it stands now SWTOR f2p is just an extended trial for a game that failed as a sub. Embrace the f2p model please.
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The sub model has worked for MMOs...up until this point.


The only MMO it has worked for recently is WoW. Now F2P and other models that are not sub are the standard. I am suggesting that Free players should be able to you know play the MMO features without being restricted.


SWTOR needs to understand that they are competing against games like LOL. It's not a MMO but time is time, if players aren't spending time in your game then they are spending time in another.


The only reason why the sub dont work any more is the price of things have went way up. If you dont even have nearly the some number of subs as wow you dont make it as a sub game. Buit really, who wouldnt pay more per month for a good mmo. All bw need to is follow what dcuo is doing and put out dlc on a quick turn about. Not have us want 3 months or more for new stuff

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I'll add my voice and keep it civil (even though I have many curses in my head).


I was actually very excited to get back into the game. Was planning to finish my Agent story and possibly play a Sith Warrior.

I was even fine with pretty much most of the restrictions as stupid as some seem (hide head slot??)

And I can even swallow the reduced XP and the fact that the 1450CP in my ledger will not be accessible to me, even though I bought the Collector's Edition, unless I actually get a subscription; which defeats the whole point (for me) of even getting the CPs.




I'm sorry but restricting the quickbars??? Basically the game is right now unplayable, period.

I'm a 43 Sniper Agent with tons of skills and I can't even slot all the ones I would use on regular basis in my bars! Basically in F2P you are not allowing users to partake in PvE.

I'm not sure if it's a similar situation for other classes (number of skills and such) but I find this ridiculous.


So the take-away message it that I was motivated and happy to get back into the game, spent 45 minutes trying to figure out how I would even be able to play, and decide I couldn't and logged off.


And please note that even if you ONLY fixed the quickbars I'd most likely give the game another shot.

Edited by NostalGeek
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The only reason why the sub dont work any more is the price of things have went way up. If you dont even have nearly the some number of subs as wow you dont make it as a sub game. Buit really, who wouldnt pay more per month for a good mmo. All bw need to is follow what dcuo is doing and put out dlc on a quick turn about. Not have us want 3 months or more for new stuff


DCUO does not stop you from enjoying MMO features. It gives players access to the entire game PLUS also letting them enjoy the basic 4mans and stuff that came with the game. Then they charge for the stuff they are releasing now, kind of like DLC packs.

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The restrictions are mostly fair to me. The only things I don't agree now the Cartel Market is here is that F2P players have to pay for Quickslot Bars (it's a very basic UI function that should be there for everyone) and the total lack of quick travel. If you REALLY have to restrict that, put a cap of an hour on it and add items that reduce the cooldown for a limited amount of time. Other than that though, most of the other F2P purchasable unlocks are for convinience (inventory/wallet/cargo hols space) and cosmetics. I'm not a huge fan of unlocking Legacy bonuses on the Market, but it makes financial sense (less time spent playing, more money spent to unlock earlier).


As for the rest of the Market, I don't like that the purchasable equipment actually has stats. If it was an appliable skin that would be fine, but imo this isn't. Yes, you might say it's not very usefull without mods anyway, but I have never approved of purchasable stat'ed gear.


When you look at the amount of content you are getting, and compair it too other F2P games (such as LOTRO), people who don't want to pay anything are restricted much less. In TOR, you can go anywhere (apart from the new area) and complete all of the quests there, not just the main story. However, if you want to do anything that isn't the story in LOTRO, you need to be subbed or have actually purchased that area. For the amount of content F2P players are getting, I don't think there is much reason for them to complain at all (apart from the initial reasons I posted).

Edited by OMEGAlomaniac
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DCUO does not stop you from enjoying MMO features. It gives players access to the entire game PLUS also letting them enjoy the basic 4mans and stuff that came with the game. Then they charge for the stuff they are releasing now, kind of like DLC packs.


And that game still has plenty of subs. Why? No escrow if you sub. That doesn't hinder you if you're F2P. It just makes it better for subs. Free access to DLCs for subs. New stuff every three months. F2P players have to pay $10 each for it. Again, a good system for players just looking for full access without sub. DCUO, as a premium player on it, is a great system to follow.

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DCUO does not stop you from enjoying MMO features. It gives players access to the entire game PLUS also letting them enjoy the basic 4mans and stuff that came with the game. Then they charge for the stuff they are releasing now, kind of like DLC packs.


No it dont, it let you play the basic game. Not play all the types of toons. Not all the end game. On here you get to play all the classes just not the races which unlike other mmo dont add anything to the game other then looks.

Edited by xboblee
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And that game still has plenty of subs. Why? No escrow if you sub. That doesn't hinder you if you're F2P. It just makes it better for subs. Free access to DLCs for subs. New stuff every three months. F2P players have to pay $10 each for it. Again, a good system for players just looking for full access without sub. DCUO, as a premium player on it, is a great system to follow.


To a point yea. I just dont want to lose the dlc if I ever deside to stop being a sub like in dcuo

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I'll add my voice and keep it civil (even though I have many curses in my head).


I was actually very excited to get back into the game. Was planning to finish my Agent story and possibly play a Sith Warrior.

I was even fine with pretty much most of the restrictions as stupid as some seem (hide head slot??)

And I can even swallow the reduced XP and the fact that the 1450CP in my ledger will not be accessible to me, even though I bought the Collector's Edition, unless I actually get a subscription; which defeats the whole point (for me) of even getting the CPs.




I'm sorry but restricting the quickbars??? Basically the game is right now unplayable, period.

I'm a 43 Sniper Agent with tons of skills and I can't even slot all the ones I would use on regular basis in my bars! Basically in F2P you are not allowing users to partake in PvE.

I'm not sure if it's a similar situation for other classes (number of skills and such) but I find this ridiculous.


So the take-away message it that I was motivated and happy to get back into the game, spent 45 minutes trying to figure out how I would even be able to play, and decide I couldn't and logged off.


And please note that even if you ONLY fixed the quickbars I'd most likely give the game another shot.



You do realize that you can BUY additional bars if you want the convenience of having your recoop, speeder, QT, etc on your bars...right? If you don't want to pay, open your abilities window and click your speeder there.

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SWTOR is a free to play "mmo" now. Under current restrictions all f2p people are playing a single player online game with not enough quick bars to play. There should be no restrictions for "mmo" content. That's the point of the game! As it stands now SWTOR f2p is just an extended trial for a game that failed as a sub. Embrace the f2p model please.


see who ever was the moron who said free to play was ment to generate money is an idiot, what does the word free mean? sure nothing is ever free but the things people do not understand is the cartel shop that is what they hope people will spend money on.. stupid **** that doesnt help anything but danggle shinny key's in your face to distract you from the crappy game content, thats it. free to play doesnt work in the long run if you do it like swtor is doing it. it will be city of hero's all over again it will die within a year and it will be forgoten. bearly 500k people still play swtor... that is sad. about a quarter of them will leave swtor for the star wars galaxies emulator coming out early next year. this game had great potental but EA is so stupid at making multiplayer game's they ruin everything. swtor is the mass effect 3 of star wars. your story means nothing your just another idiot in a long line of smucks that is a jedi knight. the dark council must be huge, the emperor has around a few thousand warth's, and what bioware tried to do was make every warrior a darth vader, and bounty hunter boba fett. it just does not work, when you reach a MMO standard of gamming you need to throw out the singleplayer aspects out the wwindow as well. sure, its fun but once u get out of your story where your the most perfect snow flake in the galaxies your reminded constantly your story ment nothing. just like bioware/ea reputation.

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No it dont, it let you play the basic game. Not play all the types of toons. Not all the end game. On here you get to play all the classes just not the races which unlike other mmo dont add anything to the game other then looks.


No, DCUO lets you enjoy all the features of the game.


Yes some 4 mans and stuff are only for people who pay...but playing a 4 man is completely free. Yeah you have to pay for some classes...the classes they released in the DLCs.


DCUO is pretty much the basic game that was released is free...the if you want to add to it you have to get the DLC. I think that model would be fantastic for this game plus selling the cosmetics and perks as well.

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Well, as I mentioned earlier, I think it was a mistake to restrict returning players to 2 bars. The other items, like color match and the like would probably be tolerated, but the UI restrictions went a bit overboard IMO.


This is how I think it should have been.


F2P - 2 bars

Preferred - 4 bars

Sub - 6 bars


I also think they should have added a fourth tier for players that have purchased the game in the past and paid for at least three months sub. I will not list the added perks I suggested since I have stated them many times.


I really feel this is the only flaw to the setup. It has been universally denounced, as far as I can see, across the net as far too restrictive. It seems limiting the UI for returning players at least was going a bit too far.

Edited by LordArtemis
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if you still like this game more power to you, not telling you to hate it now i am just the final by-product of the adverage swtor player who is tired of being cheated by my favorite childhood saga star wars. bioware didi great at kotor 1/2 where the **** did they go wrong with this MMO? EA that is where they went wrong look at dragon age 1, and mass effect 1 ea bearly touched those two games and they became a huge hit. EA is like the Disney of game's the horrible squeal maker they milk the cash cow of their fans so hard the milk gets spoiled. lucas art's bigest mistake was replacing "STAR WARS GALAXIES" with swtor, if u liked galaxies or not you cant deny it was the better MMO, SWG had so much innovation and thought put into it you could feel the passion the dev's had for star wars and they all cried on youtube when they had to shut it down. not even joking look it up alot of people did this. SWTOR just feels like they stole all their ideas from mass effect, World of Warcraft, Rift, lord of the rings online. they did not really come up with anything original themselves just stolen ideas that they half assed put togeather and didnt fully explore said idea's and. while galaxies devs were fueled by a passion and love of star wars bioware/EA was fueled by money and greed. and look where that ended
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see who ever was the moron who said free to play was ment to generate money is an idiot, what does the word free mean? sure nothing is ever free but the things people do not understand is the cartel shop that is what they hope people will spend money on.. stupid **** that doesnt help anything but danggle shinny key's in your face to distract you from the crappy game content, thats it. free to play doesnt work in the long run if you do it like swtor is doing it. it will be city of hero's all over again it will die within a year and it will be forgoten. bearly 500k people still play swtor... that is sad. about a quarter of them will leave swtor for the star wars galaxies emulator coming out early next year. this game had great potental but EA is so stupid at making multiplayer game's they ruin everything. swtor is the mass effect 3 of star wars. your story means nothing your just another idiot in a long line of smucks that is a jedi knight. the dark council must be huge, the emperor has around a few thousand warth's, and what bioware tried to do was make every warrior a darth vader, and bounty hunter boba fett. it just does not work, when you reach a MMO standard of gamming you need to throw out the singleplayer aspects out the wwindow as well. sure, its fun but once u get out of your story where your the most perfect snow flake in the galaxies your reminded constantly your story ment nothing. just like bioware/ea reputation.


Unfortunately history, market records, investor reports and general market knowledge with respect to F2P stands in opposition to your contention that claiming F2P generates revenue is not a smart position to take.


Now, you could argue the current model Bioware is using will not meet with success, but I think to argue that F2P systems do not generate considerable revenue is silly, considering the evidence that exists, including some cases where F2P revenue far exceeded subscription revenue.

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if you still like this game more power to you, not telling you to hate it now i am just the final by-product of the adverage swtor player who is tired of being cheated by my favorite childhood saga star wars. bioware didi great at kotor 1/2 where the **** did they go wrong with this MMO? EA that is where they went wrong look at dragon age 1, and mass effect 1 ea bearly touched those two games and they became a huge hit. EA is like the Disney of game's the horrible squeal maker they milk the cash cow of their fans so hard the milk gets spoiled. lucas art's bigest mistake was replacing "STAR WARS GALAXIES" with swtor, if u liked galaxies or not you cant deny it was the better MMO, SWG had so much innovation and thought put into it you could feel the passion the dev's had for star wars and they all cried on youtube when they had to shut it down. not even joking look it up alot of people did this. SWTOR just feels like they stole all their ideas from mass effect, World of Warcraft, Rift, lord of the rings online. they did not really come up with anything original themselves just stolen ideas that they half assed put togeather and didnt fully explore said idea's and. while galaxies devs were fueled by a passion and love of star wars bioware/EA was fueled by money and greed. and look where that ended


Um... all the mmos stole from eq and wow and not has broght anything new to the table

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if you still like this game more power to you, not telling you to hate it now i am just the final by-product of the adverage swtor player who is tired of being cheated by my favorite childhood saga star wars. bioware didi great at kotor 1/2 where the **** did they go wrong with this MMO? EA that is where they went wrong look at dragon age 1, and mass effect 1 ea bearly touched those two games and they became a huge hit. EA is like the Disney of game's the horrible squeal maker they milk the cash cow of their fans so hard the milk gets spoiled. lucas art's bigest mistake was replacing "STAR WARS GALAXIES" with swtor, if u liked galaxies or not you cant deny it was the better MMO, SWG had so much innovation and thought put into it you could feel the passion the dev's had for star wars and they all cried on youtube when they had to shut it down. not even joking look it up alot of people did this. SWTOR just feels like they stole all their ideas from mass effect, World of Warcraft, Rift, lord of the rings online. they did not really come up with anything original themselves just stolen ideas that they half assed put togeather and didnt fully explore said idea's and. while galaxies devs were fueled by a passion and love of star wars bioware/EA was fueled by money and greed. and look where that ended


Grammar and capitalization are your friends. :) I think SWTOR is a great game and definitely worth a sub. I just think BW needs to show people that and not make it seem like a restrictive POS. Give people the quick bars and give them QT.

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