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Rethink these Restrictions Bioware


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Yep. What we have here is a classic tug of war between a company that wants to maximize a profit , and customers who want to get as much as possible for as little as possible.


You guys keep thinking this.


It's more about customers telling Bioware that there are other F2P games that are doing this better. New F2P games that will come out that will do this WAY better.


If it wants to compete I feel it is going to have to change.

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I have to disagree. If the point is to bring in more subscribers, then being f2p shouldn't be so comfortable. This f2p model is more of an extended trial.


Implying that even though people did not want to sub BEFORE free to play, that they somehow magically will after F2P.

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The hot bars are not a basic part of the level 1 to 50,


Really!?? The Star Wars Koolaide is strong in this one, Yoda!


you can do it with out them and be fine. The ui is fine. Stop bashing bw on that cause its not big part of the gaem, ether buy them or be a sub enough is enough shesh


No, enough is not enough! If you have any reading comprehension in you at all, I think you will see in these forums and outside the forums that a lot of players, Free and Subs disagree with you.

Edited by Armageddon_X
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I play have been playing Guild Wars 2 since launch off and on. I like f2p because I don't feel pressured to "get my moneys worth". I have spent a total of 10 dollars on the GW2 shop to unlock some bank and bag slots but mostly because I felt obliged to give Arenanet some of my money for providing me a great experience. I have total access to all the games content, ui, etc. Nothing impedes my enjoyment of the game and I encounter no road blocks with their f2p model.


Why can't SWTOR follow a system like GW2? From what I can gather Arenanet is making plenty of money and I know of players who have spent 100's in the GW2 cash shop. I actually want to give Arenanet my money because I feel like I'm getting a great experience. With SWTOR f2p I just feel like I need to either subscribe or get nickle and dimed. Instead of enjoying just SWTOR and in turn wanting to spend a little cash I instead feel obligated to pay for a reasonable experience.


Yeah it's free. Objectively speaking I can't really complain much. But as a former and prospective customer this is my opinion.

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Dont try to down play how limiting it is on a game like LoTRO. You have to pay to basicly unlock lvls and new questing areas. Plus for all the new expansions and so on. You don't have to pay for any content until endgame with Swtor.


No you don't, you earn Turbine Points in game. If you're willing to do a litle grinding or level a couple alts to your current content cap you can purchase access to the next quest pack and it is account wide. You can, in fact, play Lotro completely free if you only want access to the core storyline and don't care about monster play or some skirmishes.


While I was F2P on Lotro I bought quest packs with TP that I took the time to grind while completing deeds/class deeds and leveling a couple alts. It's not nearly as restrictive as you think. You only have to pay if you don't want to grind the points in-game.


THIS is what led me to subscribe. I found the game enjoyable, I found the perks you get while subbed (mostly quality of life stuff) to be quite desireable but I didn't feel like my game experience was CRIPPLED without them. Turbine welcomed me into their game, handed me a cup of coffee and a cookie, and said "welcome to LOTRO, it's great to have you here, now tell me what I have to do to get you into a subscription and improve your experience even more." EA (perhaps not necessarily Bioware) is saying "welcome to SWTOR, a game that wasn't worth $15 a month to a crap ton of people. Will you be paying with check or credit card?"


I am a past, current, and future subscriber to SWTOR. Contrary to popular belief a huge chunk of us are subscribers, not freeloaders whining that we can't have the entire game for free. Most of us just think the basic interface restrictions are pushing people away, which is COUNTER to what F2P is for and what both EAware AND the players want, which is to generate more cash shop money and subs.

Edited by eldefail
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-Bashes fanboys

-Praises a failed MMO (galaxies)




lol im guessing your one of the fan boy's im bashing, go play galaxies you will find they have so much more than tor will ever have their space system.... star fox 64 came out in 1998 why the flying flip am i playing it in 2012? but w/e fan boys live in ignorant bliss

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Now I have no problem with EA/Bioware asking me to pay for a lot of the things on the market, boosts, different gear, vanity items, extra zones/quests, etc. Charging me for that stuff is fair.


What bothered me is a lot of stuff that should be part of the core game is also on the market. Charging me for another hotbar, charging me to use the titles I already earned, using the unify color option. Really guys? To me that's crossing a line.


Give me a complete game, add stuff in the market that I want to buy, don't make it feel like you're nickel and diming me just to play the game


Except, people have no problem waiving off the quality of life things because they are extras that they know they can do without. Most people know they can play the game and never buy them. But pay for anything that impedes their gaming experience? That's where they cry foul.


This is fairly tell tale of what the noise on the forum is really all about. Many expected to play for FREE, and are upset to find out that they can't. Who is being unreasonable here? The gaming company, who is trying to run a business or the customers, who don't really want to be customers but still recieve the service?


If BioWare offered the full game for free, what would encourage players to pay (and support the game in revenue)?

Edited by Leopagne
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Really!?? The Star Wars Koolaide is strong in this one, Yoda!




No, enough is not enough! If you have any reading comprehension in you at all, I think you will see in these forums and outside the forums that a lot of players, Free and Subs disagree with you.


Yea they do, but the thing is you dont need the qb to level to 50. And really what f2per going to be trying end game on here for free. All f2p is to get people ti spend money. So you buy the other 2 bars that you dont need. Guess whyat. Did they change it in the patch today? No. Are they going to change it? No. Bad press is good press. They understand that bad press = money. Like I have said in other post, there bad press with dragon age 1 drove sales in that game. So this is a win win for them. Its getting people to come and try the to see why you all are ************ about the dam ui.. And if they like the story, guess what they spend money, ether a sub, of heaven bid there cash shop

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I play have been playing Guild Wars 2 since launch off and on. I like f2p because I don't feel pressured to "get my moneys worth". I have spent a total of 10 dollars on the GW2 shop to unlock some bank and bag slots but mostly because I felt obliged to give Arenanet some of my money for providing me a great experience. I have total access to all the games content, ui, etc. Nothing impedes my enjoyment of the game and I encounter no road blocks with their f2p model.


Why can't SWTOR follow a system like GW2? From what I can gather Arenanet is making plenty of money and I know of players who have spent 100's in the GW2 cash shop. I actually want to give Arenanet my money because I feel like I'm getting a great experience. With SWTOR f2p I just feel like I need to either subscribe or get nickle and dimed. Instead of enjoying just SWTOR and in turn wanting to spend a little cash I instead feel obligated to pay for a reasonable experience.


Yeah it's free. Objectively speaking I can't really complain much. But as a former and prospective customer this is my opinion.


Yep, in GW2 people are spending tons on cosmetics.


Things like lockboxes mostly, but the lockboxes give out some cosmetics. The limited time skins for the halloween event likely made them tons. Peopler were spending 20+ on lockboxes trying to get limited time skins like the chainsaw greatsword.


Not only that, grind in the game and trade your gold for gems and you can still buy anything from the store. It's a great model. I'm like you, i've spent less than $20 on their store but I can do everything and anything I want in the game.


I like the F2P model because I'm not held to to play the game. If I want to play some other game for the next 4 days I can and not feel guilty about it.

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Except, people have no problem waiving off the quality of life things because they are extras that they know they can do without. Most people know they can play the game and never buy them. But pay for anything that impedes their gaming experience? That's where they cry foul.


This is fairly tell tale of what the noise on the forum is really all about. Many expected to play for FREE, and are upset to find out that they can't. Who is being unreasonable here? The gaming company, who is trying to run a business or the customers, who don't really want to be customers but still recieve the service?


If BioWare offered the full game for free, what would encourage players to pay (and support the game in revenue)?


Yeppers, I agree 100%

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Yep, in GW2 people are spending tons on cosmetics.


Things like lockboxes mostly, but the lockboxes give out some cosmetics. The limited time skins for the halloween event likely made them tons. Peopler were spending 20+ on lockboxes trying to get limited time skins like the chainsaw greatsword.


Not only that, grind in the game and trade your gold for gems and you can still buy anything from the store. It's a great model. I'm like you, i've spent less than $20 on their store but I can do everything and anything I want in the game.


I like the F2P model because I'm not held to to play the game. If I want to play some other game for the next 4 days I can and not feel guilty about it.


gw2 isnt f2p sorry

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Except, people have no problem waiving off the quality of life things because they are extras that they know they can do without. Most people know they can play the game and never buy them. But pay for anything that impedes their gaming experience? That's where they cry foul.


This is fairly tell tale of what the noise on the forum is really all about. Many expected to play for FREE, and are upset to find out that they can't. Who is being unreasonable here? The gaming company, who is trying to run a business or the customers, who don't really want to be customers but still recieve the service?


If BioWare offered the full game for free, what would encourage players to pay (and support the game in revenue)?


You mean people are upset that a Free to Play model is not FREE?


Who wants to full game for free? How about the option to PVP when I want to? Every other game gives the player this, why not SWTOR?

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how is it not free to play?


I have been playing it and have never felt hindered compared to another player.


You have to pay $60 to buy the box game, f2p means you can try the game, if you like you can chose to spend money on it. Not be force to give up $60 to try the game

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gw2 isnt f2p sorry


Compared to this game it is.


You get more for your money. $60 you get the entire game for free and any additional content they add. You buy it once, everything in the game is yours. Go WVW, do your dungeons, do PVP and never once pay for anything and you will be more than fine.


SWTOR you have to sub $15 a month to experience MMO features. If you sub for more than 4 months than you have already paid more than you would have of just buying GW2 once.

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You have to pay $60 to buy the box game, f2p means you can try the game, if you like you can chose to spend money on it. Not be force to give up $60 to try the game


Personally I pre-ordered SWTOR for $60.00. As did a lot of other people coming back for f2p. If I want the cartel coins I was gifted for buying the game and subbing for months I have to give them even more money.


Yeah if you're a completely new player you don't need to buy a box copy. Honestly though I'd venture to say a huge majority of people coming for f2p are former players.

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You have to pay $60 to buy the box game, f2p means you can try the game, if you like you can chose to spend money on it. Not be force to give up $60 to try the game


This game as it is is more like a trial too isn't it?


You are limited to MMO features and have to pay to experience them if you enjoy them.

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Unlimited access to Op's, FP's and WZ's? They already get the game 1-50 for free. Any more and what would be the point of us paying a sub? To be honest I think giving away all zones 1-50 for free is crazy anyway but it's too late to change that.


This, BioWare is already giving them plenty to play the game. If they want any more they need to start paying for it!

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Actually, two bars = 24 abilities. That's plenty for combat abilities. if you want a hotkey for your speeder, spend the CC. And if you think this game is bad, why waste your time?


And here we have the fanboi who will happily tell every f2per to **** off and watch the game burn so they can feel 1337.


Funny how LOTRO and STO make far more now than they did while sub games and have better systems.


Well mr f2p hating fool , How is never seeing the game going to talk people into playing? Analysts on most major sites and magazines have said the same thing,


Imo people like you are what kills games "OMG GIVE NOTHING AWAY I WANT MY OWN 1 PLAYER MMO" YOU may be happy waiting an hour + for a flashpoint/wz while you level Im not , This games awesome but this f2ps doing nothing to fix the issues of group content being near dead,

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Personally I pre-ordered SWTOR for $60.00. As did a lot of other people coming back for f2p. If I want the cartel coins I was gifted for buying the game and subbing for months I have to give them even more money.


Yeah if you're a completely new player you don't need to buy a box copy. Honestly though I'd venture to say a huge majority of people coming for f2p are former players.


I would say 35 to 45% are old players, but most are new players, ether who never tried the game, or see people saying bad things about the ui and want to see for them self if its as bad as every one is saying

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Personally I pre-ordered SWTOR for $60.00. As did a lot of other people coming back for f2p. If I want the cartel coins I was gifted for buying the game and subbing for months I have to give them even more money.


Yeah if you're a completely new player you don't need to buy a box copy. Honestly though I'd venture to say a huge majority of people coming for f2p are former players.


Yep, that's a sham too.


I was a pre-order, founder for this game. I subbed up until GW2 came out (exception of about 2 months I didn't have a computer) and now to get the time I pretty much paid for I have to sub again? Well thanks for the welcome back Bioware I guess.


Also I think people need to realize that a lot of the MMO fans are MMO fans, this F2P model is not going to just bring in a big base of new players that have never ever played the game before. Especially since they had a free trial for most of the year, many people that have played the game have played it and given it a shot. Bioware needs to convince people to come back.

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as a former customer here is what i think they should do, it was done in the past and it is a successful system


1) lower the monthly subscription cost from 15 buck to 5-10 bucks- this is great, it gives players a little bit of ease if they dont want to spend 15 bucks on a game they dono if they will like again, when they could better spend that 15 bucks on a pizza. and come on they wont lose too much money 600k people who still play if about 500k of them will pay 5 buck's a month... 2,500,000 a month still great considering all the people they fired out of the TOR team


2) give your subscribers actuall rewards-

as of now they get nothing they didnt already have before free to play came out. they need to give subscribers double everything rather this is a constant effect or like a double rewards weekend, where all warzone comm's are doubled you get double the credits and exp etc... this gives players a reason too keep playing, gives them discounts to the online store, give them things they didnt already have before the f2p.


3) dont limit the free to play so unprofessionally bad that you chase your fan's away who are too poor to play-

this is a bad thing to do. free to play is not ment to be a head ache and make it so you dont want people playing unless they pay you might as well just remove the free to play system and keep the cartel point store. as distasteful as i am about say, runescape was the only MMO ever to do free to play so well so effectively that they are still going strong and will probably outlast this game and WoW, and guild war's 2 came close to doing it as well as runescape. dont chase away your potental fan's welcome them with open arm's


4) add more end game content , not just nifty options to look like your adding stuff-

EA and now bioware are starting to release options that dont really effect the game's content they need to add end game content that is not horrible pvp/raids


5) add options that we all actually want-

who's bright idea is it to not allow you to pick and choose your pvp maps like u can with raids? they need to allow subscriber's to be able to pock ok what map do u want to play? huttbal,voidstar,etc... and would you like it to be imp vs imp or republic vs imp, but no we dont get this. add more planets, start stealing ideas from other games not just WoW and LOTRO, steal some of star wars galaxies idea's which i will say in point 6)


6) stop coping WoW and use logic with making content-

WoW is a great MMO market wise, yes we know this but the copy WoW but tweak slightly style does not work. the WoW team is good at what they do now lets carve out our own style. but they wont do that so here is some ideas they needed to have in the first place. in star wars galaxies you could own your own city. and your own house within that city, why cant they do this here? it is not very hard just add a zone where you can make your own city or outpost on the type of planet style you want. make a zone you can travil too then show your friend's what you made. allow you to have new ship's you can own. have a guild capital ship. this would be easy just add a capital ship near the fleet and able you to shuttle to it. so many good ideas get buried below all the people on the forums who want this game to be like WoW, but if you want it to be like WoW... why dont you play wow? let this game have it's own style sure it might not be for you but dont change a game due to a few people want WoW with lightsaber's


ill post more but i need to go afk. god bless you

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Yea they do, but the thing is you dont need the qb to level to 50. And really what f2per going to be trying end game on here for free. All f2p is to get people ti spend money. So you buy the other 2 bars that you dont need. Guess whyat. Did they change it in the patch today? No. Are they going to change it? No. Bad press is good press. They understand that bad press = money. Like I have said in other post, there bad press with dragon age 1 drove sales in that game. So this is a win win for them. Its getting people to come and try the to see why you all are ************ about the dam ui.. And if they like the story, guess what they spend money, ether a sub, of heaven bid there cash shop


Please go level a Juggernaut 50 with 2 quickbars WITHOUT sucking at the class. With the ability bloat you NEED 3 action bars for at least a couple of classes.


If you're playing a juggernaut with only 2 action bars I'm fairly confident in saying you are bad at jugg and you should feel bad.

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And here we have the fanboi who will happily tell every f2per to **** off and watch the game burn so they can feel 1337.


Funny how LOTRO and STO make far more now than they did while sub games and have better systems.


Well mr f2p hating fool , How is never seeing the game going to talk people into playing? Analysts on most major sites and magazines have said the same thing,


Imo people like you are what kills games "OMG GIVE NOTHING AWAY I WANT MY OWN 1 PLAYER MMO" YOU may be happy waiting an hour + for a flashpoint/wz while you level Im not , This games awesome but this f2ps doing nothing to fix the issues of group content being near dead,


Ok like I have said over and over all f2p is to give a taste of the game and get to you to spend money if you like. And tbh it is a 1 person with some mmo stuff in it. You dont have to be a group at all till you hit 50 and even then you dont have too, You can get full bh gear with out even grouping. What will kill the game is no new stuff. So far they have missed there 6 week window by one week

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