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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Founder returns, Bioware this is your last chance to impress me


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I bought the game upon release and really wanted it to be my new home after the underwhelming cataclysm expansion.


I enjoyed the leveling process, the companion relationships and the moral decisions made while questing.

I enjoyed being able to decide, for example, between sleeping with a sith or honoring a quirky jedi

I enjoyed the fresh designs of space sci-fi and the coolness of having my own ship

I enjoyed how the characters have strong personalities and how immersive the game can be



I did not enjoy how poorly this game ran on my pc compared to just about every other game I have

I did not enjoy 3-5 min load screens

I did not enjoy the stutter every time I dismounted

I did not enjoy the boring rotations of certain classes, and the copy paste skills classes share

I did not enjoy having to do the world quests over and over and over again just to get to the few mins of fun class quest lines.

End game looked boring and unoriginal

Lack of customization after creation. NO barbershop, no paid character transfers, no appearance change



Ive been away from this game for many months now. I've seen the dev team and leadership all change hands. Many who championed this game at launch are long gone.


Unlike them, I return to give this game one last shot. Mists of pandaria is a damn good game and if this game fails to impress me then i'll simply jump into free to play during wow down time. However you can prove to me that the game is worth my sub by fixing the perfomance issues and adding the following


-Less mob density. I cant explore the planet if every step theres 8x8 rows of mooks lying around


-Make the zone locations more memorable: there are so many codex entries detailing parts of the planet, however these areas have nothing going on in them. I'd love to be able to find cool things to in nar shaada for example. Maybe some twilek dancing, pazzak and other minigames. Give life to the planets.


More communication: if you can't release new content every month, then at least let us know whats going on every step of the way. Blizzard has my love because they come off as very sincere with their players. Bioware never says anything, leaving the faithful with nothing but blind hope


-The rest: Out of mop i love the tiller dailies ( logging on to freshly grown crops is a daily sense of accomplishment), I love all the small scale content from improved faction grinds to challenge mode dungeons to pet battles. Swtor from the start should have been designed with more in mind than the typical mmo experiance. We have done that for years, we want freshness ideas. Space combat is a start, and should be expanded upon. Find a way to make it multiplayer for starters


I wish you luck bioware ( and much love), but seriously this is it for me. Your own lead producers, devs and top employees have bailed on this game, what does that say to the players who invested in the product? Many of us are wondering if this will end up being warhammer online in space.

Edited by nysis
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I bought the game upon release and really wanted it to be my new home after the underwhelming cataclysm expansion.


I enjoyed the leveling process, the companion relationships and the moral decisions made while questing.

I enjoyed being able to decide, for example, between sleeping with a sith or honoring a quirky jedi

I enjoyed the fresh designs of space sci-fi and the coolness of having my own ship

I enjoyed how the characters have strong personalities and how immersive the game can be



I did not enjoy how poorly this game ran on my pc compared to just about every other game I have

I did not enjoy 3-5 min load screens

I did not enjoy the stutter every time I dismounted

I did not enjoy the boring rotations of certain classes, and the copy paste skills classes share

I did not enjoy having to do the world quests over and over and over again just to get to the few mins of fun class quest lines.

End game looked boring and unoriginal

Lack of customization after creation. NO barbershop, no paid character transfers, no appearance change



Ive been away from this game for many months now. I've seen the dev team and leadership all change hands. Many who championed this game at launch are long gone.


Unlike them, I return to give this game one last shot. Mists of pandaria is a damn good game and if this game fails to impress me then i'll simply jump into free to play during wow down time. However you can prove to me that the game is worth my sub by fixing the perfomance issues and adding the following


-Less mob density. I cant explore the planet if every step theres 8x8 rows of mooks lying around


-Make the zone locations more memorable: there are so many codex entries detailing parts of the planet, however these areas have nothing going on in them. I'd love to be able to find cool things to in nar shaada for example. Maybe some twilek dancing, pazzak and other minigames. Give life to the planets.


More communication: if you can't release new content every month, then at least let us know whats going on every step of the way. Blizzard has my love because they come off as very sincere with their players. Bioware never says anything, leaving the faithful with nothing but blind hope


-The rest: Out of mop i love the tiller dailies ( logging on to freshly grown crops is a daily sense of accomplishment), I love all the small scale content from improved faction grinds to challenge mode dungeons to pet battles. Swtor from the start should have been designed with more in mind than the typical mmo experiance. We have done that for years, we want freshness ideas. Space combat is a start, and should be expanded upon. Find a way to make it multiplayer for starters


I wish you luck bioware ( and much love), but seriously this is it for me. Your own lead producers, devs and top employees have bailed on this game, what does that say to the players who invested in the product? Many of us are wondering if this will end up being warhammer online in space.


Some decent ideas, but you should probably have looked into the game a bit. If your plan was to come back for a month and expect those to be in game you will be back in WoW right away.

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lol another one of these threads ... and worse yet you seem to think your entitled to soooo much ! ... why ?


You have admitted that you jumped ship ? why do you think they'll listen to you over those of us that have been here from day one and havn't left . In your post you say " end game LOOKED boring " implying you never got there ? so please do us all a favour go back to wow and take your entitlement with you =]

Edited by UniverseSong
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Those who bought the game at launch posses founder titles


Close. Those of us who were around a little after launch and paid a month sub got that title. I got my 50 commando , 22 BH and 12 sith jugg with 6 days early play time and Dec and refused to pay a sub so no founder title. Just wanted to clear that up.

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I bought the game upon release and really wanted it to be my new home after the underwhelming cataclysm expansion.


I enjoyed the leveling process, the companion relationships and the moral decisions made while questing.

I enjoyed being able to decide, for example, between sleeping with a sith or honoring a quirky jedi

I enjoyed the fresh designs of space sci-fi and the coolness of having my own ship

I enjoyed how the characters have strong personalities and how immersive the game can be



I did not enjoy how poorly this game ran on my pc compared to just about every other game I have

I did not enjoy 3-5 min load screens

I did not enjoy the stutter every time I dismounted

I did not enjoy the boring rotations of certain classes, and the copy paste skills classes share

I did not enjoy having to do the world quests over and over and over again just to get to the few mins of fun class quest lines.

End game looked boring and unoriginal

Lack of customization after creation. NO barbershop, no paid character transfers, no appearance change



Ive been away from this game for many months now. I've seen the dev team and leadership all change hands. Many who championed this game at launch are long gone.


Unlike them, I return to give this game one last shot. Mists of pandaria is a damn good game and if this game fails to impress me then i'll simply jump into free to play during wow down time. However you can prove to me that the game is worth my sub by fixing the perfomance issues and adding the following


-Less mob density. I cant explore the planet if every step theres 8x8 rows of mooks lying around


-Make the zone locations more memorable: there are so many codex entries detailing parts of the planet, however these areas have nothing going on in them. I'd love to be able to find cool things to in nar shaada for example. Maybe some twilek dancing, pazzak and other minigames. Give life to the planets.


More communication: if you can't release new content every month, then at least let us know whats going on every step of the way. Blizzard has my love because they come off as very sincere with their players. Bioware never says anything, leaving the faithful with nothing but blind hope


-The rest: Out of mop i love the tiller dailies ( logging on to freshly grown crops is a daily sense of accomplishment), I love all the small scale content from improved faction grinds to challenge mode dungeons to pet battles. Swtor from the start should have been designed with more in mind than the typical mmo experiance. We have done that for years, we want freshness ideas. Space combat is a start, and should be expanded upon. Find a way to make it multiplayer for starters


I wish you luck bioware ( and much love), but seriously this is it for me. Your own lead producers, devs and top employees have bailed on this game, what does that say to the players who invested in the product? Many of us are wondering if this will end up being warhammer online in space.


Unsub, it is the only solution.

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Swtor from the start should have been designed with more in mind than the typical mmo experiance. We have done that for years, we want freshness ideas.

Irony. I bought WoW back in 2005 to see what all the hype was about. I last two weeks. Why? Because why I should play an MMO that's a rehash of its predecessors.

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i've been here since day one buddy and this i want everything so give to me now attitude isnt to smart you take the game as it it gets better with age look at all the other MMOs


If we're paying for a product we're entitled to say how or why we think things should be in-game. Especially since 90% of the wants people have been asking for should have been in game since launch but Bioware launched and unfinished game.



These forums are starting to remind me of SWG. There people were asking for stuff and all other people did was go and attack them on it. And we all know how that game turned out. Because SOE listened to the derp-tards on their forums when they said an option wasn't needed instead of putting that good idea in.

Edited by AMKSED
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I bought the game upon release and really wanted it to be my new home after the underwhelming cataclysm expansion.


I enjoyed the leveling process, the companion relationships and the moral decisions made while questing.

I enjoyed being able to decide, for example, between sleeping with a sith or honoring a quirky jedi

I enjoyed the fresh designs of space sci-fi and the coolness of having my own ship

I enjoyed how the characters have strong personalities and how immersive the game can be



I did not enjoy how poorly this game ran on my pc compared to just about every other game I have


Get a better PC. It runs just as well as other games on my PC.


I did not enjoy 3-5 min load screens


It only takes 30 seconds, tops, on my PC. Its sounding more and more like you have a crappy PC, or just don't know how to upgrade/take care of it


I did not enjoy the stutter every time I dismounted


What stutter?


I did not enjoy the boring rotations of certain classes, and the copy paste skills classes share


You must bore easily, it would explain why you came back from WoW.


I did not enjoy having to do the world quests over and over and over again just to get to the few mins of fun class quest lines.


Again, you bore easily.


End game looked boring and unoriginal


See last two answers, I don't like repeating myself


Lack of customization after creation. NO barbershop, no paid character transfers, no appearance change


Then get it right the first time. I remade a lvl 50 and started again. You only need patience. World of Warcraft took 6 YEARS to introduce character customization. You just lack patience



Ive been away from this game for many months now. I've seen the dev team and leadership all change hands. Many who championed this game at launch are long gone.


How would you know that the "championed" are gone, you just said you've been gone from the game FOR MANY MONTHS.


Unlike them, I return to give this game one last shot. Mists of pandaria is a damn good game and if this game fails to impress me then i'll simply jump into free to play during wow down time. However you can prove to me that the game is worth my sub by fixing the perfomance issues and adding the following


If you liked Mists of Kung Fu Pandas, its because WORLD OF WARCRAFT HAS BEEN ONLINE FOR OVER 8 YEARS!!! This game will take time to improve as well. Did I mention your lack of patience?


-Less mob density. I cant explore the planet if every step theres 8x8 rows of mooks lying around


This game is easy mode compared to most MMOs. If the mobs are giving you trouble, I suggest that MMOs are not for you.


-Make the zone locations more memorable: there are so many codex entries detailing parts of the planet, however these areas have nothing going on in them. I'd love to be able to find cool things to in nar shaada for example. Maybe some twilek dancing, pazzak and other minigames. Give life to the planets.


Yeah. Patience. You really lack it.


More communication: if you can't release new content every month, then at least let us know whats going on every step of the way. Blizzard has my love because they come off as very sincere with their players. Bioware never says anything, leaving the faithful with nothing but blind hope


You've not poked around the Dev tracker much, have you?


-The rest: Out of mop i love the tiller dailies ( logging on to freshly grown crops is a daily sense of accomplishment), I love all the small scale content from improved faction grinds to challenge mode dungeons to pet battles. Swtor from the start should have been designed with more in mind than the typical mmo experiance. We have done that for years, we want freshness ideas. Space combat is a start, and should be expanded upon. Find a way to make it multiplayer for starters


In other words, you think SW:TOR should have opened like a polished MMO that's been online for 8 years.


I wish you luck bioware ( and much love), but seriously this is it for me. Your own lead producers, devs and top employees have bailed on this game, what does that say to the players who invested in the product? Many of us are wondering if this will end up being warhammer online in space.


Speak for yourself, you don't speak for the rest of us, as much as you wished you did.


I'm a Founder as well, and never left the game.

Edited by CaptRavenous
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i've been here since day one buddy and this i want everything so give to me now attitude isnt to smart you take the game as it it gets better with age look at all the other MMOs

But the game has been out for a year or so and has made very little progress in that time - give it to me now comments may have been realistic in January, but now?


To the OP - suggest you give up now and save yourself the angst - I was around back then and not much has changed on the points you raised. However, I have almost finished MoP and a few weeks / months here look like a nice change.

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I'm a Founder as well, and never left the game.


I am a founder too. I did leave the game for a bit, but it wasn't because the game was bad. The OP is completely a bore, just like he explains about this game.


I came back to play the game again, because I wanted to and because a friend of mine was expressing interest and he just bought and subbed to this game. Not because I am hoping there will be something different from when I stopped my sub. I stopped it mainly because my whole guild just quit, and I was a little down from that. I come back, and the guild bank is untouched for months, so I am slowly draining it.

Edited by monkgryphon
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I am a founder too. I did leave the game for a bit, but it wasn't because the game was bad. The OP is completely a bore, just like he explains about this game.


I came back to play the game again, because I wanted to and because a friend of mine was expressing interest and he just bought and subbed to this game. Not because I am hoping there will be something different from when I stopped my sub. I stopped it mainly because my whole guild just quit, and I was a little down from that. I come back, and the guild bank is untouched for months, so I am slowly draining it.


Sweet. Can I haz some?

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I bought the game upon release and really wanted it to be my new home after the underwhelming cataclysm expansion.


I enjoyed the leveling process, the companion relationships and the moral decisions made while questing.

I enjoyed being able to decide, for example, between sleeping with a sith or honoring a quirky jedi

I enjoyed the fresh designs of space sci-fi and the coolness of having my own ship

I enjoyed how the characters have strong personalities and how immersive the game can be



I did not enjoy how poorly this game ran on my pc compared to just about every other game I have

I did not enjoy 3-5 min load screens

I did not enjoy the stutter every time I dismounted

I did not enjoy the boring rotations of certain classes, and the copy paste skills classes share

I did not enjoy having to do the world quests over and over and over again just to get to the few mins of fun class quest lines.

End game looked boring and unoriginal

Lack of customization after creation. NO barbershop, no paid character transfers, no appearance change



Ive been away from this game for many months now. I've seen the dev team and leadership all change hands. Many who championed this game at launch are long gone.


Unlike them, I return to give this game one last shot. Mists of pandaria is a damn good game and if this game fails to impress me then i'll simply jump into free to play during wow down time. However you can prove to me that the game is worth my sub by fixing the perfomance issues and adding the following


-Less mob density. I cant explore the planet if every step theres 8x8 rows of mooks lying around


-Make the zone locations more memorable: there are so many codex entries detailing parts of the planet, however these areas have nothing going on in them. I'd love to be able to find cool things to in nar shaada for example. Maybe some twilek dancing, pazzak and other minigames. Give life to the planets.


More communication: if you can't release new content every month, then at least let us know whats going on every step of the way. Blizzard has my love because they come off as very sincere with their players. Bioware never says anything, leaving the faithful with nothing but blind hope


-The rest: Out of mop i love the tiller dailies ( logging on to freshly grown crops is a daily sense of accomplishment), I love all the small scale content from improved faction grinds to challenge mode dungeons to pet battles. Swtor from the start should have been designed with more in mind than the typical mmo experiance. We have done that for years, we want freshness ideas. Space combat is a start, and should be expanded upon. Find a way to make it multiplayer for starters


I wish you luck bioware ( and much love), but seriously this is it for me. Your own lead producers, devs and top employees have bailed on this game, what does that say to the players who invested in the product? Many of us are wondering if this will end up being warhammer online in space.


Thanks for buying the sub again, you know the game is going free to play in two days right? Atleast with making this thread you've given some money to Bioware ^^


Kind regards

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Seems like you guys have stopped asking for better and are resigned to be happy with what you have. Back when I played many players had hoped for more from the game and asked for better. Im back to give bioware one last shot, and if I don't see change on some level during this crucial month then i will no longer give money to this project.
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