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PVP Shout outs!


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1) Nex Angeles came here bragging about ROFL-Stomping a Pug.

2) They got called out on it.

3) GM sacked up.

4) Others pointed out that if NA wanted a challenge they'd move to PoT5

5) PvP fanboyz got their panties in a wad


The guy's points are valid. Your money is your money. But don't brag about being "PvP all that" on a PvE server.


People can brag about whatever they want. The value of their proclaimed accomplishments is a matter of perception.


That being said, people should not go out of their way to make others users' experiences aggravating.

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I would expect just as much if I went into a PvE setting (HM's, etc.) wearing PvP gear, but if I said I only PvE casually, your *** would pucker up so tight that you could pull a diamond out of it in three weeks.


I might have to do this. You know, for scientific purposes only. Also, during an op boss with clickable mechanics I might have to abandon said clickable and tunnel an add instead. Because I'm casual like that. That, and I could use a few extra diamonds.

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shoutouts to


Chasso, playing pew pew merc like a boss.


The all powerful queen of bonks (you know who you are), them pocket heals are worth every darn sparkle.


Charlie - one of the best pvpers on the server, oh and he streams (which more people need to do ;) )


Bamacare and evilharisonford - they use cover 'nuff said


Fatedd - still trying to find me in eve online, poor fool.


Vulpes-inculta - thanks for teh heals.


Rai - you dont pvp or read the forums, so youll never see this, but thanks for running oricon quests with me


Churb - we missed you, sort of.


K'rath - best sage on the server tbh.


Loor - just for being loor.


Chibsy - heals, lots of heals.


theres probably more, but im too lazy to think of you. :D

Edited by eavn
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Or buy cartel packs. You'll probably find discontinued items in yours.


:D When the packs first came out, I stole all of my sons' diaper money to spend on those things. And didn't get a single worthwhile item. So many sets of glowy eyes and dancer bottoms. I've been rehabilitated and stay far, far away.

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We'll since my last one got deleted I'll keep it more vague.

If you are going to queue ranked arena and your team gets destroyed in the first min, take your loss instead of waiting 4 min to try to cheese the acid, it's dumb, unlikely to work, and honestly if you're just farming comms its more efficient to lose quick and re-queue.

If you were actually trying to compete, I know I would be embarrassed if my team tried to win that way.

If you just wanted to play the other team you had going, do like you did in 8v8 and just queue dodge, I'd get my comms slightly quicker.

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Shout out to the 4 stealth team from shadowhawks we played today. They had a FANTASTIC strategy of waiting it out. They limited me to a grand total of 83 dps. Unfortunately they forgot about sudden death and 2 of them died without ever making contact...hope you guys enjoy your 40 coms, 5 minutes of work for 40 coms is a great rate.



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Shout out to the 4 stealth team from shadowhawks we played today. They had a FANTASTIC strategy of waiting it out. They limited me to a grand total of 83 dps. Unfortunately they forgot about sudden death and 2 of them died without ever making contact...hope you guys enjoy your 40 coms, 5 minutes of work for 40 coms is a great rate.




I feel like I just went over this 3 posts ago......

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Shout out to the 4 stealth team from shadowhawks we played today. They had a FANTASTIC strategy of waiting it out. They limited me to a grand total of 83 dps. Unfortunately they forgot about sudden death and 2 of them died without ever making contact...hope you guys enjoy your 40 coms, 5 minutes of work for 40 coms is a great rate.




We had no intention of even trying to fight. We did exactly what we planned.The match before u guys were so *****y when 1 person on our team tried to stall we decided to roll a 4 stealth group in the hopes of playing u guys again where we would do nothing the whole time with the hopes of hearing your QQ. The fact that you would take it to the forums just tells me our plan worked even better then we thought. We knew your 3 smashmonkey team was better then our team (who aren't even geared and don't stim) But just cause your better doesn't give you the right to be such d-bags when someone decides to not play how you want.We have pvp'd both with and against your guild a ton and i'm sure we will again but just remember this we are a small guild where winning doesn't really matter we just want to have fun and when you guys act the way that you did our troll nature can't help but come out

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We had no intention of even trying to fight. We did exactly what we planned.The match before u guys were so *****y when 1 person on our team tried to stall we decided to roll a 4 stealth group in the hopes of playing u guys again where we would do nothing the whole time with the hopes of hearing your QQ.


You, in a legit match, tried to cheese a game mechanic when you couldn't win and he's the d-bag? I would argue you should of been called out and ridiculed and I don't know why you would expect anything else.


our team (who aren't even geared and don't stim)


Why que ranked 4s then?


But just cause your better doesn't give you the right to be such d-bags when someone decides to not play how you want.We have pvp'd both with and against your guild a ton and i'm sure we will again but just remember this we are a small guild where winning doesn't really matter we just want to have fun and when you guys act the way that you did our troll nature can't help but come out


So you're a ok with the nex angles hide the huttball strat that people piled on earlier, used against your team right?

If I pug an operation with your guild and ninja loot everything that's ok too right? (Cheesing a bad game mechanic, don't tell me how to play) and if afterwards you call me out for it, it's you who are the dbag for being mean right?

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You, in a legit match, tried to cheese a game mechanic when you couldn't win and he's the d-bag? I would argue you should of been called out and ridiculed and I don't know why you would expect anything else.




Why que ranked 4s then?




So you're a ok with the nex angles hide the huttball strat that people piled on earlier, used against your team right?

If I pug an operation with your guild and ninja loot everything that's ok too right? (Cheesing a bad game mechanic, don't tell me how to play) and if afterwards you call me out for it, it's you who are the dbag for being mean right?


We don't get mad if we win or lose those guys on the other hand were so enraged at winning we thought if they actually lost, their brains might explode. We were being nice by giving them a free win the 2nd match in the hopes that their blood pressure to drop back to safe levels so none of them had a stroke.

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We don't get mad if we win or lose those guys on the other hand were so enraged at winning we thought if they actually lost, their brains might explode. We were being nice by giving them a free win the 2nd match in the hopes that their blood pressure to drop back to safe levels so none of them had a stroke.


Stop trying to sound like the victim in this situation. You aren't. No remotely decent player will justify what you did.

Being "nice" and "giving them a free win" would entail running to the middle of the map with no gear on out of stealth and /dance until you died.


If you think group comp was the only reason you lost the first match message No-retreat at any point and I'll put together a 4 dps Commando or Mercenary group to go again you. Then you will really see if group comp made the difference that game.

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