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Should the Sith return in the sequel trilogy?


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Or should there be another faction that's a threat to the galaxy? Perhaps a faction that wants to get rid of all Force-users, including the Jedi? Would involving the Sith in the storyline and having them as a threat be redundant? I'd say so. We already have too much Jedi vs. Sith ******** as it is. Frankly, I'd like to see something more creative. If you look at the Thrawn trilogy, it didn't need the Sith in it. Thrawn proved a much more interesting villain and he didn't have any Force powers.


I hope the writers consider coming up with a new threat to the galaxy rather than rehashing the Jedi vs. Sith storyline.

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If the current Post-RotJ is any indication, any and all reincarnations of the Sith will only be broken fragmented shadows of the real Sith line that ended with Reborn Palpatine, not for a very long time will we see Sith even a percentage the strength of the Banite line.


Oh and for anyone who says 'Caedus' he was the last hope for the Order of the Sith Lords as a proper force, unfortunately for the Sith, Lumiya and Vergere didn't remove his love for his family, much the same failure as suffered by Sidious, as Sidious was 'killed' by a redeemed Anakin, Caedus was figuratively killed by Jacen's love for his own family.


The Sith are basically finished, a few organizations will pop up here and there, but nothing of true significance and sustainability.


Will this change for the Sequels? I am going to guess not, especially if Lucas has anything to say about it.

Edited by Rayla_Felana
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If the current Post-RotJ is any indication, any and all reincarnations of the Sith will only be broken fragmented shadows of the real Sith line that ended with Reborn Palpatine, not for a very long time will we see Sith even a percentage the strength of the Banite line.


Oh and for anyone who says 'Caedus' he was the last hope for the Order of the Sith Lords as a proper force, unfortunately for the Sith, Lumiya and Vergere didn't remove his love for his family, much the same failure as suffered by Sidious, as Sidious was 'killed' by a redeemed Anakin, Caedus was figuratively killed by Jacen's love for his own family.


The Sith are basically finished, a few organizations will pop up here and there, but nothing of true significance and sustainability.


Will this change for the Sequels? I am going to guess not, especially if Lucas has anything to say about it.


Probably, especially since he stated thats when the Sith line ended at the death of Palps. I could however see a sort of fake "sith" cult or something of the sort.

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If the current Post-RotJ is any indication, any and all reincarnations of the Sith will only be broken fragmented shadows of the real Sith line that ended with Reborn Palpatine, not for a very long time will we see Sith even a percentage the strength of the Banite line.


Oh and for anyone who says 'Caedus' he was the last hope for the Order of the Sith Lords as a proper force, unfortunately for the Sith, Lumiya and Vergere didn't remove his love for his family, much the same failure as suffered by Sidious, as Sidious was 'killed' by a redeemed Anakin, Caedus was figuratively killed by Jacen's love for his own family.


The Sith are basically finished, a few organizations will pop up here and there, but nothing of true significance and sustainability.


Will this change for the Sequels? I am going to guess not, especially if Lucas has anything to say about it.

has someone not seen the legacy comics?

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has someone not seen the legacy comics?


(Spoilers)Krayt and his lackeys are pretty pathetic excuses for Sith IMO, they couldn't figure out they killed a double of the Emperor, then couldn't find him properly, then they couldn't properly secure Cade Skywalker to save Krayt himself, then Wyyrlok killed Krayt and when he came back he'd basically lost all sanity, then he died AGAIN and now they have hid themselves in the shadows waiting for Nihl who is a sad excuse for a Dark Lord of the Sith.


It was just another empire that crumbled because of incompetency and power plays, sorry but they are one of the least successful Sith organizations ever IMO.

Edited by Rayla_Felana
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(Spoilers)Krayt and his lackeys are pretty pathetic excuses for Sith IMO, they couldn't figure out they killed a double of the Emperor, then couldn't find him properly, then they couldn't properly secure Cade Skywalker to save Krayt himself, then Wyyrlok killed Krayt and when he came back he'd basically lost all sanity, then he died AGAIN and now they have hid themselves in the shadows waiting for Nihl who is a sad excuse for a Dark Lord of the Sith.


It was just another empire that crumbled because of incompetency and power plays, sorry but they are one of the least successful Sith organizations ever IMO.


Don't forget that Krayt wasn't even acknowledged as a sith lord, by the other sith lords.

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Precisely, Krayt and his 'One Sith' were nothing more than pretenders, all the 'Sith' after Sidious but Caedus were.


Well, let's not forget that even Caedus could be retconned into oblivion by the upcoming trilogy and for that matter, Darth Krayt and his 'One Sith.'

Edited by Aitix
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I'm guessing I'm not the only one who found Krayt's one SIth absolutely pants on head retarded, I mean seriously, they all looked stupid as hell, one guy with tattoos can look cool, but having a few dozen of them with the same bullcrap was just stupid, Darth Krayt as as well looked like a figure from some lame rock cover instead of a menacing sith lord


In fact the whole legacy series suffered from that kind of stupid aesthetics, everything was trying so hard to be edgy and dark, but ended up as Star Wars reimagined by a uncreative teenager

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I have a feeling the sith will be in the new trilogy or some form of dark force. I am more leaning on the sith the reason why because there will be a lot of new people watching the new trilogy and I guarantee you if there are no dark side force users or sith in some from people will be upset. If the story is good without them I would not really care but I personally would want them in the new movies. I am a sith fanboy after all :D eh this is just my opinion.


On the one sith yeah if you have old sith lords telling you that your sith order sucks you have some problems. I personally don't like them but if one of the original dark jedi acknowledges (Xoxann) you and trains you in the ways of the sith I would call them a sith personally even if their order sucks.

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I don't care if they have anyone from the Sith order as long as they have a powerful darkside user as an antagonist for the hero Lightside user. I've read almost all of the EU and enjoyed it very much but I feel like the new movies are gonna be a big change to the EU lore, but im still hoping for Luke to have a kid that is a powerful light side user and Leia to have a kid that turns to the Darkside.
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The Sith cannot return as a dominant force without ruining the meaning and importance of Vader's redemption and Palpatine's death.


Unless they go the galaxy-wide invasion route (Yuuzhan Vong style), they will have to make the scope of this trilogy a little smaller. Maybe they have to defeat the re-grouped remnants of the Empire, or maybe the Mandalorians start a conquest in the wake of the recently overthrown government. Those scenarios could satisfy the "Wars" in "Star Wars", but that doesn't solve everything. There HAVE to be lightsaber battles, with red lightsabers in the hands of the antagonist(s), otherwise Disney can kiss their profits goodbye.


I feel like dark Jedi would work... or just basic dark-side users. But Sith and Sith code should die with Palps, just like the old Jedi order was wiped out without record. Seems only fair.

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I'd go with immediately after FOTJ myself. That enables Luke/Leia/Han to be appropriately aged and is set up to have sith. Now which sith? I'd go with Krayt's crew. Much more visual characters for a movie.


And yes, i've been wanting to throw away the Legacy comic series for a long time. I hate having the future set in stone. Always in motion the future is and Legacy needs to become an alternate path that didn't happen.

Edited by annabethchase
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It's all speculation at this point. At its crux, Star Wars is about Good vs Evil. Good vs Evil, not Glowbat color. So, as long as that is appeased - it'll be a good Star Wars trilogy. My hope and prayer is that they'll keep it simple, not go the Lucas route and try to squeeze as many glowbats on the screen as possible.


But, it's Disney.

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Anything but the 'Vong abomination.


What was wrong with the Vong. Star Wars was at the point where they needed a post ROTJ cast of villains that weren't the Empire [again? really?] and Sith [legacy of the force showed how played out post ROTJ sith are] The vong filled that slot just fine.

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The Sith cannot return as a dominant force without ruining the meaning and importance of Vader's redemption and Palpatine's death.


Unless they go the galaxy-wide invasion route (Yuuzhan Vong style), they will have to make the scope of this trilogy a little smaller. Maybe they have to defeat the re-grouped remnants of the Empire, or maybe the Mandalorians start a conquest in the wake of the recently overthrown government. Those scenarios could satisfy the "Wars" in "Star Wars", but that doesn't solve everything. There HAVE to be lightsaber battles, with red lightsabers in the hands of the antagonist(s), otherwise Disney can kiss their profits goodbye.


I feel like dark Jedi would work... or just basic dark-side users. But Sith and Sith code should die with Palps, just like the old Jedi order was wiped out without record. Seems only fair.


Dont think you understand how the force and balance works. There will always be sith and jedi even if one of them get all wiped out.The force wull draw in force user to each side, as in the will of the force of things.

Sidious did only bring the force out of balance, and Anakin got the force balanced again.

Balance is as easy as 50/50 you can say.And what you call dark jedi are the ones who turn into sith, dont you know the lore ? star wars cant work without the fight between light and dark.Other enemies for thee most part are just boring.

Edited by Lord_Karsk
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The basic tenent within the Star Wars universe is that there is no light without darkness. A new order will arise. A reborn Sith or some other organization will fill the needs of the Darkside. The pendulum swings. The prophesy of Anakin bringing the Force into balance is the elimination of the two most powerful Force users. Yoda is chased into hiding until his death and Palpatine is killed by his hand. It is this stark contrast of black and white that made GL edit in Greedo shooting first.


If you want to use the EU, both orders have been destroyed and manage to reform. There was the Dai Bendu, the Je'daii, the Old Jedi Order, and the New Jedi order. From the Je'daii the True Dark Sons of Tython were born. From there the Sith Empire, the New Sith Empire, the Brotherhood of Darkness, the Galactic Empire, and argueably the One Sith.


It will no doubt be a Force based enemy. The extragalactic enemy doesn't fit within the basic tenant of darkness and light. Well unless the extragalactic invaders are Darksiders of some sort, but that doesn't feel quite right. The darkness always seems to come from within and then it is challenged and defeated. It's the personal conquest of self. Star Wars is the personification of the inner struggle within us all. Why do you think we take this stuff so seriously? It resonates with us in a subconscious way.


That is why WE are the Star Wars universe.

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I do not see how they cannot draw some of the story line of the new sequels from books already published. I would hope that the three sequels conclude before the Yuuzhan Vong War, too dark a period for younger fans and Disney imho. So far as Sith or Dark Side Jedi, they always makes things interesting. :) Edited by Craile
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The Sith are basically finished, a few organizations will pop up here and there, but nothing of true significance and sustainability.

"For three hundred years, we prepared. We grew stronger while you rested in your cradle of power, believing your people were safe… protected... You assumed no force could challenge you and now… finally, we have... wait what!? What do you mean were not allowed to return! Who the hell said... oh, George did"


No, but on a serious note - Star Wars as much as people may argue, isn't Star Wars without the dark side and good vs evil and lightsaber duels. Its iconic of any major Star Wars material and these films would suck without it. OK, so they wouldn't suck... but they'd be a lot better with some red lightsaber wielding bad guys. I'm not saying Sith, but there were a lot of dark jedi/acolytes operating under the Empire, so why not have one of them? They had Jerec and Kyle Katarn so I see no reason why a similar thing can't be done.

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Depends on which Sith you want. The watered down Sith from Legacy aren't a good choice, except maybe Darth Talon. :D


But seriously, Lucas had HIS Sith. There could be other splinter groups out there that survived in hiding down through the millenia. Lucas said that his line of Sith started with Darth Bane. If that line of Sith ENDED with Palpatine's last clone, then maybe there are other groups that could rise to threaten the New Republic.

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If the current Post-RotJ is any indication, any and all reincarnations of the Sith will only be broken fragmented shadows of the real Sith line that ended with Reborn Palpatine, not for a very long time will we see Sith even a percentage the strength of the Banite line.


Oh and for anyone who says 'Caedus' he was the last hope for the Order of the Sith Lords as a proper force, unfortunately for the Sith, Lumiya and Vergere didn't remove his love for his family, much the same failure as suffered by Sidious, as Sidious was 'killed' by a redeemed Anakin, Caedus was figuratively killed by Jacen's love for his own family.


The Sith are basically finished, a few organizations will pop up here and there, but nothing of true significance and sustainability.


Will this change for the Sequels? I am going to guess not, especially if Lucas has anything to say about it.




You know this actually might happen. The part about the Enemy being broken fragmenets of the Sith.


Especially since according to The Hollyword Reporter, Arndt is highly invested in the SW Mythos.

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at the starwars website Lucas stated he gave Disney the other story lines to go back and they have absolutely nothing to do with the EU.


So George Lucas lied yet again.... He had stated that Episodes I - VI were his story. No more, no less. I have never seen a creator retcon himself as much as George Lucas. He's lied and backpedalled so often, I don't know what any of us can believe out of his mouth, anymore.

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