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Can I just buy a level 50+ toon?


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I bought this game a year ago and stopped playing shortly there after. I am interested in starting to play again but don't really feel like leveling a character to 50+. With this new cred coin system, can I buy levels for my character? I'd totally be willing to pay. Thanks for your input!
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personally I think the best part of the game is the leveling with the class stories.


The endgame at level 50 is the same pvp and pve grind as everywhere else and it is my personal opinion that it is because of the people who rushed to 50 without taking any time to enjoy the stories who left the game and gave it a bad rep.


So my advice to you would be to question yourself first, why did you leave the game in the first place?

Nothing has changed since the game launched from a gameplay point of view. A few new ops, two flashpoints, one new warzone. But besides that, it's exactly the same as it was a year ago. If you did not enjoy the game then, there is little chance you'll enjoy it now.

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personally I think the best part of the game is the leveling with the class stories.


The endgame at level 50 is the same pvp and pve grind as everywhere else and it is my personal opinion that it is because of the people who rushed to 50 without taking any time to enjoy the stories who left the game and gave it a bad rep.


Whenever I get a toon to level 50 I lose interest soon afterward and start a new story. At level 1-49 the game has a ton of variety, you can spend a night doing all kinds of different things then switch it up the next night. After 50 it becomes a gear grind.


And as fun as OPs and flashpoints are they aren't the same as story line quests. I'd like to see a lot of level 50 storylines put into various planets you visited in the past, that are like the "Bonus Quests" you did leveling up. Things I can do at my leisure solo.


I'm actually trying to power level without doing any class missions to save those for later when I'm 50 to add some variety back to the gear grind. ie. Head back to Belsavis for some class story after a few rounds of +50 PvP.

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oh lord, another one to race to the end game and then complain there isn't anything to do.... one word... lazy.


i've been a part of the game since i first heard it was coming out, and they've always said that the stories for each of the classes is the best part of the game. you want to skip all that just to get to the end game. so sad.


i am a casual player, maybe 10 hours of game time a week if i'm lucky, and i am still on my first toon. no sense to rush to end game since lots of people say theres nothing to do then. i just immerse myself into my character and enjoy the story, its like reading a star wars book, but i am the main character. to me it is just spectacular, and when i read the books i always imagine whats going on in my head, the fights, the space battles, the plot lines, its just like a movie to me playing the game. but wayyyyyyy better in my opinion since i choose the path for my character and my choices effect things and my companions.


but if you want to be lazy and skip all the good stuff, then go right ahead and be dumb and pay more to skip. just don't race to the end and then come back and cry there isn't anything to do there.

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SWToR isn't really a game one should play for level 50 content. I made this mistake on my first character, rushing through content and rolling over endgame hardcore style. I burned out after 3 months. Now I'm levelling alts and smelling the proverbial flowers while casually playing endgame, and I'm enjoying it more than ever.


Don't buy a level 50 character. You'll get bored and regret the money that you spent. At least till there's more - a lot more content for endgame.

Edited by Helig
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Yes it's true you shouldn't be able to buy xp boosts I think cus I rather like lvling how I am, ATM anyway and I am starting to think why is their no more content yet..... But that's EA/BW so oh well can't wait till more content.


This is my first post so EXICTED! =D:rak_03:

Thnx for reading this peeps.

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Why not? They've survived this long without the hammer. Buy some currency while you're at it. No point buying a broke 50.

They're still extant because it's the weekend. There are quite a few threads going in various places right now that would normally be axed or heavily cleaned up. The mods must be having a better weekend than I am ;)

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Uh, guys. The OP wasn't asking about ilegally buying an account with already-leveled characters - not openly at least. The question was about getting level-up raises from the Cartel Market.


And the answer is: no, not exactly, but you can buy XP boosts that raise your XP gain 25% during 1 or 3 hours. Getting a lot of those should be enough to level up way faster than normal, so you can focus on the class story missions and skip planet and side missions. As already pointed out, those are a really good part of the game and you should do them at least once, but if you're on your fourth character, the XP boosts are actually a good alternative.

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I would rather play the class from the ground up and learn how to play it properly, instead of fast track myself to the end. You would get bored of this game quicker than the power levelers who had to be "server firsts" and end up quitting because there is nothing to do.
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