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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

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Excellent video , shows 2 things. 1st is that some ppl on these forums are all about " i am better than you i win you noob" . Second one is that bioware still needs to work a lot better on balancing classes , and thats regarding all aspects, be that mechanics , dps or heals. I can easily see the same sort of trolling being done with lolsmash spec, 2-3 lolsmashers wiping a whole group of players in 1 gcd.
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I can easily see the same sort of trolling being done with lolsmash spec, 2-3 lolsmashers wiping a whole group of players in 1 gcd.


Focus fire kills people!!! More news at 7 :rolleyes:


And if you have a whole group of players willing to stand in one spot long enough for that to happen, they deserve to die.

Edited by BobaStyx
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<< I can easily see the same sort of trolling being done with lolsmash spec, 2-3 lolsmashers wiping a whole group of players in 1 gcd. >>


It would take 4 smashers to kill 1 person (wearing a little expertise gear) in 2 gcds - assuming that 1 person didn't have one of their def cooldown's up and assuming there weren't other characters around supporting that 1 person (guard, taunts, bubble, kbs, cc, etc). 2 or 3 characters using focus fire and a stun will kill any 1 target just as dead and almost as fast as 4 smashers. The thing about 4 smashers is that they can kill 4 or 5 people if they all stand close together. But 4 ppl are not going to stand in front of an enemy spawn chaining coordinated supersmashes - and if they do the enemy team is going to win most of the time.


Coordinated cc in this game has always been worse than damage. The only people that don't seem to know that are some of the trolls on this forum. Many/most wzs on pot5 and jm (and most rwz teams that I know of) are not full of knight/warriors.

Edited by WaywardOne
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