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Robert Pattinson wants to take a role in EP VII, and he likes Jar Jar


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Stwart's performance in Snowwhite and the Thor is better than Theron if we put away the scandal.


Yes i forgot Snowwhite. Didn't really like the movie, but i have to say that she was perfect as snowwhite.


She wasn't in Thor though, unless i got some severe brain damage.

Edited by sarazoul
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Ok, what makes you believe this? Agreed, Twilight has boring characters to begin with. But have you seen the other movies he was in?


Remember me : Awfull acting.


Harry Potter? Yeah he was ok... For what little of a role he had in it.


Cosmopolis : Best selling novel, amazing main character. No excuse here. Again, terrible acting.


The only time i didn't want to blow his head off was in Water for Elephants. Not a very hard role if you ask me. he was just playing pretty boy as usual.


The only Actor from twilight that i have hope for is Stewart. No ones remembers her performence is Runaways, and that she did a very good job there. Her little role in Into the wild was also very nice. Very lovable character. I see potential in her.


Pattison is all looks, little acting. Maybe he will get that one role to prove every body wrong, but has yet to happen.


Understand that Twilights criteria of success is the same as a boys band. Find some good looking boys, teach them how to sing decently and make them pose half naked. And you have a screaming crowd of girls. Do you honestly think that if Shia Labeouf was playing Edward instead that the movie would get the same impact on the targeted audience?


Pattison as it is now, is not a talented actor, he's the equivalent of a boys band group singer. Maybe some day he will be a Robbie Williams, but for now that's just what he is. A good looking guy on camera.


Plus he thinks Jar Jar is cool. Do we need to say more? :rolleyes:


Someone seems a little hateful.

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Someone seems a little hateful.


So giving my opinion is being hatefull ? :rolleyes:


Yes, i don't like the guy. Even in the interviews. Does it mean i am in the wrong? I don't think so :)


Listen, i am saying he might become a great actor. Happened before, can happen with him. But if you look as his career so far, they are no signs that he can be a good actor in other roles.


I am not blinded by Twilight as you might think, i hate Bela in twilight, but i enjoy Stewart in other movies... But Pattison... No.....! He either looks like a life less doll or goes hyper emotional. That's not good acting. Give him a role in SW and he will be Anakin 2.0 from Episode II.

Edited by sarazoul
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im not a huge fan of pattinson but he could totally pull off a jacen solo/ darth caedus if it were an option i think


I agree, I remember seeing him flip-out on a show I can't recall the name of, he would do the 'lawful' Dark Side turn quite well and would rid him of this emotional type-cast he's been straddled with.

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I agree, I remember seeing him flip-out on a show I can't recall the name of, he would do the 'lawful' Dark Side turn quite well and would rid him of this emotional type-cast he's been straddled with.

Now I think about it, I could see him as a Sith Lord. Glowly eyes, pale skin. But hey, actors can't just say 'hey I wanna be in Star Wars' - he hasn't actually been asked.

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So giving my opinion is being hatefull ? :rolleyes:


No but tearing apart all of his roles and then stating that he MIGHT be able to become a good actor later on seems rather venomous, I don't think he's a great actor but he's certainly not bad, he has had good performances in Harry Potter and what I can remember of his previous roles on the BBC.

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No but tearing apart all of his roles and then stating that he MIGHT be able to become a good actor later on seems rather venomous, I don't think he's a great actor but he's certainly not bad, he has had good performances in Harry Potter and what I can remember of his previous roles on the BBC.


As you said, he wasn't bad in Harry Potter. He wasn't bad... Nothing more. Yep I hate him, i'll admit it.:p

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In the Sarlacc so we don't see him for a few thousand years.



Quite a few actors have seen their careers die after being in Star Wars... but then, that was when George was writing their dialogue and directing them.... :rolleyes:


It's the mark of a great actor that his or her career isn't killed by George Lucas. Harrison Ford, Sir Christopher Lee, Liam Neeson, Ewan McGregor, James Earl Jones, and a few more have had great careers before and after Star Wars. Many others have faded into obscurity. Granted, Mark Hamill only works when he wants to. He's probably the smartest actor in Hollywood. Residuals contract. lol

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Quite a few actors have seen their careers die after being in Star Wars... but then, that was when George was writing their dialogue and directing them.... :rolleyes:


It's the mark of a great actor that his or her career isn't killed by George Lucas. Harrison Ford, Sir Christopher Lee, Liam Neeson, Ewan McGregor, James Earl Jones, and a few more have had great careers before and after Star Wars. Many others have faded into obscurity. Granted, Mark Hamill only works when he wants to. He's probably the smartest actor in Hollywood. Residuals contract. lol

Careers die? Wasn't Harrison Ford's career made by Star Wars, and the same for Mark Hamill and Carrier Fisher and Hayden Christensen - after all before that they were just unknown actors. I find it hard to believe that a franchise as popular as Star Wars could do anything but sky rocket your career.

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Careers die? Wasn't Harrison Ford's career made by Star Wars, and the same for Mark Hamill and Carrier Fisher and Hayden Christensen - after all before that they were just unknown actors. I find it hard to believe that a franchise as popular as Star Wars could do anything but sky rocket your career.


Hayden said he disliked acting.


The only one you can say "ruined" by SW is Jake Lloyd.

Edited by Slowpokeking
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Careers die? Wasn't Harrison Ford's career made by Star Wars, and the same for Mark Hamill and Carrier Fisher and Hayden Christensen - after all before that they were just unknown actors. I find it hard to believe that a franchise as popular as Star Wars could do anything but sky rocket your career.


Ford had a career before Star Wars. Hamill and Fisher had their flashes in the pan, and had very little work afterward, compared to Ford. Fisher got married and really let herself go, and Hamill got into Voice Acting after a few straight to video movies that sucked horribly. Hamill didn't need the money, though. His contract for Episodes IV - VI was a residuals contract. He got paid for 25 years after RotJ wrapped. He got into Voice Acting to keep himself busy, and it was only then that he got into high demand as a VA.

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Ford had a career before Star Wars. Hamill and Fisher had their flashes in the pan, and had very little work afterward, compared to Ford. Fisher got married and really let herself go, and Hamill got into Voice Acting after a few straight to video movies that sucked horribly. Hamill didn't need the money, though. His contract for Episodes IV - VI was a residuals contract. He got paid for 25 years after RotJ wrapped. He got into Voice Acting to keep himself busy, and it was only then that he got into high demand as a VA.


Ford became famous because of SW, Hamill decided to go voice acting and Fisher's drug problem affected her badly, also I don't think she's close to Ford as actor.

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Ford had a career before Star Wars. Hamill and Fisher had their flashes in the pan, and had very little work afterward, compared to Ford. Fisher got married and really let herself go, and Hamill got into Voice Acting after a few straight to video movies that sucked horribly. Hamill didn't need the money, though. His contract for Episodes IV - VI was a residuals contract. He got paid for 25 years after RotJ wrapped. He got into Voice Acting to keep himself busy, and it was only then that he got into high demand as a VA.

Harrison Ford had a career yes, but hardly anything major, a lot of it he was uncredited for. American Grafitti, was his first real film (directed by George Lucas) After A New Hope his career sky rocketed. Hamill and Fisher had their 'flashes in the pan' yes, which would have been failed careers without Star Wars. But if your so sure about this, who's career was ruined by Star Wars?

Edited by Beniboybling
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Harrison Ford had a career yes, but hardly anything major, a lot of it he was uncredited for. American Grafitti, was his first real film (directed by George Lucas) After A New Hope his career sky rocketed. Hamill and Fisher had their 'flashes in the pan' yes, which would have been failed careers without Star Wars. But if your so sure about this, who's career was ruined by Star Wars?


Jake Lloyd, for one. Hayden Christensen hasn't had a good movie since Star Wars, either (I'm speaking relatively, since RotS wasn't that great) Most of his recent stuff has been bit parts or unremarkable characters. Unless you count Jumper, which was worth watching to see Sam Jackson beat the living hell out of him.


What ever happened to the guy who played Jar Jar? Haven't heard from him in a while.

What ever happened to the guy who played Wedge Antilles? Denis Lawson went back to Great Britain and didn't have another big movie after that. However, his nephew went on to be Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Sir Alec Guinness and Peter Cushing were nearly retired by that time, so it didn't really hurt their careers. They both had long and illustrious careers before Star Wars, so it was a good paycheck for them.


To be fair, Hayden Christensen is a decent actor, but ever since Star Wars, he's been cast in B-movies at best. No big director wants to work with him, now.

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