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Episode VII writer confirmed!!


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Call me a jerk all you want.


It doesn't matter that he is a SW fan or not. In your mind, Toy story is no achievement.


Let's look at Toy story 3. No small deal here. You have a new audience of children to please but you also have the fans of the original. Remember those fans where once kids when they watched Toys story 1, but they are adults now. How do you make a movie to appeal both groups? Not many writters have the skill to pull that off, and he did.


Knowing this, can you honestly say that he isn't a good choice for SW? (without the fact that he is a SW fan) Exact same problem. You need to appeal to a new audience and you need to please fans of the original material.


See what i mean? Why do you think he was picked? The anwser : he knows how to play with nostalgia and still make it fresh.


Why do i think your assumption is crap? Because it's based on the fact that you think that someone who worked on Toy story will do a kid version of starwars. So yeah... It's a crap assumption.


"In my mind Toy Story is no achievement?" Wow, way to make a assumption and put words in my mouth. I freaking own Toy Story 3!! Next you're gonna say I hate Star Wars....


The fact remains that Toy Story is not much like Star Wars. So just because he did Toy Story does not support the idea that he's is suitable for Star Wars (I'm not saying that he isn't suitable, I'm saying that just making Toy Story in and of itself does not qualify him for Star Wars).


Also: Yes he did well with Toy Story 3, but you talk as if he did it all. The success of Toy Story 3 is due to a lot of people, not just one singular person.

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Also: Yes he did well with Toy Story 3, but you talk as if he did it all. The success of Toy Story 3 is due to a lot of people, not just one singular person.


BRAVO!!!... Wow, you sure got me on this one....:rolleyes:


As in all movies Man! As in all movies... As nothing to do with the what we are talking about.



Edited by sarazoul
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I remember when Chris Columbus was asked to direct the first Harry Potter films that everyone feared that the movie wouldn't be faithful to the book and such, just because his most famous movie had been Home Alone, which wasn't really the style of HP.



I'll give this guy a chance. I liked both Toy Story 3 and Little Miss Sunshine and I bet that I will like this too.

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I remember when Chris Columbus was asked to direct the first Harry Potter films that everyone feared that the movie wouldn't be faithful to the book and such, just because his most famous movie had been Home Alone, which wasn't really the style of HP.



I'll give this guy a chance. I liked both Toy Story 3 and Little Miss Sunshine and I bet that I will like this too.



And the crazy part, is in my honest opinion, the first harry potter film was the truest to its novel out of all 8 movies.

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I remember when Chris Columbus was asked to direct the first Harry Potter films that everyone feared that the movie wouldn't be faithful to the book and such, just because his most famous movie had been Home Alone, which wasn't really the style of HP.



I'll give this guy a chance. I liked both Toy Story 3 and Little Miss Sunshine and I bet that I will like this too.

He was a director. Plus all of the meat of Harry Potter was already done, essentially the movies required nothing but conversion from books to films. This new Star Wars film isn't going to be an adaption, meaning it all begins here, not to mention that this guy is effectively replacing George's position, so he's having his work cut out for him, no doubt.

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I have no idea if this guy is the real deal but he always claimed these movies were coming(i remember reading his site when the prequels came out)...his site claims the actual storylines and since the rumour is the scripts were already written, all this guy would be doing to correcting the horrid parts that Lucas wrote(likely a complete rewrite)..go to the site..I dont claim any conneciton and have no idea if he is real.



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I have no idea if this guy is the real deal but he always claimed these movies were coming(i remember reading his site when the prequels came out)...his site claims the actual storylines and since the rumour is the scripts were already written, all this guy would be doing to correcting the horrid parts that Lucas wrote(likely a complete rewrite)..go to the site..I dont claim any conneciton and have no idea if he is real.




SS is a hack and really stupid, don't go by anything he says.

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He was a director. Plus all of the meat of Harry Potter was already done, essentially the movies required nothing but conversion from books to films. This new Star Wars film isn't going to be an adaption, meaning it all begins here, not to mention that this guy is effectively replacing George's position, so he's having his work cut out for him, no doubt.


Thats like saying Peter Jackson deserves no credit because the lord of the rings were already Novels.

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The guy can write character development and dialog and he understands pacing, particularly Star Wars pacing. There's no reason to act all fretful and worried at this point as if the guy should have been doing imitation Star Wars movies all this time.


The prequels needed better dialog and character interaction, that's what made them bad compared to the OT.

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I think its important, if not vital, that whoever writes the story nows a lot about Star Wars and is fanatic about it. Remember that George Lucas was the original screenwriter, and this whoever takes his place has to fill his boots.


Well, I mentioned David Hayter since he not only wrote the first two X-Men movies and did a great job, but he also does the voice of the Male Jedi Knight in TOR. He's a Star Wars fanatic AND knows how to write. I hope that Arndt is as enthusiastic in writing a great story.

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Thats like saying Peter Jackson deserves no credit because the lord of the rings were already Novels.

So you're saying that Pete is better than the person who wrote the books? No, you see, it'd take more effort on Pete's part to make the movies if there wasn't the books before it. Go and look at most if not all the movies that are playing at this current movie, ten bucks says that they'd be just cliche and slight changes from unoriginal concepts and plot ideas.


For originality, it's hard to find. Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, they both were original, especially in movies regarding their specificity. However they both had a book to precursor them, that takes away from the claim of the director, but yes, it still was a grand feat, just not as grand on the whole.


Hm, David Hayter as a Jedi, would be neat..

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Well, I mentioned David Hayter since he not only wrote the first two X-Men movies and did a great job, but he also does the voice of the Male Jedi Knight in TOR. He's a Star Wars fanatic AND knows how to write. I hope that Arndt is as enthusiastic in writing a great story.


Because he is a voice or is involved in SW doesn't make him a SW Fanatic.

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To all those worried that someone's past projects define them as an artist, witness an excerpt from the filmography of Jon Favreau from IMDB:


2001 Made

2003 Elf

2005 Zathura: A Space Adventure

2008 Iron Man


The simple fact is that Disney has been making quality films for 60+ years they are the best in the business and they think highly enough of the IP to pay a sum equal to the GDP of a small country for it and than hire an A-list award winning writer to script it. Someone who has shown he can write movies that children and adults can enjoy. This is a clear indication of DIsney's mindset with the IP. And above all, Star Wars is no longer in the hands of someone who promised to never do anything with it again. Whether good or bad Star Wars will continue now... Sure there are a million ways this can fail sure but as of right now I am happier to be Star Wars fan than I have been in a long long time. Disney has put in too much capital to just 1 and done this IP even if the first movie is terrible.


Star Wars will live now people... this is cause for a geeklebration unlike any that has come before! So let us forget our misgivings and malcontent for a brief spell and dance the

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I have no idea if this guy is the real deal but he always claimed these movies were coming(i remember reading his site when the prequels came out)...his site claims the actual storylines and since the rumour is the scripts were already written, all this guy would be doing to correcting the horrid parts that Lucas wrote(likely a complete rewrite)..go to the site..I dont claim any conneciton and have no idea if he is real.



This is not real. Or at least the chances that it is are highly highly unlikely. Seeing that the writer has only just being picked we can assume the story hasn't been written yet - or at least parts of the story thought about before haven't been brought together. This is just made up. :p

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While a lot of people are obviously talking about Toy Story Three, I'd also like to flag up Little Miss Sunshine. If you've not seen it, you should.


It's a perfectly pitched black comedy that's witty, tender and smart. And very funny One of the better films of the last 10 years, I'd say.


I'm confident in this choice of writer - in fact, pretty delighted given that he seems to be a Star Wars geek at heart. They couldn't have done better really.


Plus Jane Goldman is nowhere near it - it's a win-win.

Edited by UltimateKrucible
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