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Winning WZs After Quitters Leave


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Did that twice this morning in low level pvp; Guy spent the whole match complaining about the team, droped and we won with the replacement.


While q'ed on fleet he was in general chant still complaining and telling the group not to re-q. Next match load there he is again, still complaining, he jumped ship a quarter of the way in and we won again.


I think the problem was we were losing because he spent all his time typing and now of his time pressing hot keys. Just my thought.

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Did that twice this morning in low level pvp; Guy spent the whole match complaining about the team, droped and we won with the replacement.


While q'ed on fleet he was in general chant still complaining and telling the group not to re-q. Next match load there he is again, still complaining, he jumped ship a quarter of the way in and we won again.


I think the problem was we were losing because he spent all his time typing and now of his time pressing hot keys. Just my thought.


It's usually the guy in chat complaining about his team that always ends up being the bad one....it's always a laugh to see their score at the end of game if they stay. They are usually at the bottom in all categories.

Edited by Darth-Rammstein
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I came in as the replacement for a rage quitter (easily 20% the games I enter now are half over when I get there), we turned around NC with 5% remaining and got them down to 10% before they flipped it back to win.

I didn't mind losing because the team played awesome the whole way, and getting to 10-0 on Novarre Coast is an intense match.

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Just had a CW game where I came in late, we were already down, but not quite to that magic 50% of their score mark. They had two turrets though. We fight a bit longer, and we do go under that 50% mark. Then we take mid (now have mid and grass). Hold on for a while. The score is 200 them, 90 us. Then OMG - WE THREE CAP! We hold the three long enough to get above that magic 50% again. They take one back, but we hold on to the other two for a win. Never won before by actually getting a 3 cap when it was necessary. Best. Game. Ever. :)
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Just had a CW game where I came in late, we were already down, but not quite to that magic 50% of their score mark. They had two turrets though. We fight a bit longer, and we do go under that 50% mark. Then we take mid (now have mid and grass). Hold on for a while. The score is 200 them, 90 us. Then OMG - WE THREE CAP! We hold the three long enough to get above that magic 50% again. They take one back, but we hold on to the other two for a win. Never won before by actually getting a 3 cap when it was necessary. Best. Game. Ever. :)


Wow, that sounds epic!


I've had a few of these replacement-comeback matches. Join a VS, 4 min left on defense, and the attackers already at the last doors. We hold them until a minute left. We then go on the attack, and make it all the way. I love it when the rage quitters are the problem.


I hate it when the other team does this, especially on NC. What is an easy match can suddenly turn into a 3-cap for the other team.

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I came in as the replacement for a rage quitter (easily 20% the games I enter now are half over when I get there), we turned around NC with 5% remaining and got them down to 10% before they flipped it back to win.

I didn't mind losing because the team played awesome the whole way, and getting to 10-0 on Novarre Coast is an intense match.


Well spoken. These are the best games. Not an easy win, not an easy loss.

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this usually happens on novare coast and alderran civil war, there are idiots that leave the game if the enemy caps 2 turrets 1st, yet the battle had just begun, still won lots of games after this scenario...i think it actually helps having a replacement that will fight rather then have a guy wasting time typing crap in chat.

And the most funny HUTTBALL match scenario EVER----->after about 6 mins in the game our team is up 3-0, about 2 mins later we scor for 4-0...now 1 of our teammate writes with caps U ALL SUCK! DELETE THE GAME! STOP QUEUING FOR PVP YOU NOOBS! and left before anybody could respond....i started laughing and another from our team was asking *** was just happend and i said just a guy that after about 10 mins into the game didn`t realise he has that bug that shows enemy team and ally team colour and scor reversed....everybody died laughing

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I once sent a whisper to a rage quitter telling him "thank you for leaving, we couldn't have won that one with you".


Sometimes, I would love it if the ragequitter got an auto generated in-game mail to that effect.


Dear Scrub,

I would like to sincerely thank you for ragequitting that warzone when it appeared that it might be challenging In your absence of your nonsensical venom, the team rallied for an impressive come-from-behind win. We could not have done it with you. Please refrain from queueing in the future. The force is not with you.



Edited by NurseDonut
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this usually happens on novare coast and alderran civil war, there are idiots that leave the game if the enemy caps 2 turrets 1st, yet the battle had just begun, still won lots of games after this scenario...i think it actually helps having a replacement that will fight rather then have a guy wasting time typing crap in chat.

And the most funny HUTTBALL match scenario EVER----->after about 6 mins in the game our team is up 3-0, about 2 mins later we scor for 4-0...now 1 of our teammate writes with caps U ALL SUCK! DELETE THE GAME! STOP QUEUING FOR PVP YOU NOOBS! and left before anybody could respond....i started laughing and another from our team was asking *** was just happend and i said just a guy that after about 10 mins into the game didn`t realise he has that bug that shows enemy team and ally team colour and scor reversed....everybody died laughing



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Had this happen a few times recently, yeah it's great.


But it's important to remember that whiny quitters have unfortunate disorders. D-bagitis is one of the more common and contagious. The inflammatory effects include butt pains so bad that sufferers complain and moan loudly and endlessly, and their egos become drastically inflamed and swollen also. Sometimes to the point of bursting; a dangerous condition that may result in sudden keyboard death syndrome.


It also has a debilitating effect on their cognitive abilities and vision. Capslocked characters are all they can see in the tiny chat box so they tend to use them, and joining the team in pvp combat is out of the question since their decision-making is too impaired.


Poor souls, ranting and raging on the sidelines is all they can do. You guys lack empathy.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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funny how the "L2P!!!1!1! NooB! you suck!1! " guys are always the ones who have 30k stats at the end of a match they stayed for over 10 minutes...


My ultimate favorite is the guy who just sits at our controlled turret and berates everyone for not being able to take the other ones.


I am never sad to see these guys leave. What really sucks though, is when you get a WZ with more than one of them... hard to overcome that much stupid, even once they quit.

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Remember, just because somebody quits doesn't necessarily mean it's out of rage or because the team is losing. Sometimes things come up, or maybe they are getting really bad latency and don't want to hurt the team any more than they are already doing. I have had to quit WZ's for both of those reasons.
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Remember, just because somebody quits doesn't necessarily mean it's out of rage or because the team is losing. Sometimes things come up, or maybe they are getting really bad latency and don't want to hurt the team any more than they are already doing. I have had to quit WZ's for both of those reasons.


Of course, though I think this thread is about the players who you can predict as in: Enemy just pulled one point ahead of us in first few minutes of the match? 2 teammates will quit in 3, 2, 1...


Also the slightly less subtle: "^$#^#$^ you guize suck buncha $%&%$&%^ noobs unsub l2p &%$&^$%&^&^" followed by an immediate quit. They're pretty easy to tell apart from the "legit" leavers.

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Winning a Warzone after quitters quit is very sweet indeed.


This has been happening a lot more lately. I've been seeing a lot more wins on my toons after players quit and we get a backfill of peeps who want to really PvP. I think the routine quitters are truly the bad of the badz and it's becoming more and more apparent that they are the reasons their teams are losing.


Personally, I don't mind backfilling games at all. I like the challenge of turning the ship around. It is a bummer when you get in too late to make a difference, but when you get in at the right time and can help the team pull out a victory it is one of the most rewarding experiences in the game.

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Remember, just because somebody quits doesn't necessarily mean it's out of rage or because the team is losing. Sometimes things come up, or maybe they are getting really bad latency and don't want to hurt the team any more than they are already doing. I have had to quit WZ's for both of those reasons.


I agree with this as I too have been in the this same scenario. I believe this topic is about those who spew trash into the chat channel and then leave, clearly not the *damn real life just happened gotta go scenario*

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It's usually the guy in chat complaining about his team that always ends up being the bad one....it's always a laugh to see their score at the end of game if they stay. They are usually at the bottom in all categories.


That's not always the case. When I play my lowbie alts I'm very vocal about calling out baddies. I'm also usually on the top of the scoreboard. I think you are overlooking the fact that there are A LOT of terrible lowbie pvpers. 90% of the time spewing out frustration in ops chat is completely justified.

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I was just thinking if it would be worthwhile to post in general chat to group up with like minded people in this thread. No Vox, no team composition, just people who will keep fighting in the face of imminent defeat.


"LFG: PvP who will keep fighting to the end. Even if down past 50%."

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