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How has pvp actually gotten worse?


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WARNING: I am going to be crying alot in this thread. ************ alot in this thread. I will not be praising many, if any aspects of this game.


I dropped sub several months ago. Went on to play GW2, beta MWO and PS2(Thanks UglyMrJay I will be playing PS2 at launch, great game brother).

I came back to see if things were the same or if they'd gotten better now. O....M....G.......:eek:

It's actually worse. :o

I will not be paying another month of sub obviously, so I thought (even though we all know the devs don't read their own forums) I would take this last bit of my sub to vent my disappointment. Yes, yes, I know it falls on deaf ears. Yes, yes, I know this thread will fill up with trolls faster than I can refresh this page.......I could care less, I need to vent how epic the fail is in this games pvp.

Let me start out by stating that I am far too old to be playing video games. I have been playing them for decades. After having played SWTOR for the initial 6-7 months, this is probably the most disappointing game I've played in all my gaming years. There is so much about this game that leaves one feeling so very unsatisfied that it's nearly impossible to keep PvP'ers interested and keep them logging in. I PvE only as needed so I won't speak on the PvE other than to say I enjoyed it enough to lvl more than one 50 in spite of how crappy the PvP is.


How can you have "very measureable statistics" that say Ops/Scoundrels cause unsubbing, but you don't have any data about how your garbage WZ mechanics, pugs vs pm's, resolve(personally i'm ok with resolve), and a useless CC break causes the same unsubbing behavior? Or do you have these stats and are choosing to ignore them?


The number of WZ's i have to que up as a solo player just to get on semi-decent team of players is often more than I care to que. Today, that number was one. Last night it was also one. I cue'd for one and said **** it. I don't want to play and logged out.

Why? Because I logged in to enjoy myself not end up pissed. But that's all you get from swtor as a casual/solo que'r. Pissed. It is a team of mostly 20k'rs vs a team of mostly 15k'rs. I'm not going to play that way zone, after zone, after zone. Further, I'm not going to go out and make a bunch of fake online friends just so I can enjoy this game "a little bit". The game should stand alone and not rely on me making friends to enjoy it.


Literally, MONTHS have passed and pvp zones are the same, llum is still empty/broken, and nothing is on the horizon. *** is EA/BW doing all day when punched in for work? They certainly aren't cultivating their playerbase. They could take a page out of PS2's community and dev communications. They are ALWAYS sharing whats going on with their game. ALWAYS telling us what direction the game is going. ALWAYS taking our feedback, good and bad, and then responding to it. Even when we don't like what they have to say we appreciate being kept in the loop. It also gives us opportunity to build a case to refute a direction we don't like. Sometimes we bring things to the table the devs never thought of. This is one of the single biggest proponents of the games failures. ZERO communication in SWTOR.


Protip BW: Ignoring the problems won't make them go away.......but ignoring your community WILL make them go away. Feel free to add me to that stat. I will be going away......again.


There aren't many here that can out fanboy me with star wars, as far as love of the universe, saga, and stories. That being said, I can't play this game without feeling pissed off by the time I log out most days.

For those who want to chime in and tell me all their L2P blah blah.....save it. I run a Concealment Operative and don't think they were nerfed into the ground or unplayable. I own on my Op and feel almost unbeatable in one on ones when playing. I function fine in 1v2's and able to kite 1v3-4 long enough for help to arrive. I feel even more ****** on my Assassin. Me learning to play is not the issue. I know my roles on my respective characters and play them within the strengths of the the specs. I kill waaaaaaaaaay more than I die. It's not even close.

I know not to run the ball in Hutball on my operative. I know not to attack a node solo if they have 2 ppl. I don't spend half the match in stealth, in fact I spend most of my matches out of stealth and put up very respectable numbers for a dps operative. I know the power of using a well times interrupt, hold, snare. I have the patience and savvy to wait on my CC break as well as never hovering over my panic button. I am however occasionally a mouth breather. :D


Anyways, instead of using the last of my time to play your game BW, I chose to log out and come here to *****. That should speak volumes to you. Of course when one is deaf.....they don't hear anything, do they?


I am so F'ing baffled about this game/dev crew.....? How many PvP subs have you lost due to your "vision" of this game? 300k? 500k? 1 million? Who the hell knows by now.......

My entire guild was gone after 6 months. I have moved servers 3 times. I have stuck around longer than i should have. I have come back when I shouldn't have. I have paid A LOTmore money than this game is worth(from a pvp standpoint).

While F2P will breath new life into the game and give it a nice income boost......it will not save swtor imo. There is little to keep one playing this game once you play to 50. The Pve, imho, plays like a single player rpg. How many times do you play through your single player rpg's before they fall by the wayside? Simply put, this game lacks depth for replay value. This is especially true for PvP. I can't imagine PvE is going to hold folks longer than 3-6 months when you can level a character to 50 a few short weeks, casually.


Anyways, thanks again for the PS2 tip UglyMrJay. That game looks to be my winter savior this year. PHEW!!! :cool:

Edited by WickedImage
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Long diatribes with big generalities and few specifics mean little.


"I dislike the the way resolve works because I feel the time spent with a full white bar is too short in relation to the amount of time it takes to be filled, adapting it to a modified diminishing return system where Stun/Mez duration is tied to how full the resolve bar is rather then an all or nothing with a far-to-brief 'nothing' phase."


"I hate resolve in this game, it's stupid how you spend the half the warzone stunne, mez'd, or knocked down"


Which do you think is actually more effective as a means of expressing one's disfavor?

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To the OP, Thank you for your thread. I do love SWTOR but i have to admit I feel the Devs are lost when it comes to the pvp aspect of this game. I love the PVe and the story and lvling my toons is the funnest part of the game in my opinion. But i am more of a pvper and to be honest if it was not for my friends in this game i would likely quit the game, I enjoy gaming with them in that guild and i have the time of my life. But i digress, pvp is simply blahh, in fact i do not call it pvp any more i call it Player verses crowd Control.


Here are my beefs with Pvp at the moment, and even though the devs will likely scoff at me or never read this post I will still list them.


For me PVP is about fighting or out healing a RL feeling, thinking person not an NPC. This generaly brings about skill, and Cunning and tactics. in my opinion BW has eliminated all of that from pvp and made it worse with 1.4. the player that can lock up the other player the most wins, healers cant keep others up because they are stun locked till death, players cant escape / re adjust due to being locked up ect. No i am not suggesting that one player can take on multiple players and win. can it happen? some classes aparently can due to needless buff and needless nerfs to certain classes.


Bw seems to buff classes that dont need it and nerf others, 6+ K smash AOE really? AOE stuns really needed? the players classes should all <== be ballanced and capable of mirror like abilities but instead of working on that they buff the CC so we spend more time complaining about that instead of the class imbalance. (See what i did there?)


FOTOM dependent WZ's HB if you are a leaper or a speeder you rule that WZ, thank god we dont have a choice of quing because that WZ would flop really fast due to this, and i think its prolly because of that exact thing that we dont have choice ques. besides the fact the que times would be horrendous. but that brings me to my next point.


There are no cross server PVP ques, why would BW not want to do this? most MMO's out there have that, instead we have the same premade groups / guild rolling pugs. I 4 man premade with my guild but it is not fair to the other pug group, they should either seperate premades from pugs or only alow no more than 2 people to que together.


Ranked WZ's suffer because there are no cross server pvp ques, its almost 2013 if the staff there do not know how to do cross server ques then hire some.


We need open world queable matches, like wintersgrasp in WOW, i hate to bring up that game but that was a fun pvp zone, they could easily revamp illium to do something like that.


I love this game but some of the choices they make in this on BWs part is just really wierd.

Edited by DarthSabreth
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I feel very much the same OP, disappointed. And then angry that I'm disappointed since I'm a huge SW fan.


And you're right on many points... they just seem to be focused on ignoring feedback and avoiding conversation in order to further this private vision for the game, which more and more seems to diverge from what we all want.


Communication has been one of the biggest issues with this team. I remember GZ being the most vocal of the devs, through beta and launch, but that is not enough -- all the rest of them failed at their jobs. :(

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To the OP, Thank you for your thread. I do love SWTOR but i have to admit I feel the Devs are lost when it comes to the pvp aspect of this game. I love the PVe and the story and lvling my toons is the funnest part of the game in my opinion. But i am more of a pvper and to be honest if it was not for my friends in this game i would likely quit the game, I enjoy gaming with them in that guild and i have the time of my life. But i digress, pvp is simply blahh, in fact i do not call it pvp any more i call it Player verses crowd Control.


Here are my beefs with Pvp at the moment, and even though the devs will likely scoff at me or never read this post I will still list them.


For me PVP is about fighting or out healing a RL feeling, thinking person not an NPC. This generaly brings about skill, and Cunning and tactics. in my opinion BW has eliminated all of that from pvp and made it worse with 1.4. the player that can lock up the other player the most wins, healers cant keep others up because they are stun locked till death, players cant escape / re adjust due to being locked up ect. No i am not suggesting that one player can take on multiple players and win. can it happen? some classes aparently can due to needless buff and needless nerfs to certain classes.


Bw seems to buff classes that dont need it and nerf others, 6+ K smash AOE really? AOE stuns really needed? the players classes should all <== be ballanced and capable of mirror like abilities but instead of working on that they buff the CC so we spend more time complaining about that instead of the class imbalance. (See what i did there?)


FOTOM dependent WZ's HB if you are a leaper or a speeder you rule that WZ, thank god we dont have a choice of quing because that WZ would flop really fast due to this, and i think its prolly because of that exact thing that we dont have choice ques. besides the fact the que times would be horrendous. but that brings me to my next point.


There are no cross server PVP ques, why would BW not want to do this? most MMO's out there have that, instead we have the same premade groups / guild rolling pugs. I 4 man premade with my guild but it is not fair to the other pug group, they should either seperate premades from pugs or only alow no more than 2 people to que together.


Ranked WZ's suffer because there are no cross server pvp ques, its almost 2013 if the staff there do not know how to do cross server ques then hire some.


We need open world queable matches, like wintersgrasp in WOW, i hate to bring up that game but that was a fun pvp zone, they could easily revamp illium to do something like that.


I love this game but some of the choices they make in this on BWs part is just really wierd.


I readily admit, I also quite enjoyed the PvE. Was a wonderful experience most of the time. For me, it is no longer all that much fun. It's sorta snoozey for me at this point. I find I am not able to PvE for more than an hour before I'm nodding off or just completely uninspired to play on. So, again for me, I'm not willing to pay to only PvE especially when I can't endure more than an hour dose at a time before boredom sets in. I've played both versions of the agent, warrior, inquisitor but have rolled only a Powertech and not a Merc. I've played both versions of the JK, JC, and Smuggler with only the trooper left to try. I just don't have any desire to bother with the ones i've not tried in PvE. :(


I sort of agree the amount of stuns in game can be daunting and make someone feel like it's too much. I don't completely submit to that school of thought though. My beef is more with how the actual CC break works and here's why.

First, being CC'd is often a time to NOT panic yet so many do. It's time to observe imho. 2nd, relax, since there is little you can do about it anyways, stop freaking out about being able to do nothing. Learn opponents rotations and plot your counter attacks several moves in advance. Everyone has CC, including me and you. So long as I make make wiser, more tactical use of my CC I can/should/will win or escape more. Yes sometimes you are stunlocked but thats usually due to being outnumbered, in which case I should die anyways imo. This is more of an awareness thing to me. So long as I pay attention to when I'm being surrounded, overrun, outnumbered, or taken to task I can more efficiently use my defensive CD's, counters, and escape tactics. :D If I don't.....I prolly deserve to get my face rubbed in poo. :o


For me, the problem is the CC break not providing a small umbrella of immunity after having used it. You can use it and be almost immediately CC'd. This is what leads people to feel like SWTOR is a stunfest, beacuse without a window of immunity, it basically is a stunfest. There is no skill or tactics needed to spam CC in this game. There is so much CC that someone can easily spam what they have and have more at the ready in a 10-15 seconds. A brief window of immunity after using a CC break would not only cut down folks feeling CC'd too much but also cut down on people throwing CC around willy nilly. This "could" allow for BW to possibly increase the CD time on "some" CC powers since folks won't get the mileage out of spamming them anymore. This will further aid in folks shaking that stunlocked feeling/mentality that currently dominates PvP. While stunning folks is quite fun imo, I do agree with you that being stunned more than a few times is not really as fun. :)


We most CERTAINLY DO need open world PvP options. I will go a step further and say they should consider arena.(that one hurts to say actually:o)

They need "something" besides the few WZ's to offer. It's embarrassing that almost one year out they actually offer less PvP now than at launch? Really? Ouch.... :o:confused::o


Just like Pug WZones, Ranked WZones need both solo and group que zones, but in addition RWZ's should have an expertise minimum put in place for both solo and group RWZ ques. I almost feel like both Pug and Ranked should be solo only ques and that any type of group play should be relegated to arena play. Do not allow for Solo arena play and do not allow for groupd WZ play. Offer both for world PvP only. I'm sure its very possible there are problems the game would encounter with those guidelines in place and that I havent thought about them and they might be game breaking. It's not my problem and above my pay grade. ;)

But it IS how I think SWTOR pvp could be improved a metric ton, as far as fun factor.


Bah, I gotta go to the store now, wife is throwing verbal haymakers for me to go get groceries now. :D



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I am also quiting. Again. Also quit to give it a chance. Came back. And tonight realized why I quit. I am playing lvl 49 Vanguard kitted to the hilt with modable EQ. So enter PvP. I get 4 shotted by a lvl 42 Sith Assassin. Twice. I went back just to make sure. Sure enough - it comes out of stealth - hits me twice before I get a cryo off. Then pops out and finishes me. Interrupt? What *********** interrupt? What is the point of a game if you invest *********** weeks in building up a char only to have it *********** ***-***** in seconds by another! With no counter?!
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(Thanks UglyMrJay I will be playing PS2 at launch, great game brother).


Anyways, thanks again for the PS2 tip UglyMrJay. That game looks to be my winter savior this year. PHEW!!! :cool:


While I'm still holding down the SWTOR optimism... trying to anyways. Glad you enjoyed PS2. Great game and the first one went under the radar and since they don't really advertise these games this one could too so I always spread the word. Highly ambitious and well designed game.


See you on the battlefield.


SMF <3's U.


NC Markov. :D


Also spending some time in The War Z... another game that caught me by surprise. Very much like Day Z only less buggy and just a hair less hard core. Def worth the $25.

Edited by UGLYMRJ
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My sub is running out too, so what the hell, might as well vent something out too :D


For me the number one issue for cancelling my sub (once again) is the total lack of communication by BW/EA, just as the OP mentioned. All the other issues, while maybe more crucial to enjoying the game itself, are secondary in my opinion, due to the fact that if they'd be willing to take time to read their own forums from time to time and maybe pick up a thing or two that are constantly mentioned on them, those problems might be a thing of the past.


I mean, it's not that hard to figure out the main problems that the PvP-community seems to have with this game just by browsing the PvP section. Sure, some topics consist mainly of people ranting about getting their asses handed to them and crying for nerfs to their opponents or people just trolling for the fun of it. But when the same issues are being brought up over and over again, you have to be blind not to see that the players are not sharing your vision on how the game should be. Here's my impression on what people here seem to have most problems with: Merc/Mando DPS being a dead weight in PvP, CC and the resolve system plus the premade versus PUG issue. That's just by taking a look on the 1st page of PvP-section. And these issues have been on the front page for a while now and on numerous different topics (along with numerous other issues, such as class balance in general, open world PvP, cross server PvP etc.), so there's been plenty of time to take a look upon them.


But by the looks of it they will continue to make decisions that make little to no sense in many players opinion and won't even bother sharing their visions behind those decisions - let alone listen to feedback after the changes have been made or during the time on Public Test Server. It took the Merc/Mando issue more than 500 posts on just one topic, another topic at the General Discussion that was moved back here first, and then we finally got some insight from the devs about how they feel about the issue - all that trouble just to get them to acknowledge that there is a problem. Most of the time it feels like I'm browsing some random fansites forum, not the official SWTOR forums.


So like the OP said:

Protip BW: Ignoring the problems won't make them go away.......but ignoring your community WILL make them go away. Feel free to add me to that stat. I will be going away......again.


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this is my first MMO, I usually play COD. the other day at the fleet a bunch of people got into it and I asked one of the dudes who broght me to the dark side (pvp) how was WoW during the first year.


a lot of people complain and whine but to me the game is still fun I have no point of reference to compare to, my friend told me the first year of that other game the end game was lacking to say the least and the pvp was what it was.


sure I dislike getting stunlock but if I jump on on a 2v1 it's on me not the game, not anybody else.

forums are fun to read too :D

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All I took from this was:


1) Devs don't communicate

2) I'm good in warzones, but I don't have fun because I don't win warzones

3) You can't find good people to put on my team and I don't want to find them myself


Anyhoo.... In b4 thread deletion




Funny how a whining thread with no substance is so popular in theses forums. Really, this is as far away from constructive criticism as it gets.

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WARNING: I am going to be crying alot in this thread. ************ alot in this thread. I will not be praising many, if any aspects of this game.


I dropped sub several months ago. Went on to play GW2, beta MWO and PS2(Thanks UglyMrJay I will be playing PS2 at launch, great game brother).

I came back to see if things were the same or if they'd gotten better now. O....M....G.......:eek:

It's actually worse. :o

I will not be paying another month of sub obviously, so I thought (even though we all know the devs don't read their own forums) I would take this last bit of my sub to vent my disappointment. Yes, yes, I know it falls on deaf ears. Yes, yes, I know this thread will fill up with trolls faster than I can refresh this page.......I could care less, I need to vent how epic the fail is in this games pvp.

Let me start out by stating that I am far too old to be playing video games. I have been playing them for decades. After having played SWTOR for the initial 6-7 months, this is probably the most disappointing game I've played in all my gaming years. There is so much about this game that leaves one feeling so very unsatisfied that it's nearly impossible to keep PvP'ers interested and keep them logging in. I PvE only as needed so I won't speak on the PvE other than to say I enjoyed it enough to lvl more than one 50 in spite of how crappy the PvP is.


How can you have "very measureable statistics" that say Ops/Scoundrels cause unsubbing, but you don't have any data about how your garbage WZ mechanics, pugs vs pm's, resolve(personally i'm ok with resolve), and a useless CC break causes the same unsubbing behavior? Or do you have these stats and are choosing to ignore them?


The number of WZ's i have to que up as a solo player just to get on semi-decent team of players is often more than I care to que. Today, that number was one. Last night it was also one. I cue'd for one and said **** it. I don't want to play and logged out.

Why? Because I logged in to enjoy myself not end up pissed. But that's all you get from swtor as a casual/solo que'r. Pissed. It is a team of mostly 20k'rs vs a team of mostly 15k'rs. I'm not going to play that way zone, after zone, after zone. Further, I'm not going to go out and make a bunch of fake online friends just so I can enjoy this game "a little bit". The game should stand alone and not rely on me making friends to enjoy it.


Literally, MONTHS have passed and pvp zones are the same, llum is still empty/broken, and nothing is on the horizon. *** is EA/BW doing all day when punched in for work? They certainly aren't cultivating their playerbase. They could take a page out of PS2's community and dev communications. They are ALWAYS sharing whats going on with their game. ALWAYS telling us what direction the game is going. ALWAYS taking our feedback, good and bad, and then responding to it. Even when we don't like what they have to say we appreciate being kept in the loop. It also gives us opportunity to build a case to refute a direction we don't like. Sometimes we bring things to the table the devs never thought of. This is one of the single biggest proponents of the games failures. ZERO communication in SWTOR.


Protip BW: Ignoring the problems won't make them go away.......but ignoring your community WILL make them go away. Feel free to add me to that stat. I will be going away......again.


There aren't many here that can out fanboy me with star wars, as far as love of the universe, saga, and stories. That being said, I can't play this game without feeling pissed off by the time I log out most days.

For those who want to chime in and tell me all their L2P blah blah.....save it. I run a Concealment Operative and don't think they were nerfed into the ground or unplayable. I own on my Op and feel almost unbeatable in one on ones when playing. I function fine in 1v2's and able to kite 1v3-4 long enough for help to arrive. I feel even more ****** on my Assassin. Me learning to play is not the issue. I know my roles on my respective characters and play them within the strengths of the the specs. I kill waaaaaaaaaay more than I die. It's not even close.

I know not to run the ball in Hutball on my operative. I know not to attack a node solo if they have 2 ppl. I don't spend half the match in stealth, in fact I spend most of my matches out of stealth and put up very respectable numbers for a dps operative. I know the power of using a well times interrupt, hold, snare. I have the patience and savvy to wait on my CC break as well as never hovering over my panic button. I am however occasionally a mouth breather. :D


Anyways, instead of using the last of my time to play your game BW, I chose to log out and come here to *****. That should speak volumes to you. Of course when one is deaf.....they don't hear anything, do they?


I am so F'ing baffled about this game/dev crew.....? How many PvP subs have you lost due to your "vision" of this game? 300k? 500k? 1 million? Who the hell knows by now.......

My entire guild was gone after 6 months. I have moved servers 3 times. I have stuck around longer than i should have. I have come back when I shouldn't have. I have paid A LOTmore money than this game is worth(from a pvp standpoint).

While F2P will breath new life into the game and give it a nice income boost......it will not save swtor imo. There is little to keep one playing this game once you play to 50. The Pve, imho, plays like a single player rpg. How many times do you play through your single player rpg's before they fall by the wayside? Simply put, this game lacks depth for replay value. This is especially true for PvP. I can't imagine PvE is going to hold folks longer than 3-6 months when you can level a character to 50 a few short weeks, casually.


Anyways, thanks again for the PS2 tip UglyMrJay. That game looks to be my winter savior this year. PHEW!!! :cool:


Someday, when you have a real job, you will realize that communication in small, simple, exact forms is far more effective than a bloated, self important rant.


State your you ideas and be concise.

Edited by Arkerus
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I played at launch. I did enjoy the PvE element of the game, it was really a refreshing change from the typical MMORPG.


My guild was all gone just a few months later. I won't try to determine what everyone's individual issues were, but everyone had issues. Perhaps the biggest common issue was that our server was vastly underpopulated.


I like both PvE and PvP in an MMO. Although I tend to do much more PvP, I enjoy having a set "Raid Night" every tuesday or whatever. That alone, though, is not enough to sustain an endgame playing experience.


I had a lot of fun in Warzones, but Ilum was a huge letdown for me. Rather than addressing the issues that Ilum had, BW simply removed all reason to go there in the first place. Now it has sat for months with no improvements.


I would have liked to see Ilum as a real "PvP Planet". Right now the PvE and PvP sides of the planet are separated. It might as well be two different planets. Ilum should have combined both sides into one singular area. High-paying Daily Missions in a total PvP environment. Imagine if the 5 control points of the PvP side were simply scattered around the PvE side. Ilum would be much more interesting.


I had really high hopes for this game, and if my friends still played I might have stayed longer. Again I won't attempt to go into everyone's individual issues, but if you want to retain players you really should listen to them. But not the whiny ones. That's the distinction you have to make.

Edited by Arlanon
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WARNING: I am going to be crying alot in this thread. ************ alot in this thread. I will not be praising many, if any aspects of this game.


I dropped sub several months ago. Went on to play GW2, beta MWO and PS2(Thanks UglyMrJay I will be playing PS2 at launch, great game brother).

I came back to see if things were the same or if they'd gotten better now. O....M....G.......:eek:

It's actually worse. :o

I will not be paying another month of sub obviously, so I thought (even though we all know the devs don't read their own forums) I would take this last bit of my sub to vent my disappointment. Yes, yes, I know it falls on deaf ears. Yes, yes, I know this thread will fill up with trolls faster than I can refresh this page.......I could care less, I need to vent how epic the fail is in this games pvp.

Let me start out by stating that I am far too old to be playing video games. I have been playing them for decades. After having played SWTOR for the initial 6-7 months, this is probably the most disappointing game I've played in all my gaming years. There is so much about this game that leaves one feeling so very unsatisfied that it's nearly impossible to keep PvP'ers interested and keep them logging in. I PvE only as needed so I won't speak on the PvE other than to say I enjoyed it enough to lvl more than one 50 in spite of how crappy the PvP is.


How can you have "very measureable statistics" that say Ops/Scoundrels cause unsubbing, but you don't have any data about how your garbage WZ mechanics, pugs vs pm's, resolve(personally i'm ok with resolve), and a useless CC break causes the same unsubbing behavior? Or do you have these stats and are choosing to ignore them?


The number of WZ's i have to que up as a solo player just to get on semi-decent team of players is often more than I care to que. Today, that number was one. Last night it was also one. I cue'd for one and said **** it. I don't want to play and logged out.

Why? Because I logged in to enjoy myself not end up pissed. But that's all you get from swtor as a casual/solo que'r. Pissed. It is a team of mostly 20k'rs vs a team of mostly 15k'rs. I'm not going to play that way zone, after zone, after zone. Further, I'm not going to go out and make a bunch of fake online friends just so I can enjoy this game "a little bit". The game should stand alone and not rely on me making friends to enjoy it.


Literally, MONTHS have passed and pvp zones are the same, llum is still empty/broken, and nothing is on the horizon. *** is EA/BW doing all day when punched in for work? They certainly aren't cultivating their playerbase. They could take a page out of PS2's community and dev communications. They are ALWAYS sharing whats going on with their game. ALWAYS telling us what direction the game is going. ALWAYS taking our feedback, good and bad, and then responding to it. Even when we don't like what they have to say we appreciate being kept in the loop. It also gives us opportunity to build a case to refute a direction we don't like. Sometimes we bring things to the table the devs never thought of. This is one of the single biggest proponents of the games failures. ZERO communication in SWTOR.


Protip BW: Ignoring the problems won't make them go away.......but ignoring your community WILL make them go away. Feel free to add me to that stat. I will be going away......again.


There aren't many here that can out fanboy me with star wars, as far as love of the universe, saga, and stories. That being said, I can't play this game without feeling pissed off by the time I log out most days.

For those who want to chime in and tell me all their L2P blah blah.....save it. I run a Concealment Operative and don't think they were nerfed into the ground or unplayable. I own on my Op and feel almost unbeatable in one on ones when playing. I function fine in 1v2's and able to kite 1v3-4 long enough for help to arrive. I feel even more ****** on my Assassin. Me learning to play is not the issue. I know my roles on my respective characters and play them within the strengths of the the specs. I kill waaaaaaaaaay more than I die. It's not even close.

I know not to run the ball in Hutball on my operative. I know not to attack a node solo if they have 2 ppl. I don't spend half the match in stealth, in fact I spend most of my matches out of stealth and put up very respectable numbers for a dps operative. I know the power of using a well times interrupt, hold, snare. I have the patience and savvy to wait on my CC break as well as never hovering over my panic button. I am however occasionally a mouth breather. :D


Anyways, instead of using the last of my time to play your game BW, I chose to log out and come here to *****. That should speak volumes to you. Of course when one is deaf.....they don't hear anything, do they?


I am so F'ing baffled about this game/dev crew.....? How many PvP subs have you lost due to your "vision" of this game? 300k? 500k? 1 million? Who the hell knows by now.......

My entire guild was gone after 6 months. I have moved servers 3 times. I have stuck around longer than i should have. I have come back when I shouldn't have. I have paid A LOTmore money than this game is worth(from a pvp standpoint).

While F2P will breath new life into the game and give it a nice income boost......it will not save swtor imo. There is little to keep one playing this game once you play to 50. The Pve, imho, plays like a single player rpg. How many times do you play through your single player rpg's before they fall by the wayside? Simply put, this game lacks depth for replay value. This is especially true for PvP. I can't imagine PvE is going to hold folks longer than 3-6 months when you can level a character to 50 a few short weeks, casually.


Anyways, thanks again for the PS2 tip UglyMrJay. That game looks to be my winter savior this year. PHEW!!! :cool:


Nobody cared the first time you quit, and nobody will care this time either. You want to actually make a difference? Fill out their stupid WHY U NO SUB NO MORE forms when you cancel your sub.

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To everyone complaining about BW's lack of response to anything pvp related - they do respond, and they do make changes, every 8-10 weeks with new major patches.

Remember how all those poor smashers/sweepers were crying that their spec was too complicated?

Remember all those mercs/commandos telling everyone how op their class was?

Remember all the people claiming that pyro pts/assault vans needed more burst but less range?

1.4 fixed all of that.


In all seriousness though, they do try to adjust stuff, they're just really bad at it. But as is the trend with so much today, it's the effort that counts, not the actual result, right?

Edited by Kurvv
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