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“Your Saga Begins” Launch Documentary


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Congrats to the devs! I know it's been a long wait for this fan, but I can only imagine how difficult and exciting the wait has been for those who've been involved in this endeavor.


What I've played so far through the betas and early access has been fantastic. I look forward to playing this game for months and years to come!


Thank you so much for making this!

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What did you expect? To have a LESS populated server at LAUNCH? Are you slow or something? Come on man. Do you really think it matters much if they lose 4-5 subs. More specifically, subs from people who will use the "I'll unsub!" threat every time something's not good enough for them. You're just looking for a reason to quit. You were going to quit anyway, so just go man. Just go.


My thoughts exactly, these people complaining about queues should just leave, if this small, insignificant thing that they should have expected from the start is a deal breaker for them, TOR is better off without such whiners.

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This complete garbage, beta worked fine, early access, a few disconnects, now that the game has launched my server stays full cause you didn't think to limit or broaden your.servers added to the fact im getting disconnected before I even get into the game so I have to start the question process all over again, for that Limited Edition Collectors Box Set...there's a limited amount of time your.getting to pull your heads out of your **** before I expect a refund of 3 years for a game you couldn't deliver
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its cool and all but it was a long waiting periode since 2008... the game has yet to proof itself to me. i played the beta and i like it so far but im not sure if the game will hold me in front of the screen once i have completed the class specific campaign.
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I'v witheld from Beta caus i wanted starting with fulle xperiance and immersion.....

Aside from ques during early acces which to all the winers was "early acces" and not launch which shows as ques are a lot less by now. And lets face it the qeues were/are frustrating because he game is so awesome you want to play it really bad. If the game sucked we wouldnt care about qeues.


This game is freakin Awesome, best MMo i have seen. Thanks and congrats Bioware and all the others.


Sure there are things that could be improved/different like a tab just for appearances but for me its worth every penny. :cool:

Edited by Thunderos
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