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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Paid Faction Chances / Server Transfers and 1.5


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People don't always have the time to do. But have the money. What company doesn't want more money?


Its not about money, its about its impossible due to the way the story is set up. You really think at the end of Ch 3 when its done, that the Republic or Empire would welcome the guy who caused their plans to fail and billions of credits to be wasted in fighting? Not to mention, killing some of their top members in their respective factions...I think they would sooner blaster them and kill em before letting them into their faction.

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Came back from the military and found my original server is dead and my friend's switched while I was gone.


Welcome back dude.


I would love a paid transfer option to get my Imps off Jung Ma and on to Pot5 where I have some long time friends. Here's my $$$ BW, take it already...

Edited by DarthOvertone
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Its not about money, its about its impossible due to the way the story is set up. You really think at the end of Ch 3 when its done, that the Republic or Empire would welcome the guy who caused their plans to fail and billions of credits to be wasted in fighting? Not to mention, killing some of their top members in their respective factions...I think they would sooner blaster them and kill em before letting them into their faction.


luke blew up the death star, but that didn't stop the emperor from wanting him to switch factions. just saying :-)

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Its not about money, its about its impossible due to the way the story is set up. You really think at the end of Ch 3 when its done, that the Republic or Empire would welcome the guy who caused their plans to fail and billions of credits to be wasted in fighting? Not to mention, killing some of their top members in their respective factions...I think they would sooner blaster them and kill em before letting them into their faction.


Not necessarily... in regards to the story it is quite possible to handle it. In fact, it should be a story all in itself if done correctly (much like the city betrayal quests in EQ2). This story could (or should) be the same for all 4 base classes on a side, so that only two rather than eight storylines would actually be needed for that.

A storyline like that could also have a light/dark requirement to even get started, which would add a little more meaning to our alignment rather than just to determine which relics (or boots) a character can equip.

The main question would be whether the classes would switch over to their mirrors or remain as they are. I'd prefer the latter in general though it would be an issue for Force users. Bounty hunters, troopers, smugglers and agents can easily exist on both sides.

Edited by Kendaric
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The only thing I think could work, and only for Jedi type classes, is at the end of your class story you could turn to the darkside or be redeemed. Same class with the same companions, but now you're wearing a different color shirt. Really though, that would need a lot of coding and probably wouldn't come out before an expansion.


Server transfers, on the other hand, should be something we have already or at least with cartel coins in 1.5.

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Within 3 mo of The Cartel Market going live expect to see the following things in the cash shop.


Paid Name Changes

Paid Character Recustomizations

Paid Server xfers

Paid Faction Changes


This is years of experience with MMOs talking. ESP with EA involved. They will do whatever they can to milk the cash shop dry

Edited by LordVilos
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Within 3 mo of The Cartel Market going live expect to see the following things in the cash shop.


Paid Name Changes

Paid Character Recustomization

Paid Server xfers

Paid Faction Changes


This is years of experience with MMOs talking. ESP with EA involved. They will do whatever they can to milk the cash shop dry


Never knew they added faction change to WoW. :rolleyes:

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Never knew they added faction change to WoW. :rolleyes:


Yes they did and they make a killing off of it. There are some people that switch factions every 3 weeks others to do it more often and some that just do it every now and then out of boredom. The funny thing is some of my friends that role play who screamed and yelled about faction changes have faction changed a couple of their toons by now. My point? Sooner or later everyone would pay for it is the option was there

Edited by LordVilos
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I am still waiting. I'm missing all the pets that my main on my PVE server has, and i'm tired of PVE and want her on my RP server.


But you still have Vector! :D


Funny thing about faction changes in wow, they SWORE for years that it would NEVER happen.


Still waiting for that Dance Studio, though. :cool:

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The game is built specifically to encourage levelling characters of diverse classes and factions. HK-51 requires it. Legacy supports it. Why? Because this really is a story-based game, with a tremendous amount invested in creating eight parallel plots, fully scripted and voiced. That is where replay value is. That is what they hope you will wish to spend your game time on.


You don't have time? Really? Why are you wasting it here, then?


This is not an endgame-heavy game. Not at this point, in its first year, certainly. It is a story-based game where the richest experience is to be found from 1-50. Some day, BioWare may say, "we are out of ideas for perks people might pay more money for" and explore paid faction change. But I wouldn't count on it at all, much less any time soon. This is not that kind of game.


It amazes me how people makes crusades of things that doesnt affect them in any way. Your beloved "Story" is just becoming an annoyance for others, the voice over delays and makes expensive the development of new content, ties us and encases our experience, but .. the game is built that way, OK, no problem, every person has its own tastes its good to respect other's opinion. You like story? its ok for me, you are free to level as much toons as you like, and once you reach the slots cap you are free to ask for more slots, i will support you, because it doesnt interfere in my gameplay and you will give more money to BW (so better updates for me).


But in the same line, i dont get how me being able to buy a Faction Respec could ruin you beloved Story, its YOUR story, mine doesnt affect yours in any way, i have already experienced the story in 3 toons and it doesnt have caught my interest, im more interested on the end-game conetnt with my guildies, again ... its my option, and my option doesnt interfere or alter your gameplay or roleplay in any way, respect.

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It amazes me how people makes crusades of things that doesnt affect them in any way. Your beloved "Story" is just becoming an annoyance for others, the voice over delays and makes expensive the development of new content, ties us and encases our experience, but .. the game is built that way, OK, no problem, every person has its own tastes its good to respect other's opinion. You like story? its ok for me, you are free to level as much toons as you like, and once you reach the slots cap you are free to ask for more slots, i will support you, because it doesnt interfere in my gameplay and you will give more money to BW (so better updates for me).


But in the same line, i dont get how me being able to buy a Faction Respec could ruin you beloved Story, its YOUR story, mine doesnt affect yours in any way, i have already experienced the story in 3 toons and it doesnt have caught my interest, im more interested on the end-game conetnt with my guildies, again ... its my option, and my option doesnt interfere or alter your gameplay or roleplay in any way, respect.


To a point I can agree with you on the your experence , while I dont belive they should do faction changes.

My reasons being that the class stories are not mirrored to each other, and while you may not care about story Bioware has to take that into account before they set up a faction change, how they deal with it can go from being cheap ( a reset of all your story choices, which as companions are tried to your class story would remove them I fear too until you regained the new ones, and force a play to at the very lease have to play the class story to regain his comapnion.) to alot of time and energy to try and match up each class story with its mirror, ( very well a near impossible task) to just allowing it at level 50 only and change companions, ( at this point it would most likely only happen if they never intend to continue the class story lines. If and when any or non of this happens will honestly be if EA thinks that the time and money spent to do it will earn a profit in the cash shop,

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Not necessarily... in regards to the story it is quite possible to handle it. In fact, it should be a story all in itself if done correctly (much like the city betrayal quests in EQ2). This story could (or should) be the same for all 4 base classes on a side, so that only two rather than eight storylines would actually be needed for that.

A storyline like that could also have a light/dark requirement to even get started, which would add a little more meaning to our alignment rather than just to determine which relics (or boots) a character can equip.

The main question would be whether the classes would switch over to their mirrors or remain as they are. I'd prefer the latter in general though it would be an issue for Force users. Bounty hunters, troopers, smugglers and agents can easily exist on both sides.


If there were only two stories then it would cut down the amount of content I'd have to play by a large margin. I'd only roll two characters then I'd be left with nothing to do but quit. I'm only here for the story and the co-op with friends. Once another awesome story based RPG comes out I'll likely put this game on hold until I finish that.

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If you do not like the story, why are you playing. I do not understand. I play a superhero MMO because I like superheroes. I played DFO because I like old school brawlers. Why did you purchase a Star Wars/Bioware game but do not like Star Wars or Bioware. KOTOr came out almost a decade ago, you people knew what you are buying.
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Within 3 mo of The Cartel Market going live expect to see the following things in the cash shop.


Paid Name Changes

Paid Character Recustomizations

Paid Server xfers

Paid Faction Changes


This is years of experience with MMOs talking. ESP with EA involved. They will do whatever they can to milk the cash shop dry


Do you have a source for that? Or is that just speculation and hope

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Please no faction changes, but I am also really hoping server transfers will be soon. We have been waiting for them for a very long time.


I really DO NOT know why you guys are so opposed to faction changes?

What are your reasons? Story is not enough. Story does not have impact on game play. It is a personal thing.. Give me/us reason why not so?!

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I really DO NOT know why you guys are so opposed to faction changes?

What are your reasons? Story is not enough. Story does not have impact on game play. It is a personal thing.. Give me/us reason why not so?!


Because it would mess up the story. The only way for it to work would be for it to permanently lock you out of any further class story content. You know people would be very upset if they screwed themselves out of missing that. Story is an important part of gameplay, and is a huge part to this game. This is a Bioware game, where story is the most important thing.


For the life of me I'll never understand the people who come to a Bioware game and don't like story, it's counter-intuitive. It'd be like playing CoD and hating multiplayer. You can, but don't expect the developer to cater to you.

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I'd prefer a neutral faction be brought into play first. Bounty Hunters and Smugglers are aligned with the highest bidder until their contract is through. Allying them in the current manner is just strange.


You are playing as a SPECIFIC bounty hunter that happened to ally themselves with the empire or a SPECIFIC smuggler that happened to ally themselves with the republic. It's the same thing as playing as commander shepard in mass effect, or Revan in Kotor. You aren't playing out your own story, you're playing out the story of someone who will most likely get a name later like the exile.

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Because it would mess up the story. The only way for it to work would be for it to permanently lock you out of any further class story content. You know people would be very upset if they screwed themselves out of missing that. Story is an important part of gameplay, and is a huge part to this game. This is a Bioware game, where story is the most important thing.


For the life of me I'll never understand the people who come to a Bioware game and don't like story, it's counter-intuitive. It'd be like playing CoD and hating multiplayer. You can, but don't expect the developer to cater to you.


It will mess up MY story. won't affect yours in the least, so why do you care?


I personally don't care if it resets all my companions, and I have to start over as a level 50 on Tython, and go through the entire sage story, I want to be able to bring my sorc over the the pub side. As it is now, he just sits on the imp fleet doing the odd underworld trading mission for Mandalorian Iron. There are plenty of ways to make this work, and enough people want it to make it worthwhile.


But don't complain that it will mess up the story. it will only mess up the story for the people that choose to do it. So if you don't choose it, it won't affect you.

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Because it would mess up the story. The only way for it to work would be for it to permanently lock you out of any further class story content. You know people would be very upset if they screwed themselves out of missing that. Story is an important part of gameplay, and is a huge part to this game. This is a Bioware game, where story is the most important thing.


For the life of me I'll never understand the people who come to a Bioware game and don't like story, it's counter-intuitive. It'd be like playing CoD and hating multiplayer. You can, but don't expect the developer to cater to you.


You gave the exact thing I told not to say. Story is not a changing factor in gameplay. So it should not matter.

Most people don't play this game just cause its BW. A lot of has to due to the fact of its a MMO and its Star Wars..

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If there were only two stories then it would cut down the amount of content I'd have to play by a large margin. I'd only roll two characters then I'd be left with nothing to do but quit. I'm only here for the story and the co-op with friends. Once another awesome story based RPG comes out I'll likely put this game on hold until I finish that.


Don't get me wrong here, story is the main reason for me to play SWTOR as well, I don't care about endgame stuff or PvP at all. However, the forced allegiance of some classes (mainly smuggler and bounty hunter) to a specific faction puts a serious damper on my enjoyment.


It would be only two stories for those who actually switch factions. The normal class stories would remain unaffected as long as you decide to stay within your original faction. While I'd love to see a fully fleshed out class-specific betrayal storyline, it would require such an enormous amount of work that it's unlikely to ever happen. Hence the suggestion to reduce the actual betrayal story to just one story per side.

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I say "forget faction changes until we get simple server transfers from any server to any server"!


I have some toons on an east coast server (friends were there but they have quit the game) that I want to move to a west coast server. When can I move these?

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