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Does recruit gear make me a bad player?


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Hello everyone, I just got my mercenary healer to 50 a day ago and I bought the recruit gear set and hopped into 50 pvp hoping to start to hear up. I join an alderaan match and ask "2 left rest mid?" and am instantly told by another player "I don't listen to people with less that 16k hp" I then state that I am stuck in the recruit gear until I can buy the battle master set. We drop down, I am told to stay at snow, and I defend it for a minute or so. We lost mid and 3 enemies go to snow so I call incoming to snow, we get help and I do all I can to keep as many people up as possible then get focused down. After that I am told that I should l2p and go back to lowbie pvp because I suck. The person who said that then leaves the game. Then I go back to snow and try to heal but die again and snow falls as I land back at our landing zone and I am told that I should have defended snow better and that our team must be bad. My question is this, does the fact that I am in recruit gear make me a bad player? Or were these guys elitist who want to play with people in war hero only?
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My question is this, does the fact that I am in recruit gear make me a bad player? Or were these guys elitist who want to play with people in war hero only?


No it doesnt make you a bad player. Sadly, for you, it does mean that even if you are a fantastic player, in certain circumstances, you will contribute less than a terrible player in full augmented, optimised WH.


Gear matters when you are talking recruit-->WH.


The main thing however, is this was a normal wz, where people are meant to earn their gear. If you dont want to team with undergeared players? Play ranked... Thats something half of those people will never do however, because then they'd get destroyed and have no excuse.

Edited by AKfourtyseven
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Thanks for the feedback, I guess I've just gotta keep grinding out the gear, I figure most people run into these types of situations, too bad I can't be of too much help.....I rolled a healer so I could help the team and maybe win more.
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Hello everyone, I just got my mercenary healer to 50 a day ago and I bought the recruit gear set and hopped into 50 pvp hoping to start to hear up. I join an alderaan match and ask "2 left rest mid?" and am instantly told by another player "I don't listen to people with less that 16k hp" I then state that I am stuck in the recruit gear until I can buy the battle master set. We drop down, I am told to stay at snow, and I defend it for a minute or so. We lost mid and 3 enemies go to snow so I call incoming to snow, we get help and I do all I can to keep as many people up as possible then get focused down. After that I am told that I should l2p and go back to lowbie pvp because I suck. The person who said that then leaves the game. Then I go back to snow and try to heal but die again and snow falls as I land back at our landing zone and I am told that I should have defended snow better and that our team must be bad. My question is this, does the fact that I am in recruit gear make me a bad player? Or were these guys elitist who want to play with people in war hero only?


He left the game. Its a simple as that, as much as I talk about hating getting low-health/gear people on my team, I would rather have people that actually try, instead of simply giving up.


No, having recruit gear does not make you a "bad" player, it just means your more limited then others by your gear; which will become better and better over time. Alot of those people were probably "bad" players themselves when they first started out.

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I guess im an average player, moreover what I meant to ask was if I could still be able to heal war zones in recruit or if I should just forget about it because I would not be of much assistance until I get better gear.
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Hello everyone, I just got my mercenary healer to 50 a day ago and I bought the recruit gear set and hopped into 50 pvp hoping to start to hear up. I join an alderaan match and ask "2 left rest mid?" and am instantly told by another player "I don't listen to people with less that 16k hp" I then state that I am stuck in the recruit gear until I can buy the battle master set. We drop down, I am told to stay at snow, and I defend it for a minute or so. We lost mid and 3 enemies go to snow so I call incoming to snow, we get help and I do all I can to keep as many people up as possible then get focused down. After that I am told that I should l2p and go back to lowbie pvp because I suck. The person who said that then leaves the game. Then I go back to snow and try to heal but die again and snow falls as I land back at our landing zone and I am told that I should have defended snow better and that our team must be bad. My question is this, does the fact that I am in recruit gear make me a bad player? Or were these guys elitist who want to play with people in war hero only?

No it does not make you a bad player. I would suggest you to ignore such people and keep grinding your war hero. Play objectives, try to stay with a group and hope you get some good players that will do their best to win the game.

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Some people tend to forget that everybody have been in recruit gear one time. I never bother to complain about how geared people are. Had matches when we were 7 sorcs +one merc in terrible gear (in 1.3 when sorcs was a little less good) and we just killed the opposition, just because those guys on our team were good players. And i also never know how good geared the opponenets are. Ofc team in recruit will get stomped by good team in good gear, but thats part of random teaming.


And u obviously are a good player cause u call out incomings, ( if u do that u belong to the best 20% :) ).


Just keep up the gearing and read the forums for tip ( id strongly advise u to augment all your bm gear, while u gear up it makes big difference).


best regards


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Being in recruit gear does not make you a bad player. Blaming everyone else and quitting when your team lose a node probably does.


Lots of people get het-up in PvP when something goes wrong. They start lashing out at everyone else. Sometimes they have a point, but often it's to convince everyone (especially themselves) that it wasn't their fault. Take a moment to objectively consider whether their criticism has any merit: if it does, it's a chance to try and improve your own play. If it doesn't, ignore their bluster and make a mental note that player X is an idiot, for future reference.

Edited by Wainamoinen
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I remember when I was a young healer in recruit gear, it actually wasnt that long ago. Something I would do i figured it helped but maybe not so much, is i would heal the main healer. Keep the bigger healers alive means keeping the team alive more correct? Doesn't mean ignore the rest of the people around you but I'm sure you keep the bigger guy up he'll thank you with a MVP vote. At least it did for me every now and then. Sometimes if i see certain people who i know can out heal me with ease I'll still focus heal them so they can keep more people up. Mind you now I'm fully BM augmented with a few WH pieces. But just stick with it, you'll be squishy and focused a lot, just move move move.
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Yeah, the problem is that you can contribute less. The first thing i do is when i enter a WZ is take a look at my teams health. If i see 3 ppl with less than 16k hp i know its going to be a hard fight. Just ignore the other people. You will be in BM gear soon enough.


I would suggest, to speed up the process, That you do the same. Leave games where there are more than 2 recruit players and requeue. This will help out the team you left and give you a better shot at victory. WZ queues pop frequently on our server so helping yourself get on a winning team will get you comms quicker than sitting though tough losses (which is what games with 3 or more recruits end up being 90% of the time).

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Classic WZ d-bags, blame team failing on something inane then leave. Don't worry about them or any you'll run into later. They're unfortunately common in WZs.


Ask yourself this OP, if they're so good why are they in reg. WZs talking down to players they don't even know and who may be more skilled than them? For all they know you're bored with your 7 other BiS WH min/max fully augmented toons and grinding another.


Suggestion: If someone makes a sensible point, consider it. If they're elitists mistaking you for e-peen viagra, ignore.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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Usually comments about those in recruit gear is more about the weakness of the gear versus a WH player. For example I was explaining to my team that leaving the two people in Mk2 recruit gear to defend mid while they over committed to snow was a bad idea. Due to the gear gap a WH player shouldn't ever lose to a player in recruit and a WH can often 3 v 1 or more against recruits depending on the class.
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Cheers to all those who replied to OP. It definitely feels like a different community here :rolleyes:!


On topic, keep on grinding the gear mate, every game simply makes you stronger. Yes, getting 2 shotted is frustrating but soon you will be able to really contribute to your team. A healer wearing bm gear can really contribute to the team effort. Also, like someone else pointed out, augment your battlemaster pieces, you ll have them for quite some time.


Stick with the main force and try to understand how you should position yourself. Use line of sight to your advantage, if people cannot see you, they cannot kill you. Check who the top merc healers are on your server and ask for tips. If they act "toogoodforyou" ignore them straight away.


Bottomline, NO recruit gear does not make you a bad player. There are some Elite warhero people on our server who are really bad and imho green recruits have more fight in them compared to geared ppl, especially in normal warzones.

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First, he is a moron. Feel free to always ignore idiots like him that ruin what a game is supposed to be...fun. How else are you supposed to get your gear? We all had to start at the same place and we all had to go through the same process to get our gear. Now that he's a full War Hero he feels so big and thinks he has the right to put others down who are just trying to get their gear like he did? That mentality does not make any sense at all. Fortunately, on my server I have encountered very few idiots like that. Second, you are a healer. Unlike damage-dealers, your numbers don't go down for a while as a result of being a fresh 50 in Recruit gear. You can be very valuable to your team, and they are idiots for leaving a healer to guard a node alone, as the healer should always be where the action is so he can actually heal, as that is the purpose of having a healer on the team in the first place. I don't know how the numbers look like for a merc healer in Recruit gear, but as a sorc healer, I got pretty good numbers and always in the top three healing overall. In fact, I did better than I had in the under-50 bracket because I finally had expertise in my gear. No one ever complained about the gear I was wearing that only gave me 14.5K HP or relegated me to guarding a node by myself while the rest of my seven teammates were battling it out a mid (for example). Several times, I've had other healers on my team who were full WH or at least half while I was still in half Recruit and I ended up pretty much matching the amount of healing they did. So I think that is enough proof that just because I had Recruit gear on it did not mean I suddenly became a bad player and a liability. So just continue doing PVP and getting those comms so you can get your gear. The joke is on idiots like him who don't realize how wrong they are. Edited by Solarenergy
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Hello everyone, I just got my mercenary healer to 50 a day ago and I bought the recruit gear set and hopped into 50 pvp hoping to start to hear up. I join an alderaan match and ask "2 left rest mid?" and am instantly told by another player "I don't listen to people with less that 16k hp" I then state that I am stuck in the recruit gear until I can buy the battle master set. We drop down, I am told to stay at snow, and I defend it for a minute or so. We lost mid and 3 enemies go to snow so I call incoming to snow, we get help and I do all I can to keep as many people up as possible then get focused down. After that I am told that I should l2p and go back to lowbie pvp because I suck. The person who said that then leaves the game. Then I go back to snow and try to heal but die again and snow falls as I land back at our landing zone and I am told that I should have defended snow better and that our team must be bad. My question is this, does the fact that I am in recruit gear make me a bad player? Or were these guys elitist who want to play with people in war hero only?


No, it doesn't. All 50-bracket PvPers (well most atleast) start out with Recruit. Even that guy who said for you to 'l2p' had Recruit Gear at one point. Most likely.


You'll find that the majority of people who tell you to 'l2p' are the ones who need to 'l2p'.

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I love how some of the ragers in WZ tell "us" bads to L2P and "stop queuing" at the same time. How are you supposed to do both? :) Especially if it's the 10-49 bracket.


Why, by watching their crappy vids that they post on the forums, of course. :rolleyes:

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I would love to just once go into a wz where there wasn't a whiner. I have no problem with recruit players.....we all had to start somewhere. But then i play wzs to pvp and to me even losing a wz is good practice.....Stomping on the other team may feel good but you really don't learn anything. Btw, i can't count the times that a whiner told us how we all sucked, left the game, and then we went on to win.
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I would love to just once go into a wz where there wasn't a whiner. I have no problem with recruit players.....we all had to start somewhere. But then i play wzs to pvp and to me even losing a wz is good practice.....Stomping on the other team may feel good but you really don't learn anything. Btw, i can't count the times that a whiner told us how we all sucked, left the game, and then we went on to win.


If I had a dollar for every time one of those idiots rage quit and we went on to win...LOL. A lot of them quit if we go down 0-1 in Huttball with 10 minutes left or the other team plants a bomb in VS after two minutes or something...like I said, the joke's on them. Also why the rage quit...because they always play with six or seven noobs, and clearly they are elite, and couldn't possibly be part of the problem. :rolleyes:

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Btw, i can't count the times that a whiner told us how we all sucked, left the game, and then we went on to win.


Yep, and not that I'm petty enough to get satisfaction from this other scenario but.... well, nah I am actually:


> Join low or 50 WZ the first few times with a freshly qualified toon

> Catch snide gen. chat or whispers from Shuper 133t WZ Overlords

> Outscore, out-teamplay, out-obj. crush, get more MVP votes.


Strangely, next match they don't make comments :rak_02:

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