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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Feedback Request: Moddable Outfits


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I love iconic outfits. Looks that scream STAR WARS. The Pilot, Imperial Trooper, and Slave Girl outfits are examples. Personally, I'd love the Imperial Trooper outfit, but I'd need to find a CE first. So. Failing that.



So here are some Iconic Looks I'd like to see.


Imperial Officer Link

This is already an orange set, but it is perfect for Imperial Agent characters and people who want to roleplay officials in the Sith Empire. A white variant would also be nice for those Chiss who want to try their hands at becoming a Grand Admiral.


Mandalorian Armor Link

Mandalorians are iconic for Star Wars. The armor here doesn't have to be this fancy. There's some generic Mandalorian Armor seen on certain enemies that would work nicely as well.


Elite Trooper Armor: Link

...Ha, just kidding. But in all honesty. There is a ton of great trooper armor out there, but a complete set of standard issue trooper armor for both the Republic and Empire would be nice. I know that Imperial Trooper armor is unfortunately locked behind the CE though, but perhaps the variants seen on Elite Imperial Troopers during the first Republic Flashpoint could work.


The Skywalker: Link

An iconic outfit. A simple white tunic over pants. A darker variant like the one worn by Anakin Skywalker could be suitable for Sith as well. Most Jedi Armor tends toward armored robes or full on dresses as opposed to the simple tunic look most Jedi sport in the films.


The Gunslinger


Not that persay, But the trenchcoat and wide brimmed hat would be pretty popular. Seriously. You'd sell thousands of them. We do have a fairly nice trenchcoat in the market, but a level one, rugged looking variant with a nice hat would SELL.

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I would love more 'less' clothing for males of all classes. Short sleeves over long sleeves gets kind of same-same after awhile, and please... more than just brown for male jedi? I have a black chest piece that I have kept and just been upgrading so I can avoid the brown.


Hood down robes for jedi.


I would Love Love Love more skin on my men. The girls have two very-nearly-naked outfits plus a variety of crop tops and 'boobtubes'. Jedi robes without the under shirt would be fantastic. A gun belt slung across a bare chest would be amazing for us smugglers and bounty hunters. And all manner of 'rough and ready' torn clothes for chest pieces.


There is a thread made for fun about 'skimpy' male sets. Some are silly and made just for a laugh, but some are genuinely lovely to look at and I would buy them in a heart beat, even if it was just from the key vender. After all I got that key just for the dancer outfit for my bounty hunter.


This is the original thread, and where all credit belongs: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=425762


These are the types of outfits I would pay for in-game, Shirtless but still baddass:






http://sweet.pp.fi/trooper1.jpg (only with pants left on...)









http://sweet.pp.fi/corso_x.jpg (but again with pants)







Especially something like this! - http://sweet.pp.fi/smuggler_24.jpg


Some of these could also be adapted for girls who want to show some skin, but not be totally uncovered. Eg;



Also, can we have an option for Inquisitors that doesn't have huge shoulder-pad-wings? I can't fly with them so I would like to fit through doors. :D

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Make every single hood up chest piece in the game in Sith colors and available in medium...It may sound silly, but I loved my Marauder, but because of the horrific looking gear, it killed it for me...


It's simple...Take all the chest pieces that are hood up robes/cloaks on the Republic side and make them black, red, and etc and available for Marauders...Even the Juggernaut chest pieces with hoods up available in medium armor would work...


You literally dont even have to make a another chest piece at all..You have plenty...Just none available for my Marauder damn it >.<

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Great suggestions here, though just wanted to say that as long as a whole suit is roundly $10 for one single character/companion you can keep them.


Not going to pay a full month worth sub to dress a character.

Edited by Deewe
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I'd like to see a woodland cammo trenchcoat like the one Han Solo wears on Endor during Return of the Jedi.


Also more military type sets similar to the CorSec and Esseles troopers (also seen worn by some Republic soldiers in conjunction with the Republic Pilot's helmet). Also variations similar to the Echani Fiber Armor and Echani Light Armor from KOTOR. Basically more military type clothing that looks more it is made out of cloth than the current plated trooper armor (also preferably more earth tones, blacks, and greys rather than whites/blues)

Edited by Gavin_Kelvar
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The flight suit that the pilot at the end of Kaon Under Siege is wearing. Just a super well-designed new Star Wars outfit.


I kill her every time out of sheer jealousy of that sweet-*** suit.



I've also been waiting for a mod-able version of the powered assault helmet since I saw it way back in the BH progression video: http://db.darthhater.com/items/41057/powered_assault_helmet/

Edited by NoDayLkeDoomsday
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If you are still looking for ideas, I would pay cartel coins to have an orange version of this outfit, Prototype Herloss Military Suit is one of the cooler looking robes I came across, only it is not orange so I can't mod it or really use it. There are a couple similar orange robes but they have the hood up and less details. Also there not blue or black, just white and tan.






Also some gear in a bright blue would rock as well.

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I've been taking notes of some of the cool gear I've seen on NPCs while questing:


Ralesk in Sith Warrior act 1 on Dromund Kaas

Colonel Malcom in Republic Alderaan bonus series

Kamen Proy in Republic Alderaan bonus series

Overseer Verandala in Republic Alderaan bonus series

Master Corin Tok in Imperial Corellia planet quest line

Lord Torius in Trooper act 2 on Voss

Jedi Escort in Imperial Voss planet questline

Something which is similar (but in my opinion not exactly the same) as Satele Shan for Jedi Shadows.


..in addition to the ones I wrote in my previous post in this thread. All of these are either color variations of existing gear, or slightly modified versions of existing gear.

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@ Alezzandro - Dude, you should really consider playing Tera... the outfits there will be right up your alley :p


Jokes aside, what i'd really like to see is something suggested by a lot of people in this thread already: An item (possibly bought by the cartel shop) that turns any piece of gear into orange adaptive gear (even empty/without mods).


edit: Also, lower level restrictions in the armors from the Cartel market - even for those models that were used by high level gear originaly.


Also, low level PURPLE crystals... with white core... you know, the original ones - not some rediculous pink/purple, orange/yellow green/somon rainbow/dash crystals.

Edited by Zangaboing
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I'd love to see adaptive/moddable versions of:


The 'Chancery' light armour set (drops in lvl 49-50 areas)

The Plasteel Battle/Barrage set (Agent mission rewards from Nar Shaddaa)

The officer's outfit worn by Imperial Agents in the Character Creation screen

The blue/white Mandalorian armour seen in Outpost Rennar on Tatooine

The Relentless Synth armour set from Synthweaving

Chiss Expeditionary Force outfit (worn by NPCs on Hoth)

Edited by Direach
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Jedi hood down robes. - NOW!

Purple, cyan clasic color crystals with the white core for low lvls. Not with end game stats so they could be used at start of the game withouth messing game balance.

Edited by jankiel
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I would definitely like to see the marauder class reflect what is being shown on on the website/promo materials (hood up! no skirts please). I have recently subscribed to this game as I enjoyed my time with the free-to-play and saw my money's worth with the subscription. After browsing through the vendors I found the armour selection to be quite disappointing and searched the internet for people's opinions on this matter. I was quite surprised to multiple concerns being brought up since this game launched without any response from the developers.


I am certain the studio has probably had countless discussions regarding this matter but I find it quite disappointing that the community has not been involved in this process. This feedback request thread is definitely in the right direction and hope to see actual dialogue between community and developers so that we can shape this into an ideal Star Wars game!

Edited by Matchsix
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