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Disney to aquire Lucasfilm!


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You and I agree on that. Anyone who ranks any of the original 3 under the new 3 needs to have their...well you figure it out.


I put Ep III up there with Ep VI. They both have massive issues, but they also have lots of high points.


Episode I has Liam Neeson and Darth Maul at least, Episode II has no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

Edited by VicSkimmr
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You and I agree on that. Anyone who ranks any of the original 3 under the new 3 needs to have their...well you figure it out.


A New Hope is by far the worst in dialog and acting. Aside from Harrison's, Daniels' voice overs and R2D2 the acting was terrible even for that time. Mark Hamill was the worst offender of all though he redeemed himself in empire. The story and plot was good but hardly the best. Of course that goes back to my love for early character development.

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Like I said in my post I liked them all so I'm sure we are coming from different place on ranking. The worst Ferrari ever made was still a Ferrari.


yea but a bad ferrari is WORSE than a bad skoda,,,why?


price,,u pay overprice for a subpar quality,,like a certain game:rolleyes:


a skoda is EXPECTED to be subpar , and is priced after that,,so when it just works, the driver is happy

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What I was saying was, Disney isn't coming here to change TOR folks. It's not happening. Bet on it... Not happening. This is EA/bioware land. They have a creative license that also includes them handling most of what goes on around here. Don't expect Disney to show up anytime soon.


I would be inclined to agree with this. I doubt SWTOR will feel any effect from this. "IF" it should happen to, I think it'll be a good year+ before anything would happen that we'd notice. Disney bought the Star Wars license, not this game.

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yea but a bad ferrari is WORSE than a bad skoda,,,why?


price,,u pay overprice for a subpar quality,,like a certain game:rolleyes:


a skoda is EXPECTED to be subpar , and is priced after that,,so when it just works, the driver is happy


Did I say bad Ferrari? No I said the worst Ferrari. Anytime you make multiple anything one is going to be the worst, if you equate that to being bad you need to rethink the world. Van Gogh worst painting still a Van Gough. Mozart's worst composition...

Edited by TMar
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I put Ep III up there with Ep VI. They both have massive issues, but they also have lots of high points.


Episode I has Liam Neeson and Darth Maul at least, Episode II has no redeeming qualities whatsoever.


excuse me,,,hover car chase? jango/obi wan battles? clone battle scenes?


for every time i see episode 2, it goes a little higher on the list,,the opposite goes for 1 and 4

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A New Hope is by far the worst in dialog and acting. Aside from Harrison's, Daniels' voice overs and R2D2 the acting was terrible even for that time. Mark Hamill was the worst offender of all though he redeemed himself in empire. The story and plot was good but hardly the best. Of course that goes back to my love for early character development.


Hayden made Mark look like the Jedi master of acting.


The real first three range from classic to good. This was because they were silly fantasy sci-fi played as if it was serious. The next three were terrible because they thought they were serious movies, yet were sillier (by a lot) than the first three, and played as if the actors were completely clueless as to what digital imagery would be inserted around them.

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excuse me,,,hover car chase? jango/obi wan battles? clone battle scenes?


for every time i see episode 2, it goes a little higher on the list,,the opposite goes for 1 and 4


As far as action goes you're right. It come second to only 3 in terms of quality of the action scenes.

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Hayden made Mark look like the Jedi master of acting.


The real first three range from classic to good. This was because they were silly fantasy sci-fi played as if it was serious. The next three were terrible because they thought they were serious movies, yet were sillier (by a lot) than the first three, and played as if the actors were completely clueless as to what digital imagery would be inserted around them.


Hardly. They were about equal in the number of times they felt out of place in scenes just saying lines. Hayden had far more times where he felt comfortable and in place in scenes.

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Did I say bad Ferrari? No I said the worst Ferrari. Anytime you make multiple anything one is going to be the worst, if you equate that to being bad you need to rethink the world. Van Gogh worst painting still a Van Gough. Mozart's worst composition...


thats even worse,,,the WORST ferrari will get u killed(high speed ,low protection)


maybe the worst skoda will do the same,,but at least it does that for lesser money

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Hardly. They were about equal in the number of times they felt out of place in scenes just saying lines. Hayden had far more times where he felt comfortable and in place in scenes.


yea,,they both have strong and weak moments,,,VERY weak moments


luckily they get interrupted every 2 minutes by the next battle:D

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thats even worse,,,the WORST ferrari will get u killed(high speed ,low protection)


maybe the worst skoda will do the same,,but at least it does that for lesser money


Wow, way to miss the point. The worst Ferrari is better than the best Skoda. The worst Van Gogh is better than my best painting. The worst Rolex is better than the best Timex ever made. I'm not talking about individual things but a line of items...

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I feel a great distrurbance in the Force.... Ep 7-9 is going to be ... :(


"I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of loyal Star Wars fans suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened."


Oh wait that happend with Ep 1 thru 3. :p



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"I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of loyal Star Wars fans suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened."


Oh wait that happend with Ep 1 thru 3. :p




I heard from a source that when the astronauts looked out the windows of the space station they saw the entire Earth as one giant Ewok celebration at around 3:00PM EST.

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Spider-Man was Sony, not Disney, but it's still a good point. They way they have handled the Marvel franchise gives me a much better feeling than this would have if it had happened 5 years ago.


So your saying Sony was the only company on that? Marvel is owned by disney

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I think it is a little early to panic, for all we know they are planning to actually use an adaptation of some existing Star Wars Books, like possibly the Thrawn Trilogy, the Jedi Academy Trilogy (along with I, Jedi thrown into the mix), or the Corellian Trilogy.


Disney just spent $4 billion on getting the license and the companies, they did a decent job with Avengers, they have a pretty good track record when it comes to making good movies. I highly doubt they want to offend tons of Star Wars fans and have wasted $4 billion.

Edited by GarfieldJL
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Link where he said that EU isn't canon. Because he has to approve everything in the "official" EU in order for it to be there. If it's there, then he approved it and it's canon. Why else would EU be on the official Star Wars website? (starwars.com)


If I didn't accept a tale that someone wrote about my creation, I'd delete it and/or not allow it to be published anywhere with my company stamp on it...


Star Wars canon is pretty complicated; there's one set for the movies, and another for the EU. Leyland Chee is the Keeper of Canon, for want of a better term, and organises content by category for the various divisions of LFL. The wikipedia article does a fair job of explaining it, but here's the relevant summary:



  • G-canon is absolute canon; the movies (their most recent release), the scripts, the novelizations of the movies, the radio plays, and any statements by George Lucas himself. G-canon overrides the lower levels of canon when there is a contradiction. Within G-canon, many fans follow an unofficial progression of canonicity where the movies are the highest canon, followed by the scripts, the novelizations, and then the radio plays.


  • T-canon refers to the canon level comprising only the two television shows: Star Wars: The Clone Wars and the Star Wars live-action TV series.


  • C-canon is primarily composed of elements from the Expanded Universe including books, comics, and games bearing the label of Star Wars. Games and RPG sourcebooks are a special case; the stories and general background information are themselves fully C-canon, but the other elements such as character/item statistics and gameplay are, with few exceptions, N-canon.


  • S-canon is secondary canon; the story itself is considered non-continuity, but the non-contradicting elements are still a canon part of the Star Wars universe. This includes things like the online roleplaying game Star Wars: Galaxies and certain elements of a few N-canon stories.


  • N-canon is non-canon. "What-if" stories (such as stories published under the Star Wars: Infinities label), crossover appearances (such as the Star Wars character appearances in Soulcalibur IV), game statistics, and anything else directly contradicted by higher canon ends up here. N-canon is the only level that is not considered official canon by Lucasfilm. A significant amount of material that was previously C-canon was rendered N-canon by the release of Episodes I–III.



I assume new movies will all be G-canon, and can run roughshod over T, C, S and N canon. So, in that sense, the EU is canon, but the films override it and don't have to incorporate it.

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Star Wars canon is pretty complicated; there's one set for the movies, and another for the EU. Leyland Chee is the Keeper of Canon, for want of a better term, and organises content by category for the various divisions of LFL. The wikipedia article does a fair job of explaining it, but here's the relevant summary:



  • G-canon is absolute canon; the movies (their most recent release), the scripts, the novelizations of the movies, the radio plays, and any statements by George Lucas himself. G-canon overrides the lower levels of canon when there is a contradiction. Within G-canon, many fans follow an unofficial progression of canonicity where the movies are the highest canon, followed by the scripts, the novelizations, and then the radio plays.


  • T-canon refers to the canon level comprising only the two television shows: Star Wars: The Clone Wars and the Star Wars live-action TV series.


  • C-canon is primarily composed of elements from the Expanded Universe including books, comics, and games bearing the label of Star Wars. Games and RPG sourcebooks are a special case; the stories and general background information are themselves fully C-canon, but the other elements such as character/item statistics and gameplay are, with few exceptions, N-canon.


  • S-canon is secondary canon; the story itself is considered non-continuity, but the non-contradicting elements are still a canon part of the Star Wars universe. This includes things like the online roleplaying game Star Wars: Galaxies and certain elements of a few N-canon stories.


  • N-canon is non-canon. "What-if" stories (such as stories published under the Star Wars: Infinities label), crossover appearances (such as the Star Wars character appearances in Soulcalibur IV), game statistics, and anything else directly contradicted by higher canon ends up here. N-canon is the only level that is not considered official canon by Lucasfilm. A significant amount of material that was previously C-canon was rendered N-canon by the release of Episodes I–III.



I assume new movies will all be G-canon, and can run roughshod over T, C, S and N canon. So, in that sense, the EU is canon, but the films override it and don't have to incorporate it.


Thanks for the reminder. And yes Lucas has stated that as far as he is concerned the movies are canon. Lucasfilms may have licensed stories and novels but as far as movies go, they ARE the canon. The rest of this stuff is basically allowed to fit in somewhere but if there is a contradiction, movies win.


There is no debate here. This is how it is.

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A New Hope is by far the worst in dialog and acting. Aside from Harrison's, Daniels' voice overs and R2D2 the acting was terrible even for that time. Mark Hamill was the worst offender of all though he redeemed himself in empire. The story and plot was good but hardly the best. Of course that goes back to my love for early character development.


You can't say aside from something and then list ALL the good qualities of a movie you liked. That's making a backwards argument.


I won't get into it here, but as far as good story telling, decent acting and genuine emotion goes, episode 4 is still leagues beyond 1,2 and 3. And if episode 4 was "bad" the Star Wars universe would have died right there.


And mark Hamil was an unknown actor (basically). Pretty damn good for someone that no one even knew.

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