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Disney to aquire Lucasfilm!


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I wonder if this will prompt re-negotiation of the IP license. EA's contract is with LucasArts (and therefore Lucasfilm Ltd) and not Disney Corp. Could Disney make the renewal cost so prohibitive, with EA already concerned about SWTOR's performance, that the license is not renewed?


Disney would have all the power and rights Lucas had. If Lucas had a clause to terminate EA's operation of the game, Disney would also have it. Disney does everything under the sun, but also lets the divisions handle their own things. Marvel is handling Marvel Heros. LucasArts would likely handle SWTOR as it does now, or bring it home to run internally. Yet there will almost certainly be more focus on cross-marketing that couldn't exist before. Right now, LucasFilm and LucasArts don't exactly seem as smooth an integrated marketing operation as I would expect us to see in the future.

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I got to thinking earlier, and I find it interesting that Star Wars comics started with Marvel. Now they're Dark Horse, but I imagine that they'll return to Marvel eventually, coming full circle. I like Dark Horse's stuff. The Dawn of the Jedi series and the Agent of the Empire series in particular are good. So, I'm a little worried in this regard, especially considering that Marvel's been putting out a steady stream of crap for the past few years.


From the Dark Horse Facebook page:


"Dark Horse and LucasFilm have a strong partnership which spans over 20 years, and has produced multiple characters and story lines which are now part of the Star Wars lore. Star Wars will be with us for the near future. Obviously, this deal changes the landscape, so we'll all have to see what it means for the future." -Mike Richardson, President of Dark Horse Comics, Inc.

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To the dude who was sayin Thrawn fans are gonna be disappointed, not necessarily man, its a solid story a huge bestseller n in the era disney wants to use (disney specifically mentioned wanting the 7th film to continue the story of Leia Han n Luke) so Zahns Thrawn trilogy hasnt been ruled out as an option yet.



I could see them bringing in Zahn as a writer or consultant, but Lucas has had the the storyline penned out for episode VII, VIII and IX for years and Disney will likely draw from that as they have mentioned in many articles since the news broke today.


..but who knows who's to say Lucas didn't draw some inspiration from Zahn

Edited by Hardwear
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They did make pirates of the carribean, marvel, etc. however, they did ruin tron. It worries me, but as a star wars fan, I'll see them. I am worried it'll be too kid-friendly... By all means kids, like star wars... but i want to see more luke's lightsaber fights, and not child padawan training...


Come on Disney. You have my trust. For now.

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I agree. I haven't really read any of the EU except from Wookipedia, but from what I have read it's worse than Episodes 1-3. I'd love a large reset button myself.


Then maybe you should read some of the EU and not just base your opinion off of wookipedia. Just saying.

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For everyone that is afraid of a Star Wars flick that is too kid friendly and fluffy, try to remember that Disney owned Miramax when they released Pulp Fiction. Also to people wondering about this game etc. It wasn't only Lucasfilm that was acquired, it was also LucasArts.
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Then maybe you should read some of the EU and not just base your opinion off of wookipedia. Just saying.


Eh - the EU is a mixed bag, at best. Zahn had his moments, but there were some execrably, lamentably bad books too *coff*Anderson*coff*. I suspect there'll be a 20 year gap between the OT and Episode VII anyway , myself, to mirror the gap between the OT and PT. So there might be passing mentions to the events of the EU, or borrowings, like Lucas adopting Coruscant as the Republican Capitol, but no in-depth treatment of them.

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On the Pixar and Marvel deals, Disney made a formal commitment to keep those divisions independent and they've largely lived up to it. Iger made no such commitment to Lucas. Lucas will also not sit on the Disney board even though he'll be the second largest individual shareholder at 2.2 percent.


As a result, I would expect Disney to digest and dismantle the Lucas empire - slowly, like the Sarlacc. Contracts like our IP deal will likely be reviewed with a critical eye. We could get a burst of new energy and investment, or we could be shuttered in two weeks. Expect surprises ahead.

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what??? Lucasarts didn't pay a single penny to make SWTOR. Lucasarts also is not even close to becoming bankrupt. They haven't made another movie because Lucas said he didn't want to make another.


Not to mention that LucasArts =/= LucasFilm. LucasFilm makes movies, LucasArts makes games.

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Lucasfilm is a lot like MARVEL and it's IPs in that the full range of "products" can be marketed across the whole board- in the same way that Marvel can and does do chibi style stories/characters to capture more of the age demographics(to the chagrin of dedicated followers everywhere), Star Wars can be marketed to a wide range of people everywhere. Unfortunately, that means more Gungans(opan gungan style?), Ewoks, and whiny nine-year-old boys. With that being said, I don't see Disney overlooking the core SW fans who can/will spend a lot of money. But that's just my two cents.
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So long as Disney understands that Dark, tragic Star Wars tales tell better stories than the adventures of Jar Jar Binks, I'm ok with this news. Stay away from childish cheese and they should do fine.


The reasoning behind acquiring Lucas Film and Marvel Comics was to capture a market that they could not reach with their regular movies. I am going to give them the benefit of the doubt considering they did great with Avengers.


I am really looking forward to more Star Wars movies and I finally can take my son to a new SW trilogy that he will see in the theaters as an original release.

Edited by Tomb-Stone
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One thing Disney believes in is paying for actors. It will pay top dollar for the best actors in Hollywood for future Star Wars films. One thing I never understood about Lucas was using "Unknowns" for major roles. There is nothing wrong with getting actors that actually can act. Disney does not mess around in that department. They will put in proven actors in major roles. Edited by Pcolapat
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The article on MSN said that Disney plans on releasing a new star wars movie every 2 years. You can believe that considering the Pirates of the Caribbean series. they cranked those out as fast as they could. I don't know if that is a good thing though. In my opinion each film got progressively worse. Also they paid 4.5 billion for this, they are going to want to get a return on that investment. It will mean that they are going to have to produce several successful films. Edited by Pcolapat
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Agreed! Episode 1 - 3 were awful!


It was Kotor that made me a fan. So glad to see Lucas (and JarJar) gone.


they werent awful,,they just werent as good as 4-6


jar jar isnt very annoying to normal fans either


but for us hardcores,,,after 30 times "meesa gonna die",,i would happily join the empire to get a shot

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I'm not sure if I like this. I like the idea of a new Star Wars movie, but there are some down-sides to this. Apparently it takes place after ROTJ, so that would mean a couple of novels will be N-Canon, depending on when it actually happens.


Not sure about this.


Im not sure.... I am HOPEING that the movies will be basicly adaptions of the expanded universe stuff, I will so understand about being tick off if they change the canon.... But im not really TOO much worried yet, sure it wont effect places like around here too much, hopefully. :rolleyes:

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Im not sure.... I am HOPEING that the movies will be basicly adaptions of the expanded universe stuff, I will so understand about being tick off if they change the canon.... But im not really TOO much worried yet, sure it wont effect places like around here too much, hopefully. :rolleyes:


With respect, I would love if they jettison everything NJO and beyond. Do the Thrawn trilogy... and jettison pretty much everything else. :\


I enjoyed Legacy of the Force, and Fate of the Jedi. And a smidgen of NJO.


But dear God, I hope they don't adapt those into movies.

Edited by Kirazy
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Watching the BBC news this morning and they say Disney will be releasing a Star Wars movie every 2-3 years starting from 2015.


This should be good for the franchise I hope. Just have to sit tight and hope for good things to come.

Planning deadlines for what is essentially half a decade away and beyond is *********** ridiculous. After the episodes 7-9 they have planned, they're either going to take from EU or have to fudge together whatever they've got to make these deadlines. Deadlines are bad, very very bad.

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After his achievements in 1,2 & 3 hand in hand with the "Clone Wars" cartoon im all for Disney having a crack at 7,8 & 9 and fingers crossed they'll do a massive job ending up even better than Lotr who knows....all that money involved im pretty sure they'll be going all out.
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