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It's about time Vette's shock collar got removed


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I always just assumed she wore it when we were around Darth Baras so he wouldn't know it had been taken off. :D



That sounds plausible, actually. I did a search and landed on this thread(among others) because I was worried that something happened in-game as a bug and the collar was back on again. I guess it depends on what outfit she wears since it wasn't readily visible until I changed her top.



So, to be sure. You hit the conversation and you take off the collar- and for all intents and purposes it is off- just a visible bug which makes it appears she is wearing it but really isn't (except for faking out Baras, maybe:) ) All conversation and affection will still progress correctly according to your responses and actions.


Good, because I guess I' m one of the few that likes the irreverent and funny Twi'lek. Still prefer her to the second companion.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

... so it's almost 2.5 years now since this bug has been reported the first time? And not been cleared/removed?


In 2.5 years? If I would be this lazy in my job, I would be fired.

So Bioware what is your answer in this? Or is it just silence in the dark? When will this be corrected?

Or is it just that the only importend thing is putting more and more stuff into the cartel market?


So many bugs ... codex entries, companion bugs (force attacks for rusk and yuun??? ***), graphic bugs like with vette ... when will these basic things finally be corrected?


Or are dedicated players like us just a minor group that can be ignored as long as the majority of the players are paying their subs and throwing money into the cartel market? Bioware: is this your answer?


Hopefully there will be some changes soon, anyway "Witcher 3" is coming up, "Star Citizen" is proceeding, there are alternatives, just to say. Would be a shame leaving SWTOR only because the problems we have with the game are constantly ignored.

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  • 2 years later...
Lets face it: this bug has been in beta. Reported in beta. Known since then. Mentioned on a weekly basis in forums.


.... an is not fixed.


Do you honestly believe it to be fixed before final server down?

Nope,, It's still here, all that work they have done and they couldn't spend 5 minutes editing some code.

They like adding bugs and messing up companions again to.

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