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Official "Give Us Purple Color Crystals" Discussion


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Any one republic side gotten a purple colored crystal, or light saber with one in it?


Apparently the Sith PVP can get them, but the Jedi PVP has different colors.


Ive Reversed Engineered all the purchasable artificing crystals to epic quality up to level 37. Nothing unique has come of it, same stat type, just more of it for each tier.


Bioware, please comment if your out there. If Republic does not have access to purple can you let me know so I can roll Empire.


Consider the answer my Christmas Present.


P.S. Purple color crystals are officially not rare by lore in this game, 1.2 billion mobs in game wield purple Lightsabers and purple bolt shooting blasters.

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As far as we know, there's one Purple crystal in the whole universe. Since Mace Windu hasn't been even born yet...he hasn't discovered it.




If you played a Sith, you would have seen at least 50+ mobs with purple lightsabers in Dark Temple.


Purple is common for mobs, apparently it is only rare for players.


Put all of the colors in Artifice please, let us decide how rare we want them to be.

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It's a rare color for players in the game though.


/end thread


I appreciate that some colors are rare. Because that means if and when I do get a purple crystal, I'll cherish it more.


But I guess it's time to WoWify everything. Let's make all the crystals purchasable at the nearest vendor for 1 credit. Or better yet, Bioware should just get rid of crystals and have it so you can select the color you want via a drop down menu in the lightsaber.

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nope. that's something lame that the RPG (and/or some novels) made up.


no novel or RPG states they can only be made by the wielder or even force users for that matter... in fact all the EU and movies contradicts this by constantly having them used by others including non-force users... all the canon ever stated was force users are better able to wield them (weightless blades are tricky and force foresight is nice) and it is common practice as a rite of passed for some force users to make their own

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I love this game....but honestly I'm incredibly disappointed with how they handled Lightsabers in general.



-Is it just me, or are the animations kinda weak? Lightsaber fights are usually so epic! But my character just stands there and swings his lightsaber from side to side. Sure, there's some random animations that are kinda cool, but I think those are only when an ability crits or something. I was hoping for some kind of chain combo that has my Assassin doing some crazy Darth Maul flips or something! Instead I get Thrash....


When I first began I thought the dynamic combat animation system was broken. All my toon did was stand there too..


It changes when you get a little defense under yer belt. All of a sudden my guy was deflecting blaster shots, parrying slashes from NPCS, deflecting shots that came at his back. It was like night and day.

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When I first began I thought the dynamic combat animation system was broken. All my toon did was stand there too..


It changes when you get a little defense under yer belt. All of a sudden my guy was deflecting blaster shots, parrying slashes from NPCS, deflecting shots that came at his back. It was like night and day.


I know, the deflections and combat animations are INCREDIBLE!


Unfortunately, I am forced to do it with a choice of THREE colors I don't want for the majority of my leveling experience. I heard I could get a blue non-light blade at level 22 but apparently is is offhand only, because apparently swords CAN ONLY BE HELD IN CERTAIN HANDS.


I wish there was freedom in this game, but if there was it would also be removed.

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It's a rare color for players in the game though.


/end thread


I appreciate that some colors are rare. Because that means if and when I do get a purple crystal, I'll cherish it more.


But I guess it's time to WoWify everything. Let's make all the crystals purchasable at the nearest vendor for 1 credit. Or better yet, Bioware should just get rid of crystals and have it so you can select the color you want via a drop down menu in the lightsaber.


By putting it in the hands of every Darth Tom/Dick/& Harry NPC it is immersion breaking.


By defaulting it to a PVP weapon for Sith Inquisitors it is immersion breaking.


George Lucas LACKED the creativity to invent more than 3 light saber colors, that is HIS fault, not mine.


In "The Old Republic" Purple IS NOT RARE.


The issue is, that they implemented color of light saber poorly.


It is NOT A CHOICE, as it should be, IT IS A RESTRICTION as it should not be.


The system in its current state will lead to LESS diversity, you will see nothing but 5 colors on your way to the top, and at the top you will see 5 different colors. On the way up 1/2 the population is pissed about the restrictions. Those that are not upset are that way because the restrictions in place do not affect their CHOICE.


This is compounded by the fact that half the classes in the game only have 1 thing that affects what their weapon looks like. That is color. Hilt design you may notice 10 different times in a month, but light saber color you will stare at every hour your in game.



Any specialness anyone feels at getting an item of asthetics will be null and void in 3 months anyhow so why punish those that, bought the game and made it a success right off the bat. If anything they should be limiting access to colors to the new comers, not those of us who have been here since December 13th.


Not rocket science people. Because you work for a game company as a designer does not mean you are above making mistakes.

Edited by DrackoMeridian
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Oh my god I just realized.


Think about the level of items that you can find. White is common... then you have green, then blue, then the rarest... PURPLE.




My God, if Bioware intended this I have to say, BRILLIANT MOVE.

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List of people in the Star Wars Universe that wielded PURPLE lightsabers:


-Sith Lord Kas'im

-Darth Bane

-Mace Windu

-Mara Jade

-Jaina Solo

-Anakin Solo

-Revan (before he was Darth Revan)

-Corran Horn (double bladed)(silver primary, purple secondary)

-Zez Kai-Ell

-Kyp Durron

-Kid Siri Tachi

-All the trainers in the Jedi Academy and Jedi Outcast

-Tons of them in the KOTOR games

-Also in the Force Unleashed game



As you can see, Purple crystals are NOT rare. They're even in The Force Unleashed, which is totally not canon. There is absolutely NO REASON that Purple should be a hard to obtain color.


BioWare has failed massively in the Lightsaber department. It was bad enough that we couldn't craft our own unless we went to 400 Artifice, but we can't even get a wide variety of colors to make us feel unique and give us some customization? LAME!


Darth bane used a light red/pinkish colored saber.

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Update from what I've learned so far, if you haven't heard.


Available to the Empire as a PVP weapon.


Republic apparently has access to a purple crystal drop from a raid boss, not a world boss.


No other methods of obtaining have been reported.


Also their has been 0 comment from anyone at Bioware about why purple was restricted in this manner.


Especially since their game artists couldn't keep their grubby mitts, off them when gearing NPCs.


Give Republic a NON RAID source for purple colored crystals WITH OUT STATS, I really don't care.

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Um they used to be in the token vendors (Tattooine started the color crystals). You used to always be able to buy an orange/yellow/purple color crystal from the token vendors (back then artificers could only make red/blue/green) in my beta build. But just like the ability to convert your previous planets tokens into the current planets token for a 2 to 1 ratio they removed it from launch.


Most likely to give artificers something to sell. Not sure why they would remove the color all together though. Might be a rare recipe for artificers or somehow they find a purple one and RE it learn the recipe. I'm sure there's something sadistic like that mixed in there now and the first one to figure it out on your server will make a mint :p

Edited by Sardoni
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Update from what I've learned so far, if you haven't heard.


Available to the Empire as a PVP weapon.


Republic apparently has access to a purple crystal drop from a raid boss, not a world boss.


No other methods of obtaining have been reported.


Also their has been 0 comment from anyone at Bioware about why purple was restricted in this manner.


Especially since their game artists couldn't keep their grubby mitts, off them when gearing NPCs.


Give Republic a NON RAID source for purple colored crystals WITH OUT STATS, I really don't care.


Do you really expect to hear from Bioware on this? I mean really? Look at these forums. There posts asking important questions or bringing up concerns with thousands of replies and nothing is said from Bioware.


Make a snide comment and sure, you get a warning like 30 seconds later. Have a concern about he game? Too bad, sucker.


Anyways, I think the lightsaber restrictions are idiotic. I could maybe see putting restrictions on just blue and red, but it's terrible that purple is pretty much non-existent. Since I really wanted to be a duel-wielding Sith Warrior with purple blades. Green is my second choice, but I'm darkside so I can't have those either. Fun right?


But like many choices the developers have made in this game you just can't make sense of it. It's just perplexing and moronic for the sake of being perplexing and moronic.

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My lvl 32 Sith Marauder has the yellow and black in saber which should of been red or purple or white or grey outline and black in middle or just the opposite. Also i have a orange crystal in my other light saber witch looks more like yellow to me, Orange should be a lot darker orange then what it is.


But yes Force users should get the chance to find and use purple crystals, what i do not get is why does pistols and blasters even need them as far as i always known in the star wars universe only force users need the crystals not smuggles or bounty hunters, so forth, for there firearms. I guess its ok for them to just saying.


But Bioware, Give us Purple CRYSTALS, or give us DEATH.

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It's a rare color for players in the game though.


/end thread


I appreciate that some colors are rare. Because that means if and when I do get a purple crystal, I'll cherish it more.


But I guess it's time to WoWify everything. Let's make all the crystals purchasable at the nearest vendor for 1 credit. Or better yet, Bioware should just get rid of crystals and have it so you can select the color you want via a drop down menu in the lightsaber.


THAT is a bloody good idea, and will also make the wider community much happier.


ANYONE who's played KOtor 1+2 or Jedi knight/academy or any other game where such customization was possible is chomping for it. I know I am for the lore of my character.

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I gotta say when I first saw the Yellow with black in it.. I was a bit disappointed, thats not a normal saber.. I really think the game should avoid the exotic 2 colors in 1 saber thing.. It just does not seem to fit with the Star Wars I know and love. Don't get me wrong its not a deal-breaker. It just seems a bit.. Kiddish?



I agree to a point... I do think you should be able to have two different blade colors on a double bladed saber...

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Not trying to be a jerk here as I really like this game. I also understand that Bioware has many more important issues to resolve at this time.


But.... Not just simply giving us more starter color options was a JERK move. I want a purple lightsaber. I had one in Kotor, Kotor2, and I should be able to have one here. I am really far into my class story and have not seen one I can use. Plenty of mobs have used them againt me though, just to throw salt in the wound. At the least it should be an Artifice schem I can buy at a low level from my trainer. I dont care if it had bad stats, as long as it was the color I want.


There is no acceptable reason IMO to not allow us to have the color we want.


Sorry, I just fought another Sith with a purple and no loot its driving me mad!!!



Edited by Delekahn
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