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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The sky isn't falling. A numbers based view.


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Well, frankly, the sky fell. The numbers prove it without even a shred of doubt. The subs nosedived, period. The reasons are debatable, but the fact it happened is now beyond argument.


However, that nosedive seems to have stopped, and perhaps populations are now stable...even on the rise.


So, in short, it's time to stop with the spin about sub losses. It happened. It's also a bit silly to try and contend that subs are still nosediving, as that seems to not be the case based on in game attendance, pretty obvious.


Enough with the back and forth guys if either group wants to be taken seriously. You do not need vindication Tortanic group, the game did in fact bomb pretty spectacularly. Again, the reasons are speculative, but it did in fact lose over 80 percent of it's original subs in under a year.


Nor do you need to defend the game or sub numbers Torleaders, you are defending a game that does not get the credit it deserves, there is no doubt of that, the game is not the craptastic fubarfest that some would like others to believe. What the game does well it does the best in the industry IMO, arguable of course.


Both groups are hereby recognized.


Now, can we get back to giving the game vital critical feedback so it can continue to evolve and improve instead of this testosterone contest we seem to be engaging in?


Nice post however 'can continue to evolve and inprove' seems a bit of a misnomer now 'Hatchet' Hickman is in charge. However I hope for the best, as always.

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It also saddens me to see ppl with such low gaming standards, regarding endgame pve and pvp.

But as you say its irrelevant, somebody's trash is someone else's treasure.


Lol thats the funniest post I have seen in a long time. I hate to say it but I think you need to go outside and get some sun, they are all just games dude. :eek:

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Nice post however 'can continue to evolve and inprove' seems a bit of a misnomer now 'Hatchet' Hickman is in charge. However I hope for the best, as always.


I never name specific people, but I have strong feelings about certain members of the staff. Most of the folks responsible for the game's current state...note, good or bad based on someones view and certainly speculative...are in fact gone.


One person in particular that I "credit" for the game's current state (or recent state...IMO the game has improved quite a bit since the layoffs) is gone, and I think the game is better off for it.


Right now, looking over the current staff, I feel overall it finally has a solid staff. Some folks are still here from before, but they had little to do with my view of the game's state. In other words, despite a few bad apples perhaps (speculative) the dev staff at present is pretty solid, certainly better than the former staff IMO.


Just my slant.

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It also saddens me to see ppl with such low gaming standards, regarding endgame pve and pvp.

But as you say its irrelevant, somebody's trash is someone else's treasure.


why dont you just leave? you seem to hate the game anyway with all your hater posts.


Oh wait..you are staying cause you can right? :rolleyes:

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Well, frankly, the sky fell. The numbers prove it without even a shred of doubt. The subs nosedived, period. The reasons are debatable, but the fact it happened is now beyond argument.


However, that nosedive seems to have stopped, and perhaps populations are now stable...even on the rise.


So, in short, it's time to stop with the spin about sub losses. It happened. It's also a bit silly to try and contend that subs are still nosediving, as that seems to not be the case based on in game attendance, pretty obvious.


Enough with the back and forth guys if either group wants to be taken seriously. You do not need vindication Tortanic group, the game did in fact bomb pretty spectacularly. Again, the reasons are speculative, but it did in fact lose over 80 percent of it's original subs in under a year.


Nor do you need to defend the game or sub numbers Torleaders, you are defending a game that does not get the credit it deserves, there is no doubt of that, the game is not the craptastic fubarfest that some would like others to believe. What the game does well it does the best in the industry IMO, arguable of course.


Both groups are hereby recognized.


Now, can we get back to giving the game vital critical feedback so it can continue to evolve and improve instead of this testosterone contest we seem to be engaging in?

1.7m subs to 500k-1m subs isn't losing 80% of it's playerbase in a year ('well-over 500k' was the last statement from EA I could find from around September. Nor is 'spinning' a decline in subscribers necessarily silly when retention is something all MMOs bar WoW struggle with. SWTORS retention of somewhere between 30 and 50% isn't even the worst we've seen in MMOs that are still around today (WAR, AoC).


Apart from those points I agree with most of your post.

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