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What classes are in demand @ 50?

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Glad you are not my raiding leader, since I am a infil shadow and in only 8 man groups my little shadow usually pulls 2nd or 3rd highest dps for the group. :p


The trouble is, a Balance Shadow will pull much higher DPS than Infilitration. So why roll with a lesser DPS spec? You're only hurting your Ops-mates.

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The trouble is, a Balance Shadow will pull much higher DPS than Infilitration. So why roll with a lesser DPS spec? You're only hurting your Ops-mates.


You're right...I am being selfish, I was unselfish with my main being a healer because that was what the guild needed. So I figured my 2nd could just for my pleasure. She wasn't meant for ops, but once I got her to 50 they would need a extra dps for a run and I would take her. The spec is just so much fun to play. I soloed her and did everything including 4+ heroics solo with no problems. Hate to give her up, but you are right.

Edited by mikebevo
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The only class type that is consistently in demand is tanks. As a tank I can almost always instant que for HMs. After tanks I assume healers would be next. All dps is a dime a dozen, period.


Regardless of class, you must be able to key bind all your major offensive and defensive abilities as well as have a good understanding on how to properly play your role (tanks need to know how to keep aggro and what to keep aggro on, healers need to be able to move and heal as well as keep their threat as low as possible, and dps'ers must know how to properly CC and progressively kill mobs starting with trash and working their way up).

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Glad you are not my raiding leader, since I am a infil shadow and in only 8 man groups my little shadow usually pulls 2nd or 3rd highest dps for the group. :p


Still I do think they let me go because my main healer is a little over average and will to do any ops anytime, so I get your point.


Don't be discouraged. Infil does fall behind balance with equal skill/gear but not that far behind... They are different roles. One being really great at at sustained and the other being great at burst dps. For certain fights infil can be more effective.


Its just the general outlook on the spec by the public that is the problem, like the above post saying they have no place in raids. Tell that to my 1600 dps. Most people are ignorant and put certain specs into stereotypes.

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For those saying "dur hur sages R teh soxxorz DPS" I wouldn't necessarily write them off as terrible, I ran with a lightning sorc who could pull about 1.4-1.6K DPS during ops, he was also rather geared to the teeth but knew what he was doing as well. So if you want to be a sage/sorc DPS it's possible, but you really need to know what your doing.


I have a sorc healer I re-spec to lightning sometimes when my guild needs an RDPS and I don't fancy taking my sniper. You can't just follow a rotation because it's all about watching your procs. What I will say is, you never worry about energy management in lightning spec; your Lightning Effusion and Subversion take care of that for you as long as you make sure to keep them up for most of the time, and all you have to do that is make sure you regularly use one of your primary damage attacks. I literally never run out of force playing lightning, and never risk having those moments where you sacrifice DPS for energy regeneration. To me, that actually makes it easier to play than some other classes / specs, not harder.

Edited by Ms_Sunlight
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In general, decent tanks are in highest demand. HM FP GF pops are normally waiting on tanks. My mains is a good healer and i'm waiting at least 10-15 minutes or more for a pop.


Good healers are next on the list. Sage healers for Ops due to their campfire. Both Scoundrel and Commando healers are great if the tank is good and dps know what they are doing (i.e.not running ahead of the tank, taking out trash quickly by tag teaming mobs).


ranged dps are usually preferrable next, i think decent commando's due to ability to toss in a heal here and there (general utility with good dps).


My main alt is an Assault Commando and i love him. If thing proc right, i can get excellent burst dmg and if not, i'm in no fear of running out of ammo so it becomes a steady stream on good dps (not phenominal, but i can hold my own fairly well, talking PvE not PvP) and i've got really god AoE dmg with a cybertech grenade as a boost.


mDPS next only due to need to be in the thick of things.....which is where Sage healer comes in.


Just my thoughts and don't represent min/maxing, theorycraft

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I have a sorc healer I re-spec to lightning sometimes when my guild needs an RDPS and I don't fancy taking my sniper. You can't just follow a rotation because it's all about watching your procs. What I will say is, you never worry about energy management in lightning spec; your Lightning Effusion and Subversion take care of that for you as long as you make sure to keep them up for most of the time, and all you have to do that is make sure you regularly use one of your primary damage attacks. I literally never run out of force playing lightning, and never risk having those moments where you sacrifice DPS for energy regeneration. To me, that actually makes it easier to play than some other classes / specs, not harder.


hence why I said you need to know what your doing :)


I recently got a sage to 50 and I have a friggen blast being DPS with her, I like healing on her too but when I re-spec to pewpew mode, it's a ton of fun.

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Good healers are next on the list. Sage healers for Ops due to their campfire. Both Scoundrel and Commando healers are great if the tank is good and dps know what they are doing (i.e.not running ahead of the tank, taking out trash quickly by tag teaming mobs).


...and yet the only content I've ever found easier to heal well on my sorc rather than my scoundrel is when the floor drops on the Soa fight, and that's perfectly do-able, just takes a little more concentration and timing rather than foce speeding ahead to drop purple rings. LI HM is significantly easier on the scoundrel.


It's a lot easier to compensate for poor play by other players too, because of the increased ability to drop threat when needed (stealth out in addition to regular threat drop move) and the ability to throw instant-cast heals and HOTs on them.


The OP asked what classes are in demand. Sage / sorc healers are in demand, but to be honest I think most ops do well with 2 different healer types. Complementary skills, increased utility.

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Yes Sorcs/Sages can, if played right and with the correct specc do loads of damage, but still wont beat a sniper/gunslinger, powertech/vanguard or a marauder/sentinel in DPS. This is only because they really can't, the theoretical DPS those three advanced classes is significantly higher then that of a Sorc/Sage, but on the same note I would like to add that that don't make Sorcs/Sage bad in PvE.


They are just not as good as the other classes I have meantioned, so if wanna win the DPS race, do the most damage and play the best DPS classes, feel free to roll any of those. But Sorcs/Sages are still good and the DPS they can do is still high and you can still do 16man TFB HM with 8 Sorc DPS, so in the end it don't really matter that much.


But as the maker of the thread is asking for what classes that is on need, I would say that Sorcs/Sages at not, very many people play that class and I would say that you would gain a lot more by picking another class, I made a post on the first page of this thread with my recommendations. *Link*

Edited by RikuvonDrake
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Got a parse against any op boss (other than Fabricator. who amplifies dps damage) to prove that?


I could see that as burst damage, but there's no way the op could keep that up against HM Kephess for very long. I'd say 30 seconds of +2k dps since he could use relics + adrenals + Bloodthirst. After that he'd drop down to below 1850 on any Tier 2 HM Operation Boss.

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...and yet the only content I've ever found easier to heal well on my sorc rather than my scoundrel is when the floor drops on the Soa fight, and that's perfectly do-able, just takes a little more concentration and timing rather than foce speeding ahead to drop purple rings. LI HM is significantly easier on the scoundrel.


It's a lot easier to compensate for poor play by other players too, because of the increased ability to drop threat when needed (stealth out in addition to regular threat drop move) and the ability to throw instant-cast heals and HOTs on them.


The OP asked what classes are in demand. Sage / sorc healers are in demand, but to be honest I think most ops do well with 2 different healer types. Complementary skills, increased utility.


Yeah, I've got a Merc, Op and Sorc healer (there's a pattern in what role I like to fill) and can say this.


Mercs are the best for groups of 1-3

Operatives are great for groups of 4-5

Sorcs are great for groups of 6-8.


An 8 man Operation often works best with 1 Sorc healer and 1 Operative healer.

That being said, 2xSorc healers works well.

2xOperative healers however, can get a bit tricky since some the healing is reliant on rng.

Edited by AshlaBoga
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I could see that as burst damage, but there's no way the op could keep that up against HM Kephess for very long. I'd say 30 seconds of +2k dps since he could use relics + adrenals + Bloodthirst. After that he'd drop down to below 1850 on any Tier 2 HM Operation Boss.


I don't got the logs to prove it anymore but I reach about 1800-1900 on first and fourth boss on TFB HM, the comment about 2k were really about Ops Dummy (and there you can make about 2.2k now with 63 stuff), but as log was asked for I linked one from KP Nightmare where I did 1945:



I should be able to reach the highest level on Zorn/Toth, The Writhing Horror and maybe even on Kephess the Undying, but on the other five :rolleyes:, I dont think anywere close is possible, 1500+ sure (naturally depending on boss) but the uptime is really to low for a sniper to do as much DPS as possible.

Edited by RikuvonDrake
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I don't got the logs to prove it anymore but I reach about 1800-1900 on first and fourth boss on TFB HM, the comment about 2k were really about Ops Dummy (and there you can make about 2.2k now with 63 stuff), but as log was asked for I linked one from KP Nightmare where I did 1945:



I should be able to reach the highest level on Zorn/Toth, The Writhing Horror and maybe even on Kephess the Undying, but on the other five :rolleyes:, I dont think anywere close is possible, 1500+ sure (naturally depending on boss) but the uptime is really to low for a sniper to do as much DPS as possible.


First boss that is expected since you have a decent AOE. Fourth boss, that is low. Decent dps should be 2700-3k on Kephess in TFB.

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I need to check up on that, I reach about 1.1 mil damage during the entire fight, don't got any combatlogs right now but I will see what I can fix, mostly tanking on our 16man HM group right now. But I will see what I can get, we might do a 8man HM later on our alts when we get done with 16man later today.
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I could see that as burst damage, but there's no way the op could keep that up against HM Kephess for very long. I'd say 30 seconds of +2k dps since he could use relics + adrenals + Bloodthirst. After that he'd drop down to below 1850 on any Tier 2 HM Operation Boss.


He linked a parse of 19something against Karagga to prove it, so he's not lying, but neither is he talking about the same thing you and I are. There's a merc in my guild that does near that high in the same fight, but it's because DFA is on the same cooldown as the mouse droids and we let him pretty much kill all of them with that one skill (if any are alive, a warrior cleans them up with a smash or I hit them with a CL.


So, what I think he's doing is timing orbital strike (same cooldown as mouse droid spawn) to solo the mouse droids, which will inflate his DPS greatly.


Where I and, I'm guessing, you would disagree is that when we're talking about a class's DPS, we just mean single target, in which case Snipers don't do 2k DPS no matter what their gear/skill.


As another example, my best parse against the two idiot twins in KP was 1946 when specced madness with a sorc (hitting both with DF, keeping near 100% uptime on both dots on two targets at a time). I wouldn't say I did 19k dps when I specced madness (it was usually between 1250 and 1450), even though, strictly speaking, I have "done 19k DPS" in a raid. The 2k DPS sniper would say his dps is 2k after that parse.


He's not lying, but neither is he talking about what we think he's talking about.

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Yes Sorcs/Sages can, if played right and with the correct specc do loads of damage, but still wont beat a sniper/gunslinger, powertech/vanguard or a marauder/sentinel in DPS. This is only because they really can't, the theoretical DPS those three advanced classes is significantly higher then that of a Sorc/Sage, but on the same note I would like to add that that don't make Sorcs/Sage bad in PvE.


They are just not as good as the other classes I have meantioned, so if wanna win the DPS race, do the most damage and play the best DPS classes, feel free to roll any of those. But Sorcs/Sages are still good and the DPS they can do is still high and you can still do 16man TFB HM with 8 Sorc DPS, so in the end it don't really matter that much.


But as the maker of the thread is asking for what classes that is on need, I would say that Sorcs/Sages at not, very many people play that class and I would say that you would gain a lot more by picking another class, I made a post on the first page of this thread with my recommendations. *Link*


Yeah, but sorcs add a few other things to a raid that, for instance, assault vans, which I have, just dont. If a boss moves somewhere weird, the Van's dead in the water for a little bit, particularly since the nerfs. Sorc dps can cleanse themselves, which healers will think wonderful and can do a bunch of self healing, plus extricate others. In the Dread Guard fight, for instance, Sorcs of all dps specs are hilariously more useful in each and every phase of the fight for everyone in the raid. Vans have their own pull, of course, but it generates huge threat, which sucks.

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Glad you decided to come in and stroke your epeen for us. Was stating that from what i've seen on my server and playing all specs with my sage. While i Absolutely LOVE balance with my sage i see many raid teams passing on sages because of the fact that they are full trees.


You seem to know what you're talking about; I've been playing a sage since launch (I don't have much time to play lol) and I've speced out the telekinetics tree. For dps, I figured it'd be the best one to choose. Is the balance tree superior in dps? I just started playing OPs and was fortunate enough to play with an experienced and patient bunch. So Sage DPS, optimal builds, suggestions?

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You seem to know what you're talking about; I've been playing a sage since launch (I don't have much time to play lol) and I've speced out the telekinetics tree. For dps, I figured it'd be the best one to choose. Is the balance tree superior in dps? I just started playing OPs and was fortunate enough to play with an experienced and patient bunch. So Sage DPS, optimal builds, suggestions?


Specced madness (balance) for 8 months, lightning (TK) for 2. In any 2 target fight where both enemies can be targeted by the sorc from the same place, madness will do radically higher dps (requires maintaining 2 different dots with three different refresh intervals on both targets and hitting both with deathfield...it's sort of tricky to keep track of and requires practice). There are only a few of these types of fights though.


Less or more than 2 targets and lightning will outperform madness comfortably (as long as you're not unlucky and you know what you're doing). Possible exception being VERY movement heavy phases (second to last tfb boss's burn phase, for instance), but also note, in movement heavy phases, madness' force management is horrible and lightning's is comfortable, so it probably all washes out.


But also take note of this; there's a lot less variance with madness's dps. What you do against a boss on monday is pretty much exactly what you'll do next monday.

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