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Help me "justify" the existence of my Pureblood Consular (soon to be shadow)


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Ok! So here it is...

Started a Pureblood Consulars and now trying to justify its existence in this universe.

The thing i have so far is that he, apart from his brother never felt "comfy" living under the clutch of the empire and didnt want to go to korriban, as he supposed to/forced? Duo to his force sensivity. So he fled on some Cargo ship and came to republic territory where the Jedis discovered him etc


Thats all i have, is that justifying a pureblood consular enough?




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Not wanting to go to Korriban is a valid reason. All force sensitive in Empire must train as sith or be executed if they refuse. Maybe, your character was not sure he'll survive the Academy?


If you do not like this course of events, then maybe your character met a jedi who convinced him to turn to light while he was an apprentice? It is not uncommon turn of events.


For example (little spoiler for Jedi Knight story)

Jedi Knight can convince Lord Praven( who is sith pureblood) to join Jedi order. And despite being a sith lord, Praven becomes a mere padavan after that.


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The way I justified my pure blood knight is by giving him a slight back story along with my main which is a pure blood sorc. In my mind they are two force sensitive brothers were forced to go to

Korriban by the empire. But my sorc took the whole sith philosophy to

heart while my knight didn't. So when they discovered the Jedi infiltrator in the academy my sorc went along with tracking him and such while my knight helped him. The Jedi in turn arranged for my

Knight to be taken to Tython to train as a Jedi. Needless to

Say the two brothers are rivals. The knight is intent on converting my sorc to the light because he knows his kindness. Whereas my sorc is hell bent on killin his brother for the betrayal.


But that's just me :p

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Not wanting to go to Korriban is a valid reason. All force sensitive in Empire must train as sith or be executed if they refuse. Maybe, your character was not sure he'll survive the Academy?


If you do not like this course of events, then maybe your character met a jedi who convinced him to turn to light while he was an apprentice? It is not uncommon turn of events.


For example (little spoiler for Jedi Knight story)

Jedi Knight can convince Lord Praven( who is sith pureblood) to join Jedi order. And despite being a sith lord, Praven becomes a mere padavan after that.


The part about being turned by a Jedi sounds also good. Thinking i will still play him abit darkside. Duo to the inner struggle of his old ways and the fight to embrace the jedi teachings

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Not wanting to go to Korriban is a valid reason. All force sensitive in Empire must train as sith or be executed if they refuse. Maybe, your character was not sure he'll survive the Academy?


That's pretty good reason.


I would add another obvious. Your character could have simply been discovered by a Jedi at his/her early age and was taken to Coruscant for training.

Edited by Path-x
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A simple one could be that he became an orphan during the Great Galatic War for reasons you can decide for yourself, was discovered by the Republic and found to be force sensitive. The Jedi don't turn anyone away from the order so they would probably accept a pureblood, they take him on as youngling and the story follows from there.
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This is how I'm justifying my Chiss Shadow when I get my Imp Agent to 50... (his name is going to be Jerdek, so I'll refer to him by name rather than "my Chiss Shadow)


Jerdek was born on Corellia to my Lighsided Imperial Agent and an unnamed Chiss Female. However the Agent refused to see his child grow up in an Empire that he despises and contacted the Green Jedi, despite having fought against them, they agreed to take the child and train Jerdek in the ways of the Force to prevent another Sith Lord from surfacing. The Sith discovered the treachery and sought to take the Chiss child to Korriban, however the Agent sacrificed his own life to allow Jerdek to escape the planet. Jerdek was then raised by the Jedi Order and follows the way of the Light like his father before him.

Edited by Silthir
fixing the name
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I have two characters who would have otherwise ended up fighting for the Empire: My Chiss trooper and my Sith Pureblood Sage. I'll give a little synopsis of their pasts and how they came to fight on the side of the Republic just in case it gives you some ideas, though many other players have given you very good options as well. Note that my methods when it comes to these things aren't exactly what most people come up with -- I must be SPESHUL and this includes how my characters end up being on the side of the Republic (because why go for a simple explanation when you can make it as dramatic as possible instead?).


My Chiss (my main, a healy Commando) grew up with an eccentric hermit loosely modeled after German philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein living in an isolated mountain area of Ord Mantell, who got closely involved with the Separatist's military movement when my character was at a young age (which is where he gained his initial military experience and how he eventually defected to the Republic.); his mother died when he was born in a slum on Nar Shaddaa, which is where Wittgenstein soon found and adopted him.


My pureblood Sage was born and raised on Korriban as the son of a Sith Apprentice whose master was on the Dark Council. After his father's master's demise, the father fled the Empire to Hutt Space, taking refuge under the employ of certain members of the Hutt Cartel as an assassin. He trained his son in the Force and more basic Sith techniques, and eventually his son ended up being sold to a prominent Hutt gangster who in turn used him to assassinate his enemies, which lead to a confrontation with a Jedi Knight who had been charged with guarding the life of my Sage's target - a fight that lasted all of two minutes as my character was quickly disarmed and captured. Seeing my character's potential in the Force and obvious Sith training, the Jedi took him into custody and eventually managed to convince him to become a Padawan and turn to the light side.


Hope these help (and that you're still reading the thread 4-5 days after you posted it. >.>)!

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Treat is as non-canon. Solved.


Treating as non-canon is too easy a way out, a little thought can create a back story fleshing out a character.


For a Pure Blood (Sith) Jedi there are at least five options

1) Ancestors fled Empire and settled into Republic, enduring much prejudice

2) Orphaned during War, never knew Empire, Jedi found you

3) Family/Mentor killed in Sith infighting, be came Jedi to survive

4) Rejected Sith teachings, trying to redeem yourself, Empire considers you traitor

5) Double Agent, pretended to reject Sith teaching to learn Jedi techniques, doesn't fit into story though

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What I did, was have 2 brothers, one is a Red Sith, who is very big, so became a jugg. The other borther was smaller and brown color so was kinda shunned in his family. He decded to join the republic and destroy it from within as a Sage. He is darkside as well so killed all the masters he was suppose to save and caused the death of a thousand other jedi, so seems to be doing rather well in his goal. Pretty sure he has killed more jedi then his Jugg brother lol.


Linktorn,Tal'Kosh, Linkto, Slog

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