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Will the game survive 2013 ?


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The game will be here, and I expect it will be making more money than it currently is.


However, if you are a core/traditional MMO gamer, this wont be the place for you. F2P is aimed at casuals. Lots of casuals spend little amounts of money which drives profits. That money is re-invested in to more content aimed at F2Pers to repeat the cycle of earning money.


It means those of us who subscribe, raid and pvp will get less "proper" content, get bored quicker and leave.


Its simple supply and demand: core gamers demand high quality goods, when the goods aren't delivered they leave for someone else who can supply the high quality content.



For a real life example, look at LOTRO. Their free 2 play model is superior, but they basically make their money off character unlocks, cosmetic fluff, zone unlocks (i.e. leveling content) and instance packs (group content). As a consequence, since F2P in lotro there has been quite large amounts of new zones released in expansions, loads of fluff items and an increase in development of small instances (3man) rather than larger instances and raids (6man and 12man). There has been virtually no PvP expansion as until recently PvP remained a subscriber only benefit.

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A direct question - what is EA's roadmap for this game ?


I really want to enjoy the class stories and invest the majority of my game time into Swtor. But EA does so little to make me trust in the future of this game. There is no real communication with the playerbase, the Q&A panels only focus on silly stuff like "Can we marry Wookies ?" while I am more concerned if I will still get to enjoy Swtor next year.


I don't want to pour money for Cartel Points and the little game time I have into a game which might already be doomed. The weird f2p decisions (paying for an extra hotbar), the fresh bugs introduced with every patch and the dwindling subscriber numbers often make me wonder if sometime next year they will just close it down because it does not create enough cash to pay for the Star Wars license and the running costs.


Simple really. You either have faith in something, or you don't. Clearly you do not. Many others do, and will continue to enjoy and play the game for a long long time.


Or were you just trying to crab walk your way into a rant about communications? No game developer communicates sufficiently to please you I am sure.


Someone like you, who constantly complains about a game, should probably find a game you actually enjoy and do not feel compelled to complain about in a gaming forum. Then again, you maybe you complain about every game in every gaming forum. Personally, I don't see the point, but you are free to do so I guess, as long as you stay within the forum rules.

Edited by Andryah
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Problem is this F2P model is so extremely limited that it's basically pointless. In theory you can get 50 and experience the content however with 1 quicker bar, extra CD's etc it won't be possible in reality. They should have just allowed full access up to level 20 for all characters and if you want more then you need to sub it would make more sense than this botched attempt at a F2P model.


BioWare should realise they simply can't compete with the likes of GW2 and WoW with this current model because their game just isn't good enough. If they can't see that things will just keep getting worse until they do, not going to say the game will die because I doubt that but definitely expect further decreases in subscriptions.

Edited by RTCBrad
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i know what u mean,,i bought lots of stuff in CoX 4 months before thery closed


the best way to support a game is to buy it, play it,,, and remain silent:p


CoX is a bad reference example. CoX did not close because it was not successful. It closed becasue the studio management team got up in the faces of the Korean parent company, and they got slap-smacked for it buy flushing the game. You have an issue with that, write down the names of the management at Paragon Studios and make sure to play one of their products again. They showed extreme arrogance and lack of responsibility by what they tried to do with their parent company. NCsoft made and example of them.

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F2P, Makeb/Chapter 4(Could be two different things altogether) and Open World PVP in January could easily revamp this game's popularity, especially if they surprise us with something like revamped Space Combat in say March. Edited by Rayla_Felana
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The only thing they need to do is add a second keybar like what you start out by default. As for operations, flash points, and warzones is where most people spend their time in this game. Thus, it makes natural sense to cap those else most of their current subscribers will switch to f2p. As for f2p there would be no incentive to switch to a subscriber if for example all you want to do is run warzones. Had warzones been a lot more numerous or unlimited I probably would switch to f2p, but since that is what I do mostly when I play this game there is no reason to downgraded to f2p.


Personally, I think most of people who want more options with f2p simply don't want to pay at all and want to play for free. Now I do understand that there are a few things that probably need to be change like adding more than 1 key bar. However, I don't think a the current limitations on warzone, operations, or flashpoints will deter players from wanting to upgrade or paying for more access.


What activities do players spend the majority of their time in game? If you have unlimited access or too much access to those activities, then there is no invective to subscribe or pay for access. Finally, it's free to play, f2p players shouldn't complain since they are getting free access. It's that simple. I don't complain when I get free stuff.

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Hate to be the pessimist here but I don't think the game will make it to 2013 and here is why......


Mayan calendar ends on Dec 21 2012 there for the world must be doomed to end! :eek::D:p



all joking aside I think it will survive but they will have to act fast on any changes to the F2P Model if things don't work out at launch like they hope it will. I remember when eq2 went F2P and they had some very harsh restriction for the basic F2P people unless they paid $5.00 to get some extras to make it better.


Maybe maybe not. The Mayans didn't have leap year. so from the induction of leap year you have to go back and start to subtract those extra day. I do believe someone did that and discovered that the Mayan calender actually ended like 7 months ago. but I could be wrong.

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BioWare should realise they simply can't compete with the likes of GW2 and WoW with this current model because their game just isn't good enough. If they can't see that things will just keep getting worse until they do, not going to say the game will die because I doubt that but definitely expect further decreases in subscriptions.


Time will be the judge on that, not you. ;)


Much worse MMOs, with much worse management decisions have survived many years in the MMO market. And F2P has boosted active player accounts and revenue for every AAA MMO that has implemented a freemium business model.

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Maybe maybe not. The Mayans didn't have leap year. so from the induction of leap year you have to go back and start to subtract those extra day. I do believe someone did that and discovered that the Mayan calender actually ended like 7 months ago. but I could be wrong.


No, you're not wrong.


The Mayan calander thing was disproved quite a few times. The only people who still believe it are those religious nuts that still think the rapture will happen.


According to some of the "specialists" that looked into it, the Mayan calander did indeed end several months ago.

Edited by Gomla
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Simple really. You either have faith in something, or you don't. Clearly you do not. Many others do, and will continue to enjoy and play the game for a long long time.


Or were you just trying to crab walk your way into a rant about communications? No game developer communicates sufficiently to please you I am sure.


Someone like you, who constantly complains about a game, should probably find a game you actually enjoy and do not feel compelled to complain about in a gaming forum. Then again, you maybe you complain about every game in every gaming forum. Personally, I don't see the point, but you are free to do so I guess, as long as you stay within the forum rules.



Feeling a little defensive are we?

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"Will the game survive 2013?"


I hope I'm wrong, but I don't think it will.


I think the game's problems have absolutely nothing to do with how much it costs, but in its simplistic and derivative gameplay. That gameplay is why most subscribers quit, either they didn't like it or they got bored of rapidly. That gameplay isn't changing so why expect the number of people willing to pay for it to change?

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"Will the game survive 2013?"


I hope I'm wrong, but I don't think it will.


I think the game's problems have absolutely nothing to do with how much it costs, but in its simplistic and derivative gameplay. That gameplay is why most subscribers quit, either they didn't like it or they got bored of rapidly. That gameplay isn't changing so why expect the number of people willing to pay for it to change?


Indeed. I feel the same way. :cool:

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A direct question - what is EA's roadmap for this game ?


I really want to enjoy the class stories and invest the majority of my game time into Swtor. But EA does so little to make me trust in the future of this game. There is no real communication with the playerbase, the Q&A panels only focus on silly stuff like "Can we marry Wookies ?" while I am more concerned if I will still get to enjoy Swtor next year.


I don't want to pour money for Cartel Points and the little game time I have into a game which might already be doomed. The weird f2p decisions (paying for an extra hotbar), the fresh bugs introduced with every patch and the dwindling subscriber numbers often make me wonder if sometime next year they will just close it down because it does not create enough cash to pay for the Star Wars license and the running costs.


Maybe if you leave the game will survive.... :p

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The purpose of free to play is to make the game available to public so they can see how fun the game is, and hopefully they will decide to invest some money in it buying the extra goods to make the game even more fun.

Now, let's look at this game from a free to play player's point of view shall we?


You can only play 3 warzone per week.

You can only have 1 crew skill.

Your money caps.

You can't trade.

You can only talk on trade chat once per min.

You have 1 quickbar.

Your CDs are longer than everybody else.


And these are just the tip of the iceberg.

Which means the only thing you can do in the game, most of the time, is just grind, do quest, and grind some more. Who on earth would find playing with such stupid restrictions fun? If playing the game is no fun, who would invest money in it?



On my first couple characters while levelling up, I didn't do any Flashpoints, seldom did warzones, barely used the GTN, didn't waste my time in chat, and didn't benefit much from my crew skill. Without crew skills, I'm sure I could have gone without cargo storage too. Didn't feel like my experience was lacking because of it.

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On my first couple characters while levelling up, I didn't do any Flashpoints, seldom did warzones, barely used the GTN, didn't waste my time in chat, and didn't benefit much from my crew skill. Without crew skills, I'm sure I could have gone without cargo storage too. Didn't feel like my experience was lacking because of it.


Here's what stood out to me:


1 - Ability Bar (ouch)


Aside from that, it all seemed like a good idea

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Time will be the judge on that, not you. ;)


Much worse MMOs, with much worse management decisions have survived many years in the MMO market. And F2P has boosted active player accounts and revenue for every AAA MMO that has implemented a freemium business model.


Thats the thing though it isn't me deciding it, the people are hence falling sub numbers and HUGE decrease since launch I would say at least 60% of the playerbase has vanished since launch. Not matter how you look at it this game hasn't been as sucessfull as BioWare/EA would have hoped. And it's mostly because of constant bad decisions, from day 1, this botched F2P model is just the most recent bad decision.


Like I said I highly doubt the game will die but further decrease in subs isn't exactly unlikely. With the quality of games like GW2 which is free and WoW which is P2P but gives you a better overall online experience.


Annoying because I like this game and love the TOR setting, sadly bad management and constant stupid decisions that are designed to make a quick buck will drive this game into the ground. They've already done a pretty good job of that.

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Yes I think it will survive.


How about you? Will you be still alive in 2013? The way your going I am not too optimistic, you look kind of pale and you cost alot of money to your mom living in her basement. Dont get me wrong Im not hating, I like you, really, I just dont think you have much longuer to go :eek:.


(just fooling around dont go cry in the shower just messing with you)

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Thats the thing though it isn't me deciding it, the people are hence falling sub numbers and HUGE decrease since launch I would say at least 60% of the playerbase has vanished since launch. Not matter how you look at it this game hasn't been as sucessfull as BioWare/EA would have hoped. And it's mostly because of constant bad decisions, from day 1, this botched F2P model is just the most recent bad decision.


Populations have been stable on the servers since we got past the new MMO releases though. And the exodous in the first 8 months follows pretty normal attrition curves for new MMOs these days (and WoW expansions as well). F2P will inject more active players into the game, which is good.

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The F2P restrictions are way to many and to stupid to make people want to sub, seems like playing this game for free will just be a very bad experience and instead of turning people to subscribe, it will drive them away. I really don't get why they need such heavy restrictions, seems like many other games that are F2P do just fine without such stupid restrictions. 1 skill bar... Are you kidding me?!


I would understand the restriction on content like raids, flashpoints and raids. But all the restrictions on general gameplay will not make this game better, it will make it worse.


I hope I am proven wrong and this system will not drive people away, I am not sure if I will be a subscriber. Just the fact that I can buy a hood down robe for cartel points makes me want to play (been waiting for this ever since release :S) but I don't think playing this game for free will be enjoyable.

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