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[Video] Rage Marauder PvP Ownage


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Change your camera distance settings in your "YourAccountName.ini" file.


For you it will be "akdonkey.ini_Account" and change the camera distance to "Controls_CameraMaxDistance = 40.0"


You sir, are a godsend. Don't spec back to Carnage, please. Us sorcs are breathing a sigh of relief that we haven't seen one of those in weeks :).

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You killed an AFK person and an Arsenal Merc who did nothing but stand there trying to heal himself.

Don't point out things like that, let this person live in the deluded world where they are a "PVP God".


Personally, I still don't know why people video themselves playing this spec, this is average of the spec at best, so not seeing what's so special about it. Or did you want everyone to pat you on the back for playing an OP and FOTM class/spec? Well and truly, sad.

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Don't point out things like that, let this person live in the deluded world where they are a "PVP God".


Personally, I still don't know why people video themselves playing this spec, this is average of the spec at best, so not seeing what's so special about it. Or did you want everyone to pat you on the back for playing an OP and FOTM class/spec? Well and truly, sad.


Wow sour grapes much, what class and spec to you play? Just curious....I dont understand all the hate for these type of videos. Just enjoy them for what they are, rage spec mara gettin some big smash crits. Its not about strategy or showing us how to get better. Its a game, leave it at that.

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Don't point out things like that, let this person live in the deluded world where they are a "PVP God".


Personally, I still don't know why people video themselves playing this spec, this is average of the spec at best, so not seeing what's so special about it. Or did you want everyone to pat you on the back for playing an OP and FOTM class/spec? Well and truly, sad.


Wow sour grapes much, what class and spec to you play? Just curious....I dont understand all the hate for these type of videos. Just enjoy them for what they are, rage spec mara gettin some big smash crits. Its not about strategy or showing us how to get better. Its a game, leave it at that.

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Wrong music selection imo.



As for rage haters... it's really not a big deal. BW made a spec thats baddie proof and scales great with gear without needing too much player input to make the class work, but this is not like it's "rare" look at Pyro PT another prime example of a spec that plays itself for you. Rage is the new fotm because its like a Pyro PT cept your Rail Shot now auto crit for about 20% more damage on 4 more targets.

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Wrong music selection imo.



As for rage haters... it's really not a big deal. BW made a spec thats baddie proof and scales great with gear without needing too much player input to make the class work, but this is not like it's "rare" look at Pyro PT another prime example of a spec that plays itself for you. Rage is the new fotm because its like a Pyro PT cept your Rail Shot now auto crit for about 20% more damage on 4 more targets.


And it can't be shielded or dodged, don't forget that :)

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What are you talking about?


To get to a higher tier in the talent tree, your choice is between 2 points in:

Malice (1/3 to 3/3)

Payback (0/2 to 2/2)

Strangulate (0/2 to 2/2)


What makes you think that the other talents are needed for a 100% crit rage spec? You have no valid point.


30% more surge on force scream and crush, both of which are force

Go figure

Edited by Eszi
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And now I pay you back.


ctrl+u+u fixes that


And now I pay you back.


You don't need to reload your UI if you are paying attention to the match because you should know who is winning and who is losing. The incorrect scoreboard display does not affect the actual team that is winning, if your team is winning you will win at the end of the match regardless if the scoreboard is backwards.

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30% more surge on force scream and crush, both of which are force

Go figure


Actually, I will have to agree with you now and stand corrected. The reason why I initially did not agree was because force choke is needed to build 4 stacks at times and you don't want push back on that, and I almost never use force scream unless its to break a hybrid speced sorcs bubble at a distance so it doesn't blind me, but I always use crush. Also, I am used to being carnage forever where I only use force scream when it procs, aka auto crit. I was using Megaqtfx's spec that he recommended after the rage buff went live. Regardless, this does not mean I am terrible, it's a minor change in spec and doesn't change my skill level, even if this is considered a brainless spec. The point of my video was not to show off some amazing skills, it was simply to showcase min maxed rage marauder gameplay and rotation. Thank you for pointing this out.


Where are you getting 30% more surge from? I have 3/3 in Dark Resonance and now instead of 1/3 on Malice I have 3/3.

Edited by DkSharktooth
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Where are you getting 30% more surge from? I have 3/3 in Dark Resonance and now instead of 1/3 on Malice I have 3/3.


Surge is from dark resonance

It increases the surge on ALL force abilities, i.e. crush, scream and smash

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What are you talking about?


To get to a higher tier in the talent tree, your choice is between 2 points in:

Malice (1/3 to 3/3)

Payback (0/2 to 2/2)

Strangulate (0/2 to 2/2)


What makes you think that the other talents are needed for a 100% crit rage spec? You have no valid point.


30% more surge on force scream and crush, both of which are force

Go figure


Here's the thing. Malice and Payback are not "bad", but they are not as optimal as other talents in my opinion. Eszi you are correct that malice does help and increase crit chance for force crush and scream. The problem is, force scream does not get used very much for a Rage Marauder, because the alternative (vicious slash) has a much higher chance to crit and is much more rage efficient. The only time we use scream is, as Skillxx posted, to break bubbles or if we are rooted and it's all we can do. Force crush is used substantially more, and the tick at the end can crit for 2k+, but over the duration of the game, it is going to be a very small percentage of your overall damage done. The main chunks of the pie are Smash, Vicious slash, and depending on how fast people are dying, Vicious Throw (can easily crit for 5k, sometimes even 6k).


There ARE times however when you get stunned for a while, your force crush is down, battering assault is down, and you don't have enough fury to berserk for 4 stack, and you have very limited rage to get to that 30 stack of fury. And let's say that your smash is off cooldown in 4 seconds. Now, to stay in the rotation and stay efficient, you NEED a 4 stack from force choke. If you only get 2 stacks, you effectively lose around 2k damage on that smash, per target. 3 stacks would be a 1k loss per target. You can see how this adds up quickly. Also, if it isn't a 4 stack smash, it costs more rage, which you don't want.


Now when you compare the "guaranteed 4 stacks" of force choke, versus 4% extra crit chance on scream (rarely used) and force crush, that 4% looks sort of negligible. Also keep in mind, that one of the best dps combos for a rage mara is to force choke, smash, and then whatever. There is almost no way to avoid a smash after you have been choked, assuming the marauder is right next to you on choke.


One argument you could make in your favor though, is that in ideal situations, you shouldn't need to use force choke, which is true. The "rage feeding fury, berserk feeding rage" cycle is endless if you are able to keep smacking people with vicious slash, but that is not always the case.


Maximizing dps as rage is all about making sure that you have 4 stack ready well before you are ready to smash, as well as the auto crit buff from charge/oblit. If you ever delay your smash to get 4 stack or that auto crit buff, you are losing dps. That is why uninterruptible force choke is considered the superior talent. Honestly though, an argument could be made either way, and it will come down to personal preference. Me, I prefer to have my guaranteed 4 stack.

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Here's the thing. Malice and Payback are not "bad", but they are not as optimal as other talents in my opinion. Eszi you are correct that malice does help and increase crit chance for force crush and scream. The problem is, force scream does not get used very much for a Rage Marauder, because the alternative (vicious slash) has a much higher chance to crit and is much more rage efficient. The only time we use scream is, as Skillxx posted, to break bubbles or if we are rooted and it's all we can do. Force crush is used substantially more, and the tick at the end can crit for 2k+, but over the duration of the game, it is going to be a very small percentage of your overall damage done. The main chunks of the pie are Smash, Vicious slash, and depending on how fast people are dying, Vicious Throw (can easily crit for 5k, sometimes even 6k).


There ARE times however when you get stunned for a while, your force crush is down, battering assault is down, and you don't have enough fury to berserk for 4 stack, and you have very limited rage to get to that 30 stack of fury. And let's say that your smash is off cooldown in 4 seconds. Now, to stay in the rotation and stay efficient, you NEED a 4 stack from force choke. If you only get 2 stacks, you effectively lose around 2k damage on that smash, per target. 3 stacks would be a 1k loss per target. You can see how this adds up quickly. Also, if it isn't a 4 stack smash, it costs more rage, which you don't want.


Now when you compare the "guaranteed 4 stacks" of force choke, versus 4% extra crit chance on scream (rarely used) and force crush, that 4% looks sort of negligible. Also keep in mind, that one of the best dps combos for a rage mara is to force choke, smash, and then whatever. There is almost no way to avoid a smash after you have been choked, assuming the marauder is right next to you on choke.


One argument you could make in your favor though, is that in ideal situations, you shouldn't need to use force choke, which is true. The "rage feeding fury, berserk feeding rage" cycle is endless if you are able to keep smacking people with vicious slash, but that is not always the case.


Maximizing dps as rage is all about making sure that you have 4 stack ready well before you are ready to smash, as well as the auto crit buff from charge/oblit. If you ever delay your smash to get 4 stack or that auto crit buff, you are losing dps. That is why uninterruptible force choke is considered the superior talent. Honestly though, an argument could be made either way, and it will come down to personal preference. Me, I prefer to have my guaranteed 4 stack.


TBH you guys are both right. My problem lies in the specific situation when I would use force choke and it would get pushedback or interrupted because it keeps getting pushed back, or I just don't get it off when I need 4 stacks. Obviously this is not an issue if I am not being attacked, and if this is the case, then yes 100% of the time I would put those 2 talent points into malice, but I'd still rather have a guaranteed 4 stacks for smash from force choke over 4% crit on those 2 abilities which don't give me my main big numbers.

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