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Theron Shan's Dad?


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The Sith Empire is in flux. The Emperor is missing, presumed dead, and an ambitious Sith lord's attempt to seize the throne has ended fatally. Still, Darth Karrid, commander of the fearsome Imperial battle cruiser Ascendant Spear, continues her relentless efforts to achieve total Sith domination of the galaxy. But Karrid's ruthless determination is more than matched in the steely resolve of Theron Shan, whose unfinished business with the Empire could change the course of the war for good. Though the son of a Jedi master, Theron does not wield the Force but like his renowned mother, the spirit of rebellion is in his blood. As a top covertagent for the Republic, he struck a crucial blow against the Empire by exposing and destroying a Sith superweapon arsenal which makes him the ideal operative for a daring and dangerous mission to end Ascendant Spear's reign of terror. Joined by hot-headed smuggler Teff'ith, with whom he has an inexplicable bond, and wise Jedi warrior Gnost-Dural, Darth Karrid s former master, Theron must match wits and weapons with a battle-tested crew of the most cold-blooded dark side disciples. But time is brutally shortand if they don t seize their one chance to succeed, they will surely have countless opportunities to die.



Can it be Malgus?

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0.o maybe it's Jace Malcom


That's the most likely scenario. They've been working together since the Sith retook Korriban, and worked together all throughout the war. How many times did he save her life? I'm willing to bet that they had more than a few nights of... ahem... stress relief. :D

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That's unlikely, considering if Tavus and Satele "had a relationship" then Tavus probably wouldn't have



betrayed the Republic.



If only out of loyalty to his son.


Not necessarily because he was pretty pissed about the incident that lead up to that and that much angry can lead to all kinds of things. It's also possible the father doesn't know he's the father since Satele had her kid be raised by someone else entirely.

Edited by KurganNazzir
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I would not be surprised if Tavus was ignorant of the whole thing. And to help keep things under wraps, not to tell the commander of a very hush hush squad of commandos run by one of the nosiest generals in the republic.
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It's unlikely to be Tavus, simply because of the timeframe. Threat of Peace never hints at a previous relationship between Tavus and Satele, and it takes place only 10 or so years previous to the time in the actual game. If Theron is a star covert agent, he has to be at least in his 20s.


It could be Malcom, but it could be another Jedi. I mean, Revan and Bastila's son wasn't force sensitive. Just because you have two Jedi for parents in no way guarantees a force-sensitive child.

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It's unlikely to be Tavus, simply because of the timeframe. Threat of Peace never hints at a previous relationship between Tavus and Satele, and it takes place only 10 or so years previous to the time in the actual game. If Theron is a star covert agent, he has to be at least in his 20s.


It could be Malcom, but it could be another Jedi. I mean, Revan and Bastila's son wasn't force sensitive. Just because you have two Jedi for parents in no way guarantees a force-sensitive child.


Well, COL Malcom still makes the most sense, as far as what we've seen in the trailers and the smile in his voice when he talks about her on Alderaan during his initial briefing for the Bonus Series. They fought together in numerous campaigns, and saved each other's hides many times over. It would be natural for them to develop romantic feelings, in spite of Satele's Jedi training.

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Does Satele Shan know Theron is her son?


he has the same last name so that would be kind of a hint lol... she "gave him up" to the order who was going to train him because of ya know attachment is bad blah blah blah so she wasn't around when he was raised... it says when he met her later to tell her her former master died he didn't "inform her" of his identity but pretty sure she would already know... I mean he knows and it's not like you could hide something like that from someone like her she is an extremely powerful force user and the jedi grand master after all...

Edited by Liquidacid
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I still think let Malgus be the father could bring a lot of drama.


This has been done before but where.................................

Besides Malgus was devoted to his Wife during the time ! Malgus while being evil , seems to be all about Loyalty .

I think his turning against the Emperor was

1 Because its the Sith way

2 Maybe a respect issue , as Malgus is a Frontlines Warrior and the Emperor was what he might as thought as Hidding.

It does not mean he was no loyal to the Sith Empire because of these factors , as it is their way to become more than their Masters and eventually kill them for being weaker . In that sense , him killing his wife made him more without weakness and in his mind kept her from being hurt by anyone else !

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I don't know, but I think it's Jace. Why?


Annihilation: (Star Wars The Old Republic)


[As everyone rose to leave, Jace said, "Grand Master Satele, can you stay a moment?"

Gnost-Dural and the Director left quickly, closing the door behind them without being asked.

"You aren't the only one who was hoping Theron would be here," Satele said once they were alone.

"Is it that obvious?" He asked, coming out from behind his desk to try to pace out some of his frustration.

"It is to me," Satele said, standing motionless as she watched him go back and forth. "But I can understand why he wouldn't be in the mood for a family reunion."

"Do you think he still blames me?"

"You did the right thing. You brought the fleet to Duro."

"Does that make up for letting the Empire attack Ruan?"

"We can't always fix our mistakes," she told him. "We can only learn from them."

Jace frowned--as usual, he didn't find the typical Jedi wisdom particularly helpful. He stopped pacing and turned to Satele, standing right in front of her.

"How do I make this right?"

Satele shook her head. "You know him as well as I do."

"That's the problem," he said. "I want to get to know him better."

"Then wait for him to come to you," she said.


"That doesn't seem to be working too well for you," Jace pointed out.

"The circumstances of your relationship with our son are different from mine," Satele noted, and Jace sensed a deep regret behind her words.]


Sorry, I only got here in the Amazon "preview" of the book.

So, that's it, Jace + Satele = Theron.

Edited by Preventer-Blaze
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I don't know, but I think it's Jacen. Why?


Annihilation: (Star Wars The Old Republic)


[As everyone rose to leave, Jace said, "Grand Master Satele, can you stay a moment?"

Gnost-Dural and the Director left quickly, closing the door behind them without being asked.

"You aren't the only one who was hoping Theron would be here," Satele said once they were alone.

"Is it that obvious?" He asked, coming out from behind his desk to try to pace out some of his frustration.

"It is to me," Satele said, standing motionless as she watched him go back and forth. "But I can understand why he wouldn't be in the mood for a family reunion."

"Do you think he still blames me?"

"You did the right thing. You brought the fleet to Duro."

"Does that make up for letting the Empire attack Ruan?"

"We can't always fix our mistakes," she told him. "We can only learn from them."

Jace frowned--as usual, he didn't find the typical Jedi wisdom particularly helpful. He stopped pacing and turned to Satele, standing right in front of her.

"How do I make this right?"

Satele shook her head. "You know him as well as I do."

"That's the problem," he said. "I want to get to know him better."

"Then wait for him to come to you," she said.


"That doesn't seem to be working too well for you," Jaice pointed out.

"The circumstances of your relationship with our son are different from mine," Satele noted, and Jace sensed a deep regret behind her words.]


Sorry, I only got here in the Amazon "preview" of the book.

So, that's it, Jace + Satele = Theron.


They leaked such info in a preview? Or could there be some twist?

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They leaked such info in a preview? Or could there be some twist?


Yep, pages 284-285. You can check right here: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0345529413/ref=s9_newr_gw_d37_g14_ir05?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=center-4&pf_rd_r=02D9YSN7MECMCPWJHJW6&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=470939031&pf_rd_i=507846


And sorry, it's THE Jace and I say Jacen (Solo... hahah, sorry) and Jaice sometimes. :p

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  • 2 weeks later...
Yep, pages 284-285. You can check right here: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0345529413/ref=s9_newr_gw_d37_g14_ir05?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=center-4&pf_rd_r=02D9YSN7MECMCPWJHJW6&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=470939031&pf_rd_i=507846


And sorry, it's THE Jace and I say Jacen (Solo... hahah, sorry) and Jaice sometimes. :p


I love it when I'm right, sometimes. :D

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