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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Darthhater: Wookiee Life Day Coming


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I seriously hope that if this event runs, it runs from Nov. 17th (when the SWHS actually aired in 1978), and not over the Christmas season.


On the other hand, if they are going to do holidays, I am glad that they are sticking to in-universe holidays. And while the Wookiees originated it, Life Day has been adopted by many other cultures as well.

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"Holiday" events were confirmed long before these one-time events were. Except we were told they they would not be bringing real-life events into their game - all holidays would originate with the Star Wars universe. And they're making good on that assertion.
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Will the Wookie planet be added to the game in time? Otherwise it doesn't belong. The awful Holiday special didn't make it seem like it was celebrated throughout the galaxy if I remember right. I only tortured myself once watching that garbage.


I can't see "empire factioned" players "celebrating" life-day. If anything during the "Life Day Celebrations" Czerka Arms could offer a bounty hunt on wookiees (as slaves or hides) during that time for the empire side. This could add an "opt in" OWPvP component to the "holiday" with the republic players defending the wookiees on Kashyyyk while the empire players "hunt them". Thoughts? :cool:

Edited by Urael
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I can't see "empire factioned" players "celebrating" life-day. If anything during the "Life Day Celebrations" Czerka Arms could offer a bounty hunt on wookiees (as slaves or hides) during that time for the empire side. This could add an "opt in" OWPvP component to the "holiday" with the republic players defending the wookiees on Kashyyyk while the empire players "hunt them". Thoughts? :cool:


It's a great idea but all this talk of hunting and fighting is really hurting life day!

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It's a great idea but all this talk of hunting and fighting is really hurting life day!


Just offering something from an empirial faction perspective. "Life Day" being a wookiee thing really wouldn't be celebrated by Imperials. :cool:

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Not Life day...Have you guys seen the holiday special? This sets a bad precedent. Before you know it, your next companion will be a jar jar esque gungan. You open the life day box of evil, and all that is terrible in the star wars universe is put on the table. Edited by Pcolapat
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I didn't liked the Star Wars Holiday Special and think that the Wookiee Life Day is a stupid idea, but I like holiday events in MMOs, so bring it on!


Oh, gods ... the Holiday Special ...


Proof that not everything can rise to "so bad it's actually good."


Some things are just flash-back inducingly, cringingly bad. With extra bad. And bad sauce.


Sooo ... what do you do on Life Day? Get really high and sing? Put on clothes other than a bandoleer for one damned day?

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"Holiday" events were confirmed long before these one-time events were. Except we were told they they would not be bringing real-life events into their game - all holidays would originate with the Star Wars universe. And they're making good on that assertion.


Does any MMORPG do that? :confused:


Pretty much all MMORPGs I've ever played have events that are clearly based on whatever RL event happens at that time of the year, but are just not called that and changed a bit (just like Life Day in fact).

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Does any MMORPG do that? :confused:


Pretty much all MMORPGs I've ever played have events that are clearly based on whatever RL event happens at that time of the year, but are just not called that and changed a bit (just like Life Day in fact).


But, EAware has the oportunity to break this mold. As I have already said, I hope they have recuring holiday events based off of events that have happened in the EU timeline concerning the ongoing war (cold and hot) between the Repubic and the Empire. There's a lot of potential for some interesting holiday's based on the EU history. Life Day is already established so we will have to "live" with it. As far as I know that "ewok love day" is a $oE invention (right?). I really hope that EAware keeps their word about not basing any of these holidays on "Earth" holidays (Life Day again being the exception). :cool:

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Ah they lied too the playerbase. What a surprise. Then again the current team isnt the team who made the game those poor blokes all got laid off. So pretty much anything said or promised is out the window now.

Wow. How could you find this a negative thing?

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THIS !!!!


My SWG memories and the hope that BW actually makes this holiday a bit more serious than Galaxies's made my day.


THANK YOU BW (but seriously BW...rethink the grab bags though... :rolleyes: )

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But, EAware has the oportunity to break this mold. As I have already said, I hope they have recuring holiday events based off of events that have happened in the EU timeline concerning the ongoing war (cold and hot) between the Repubic and the Empire. There's a lot of potential for some interesting holiday's based on the EU history. Life Day is already established so we will have to "live" with it. As far as I know that "ewok love day" is a $oE invention (right?). I really hope that EAware keeps their word about not basing any of these holidays on "Earth" holidays (Life Day again being the exception). :cool:


You are missing the point of celebrating holidays in-game. Most people celebrate Christmas. It is a great time of year. Most MMOs come up with in-game reasons to celebrate such holidays because it is fun for most people. Luckily for some, these events are always optional. They are a great excuse to break the tedium and inject some fun into a season.

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