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How do we get the damn Bounty Hunter helmets!?


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I got a helmet at level 15 and another at level 18. The first was from a random mission on the second planet you go to as a BH and the second helmet was purchased from a vendor for 8,500 credits.


Neither look mandolorian though. My new one looks stupid but had good stats so I'll suck it up for the time being.

Edited by DylanRoss
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Jedi can start looking at Jedi at 10.


Smugglers can start looking like Smugglers at 1.


Troopers start looking like troopers in the late teens.


Bounty Hunters start looking like Bounty Hunters at 50.


have to agree with this. the low lvl BH helmets are just awful

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I got a helmet at level 15 and another at level 18. The first was from a random mission on the second planet you go to as a BH and the second helmet was purchased from a vendor for 8,500 credits.


Neither look mandolorian though. My new one looks stupid but had good stats so I'll suck it up for the time being.


You can go into your preferences and choose to turn the helmet off. You will still have it on but you just cant see it, that's what I did because at level 20 they do look pretty awful.

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the TD-Imperator style helm is a decent alternaitve till around level 30. still no Mando helm but atleast its not a fraking soup bowl bucket thingie in wierd colors. Grey kinda Ninja mask/combat hood looking setup the one I got right now was like 2k on GTN and is orange and modable wich means you can stick with it and snag commendations as quest rewards till something cooler looking comes around
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1. Sith / Jedi can look goot at level 10. I got hooded coat on Essel / Black Talon.

2. Best to collect "orange" items. You can extract mods for a low price (early on 16 lvl i can do it for 140 credits each)

3. When you find new gear that look like crap (high level armors - anyone ?) you can extract mods from new gear and apply it to old gear. Bonus stuff and armor rating will be passed to new item.


Early I have done it for Black Talon chest. White. Look like crap. I got later military style chest armor and I just switched mods.


This one thing Bioware made ALMOST good. You can't put look just as you like - like in DC Universe Online (bioware is not good enough to make good apperance tab) but you still can avoid poor looking stuff (especialy high level ones are ******).


PS: Is it just me or I really noticed that there is a looooooooot jedi ? I played BH on new server to 20 lvl and I teamed up only 2 times with class other than force users.

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You can go into your preferences and choose to turn the helmet off. You will still have it on but you just cant see it, that's what I did because at level 20 they do look pretty awful.


Oh thank you so much, I can't believe I missed that option..


I like my char's face (he always looks pretty much the same in every game, as far as customization allows) and I would only give that up for some mandalorian looking helmet and then again, not all the time.. right now I'm wearing a lame helmet that looks like an upside down bowl (pretty much samurai style tho) with a visor that looks like the one Cyclops wears (X-Men), it's hideous and on top of that, for some reason, even tho my mouth and nose are not covered, it makes my voice sounds metallic.. ugh.

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There are loads of different looking heavy helms/ headslots ... just check out AH/GTM. By lvl 25 I got around 7 different looking (and couple rly cool and original, like mercenary mask, bugface etc.). Also try cantina social vendors for some social headslots (each moddable... light armour :/ but looks > armour anyway).

We can mod heavy sith rebrethers if You like them, and if Youre really desperate You can always use medium armour, and mod it. Armour doesnt matter THAT much in the beggining.

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  • 2 months later...
Where Does a guy get this Helmet? Its look amazing, I know where to get the armor, but the helmet is eluding me. http://www.swtor.com/info/holonet/classes/bounty-hunter


That helmet (but not the exact color pattern) can be obtained from the wookie revolt heroic on corellia in the labor district..... it can be soloed at lvl 50 on a merc since they have a CC.

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It probably does within the appropriate level range, as most armors do. Just gotta get lucky with a drop man, the armors do exist. One reason I like having Treasure Hunting, get orange/blue/epic gear from some of the boxes if you're lucky. Only level 19 right now, but got Mako 3 blue upgrades, myself I got an orange gun, and 3 upgrades for myself. Hadn't had anything since getting to the 17 range yet.


I just turn off the helmet if it looks stupid to me, it is what I did while leveling my Jugg to 50. Most of the Warrior's armor looks like crap anyway. I much prefer the BH mechanics and look, should have rolled this as my main tbh.

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