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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Gamestop ORDERED Not To Sale SWTOR


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All of my local stores are not staying open till after midnight to sale the game. They all said they got a message from Corporate that said they could not sale it before tomorrow, and if they did they would be fired. ***?! Meanwhile, three friends that pre-ordered from Gamestop online have already had theirs delivered by UPS. Yet I can't buy mine until normal store hours tomorrow.


Last time I am buying a damn thing from Gamestop.

Edited by Thamelas
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All of my local stores are not staying open till after midnight to sale the game. They all said they got a message from Corporate that said they could not sale it before tomorrow, and if they did they would be fired. ***?! Meanwhile, three friends that pre-ordered from Gamestop online have already had theirs delivered by UPS. Yet I can't buy mine until normal store hours tomorrow.


Last time I am buying a damn thing from Gamestop.


A midnight release is just that, tomorrow. Odd they would do something like that.

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You should never buy anything from Gamestop anyway, they are a bunch of competition stifling technology regressive bastards. In some cases they have even forced publishers to delay Steam & online release dates just so their little brick stores have a chance to compete, in some cases even caused the online price to increase by threatening to never again sell another game from said publishers / developers.


How anyone can support such behavior, which directly causes game prices to rise and delays releases, is beyond me. Let them go down, the internet is the future. Don't get me wrong i hate Origin, but at least you'd already have your game now.

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I work at gamestop and it is like this for every game that is released. SWTOR isn't special or different. The store get's fined for every single copy they sell before midnight. Most stores aren't even doing midnights because the majority of ppl ordered them online. When you order online, they ship early so it will arrive before the 20th. It has always worked this way. lol Im surprised you are surprised
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actually in this case, game stop corporate decided NOT to allow stores to spend the extra $$ to stay open till midnight and beyond to sell this game. best buys mostly did not either. that was store corp decision. as long as they did not ring a sale before 12:01 am 12/20 the chain is in compliance with EA.


Darth Freki

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Doesn't really have anything to do with EA/Bioware except that they have a release date of 12/20/2011. The retailer is not allowed to sell it before this period. Amazon and wal-mart were able to ship pre-orders in advance because EA made the exception.


Them not doing a midnight release, well that's their choice. Just like it's your choice to shop there. I suggest you choose somewhere else that isn't crap.

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It makes perfect sense to me that they are not having midnight launches for this game (except for the specific EA ones) since it is so close to Christmas. They announced a grace period for 48 hours, so you have no playing downtime...so wouldn't you rather play all night then go into the store whenever you want tomorrow to grab it??
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This is a PC game.. this is NOT a console game.. Gamestop is NOT going to stay open for 2 people to come in and pick up pre-orders on a PC title.. Its NEVER going to happen. Gamestop caters to CONSOLES not PC games. It's not even worth the pay rate of an employee to stay open.


While this is a huge launch, gamestop does not see the value in a midnight opening.


You should have pre-ordered the game or did the digital copy. I got my copy overnight from Gamestop 3 days ago. CE has been in my hands for a few days now.

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Some companies like Blizzard were more lenient on selling the game which explains why you could buy the game night before it was up for sale. Bioware works differently so you'll have to wait to buy it. I'm sure they will have a midnight release and sell it at 12am on the dot.
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You should never buy anything from Gamestop anyway, they are a bunch of competition stifling technology regressive bastards. In some cases they have even forced publishers to delay Steam & online release dates just so their little brick stores have a chance to compete, in some cases even caused the online price to increase by threatening to never again sell another game from said publishers / developers.


How anyone can support such behavior, which directly causes game prices to rise and delays releases, is beyond me. Let them go down, the internet is the future. Don't get me wrong i hate Origin, but at least you'd already have your game now.




I also feel the need to explain to you that Gamestop does not "sale" you a game. Gamestop "sells" you a game.

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yeah i was set to pick up my copy i preordered early july with gamestop, and i called to ask today if they would have a midnight event, and nothing. Called a few others around my area and nothing. Even drove to one of the gamestops near my house, thinking maybe it was a poop gamestop employee that didnt know what i was talking about. But yeah, swtor is a major bioware release and their not doing a thing, yet theyve had events for other mmo releases.


I think this is the last time i preorder a major release with them lol

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