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Subscribers get 500 Cartel Coins a month


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Well...with that many coins I might just stay subbed.




If you are say ONLY a PvPer. You can buy 240 for your weeks pass -OR- sub and get 500 CC effectively reducing your monthly Sub to $10 ( if the 500 CC= $5 holds ). :)

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I will probably still buy a bunch of coins to start out...I bought the game for only 15 bucks, and I am prepared to invest at least 60 bucks in the shop IF and only if they offer a bit more in the way of convenience items.


I want to see color change, condition damage avoidance, full health respawn, field repair, free mod removal single use items added.


But what I have seen is a good start.

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Sorry guys, i have always support this game... since launch... now i feal really cheated.


I have pay for 10 month and what i can buy on market is one companion and one peace of gear?




In 10 months i have see, 2 operation and 2 gear and you have put al the cool stuff on market? Without no way to have them? For what i have pay?? FOR NOTHING!


Artifice sucks and you have put new crystal on market ***?!?!?! THIS IS A JOKE man, really a joke... you whant just to farm us, i feal really angry for this and taken for a ride... you made all the contenent for free to play, we have pay you a lot... supporting you and we will have just a "present"

Sorry, you are really cheatin us... THANKS


Check your spelling and grammar

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That is not free. That's cost to remove is reduced. I have not heard how much of a reduction it is though.


Subs get free respecs however.


Even a reduction is good. I still think they should sell a single use free mod removal for one armor piece in the shop. I expect it would be a big money maker as long at the price isnt too prohibitive.

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Yes because obviously this was actually about the local price of soda.


Edit: What crazy backwater still sells a can of soda for .50?


They're $0.25 at the vending machines in my office, though I suspect they are either getting a terrific deal for buying in bulk, or they are being subsidized by the company.

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And...a week long Warzone pass costs 240 coins. Assuming it's 500 for $5, that would be PERFECT! That would work out to roughly $10/mo if someone wants to 'sub' just for Warzones.


What about if we as current subscribers, go F2P and buy those warzones passes... Given the fact that F2P players will need to buy licenses for wearing artifact gear/using their inv spaces/crafting skills/etc... We would get to play all the warzones we want BUT in green gear/with only 10 inv slots/no crafting/no GTN/no headslot hide etc?!.?!?!? ummmmmmmmmmm, I was planning on doing the same as you, but what about that?!? :confused:

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What about if we as current subscribers, go F2P and buy those warzones passes... Given the fact that F2P players will need to buy licenses for wearing artifact gear/using their inv spaces/crafting skills/etc... We would get to play all the warzones we want BUT in green gear/with only 10 inv slots/no crafting/no GTN/no headslot hide etc?!.?!?!? ummmmmmmmmmm, I was planning on doing the same as you, but what about that?!? :confused:
IF you want access to all of that you will just need to make an investment to buy it upfront. In the long run you will be saving money. Even sub for a couple months for the extra 500CC a month and then drop to F2P.


Gear: 1200 (should be covered if subscribed for long enough already, also you could PvP in blues for free)

Inventory: 175 (per row,)

Skills: 840 (420 x 2)

Headslot: 350

Unify: 350

GTN: 125 (10 additional slots


So you might be spending close to 3000 (I left out the inventory cost and cargo hold because I only have one cargo hold tab, but you might need to drop another 700 to 1050 if you want all inventory slots unlocked).


That does seem to be a lot, but if you spread that price out over a few months you will be saving money after six months or so. And again, that is if you really want all of that right away since a few of those do not directly impact PvPing.


Another question I have about the pricing is if most of these are per character, because than it gets real costly but I guess free players only get 2 characters anyway (per server though, so we could still have a good number of them spread out).

Edited by ripster
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That is not free. That's cost to remove is reduced. I have not heard how much of a reduction it is though.


Subs get free respecs however.


The reduction in mod switching cost will be welcomed if significant since they have all this "dress up" gear and seem to think we like to play "dollies" with our characters. :p


If they ADD an ability to save "button" configurations for skills with the interface editor, then we would have a "dual spec" "workaround". You would just have to go back to the quartermaster to respec (or buy the field respec) and switch your UI configuration. :cool:

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It's 2 for f2p, which I think is fair.


Especially since that's a F2P standard in many games (2 char slots for F2P). Since they bumped us all up to 12 slots, I'm guessing that if you go to F2P, 10 of those slots will become locked (but they said you'd get to pick which two slots you keep open).

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As of right now I will be receiving 1850 cartel coins, but no where have I seen I will be getting 500 per month. I believe mine said 200 for past months. Is it going to be 500 for staying subscribed after F2P? I was planning on staying subbed anyway, but that would be pretty good motivation.
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Yes, it looks like, at least at this point, we will get 500 points per month every month we are subbed.




I also suggest they allow folks to earn extra Cartel Coins in game by converting commendations to Cartel Coins...only 10 per day allowed, max 100 per month, and only for subscribers. This would give subscribers a small bonus to their coins and provide a way to get rid of commendations that are unused.

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I didn't subscribe to this game to get Cartel Coins. Any CC I get in addition to subscribing or purchasing the game is a plus. Even after F2P, I plan on continuing to subscribe. I seriously doubt I will ever purchase anything from the store since I probably won't need to so honestly I could care less if BW gives me free store currency.
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I'm hoping that the minimum means base subs get 500 per and CE and DDE members get like 20 -50 more for their special editions. Maybe that's just cause I own both :o


Well, I think the converting coins, as I had suggested, would work to this effect. It gives all subscribers the opportunity to earn a little coin bonus with some in game work...in a way providing the ability to earn coins without breaking the system, and as a side benefit providing a use for unused commendations.

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Sorry guys, i have always support this game... since launch... now i feal really cheated.


I have pay for 10 month and what i can buy on market is one companion and one peace of gear?




In 10 months i have see, 2 operation and 2 gear and you have put al the cool stuff on market? Without no way to have them? For what i have pay?? FOR NOTHING!


Artifice sucks and you have put new crystal on market ***?!?!?! THIS IS A JOKE man, really a joke... you whant just to farm us, i feal really angry for this and taken for a ride... you made all the contenent for free to play, we have pay you a lot... supporting you and we will have just a "present"

Sorry, you are really cheatin us... THANKS


You are complaining about cosmetic fluff?


Complaining that in addition to the normal perks you get for being a subscriber (as in your game play will not change in anyway once it goes F2P if you currently (and continue) to subscribe) you 'only' get 500 cartel coins a month? Right now we don't get any kind of a monthly credit allowance, so it is a perk to continue subscribing after the game goes F2P. Not a cheat, or a rip off, a perk. A 'thank you'.


But people will see it as they wish. For some reason folks get pissed off over cosmetic fluff that in no way affects game play. People on Tera went haywire when permanent bathing suits were up on the store when the in-game event ones were temporary. Everyone wants the cool fluff for free or no work. No mater what someone is going to complain, and do so very very loudly. I wish they'd use some thought in their complaints instead of just foaming at the mouth and typing what ever string of words enters their mind.

Edited by Norsalith
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