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What's the general rule for rolling need for your companions?


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I want to make sure I don't step on anyone's toes here. Everything in this game is gear dependent, obviously, and every class' companions need to gear up. But as a sentinel, the companions I use the most, Kira and Doc (and occasionally Scourge) are SERIOUSLY gear dependent to be even remotely effective at their roles.


They are currently in quest reward gear. But as you know the best gear drops in instances. The problem is, I never roll on gear my character can't use. I always just pass even if I think, "Dang, Kira could really use that." I've run a few FPs where people roll need for the companion. I'm always really uncomfortable doing that and sometimes this has caused arguments in the group.


So, I"m just wondering, what's the general rule for doing this? It is a practice best avoided?

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It's been said before and I'll take the lead on this thread and say it again. The general rule is...





...ask your team. Communication. Simple as that really.


If I see an orange piece of armor I always ask, cause I love orange gear and if someone doesn't care and has better stuff equiped...score for me.

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General rule is that there isn't one. Many people believe that it's perfectly fine to roll need for companions, since, as you point out, it's a significant part of how well your character does in SP content, and this IS a single player centric game. Many other people think that you should only roll need if you're going to equip it then and there.


So, don't be surprised if somebody else rolls need on something for a companion. And don't be surprised if when you roll need for a companion, somebody in your group gets pissed.


So as the previous poster indicated, YOUR best bet for avoiding pissing others off by rolling need for a companion is ask first.

Edited by GnatB
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The general rule that I go by is to select "greed," if the item is not something that the character you are currently playing can use. If no one selects "need," then it's fine to ask the group if you can take it. In most cases, no one will care because it's going to a vendor anyway.
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Theres a checklist.


1) can anyone in your group use it? If not, ask if they mind.


2) can someone in your group use it but already hit greed? ask.


3) can someone elses companion use it? ask.


4) did someone who can use it hit need? dont even think about it.

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Need: For upgrades to my character AND if we've decided that everyone will need on mats/rare items.

Greed: Everything els.

Pass: The only items I pass on are schematics I can't use. I guess I could greed on them too but they rarely have a high credit value so I usually just pass instead.


I'm not a fan of people asking if they can need for companions. I've never needed on anything for a companion and mine are still geared so there's no point in it. Why should I give away the chance to get something I can sell for 12K when I most likely havent recieved anything els during the operation? Commandos have it really good in that sense because unless someone has done a gear check they're able to need on everything for their comps without anyone questioning it, on behalf of only having Aim companions. I have to admit that I've swapped to crappy gear sometimes while pugging just so that i should be able to need for my one companion with the same main stat as myself :)

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General rule is that there isn't one. Many people believe that it's perfectly fine to roll need for companions, since, as you point out, it's a significant part of how well your character does in SP content, and this IS a single player centric game. Many other people think that you should only roll need if you're going to equip it then and there.


So, don't be surprised if somebody else rolls need on something for a companion. And don't be surprised if when you roll need for a companion, somebody in your group gets pissed.


So as the previous poster indicated, YOUR best bet for avoiding pissing others off by rolling need for a companion is ask first.

This. Roll need, don't be surprised to get someone throwing their dummy out of the pram because you're not following "their rules". People will come out with social rules etc, naming and shaming you, etc. Theyre entitled to that opinion, but don't let it sway you. So, best communicate first, so you can cut down on the drama.

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Don't hit need when you have someone in your party who can sue it on their character first. period.


needing for companions is a good way to get people ticked off at you. always ask first. but if your FPing with a shadow who needs it, he should get priority over kira.

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Honestly, the best policy is to just always ask at the beginning. If you don't ask, arguments are bound to happen.



I normally don't say anything, roll on what I need for my PC and move on. If someone rolls need for their companion, so be it. If something drops for mine, I normally wait and see how others roll. If no one rolls need, I'll need it for my companion. If someone rolls need for their PC, I pass.

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General rule is that there isn't one. Many people believe that it's perfectly fine to roll need for companions, since, as you point out, it's a significant part of how well your character does in SP content, and this IS a single player centric game.




Yeah thats complete BS


The odd person rolls need for companions with out asking and finds themself with out a group and out of the flashpoint and placed on ignore very quickly!


Its simple (as others stated)


Need = something YOU (your character) can use right there and then (IE: You dont roll need on a item you plan to rip apart later for a single mod when someone else could use the whole item)


Greed = everything else (Alts, companions, pet rakghouls, what ever)


But the best rule of thumb is simply ask


"Anyone mind if I need on that? My companion or alt could really use it"


Or what ever the reason behind wanting it.


AGAIN, if you need with out asking as you want for a alt or companion. Your going to find yourself black listed and on ignore very fast! There IS a general rule and dont listen to those saying otherwise.


PS: Ive found the absolute best way to outfit compaions in via warzone coms and battlemaster gear. its fast and very good gear for what your companion will ever require.


pps: other then stacking power for Doc, he really doesnt need much in way of gear as if your doing your job right, doc never gets hit.

Edited by Kalfear
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Theres a checklist.


1) can anyone in your group use it? If not, ask if they mind.


2) can someone in your group use it but already hit greed? ask.


3) can someone elses companion use it? ask.


4) did someone who can use it hit need? dont even think about it.


This is way to much to worry about.

People are still used to the old way MMOs were setup. There were no companions before this game. As such I consider my companions part of my character. Since i always play with friends and we are in vent I always say something like I am looking for mods and enhancements for such in such. But its always been roll greed on everything if you need it roll need. Thats implys need for anything. Now we have enough respect for one another to know that we arent being vender whores and just needing to put on the GTN or sell thats what greed is for.


I will roll need on an item thats STR based but has an enhancement my trooper or smuggler / sniper can use. I can transfer it with a legacy armor piece.

I look at it this way. I play any and all my toons to help and benefit my entire account. There has been many times I have wanted to go on an op with my sage (dps) and was asked to use my trooper because hes better geared or what not. So any chance i get to upgrade ANY of my guys I go for it...

Edited by ZORG
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I never roll need for my companion in a PUG because it causes too much grief regardless of what was agreed upon by everyone. I basically greed everything my toon does not need, and if I win something a companion can use ... cool. But for guild runs or runs with friends we all know to check character gear first, and if no one needs it then players are allowed to roll need for their companions.
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If I can use it for myself or a companion on that character (not an alt) I roll need if it's a definite upgrade.


The general school of thought in most MMOs is need if that character can use it, and it's an upgrade, greed for anything else. With SWTOR, it's a little different, because the companions are an extension of the character in most cases, and as such have a definite impact on your ability to get things done when not in a large group.


There are no 'rules' regarding this, however. It's generally up to individual perception and interpretation, but the polite thing to do if in doubt is to ask how the group you're in would feel about it.

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a while ago I read a nice 'imagery' on this:


rolling for your companion is like rolling for a friend you're questing with - a friend that is .not. in the current group.


'companions are a huge part of solo play'


exactly. for solo play. and you're doing a group content when you roll for them? how about no.

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My rules......


1. Talk about it at the start of the run.

2. If no one needs anything for their char NOT for their companion I ask if it is ok if blah blah if super blah blah drops I roll need on it for my companion. Same for them if they need it.

3. Respect wishes of grp.


I have yet to run into a problem doing it this way.


Again these are the rules I go by. Not pushing them on anyone else.


There is a forth rule. If it is not agreed upon at the start of the run, I will leave. If it is agreed upon at the start, and someone just ignores the rule, I leave.


I have my own rules, if it does not fit with the grp then I am at fault and will go on my way.

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Need= If the character you are currently playing will actually be equipping the item for an upgrade, or if it is a drop like a pet or speeder than any character can use but you don't have


Greed= If you will use the item for a companion or an alt, or you are just going to sell it


Pass= Items you don't really need



And I like to pass on items I would just sell

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As others have stated, ask before rolling need if it's for your companion. Generally I'd greed it instead and hope for a nice little bonus, since even if you ask you'll still get people grumbling over the credits.


On a side note, Once you're fairly geared, you should end up with a million tionesse comms/chrystals. Tionesse is perfect for a companion in solo content. (Hell, I've even run around with a companion in recruit and been just fine.)

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Never need for a companion, thats it.

Need for what you personally can use, greed for all else .. irrespective if your comp can use it or not.

You can ask in group, but personally i hate it when 3 people roll greed and then someone asks in party if they can need for their comp ... i know for a fact they waited for all to greed first.

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