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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Stupid F2P Restrictions


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Actually sounds like a decent amount for free the way you put it. If you are speding that much time in the game support it(buy coins or sub).


Except that I don't want to pay 15 bucks for what the game offers now. To me, I feel that it's not worth the value and I would love to continue to play FTP, but with all the restrictions I'd like lifted I might as well buy a sub. So, I come to an impasse; do I spend the $15 to play the game and regret spending the money, or do I not and lose interest because of the restrictions on FTP. Can you see my conundrum here? I understand that I might be asking for a lot, but honestly, when EA and BW started talking about the FTP version, it sounded like the game as it is now to subs was going to be free with XP / Credit / Perk boosts ala Cartel Coins.


Needless to say I'm a little disappointed and disheartened. I'd really like to stay, but I'm conflicted.

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Except that I don't want to pay 15 bucks for what the game offers now. To me, I feel that it's not worth the value and I would love to continue to play FTP, but with all the restrictions I'd like lifted I might as well buy a sub. So, I come to an impasse; do I spend the $15 to play the game and regret spending the money, or do I not and lose interest because of the restrictions on FTP. Can you see my conundrum here? I understand that I might be asking for a lot, but honestly, when EA and BW started talking about the FTP version, it sounded like the game as it is now to subs was going to be free with XP / Credit / Perk boosts ala Cartel Coins.


Needless to say I'm a little disappointed and disheartened. I'd really like to stay, but I'm conflicted.


...And how would allowing FTP games have the same access as those of us that are paying for sub be fair are all. Think about it their would be no point what so every to pay for a sub other then a few free coins each month. If every one that is sub now "went hey we get the same stuff as a f2p game that was down now let go f2p," The game would suffer badly. The restrictions are there as an incentive to ether remain subbed or buy coins to unlock the restrictions. It about making the money that will keep this game going and allow new content to flow. Only a fool would expect to have access to every thing you have now and not have to pay for it. That would kill the game.

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When I heard SWTOR was going FTP, I actually went and bought a month just so that I could come back into the game and fall in love with it. Now that I see the kinds of restrictions on FTP players, I'm once again facing the sinking, ice-in-the-gut feeling that is one simple fact: The game isn't worth paying to play, and FTP is just going to be a headache.


Three flashpoints a week? Outrageous. I run that on a new toon in the Esseles instantly. Three warzones a week? I burn them out in about two hours if that. Limiting inventory space and cargo hold space for cartel coins? Sheesh Bioware and EA, you might as well tell players "here is a butchered, neutered trial version of our game for you" and just get rid of the free-to-play notion.


ooooh, playing a F2P game in F2P mode sucks? You mean.. being a premium subscriber is in fact the better experience??

What a big big surprise! Free stuff off the Internet is not cool, who would have thought that!


Yet the hordes of internet trolls cry for F2P at every possible subscription MMO release and then complain about the fact that F2P mode is much worse than being a subscriber. Crazy world...


Even in GW2 you need to pay... with the tears of boredom you cry while playing GW2, and cash gem gambling to open stupid lockboxes.



It just amazes me how some subscribers were expecting the F2P conversion as a way to continue playing as before without paying...


and this ^

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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Except that I don't want to pay 15 bucks for what the game offers now. To me, I feel that it's not worth the value and I would love to continue to play FTP, but with all the restrictions I'd like lifted I might as well buy a sub. So, I come to an impasse; do I spend the $15 to play the game and regret spending the money, or do I not and lose interest because of the restrictions on FTP. Can you see my conundrum here? I understand that I might be asking for a lot, but honestly, when EA and BW started talking about the FTP version, it sounded like the game as it is now to subs was going to be free with XP / Credit / Perk boosts ala Cartel Coins.


Needless to say I'm a little disappointed and disheartened. I'd really like to stay, but I'm conflicted.


The more truly f2p model (as in free-to-air tv) you have in mind will probably require in-game advertising.


EA's idea is free to casual player and to allow people to pay to play for the aspect of the game that they feel worth the value (e.g. $2 for a week of unlimited pvp).


Think pay-per-view vs sub-based-pay-tv.


Of course if people still don't pay due to overprice for subpar product/service, they will have to revise their product pricing.

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Yeah a few I'd like to point out that I've not seen in other F2P games before.


A restriction on Death for F2P users, this isn't going to go down well, after 5 deaths you have to purchase a license to stop dying at the nearest point.


Not a big deal to me. Better than LOTRO, where you get 1 death then a required purchase.


Sprint at level 1 disabled?


Y'know, before f2p we had to deal with this until they changed it. It's a perk, it makes sense to me.


Purchase a weekly pass for flash points, nobody does flash points enough for you to provide it as a weekly pass?


I'm not sure what you mean by this but as long as people can do a fair amount of flashpoints anyways it makes sense to me. If they can't do flashpoints without buying a pass first then yes i agree.


Emergency fleet pass restrictions, gotta pay money to get an 18 hour cool down, good luck with that.


I can't argue, this one is dumb.


You might as well start charging people 50 cartel coins to login, or 50 cartel coins to buy an item from a vendor or to be able to sell.


Some of the features are stupid and retarded and you will get nothing but public out roar over it. Yes, I'm well aware some people can live without these features.


But i don't like it and im paying user who's been subscribed since release and i think some of these free to play changes are ridiculous, it's gotten to the point that the cash shop won't just be a content / cosmetic feature, but you people at Bioware will force new players to pay for most of the ground up features that are free in other games, so good luck with this plan because if you go through with it, it will most likely fail.


My main question, however, is where you heard all of this from. Real question, im curious.

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There was no sprint at level 1 when many players leveled their first toon.

Just saying


Thank you for saying this for me. It's not like you actually need the sprint until level 14 any way. It gave people something to work for when you had to earn sprint.

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I think the biggest concern has not been highlighted on this thread.


So paying players, would hope their game experience will be improved by the F2P players, for example more critical mass in queue for Warzones and Flashpoints, more people in queue will mean more queue pops, especially during off peek times. By limiting to 3 Warzones per week, it doesn't really help the paying players.


Not really sure if there is a solution in this other than increasing the number, one will hope that at least some of this people will buy the week pass or sub and then we do reap the reward.

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Yeah a few I'd like to point out that I've not seen in other F2P games before.


A restriction on Death for F2P users, this isn't going to go down well, after 5 deaths you have to purchase a license to stop dying at the nearest point.


Sprint at level 1 disabled?


Purchase a weekly pass for flash points, nobody does flash points enough for you to provide it as a weekly pass?


Emergency fleet pass restrictions, gotta pay money to get an 18 hour cool down, good luck with that.


You might as well start charging people 50 cartel coins to login, or 50 cartel coins to buy an item from a vendor or to be able to sell.


Some of the features are stupid and retarded and you will get nothing but public out roar over it. Yes, I'm well aware some people can live without these features.


But i don't like it and im paying user who's been subscribed since release and i think some of these free to play changes are ridiculous, it's gotten to the point that the cash shop won't just be a content / cosmetic feature, but you people at Bioware will force new players to pay for most of the ground up features that are free in other games, so good luck with this plan because if you go through with it, it will most likely fail.


You get what you pay for, all these features seem fine and generous to me, its not gamebreaking for you to walk from a medbay if you suck at living and dont want to contribute to the game.

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I want to continue to play this game but some of these restrictions will just suffocate the experience for new players.


5 deaths and then you have to pay? Really? I'm an avid gamer and I have to screw up pretty badly in order for me to die in solo content. There are a lot of gamers who are like me in that regard. But then there's more casual gamers who might die 5 times to a story boss simply because they are not familiar with the MMORPG type of combat. I sure died a lot when I first played WoW, and I look back and smile inwardly at the nub that I once was.



My main concern with the F2P model has now been founded. Aside from the stupid restriction that I mentioned above, they are selling this MMORPG as a single player experience. Because the end game scales vertically, one must invest A LOT OF TIME if you actually want to participate competitively in either PvE or PvP at end game. How will a F2Per be drawn to that if they do not even get a chance to taste it?


Okay, 3 flashpoints a week. They can get some taste of PvE. But tell me what a F2Per will taste when it comes to PvP? If someone could, please give me a rough estimate of how long it would take for a F2Per to reach full Battlemaster gear with the restriction of only being able to play 3 Warzones per week. And then for **** and giggles, give me an estimate how long it would take to get full War Hero. Oh, wait, they can't even equip those items because they'll have to pay to wear epic gear. What?!


Could they suffocate their end game any further? If I ask, "what is the strength of this MMORPG? What makes it stand out in the MMORPG crowd?" the majority would answer "the levelling content." The content that is free. The end game isn't very good, it's a WoW clone, with the exception that wow actually has a healthy playerbase. Seriously, the F2P restriction should be enough so that the player wants more. I made a thread about this a while ago, where I made the suggestion that F2Pers be restricted to 4 Warzones a day so that they can at least do the daily. Then if they want to do more, they'll have to pay. If they are content with 4 warzones per day, then that's okay too. That will have some people contributing to the overall community. 3 Warzones per week, however, is not a taste. It's a f*cking joke.


I don't know how many warzones I play per day, personally. Today I probably played around 15. I have the time and I consider this a hobby worth paying for, however I also need people to play with.


Besides, wasn't the whole point of this F2P system to lure back players that were driven away by the subscription fee? There will be absolutely nothing to do at end game with this retarded F2P model! Good luck keeping those stray subscribers Bioware. Stellar job of bringing them back, I'm sure they'll be satisfied with the time and effort you put into pleasing the no. 1 concern why people quit the game!


Forgive the melodramatic tone but;

SWTOR, now officially the first Single Player MMORPG!

Edited by Majspuffen
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5 deaths and then you have to pay? Really? I'm an avid gamer and I have to screw up pretty badly in order for me to die in solo content. There are a lot of gamers who are like me in that regard. But then there's more casual gamers who might die 5 times to a story boss simply because they are not familiar with the MMORPG type of combat. I sure died a lot when I first played WoW, and I look back and smile inwardly at the nub that I once was.




You only have to pay after 5 deaths if you want to continue being revived on field, otherwise you can return to med center.

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Wow i never really read into the restrictions that would come with F2P, i also just bought a month to get back into the game after months away to get ready for f2p. I never intended to continue paying but instead playing for free, However why would i even bother playing if you can only do 3 warzones / flashpoints per week? I see the game slowly dying already, making it f2p is a great idea but BW is going about it all wrong!
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The entire point of the restrictions is to show the value of subscribing. You can play the watered down version for free, but if you want all of the bells and whistles, you are going to have to pay.


How is that wrong?

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You only have to pay after 5 deaths if you want to continue being revived on field, otherwise you can return to med center.


Ah. Well my point remains. I'm looking at the new players, the players you'd think Bioware would want to attract. If you die 5 times in a row to an encounter, you'll have to endure the travel back into the phase. Repeatedly if you continue to fail. If a single player game did that to me I would stop playing it. Enduring the punishment is not worth the reward.


The entire point of the restrictions is to show the value of subscribing. You can play the watered down version for free, but if you want all of the bells and whistles, you are going to have to pay.


How is that wrong?


As a subscriber I feel cheated by Bioware. We'll see a bunch of faceless strangers running through the worlds in the game while the end game players continue to roll their thumbs on board the fleet waiting for queues to pop. The F2Pers will add absolutely nothing to our experience. Perhaps someone will be lured to play the game but I still think that the gear gap between a fresh 50 and a veteran 50 is too wide. I think a fresh 50 would feel safer beating the story content and then leaving for another MMORPG. Because again, the selling point of this game has been the story, not the WoWified end game.

Edited by Majspuffen
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I am actualy very pleased with the F2P restrictions, alltho they are a little harsh, instead of 3 per week it should be about 5 per week but no more than that.


im paying for a subscription so i want to be able to feel like im getting my moneys worth :D


it would really suck if people who were playing for free were practicaly getting the same access and content as me:mad::mad:

Edited by Berronaxftw
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Ah. Well my point remains. I'm looking at the new players, the players you'd think Bioware would want to attract. If you die 5 times in a row to an encounter, you'll have to endure the travel back into the phase. Repeatedly if you continue to fail. If a single player game did that to me I would stop playing it. Enduring the punishment is not worth the reward.





If you die 5 times in a row to an encounter , you will still have to wait ~30 minutes to get revived on field anyways plus you wanna repair your gear at this point.

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Is it really such a horrible thing to want a great experience for free? I mean, if I could pay $15 bucks for an XP boost, credit boost, and some kind of little non-balance-violating perk, I would at the drop of the hat to support the game because it doesn't lock me into anything. If one month something comes along and I don't have that $15 free cash to pay(I am a college student, my available fun-funds are relatively limited), I lose my perks but the game is still a fully enjoyable experience. The FTP mode they have however does not seem enjoyable and it seems like I'd be playing to headaches all the time.
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Is it really such a horrible thing to want a great experience for free? I mean, if I could pay $15 bucks for an XP boost, credit boost, and some kind of little non-balance-violating perk, I would at the drop of the hat to support the game because it doesn't lock me into anything. If one month something comes along and I don't have that $15 free cash to pay(I am a college student, my available fun-funds are relatively limited), I lose my perks but the game is still a fully enjoyable experience. The FTP mode they have however does not seem enjoyable and it seems like I'd be playing to headaches all the time.


You get cartel coins each month you paid so use them whenever the time that you run out of money.

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