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F2P - 3 Warzones Per Week LOL


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I am a subscriber, but i don't think that's fair. They really should raise the limit to like 15 per week, not 3. I understand that you have to purchase unlimited with cartel coins, but still that's not a way to get F2P players interested in playing warzones.


That is going to make it almost impossible to gain commedations for gear. I hope they reconsider that, not saying they have to make it a high number, but you would think you would want them to experience it frequently to decide if they want to unlock it. 3 Per week is lame if you ask me even for a F2P player.




Imo f2p should not hace access to class stories Past act 1. Only miscellaneous quests later on. Story is, afterall, the most important, expensive aspect of TOR most subscribers decided to buy the game for!

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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There should be no restriction for F2P to do anything. Do BW not understand the F2P model at all? All they did with this was extend the free trial a bit its still a subscription game really.

With F2P you only should be paying for stuff like xp boosts maybe a boost to make mobs drop more credits and of course visual changes to your armour hair make up piercings whatever lol. With this "F"2P theyre launching at the min its absolutely not going to bring anyone back into the game for an extended period at all at best it may coax a few new subs who may or may not stick it out. A cynic would say this is just EA/BW/Whoever trying to squeeze a few more dollars out of the game without thinking about its long term survival as an MMO cause there is no way with this model that the game is going to survive

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Um...sorry to rain on your parade...but you already hit the point. They cannot experience the full game unless they pay for a pass or subscribe.


That's how a "free" model works. You monetize certain aspects after giving the player a sample. They aren't going to open WZs on an unlimited basis for F2P accounts. That defeats the entire purpose of the free to play strategy.


Free to sample. Buy to continue. If you give them, say 15 WZs a week, there is no incentive to buy. Now for someone who only wants to log on one or twice a week and play a single WZ (or two) then its perfect.


Absolutely wrong. What you just described is a free trial not a F2P game, a free2play game is just that- Free 2 Play. With money being made on superficial things like skins and then xp/cash boosts etc. I suppose that is too much of a risk for them to take though as really I cant imagine there are enough things to purchase to make that viable. A better approach to this would be to put more money into getting things like the infamous cloak down ingame and then charging for it, then adding more things like purchasable haircuts emotes armour skins speeders and whatever other creative stuff that can be thought up. Instead they are extending the free trial in an attempt to bring new people in and pretending its a free to play game

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Absolutely wrong. What you just described is a free trial not a F2P game, a free2play game is just that- Free 2 Play. With money being made on superficial things like skins and then xp/cash boosts etc. I suppose that is too much of a risk for them to take though as really I cant imagine there are enough things to purchase to make that viable. A better approach to this would be to put more money into getting things like the infamous cloak down ingame and then charging for it, then adding more things like purchasable haircuts emotes armour skins speeders and whatever other creative stuff that can be thought up. Instead they are extending the free trial in an attempt to bring new people in and pretending its a free to play game
Were this a Facebook game I could see it. But it isn't. Not even close. Giving away free and unfettered access to the entire game's content while expecting Cartel coin shop purchases to provide sustainable ROI is as unreasonable as a pub giving away their entire food & beverage menu ... then expecting to make their money back from juke boxes and face painting. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Were this a Facebook game I could see it. But it isn't. Not even close. Giving away free and unfettered access to the entire game's content while expecting Cartel coin shop purchases to provide sustainable ROI is as unreasonable as a pub giving away their entire food & beverage menu ... then expecting to make their money back from juke boxes and face painting.


LoL seems to manage? Or is SWTOR not strong enough of a game to be able to count on that many people buying that much face paint while playing it?

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LoL seems to manage? Or is SWTOR not strong enough of a game to be able to count on that many people buying that much face paint while playing it?
Fortunately SWTOR is a strong enough entity that it doesn't have to rely on face paint promotions. Though I'd easily pay $5.00 per toon for STO-level character customization. But I digress.


In TOR's case, F2P is middle ground between Free Trial and full subscription. A subscription migration path if you will. Free trial players who like it but want to see more than level 15 (as well as the ability to trade with players among other things) can go the F2P route for a larger sample. If they like it enough after seeing how much more of the game there is than F2P provides, then the process is in place to help them consider subbing. If they don't like it, no harm no foul. If they do like it, then paying 4 bits (50¢) a day for an unlimited access subscription is just a few mouse clicks away.


Pretty savvy actually.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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Uhh, it's free. Their needs to be horrendous restrictions. How can someone who is not paying a cent complain about what they are getting for free?


You would be surprised ...


Still though, 3 per week is a little extreme in my opinion. All it does is guarantee that f2p'ers will try it out, get their face stomped in by all the folks running around in full warhero, look at the vendors, and realise that even if they do everything perfectly and, in their recruit gear, manage to get 140 comms per game, every single time, they *might* get battlemaster in oh, say, four or five months, maybe six or seven if we be realistic about the comm gains per match. Then they are going to just log off.


IE, unless a whole lot of people buy the unlimited thing out of the cash shop, pvp queues aint going to be getting any better. Ever.


The idea to me seems like it should be to boost server populations with the f2p thing. If Bioware/EA gets more people playing, then more people will think its worth spending money on. This level of restriction, I dont think it will help accomplish that.

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You would be surprised ...


Still though, 3 per week is a little extreme in my opinion. All it does is guarantee that f2p'ers will try it out, get their face stomped in by all the folks running around in full warhero, look at the vendors, and realise that even if they do everything perfectly and, in their recruit gear, manage to get 140 comms per game, every single time, they *might* get battlemaster in oh, say, four or five months, maybe six or seven if we be realistic about the comm gains per match. Then they are going to just log off.


IE, unless a whole lot of people buy the unlimited thing out of the cash shop, pvp queues aint going to be getting any better. Ever.


The idea to me seems like it should be to boost server populations with the f2p thing. If Bioware/EA gets more people playing, then more people will think its worth spending money on. This level of restriction, I dont think it will help accomplish that.



And the simple solution is have a paid membership. It amazes me how many people are complaining about the f2p restrictions. The only reason I can think why is the complainers all want to play for free. Im keeping my sub and am happy with the restrictions. Why should someone who doesnt pay 1 penny get to do what I pay $15 a month for?

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What people here still don't seem to understand that there is going to be a free to play 'option', to get people to try out the game and subscribe if they like it, maybe extended trial would have been better wording, but in a way you get to play for free, your story.. I fully understand and agree on that pvp restriction, i still remember the qq here on the forums about why even bother to stay sub, well here it is, subscribers keep the game as it is, a subscribing mmo.. but new players get the change to see what it's about, how it plays, so when they like it they can sub and play the game in full.

So those that stopped their subscription cuz they wanted a free to play game, sorry, should have listened to official news and not rumours. because it's the community that spread the word this game was going free to play, biggest misconception ever ;)

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And the simple solution is have a paid membership. It amazes me how many people are complaining about the f2p restrictions. The only reason I can think why is the complainers all want to play for free. Im keeping my sub and am happy with the restrictions. Why should someone who doesnt pay 1 penny get to do what I pay $15 a month for?


You weren't paying attention.


F2p'ers need to be able to do ENOUGH that they can become involved in the game and feel like its worth spending money on. If you restrict them so much that they face half a year or more of beating their face against a brick wall before they can even improve their experience, youre going to alienate them more than encourage them to purchase anything.


Its about finding a happy medium between making it worth it to subscribe and worth making "small-er" purchases in the cash shop.


And I think they restrictions they have right now will not find that balance.

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Still though, 3 per week is a little extreme in my opinion. All it does is guarantee that f2p'ers will try it out, get their face stomped in by all the folks running around in full warhero, look at the vendors, and realise that even if they do everything perfectly and, in their recruit gear, manage to get 140 comms per game, every single time, they *might* get battlemaster in oh, say, four or five months, maybe six or seven if we be realistic about the comm gains per match. Then they are going to just log.


Couldn't agree more.


Given that full access requires a weekly unlock for F2P, I can imagine people buying the weeks worth of unlimited warzones, getting stomped and never playing again. Whereas if the warzone unlock was longer people would be more inclined to get their money's worth.

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Still though, 3 per week is a little extreme in my opinion.
That's 3 per week x however many characters they have in their stable who are eligible. That's plenty enough sampling to determine whether or not the PvP system works enough for them to spend 50¢ a day for as much PvP as they can handle. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Even though I subscribe would love to pay a buck or two for a race unlock. Indeed I hope they convert allot the real pricey legacy unlocks with an optional CC's price. I think once they see that some of the restrictions are maybe a little well, to restrictive, they will loosen up some of them. I really hope they do good with it, we really need the revenue so they can keep cranking out more of that Delicious Star Wars content.
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I think you guys are missing the point of FREE to play. They want people to either subscribe or buy the weekly passes. If free to play players want to pvp or run flashpoints then they will have to buy the weekly passes and *gasp* actually spend money! I think it's fair, this is a business after all not a charity. Edited by Darth-Rammstein
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I think you guys are missing the point of FREE to play. They want people to either subscribe or buy the weekly passes. If free to play players want to pvp or run flashpoints then they will have to buy the weekly passes and *gasp* actually spend money! I think it's fair, this is a business after all not a charity.


ding ding ding after seven pages we have a winner.

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The thing is these limits might not get people to buy a subscription if they see how crap the game really is. Therefore these limits are useless. I would maybe somehow understand limits like this from EA if the game was actually very good, which would encourage people to sub just so that they can play more warzones per week etc.


I mean comeon. Look at GW2. You buy it once, it's a damn awesome game and there are no restrictions. It just has a little Gem shop from where you can buy some armor skins and dyes and stuff like that. THAT is how it is done right.


When I saw these F2P limits it made me laugh. Looks like after all this time BW/EA still manages to make bad decisions. GG.


No EA/BW. NO. NNO. This is not how it's done.

Edited by PalawaJoko
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I'd raise it to 4/week, but nothing more than that. It's a F2P option after all.

I think 3 is better than 4 in this case, because with just 3 they have have to try to win at least one match to get a daily done in that week, with 4 they don't have to try that hard, they would get the daily done anyway.

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I'd make it 10 a week with a limit of 2 per day.

The weekly pass for this might also be very cheap, considering what we get with 15$ a month. I'd say a weekly pass will be not more then 2$.


Anyhow I have been saying since announcement SWTOR F2P is trial till level 50. Guess I was a winner since August.

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